Saturday, 30 December 2017
Wednesday, 27 December 2017
Is life like a dream?
According to the Buddhists, "individuals consist of a 'bundle' of habits, memories, sensations, desires, and so forth, which together delude one into thinking that he or she consists of a stable, lasting self.
"This false self hangs together as a unit, and even reincarnates in body after body.
"In Buddhism, as well as in Hinduism, life in a corporeal body is viewed negatively, as the source of all suffering.
"Hence, the goal is to obtain release.
"In Buddhism, this means abandoning the false sense of self so that the bundle of memories and impulses disintegrates, leaving nothing to reincarnate and hence nothing to experience pain."
Buddhist Afterlife Beliefs
According to certain Buddhist thinkers:
"When we see houses and fields in dreams, we think of them as being external objects that are not created by the mind, even though they are nothing other than projections of our mind.
"All that we see when we are awake is also nothing other than a creation of the mind."
"Buddhist philosophers have known about the dream-like nature of the universe for at least two thousand years."
Quantum Emptiness -The Quantum Illusion-like Nature of Reality
The controversial Alan Watts, a fan of Zen Buddhism, wrote about dreams.
However, Alan Watts's biographers saw him as being a 'social rascal'.
In David Stuart’s biography, Watts is seen as being 'driven by his own interests, enthusiasms, and demons.' [42]
"At a period when Watts passed as an Episcopal priest, he was committing adultery ..."
Footnote on a guru - The New York Times
Englishman Alan Watts (1915 – 1973), a fan of Eastern religions, wrote books about religion and philosophy.
Watts had a "far-reaching influence on the American intelligentsia." (Alan Watts - Wikipedia)
As a child, while ill with a fever, Watts claimed to have had a mystical vision.
While living in London, Watts got to know theosophists like Alice Bailey, some of whom believed that the 'divine' can be found in everyone.
The theosophists are a mixed bunch and their ideas are controversial.
Alice Bailey wrote of the Jews as a race, with group karma, characteristics, and behaviors.
She believed Jews embody the characteristics of "materialism, cruelty and a spiritual conservatism" and the "separative, selfish, lower concrete mind." [124][125]
Bailey said that "The Jews, by their illegal and terrorist activities, have laid a foundation of great difficulty for those who are seeking to promote world peace."[147])
Bailey stated that all religions originate from the same spiritual source, and that humanity will eventually come to realize this, and as they do so, the result will be the emergence of a universal world religion and a "new world order." [151][152]
In the 1930s, Alan Watts took an interest in Zen Buddhism.
In 1938, he got married to Eleanor Everett.
Watts entered an Anglican/Episcopalian Theological Seminary, in Illinois, USA.
There he attempted to work out a blend mystical Christianity and Asian philosophy.
In 1945, Watts became an Anglican/Episcopalian priest.
He then had an extramarital affair.
Watts's marriage was ended and Watts ceased to be a priest.
Watts developed a strong interest in Hinduism and Quantum Physics.
Watts began to dabble in mescaline given to him by Dr. Oscar Janiger, a University of California Irvine Psychiatrist who was best known for his LSD research.
Watts tried LSD several times.
"Many of the seminal figures of the counterculture were first introduced to LSD ... by scientists and physicians who were conducting CIA-funded research and attending conferences funded by CIA-front foundations.
"I met the Menlo Park researcher who gave Ken Kesey his first dose of acid and the Los Angeles psychiatrists who gave the drug to Henry and Claire Booth Luce, Anais Nin, Alan Watts, Cary Grant, and a host of other luminaries.
"All were part of the CIA-enabled network."
Watts became more influenced by Hinduism.
He wrote about how 'opposites' such as 'good' and 'bad' are essentials of human life and human evolution.
Watts claimed that the universe consists of a 'self' which becomes all the things, living and non living, in the cosmos.
In other words, Watts, inspired by Hindu ideas, wrote that God plays all the parts in the drama of life.
God plays the part of Hitler and the part of Mother Teresa.
We personally find it difficult to believe that 'God' plays the part of Hitler, at the point at which Hitler is planning genocide.
Now, of course, the CIA, and certain Hindu fascists, might like us to believe that God played the parts of the shooters in the Mumbai Attacks of 2008.
Alan Watts was married three times. (Alan Watts - Wikipedia)
"Laden with social and financial responsibilities, he struggled increasingly with alcohol addiction."
He died at the age of 58.
Labels: Alan Watts, Alice Bailey, Buddhism, CIA, dreams, quantum, Zen
Monday, 25 December 2017
Saturday, 23 December 2017
Jeremy Griffith (right) with Bob Geldoff.
'Zoologist Richard Dawkins wrote in his book The Selfish Gene that we are born selfish'.
(The reality that the selfish gene metaphor is trying to describe is complex.)
Plato wrote that 'our souls exist before birth' and that 'our soul resembles the divine'.
Humans sometimes put the lives of others before their own.
Jeremy Griffith, an Australian biologist, has a 'biological' explanation of 'the human condition'.
Griffith writes: "The agony of being unable to answer the question of why are we the way we are - divisively instead of cooperatively behaved - has been the particular burden of life.
"It has been our species' particular affliction or condition - our human condition ...
Carl Jung wrote about the 'dark side' of our nature.
Jung believed that if we are to become better people, we have to accept that we have a 'dark side'.
Griffith believes that humans are fundamentally good.
Griffith believes that as humans developed consciousness and intellect they became psychologically flawed.
But, Griffith gets it wrong when he says that early man was 'good'.
Griffith fails to realise that "violence, aggression and homicide are intrinsic aspects of hunter-gatherer life."
Biologist Jeremy Griffith
"Two-thirds of modern hunter-gatherers are in a state of almost constant tribal warfare, and nearly 90% go to war at least once a year.
"War is a big word for dawn raids, skirmishes and lots of posturing, but death rates are high—usually around 25-30% of adult males die from homicide."
Noble or savage?
According to the Harvard psychologist Steven Pinker's The Better Angels of Our Nature: a history of violence and humanity -
"Hunter Gathers, much like Chimpanzees raided each other a lot to steal resources and females.
A Prehistoric Mass Grave suggests hunter-gatherers could be violent.
In 1983, Jeremy Griffith founded the World Transformation Movement.
In his books on the subject of the human condition, he cites Socrates, Plato, Christ, Charles Darwin, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Eugene Marais, Louis Leakey, Laurens van der Post, and R.D. Laing.[1][8]
Griffith asserts that "humans act angrily because of a battle between instinct and intellect".
The Taoists say that evil is the result of going to extremes.
The Irish Times summarised the thesis presented in Freedom as "Adam and Eve without the guilt: explaining our battle between instinct and intellect". [10]
Kirkus Reviews wrote that "Griffith offers a treatise about the true nature of humanity and about overcoming anxieties about the world".
"Griffith himself has asserted that through his 'clarifying insight all our psychologically defensive angry, alienated and egocentric behaviour…is made redundant'".[12]
Below, is what we wrote earlier.
Falkland Road.
David Allan writes:
"When you experience a 'bad' event, try to imagine what possible good could come out of it -
"Even if it's many years from now or several cause-and-effects later, or even if it just makes you more empathetic or prepared next time.
"Not convinced?
Good and bad
Port au Prince, Haiti
Avoid the extremes, if you want to avoid very 'bad' events.
Jesus advised us to take the path which is straight, and avoid the extremes on either side.
"The idea that 'challenges help us to grow', that 'we develop as a result of the hard things that happen to us', is the classic hero's journey."
Good and bad
"You can find potentially bad in what seems good.
Good and bad
"Once you move past 'good and bad' you become less concerned about outcome; you become more accepting to how things evolve naturally."
West Java
From The Tao Book and Card Pack by Timothy Freke:
When an old farmer's stallion wins a prize at a country show, his neighbour calls round to congratulate him, but the old farmer says, “Who knows what is good and what is bad?”
The next day some thieves come and steal his valuable animal.
His neighbour comes to commiserate with him, but the old man replies, “Who knows what is good and what is bad?”
A few days later the spirited stallion escapes from the thieves and joins a herd of wild mares, leading them back to the farm.
The neighbour calls to share the farmer’s joy, but the farmer says, “Who knows what is good and what is bad?”
The following day, while trying to break in one of the mares, the farmer’s son is thrown and fractures his leg.
The neighbour calls to share the farmer’s sorrow, but the old man’s attitude remains the same as before.
The following week the army passes by, forcibly conscripting soldiers for the war, but they do not take the farmer’s son because he cannot walk.
"It’s not that the farmer is unengaged in life. It's not that he is unable to be happy or sad.
"He sees the bigger picture.
"He know that he can't stop things from happening, but he can control how he reacts to them.
"And it's often not the experience that matters as what you do with that experience."
Blessed are the meek: for they will inherit the earth. (5:5)
Blessed are the merciful: for they will be shown mercy. (5:7)
The taoist Lao Tzu said:
The great Way is easy, yet people prefer the side paths.
Be aware when things are out of balance. Stay centered within the Tao.
Stay Centered - A Simple Explanation of Absolutely Everything.
"Another way to 'stay centered' is expressed by the Golden Mean, which Aristotle described as keeping to the beneficial middle and avoiding extremes."
In philosophy, especially that of Aristotle, the golden mean is the desirable middle between two extremes, one of excess and the other of deficiency.
Photo from Photobucket
Let's look at Taoism.
1. The Force
Consider Luke Skywalker and how Obi-wan Kenobi taught him about "the Force".
Luke had to avoid being distracted by things like fear and anger.
On one occasion, Luke was trying, without success, to avoid laser blasts from a 'remote'.
When Obi-wan Kenobi placed a helmet on Luke's head so he couldn't be distracted, he easily deflected the remote's laser blasts.
The idea is that when you are aware of the 'Tao' and feel 'the force', you can flow with it, and the right action appears for itself, spontaneously.
(More here: http://www.exn.ca/starwars/taoism.cfm / http://www.belief )
The economy does not work when things are out of balance.
2. What are the essentials of Taoism?
(http://www.godquest.org/taoism.htm / Http://www.crystalinks.com/taoism.html)
Some Taoists and Christians and others believe that bliss can be achieved when:
1. One is compassionate
2. One is moderate (Avoid large numbers?)
3. One is humble (Avoid large numbers?)
4. Everything is in balance (+ X - X rather than +X - 1000X?)
5. One is in tune with the Holy Spirit or the Tao or whatever one wants to call it. One goes with the flow.
6. One avoids the use of force; one avoids pitting one's will against the universe.
The Christians talk about God’s spirit.
The Taoists talk about the Tao being a force that flows through everything.
3. The Tao and Yin and Yang:
When the Tao is in balance one can be happy. (+ X - X rather than +X - 1000X?)
There is Yin and there is Yang (just as there is black and white, up and down, male and female).
'The Tao surrounds everyone and one must listen to find enlightenment.'
True Taoism does not get bogged down with theology. "The Tao that can be named is not the true Tao."
Taoists love their enemies. "I am good to the man who is good to me, likewise, I am also good to the bad man."
The USA's Phoenix programme (left) involved torturing and killing civilians. The USA's ISIS force is also going to extremes. www.thesleuthjournal.com
4. Wu wei is action through inaction; ‘a practice of minimal action, particularly minimal violent action’.
Don't force yourself or others to be compassionate. Be spontaneous.
Genuine love is spontaneous love.
The USA is out of balance. www.youtube.com
"The Master does not see evil as a force to resist, but simply as an opaqueness, a state of self-absorption that is in disharmony with the universal process, so that, as with a dirty window, the light can't shine through.
"The Tao regulates natural processes and nourishes balance in the Universe.
5. Henry C K Liu wrote in the Asia Times about Taoism.
Where does evil come from?
There can be no ‘good’ without ‘evil’.
"Controlled quantities of the bad can be good.
"To employ poison to attack poison is a Taoist principle."
Americans carrying out torture in Vietnam.
How should we act?
We should avoid producing unintended consequences.
"Not taking premature or unnecessary actions keeps all of one's options open, so that the most appropriate action remains available.
"To follow the dao (path) of life is to go with the natural flow of life and to avoid going against it.
"The ethical theories of Taoism lean toward passive resistance, believing that evil, by definition, will ultimately destroy even itself without undue interference.
"Yet it would be a mistake to regard Taoism as fatalistic and pessimistic, instead of the ultimate sophistication in optimism that it is.
"Only by not applying effort can one achieve that state in which nothing is not attainable effortlessly.
"A little ambition is a good thing. Total elimination, even of undesirables, is an extreme solution, and it is therefore self-defeating.
"Life is a prison from which one can escape only if one does not try to escape. It is the desire to escape that makes a place a prison, and the desire to return that makes it a home. Home is not where one is, it is where one wants to return."
6. Taoism and other religions.
The following comes from: http://www.jadedragon.com/archives/tao_heal/teach01.html
From Taoism: happiness comes from helping others; wealth comes from giving to others.
From Buddhism: "Set your heart on doing good. Do it over and over again, and you will be filled with joy."
From Islam: "There is a reward for your treatment of every living thing." Muhammad also said: "None of you is a believer until you like for others what you like for yourself."
From Christianity: "Do unto others as you would have them do to you."
Veritopian refers to Yin & Yang Mathematics. http://everythingforever.com/st_math.htm
Labels: Dawkins, evil, good, hunter-gatherers, Jeremy Griffith, Jung, Plato, Taoism, World Transformation Movement
Friday, 22 December 2017
Natalie Lewis-Hoyle, with Boris Johnson.
Natalie Lewis-Hoyle, 28, was the daughter of Lindsay Hoyle, the Deputy Speaker of the UK's House of Commons.
On 15 December 2017, Natalie was found hanged at her family home in Heybridge, in Essex.
Natalie's mother Miriam Lewis found Natalie hanged in her bedroom.
Natalie's mother is Miss Miriam Lewis, a Conservative councillor on Maldon District Council.
Natalie's father is Lindsay Hoyle, Labour MP for Chorley in Lancashire.
Lindsay Hoyle married Catherine Swindley in June 1993 in Chorley.
Natalie and grandfather Lord Hoyle. Grandfather is Eric Hoyle, a former Labour MP who was created a life peer in 1997 and is now Baron Hoyle of Warrington.
Natalie's body was found at the home she shares with her mother Miss Miriam Lewis.
Miss Miriam Lewis says that her daughter's mobile phone is missing and may have been left on the 9.18pm from Liverpool Street to Ipswich on 14 December 2017.
Natalie and butterflies.
Natalie and her mother were councillors at Heybridge Parish Council.
Councillor Richard Perry said of Natalie that she 'was fun to be with and a good mate.'
A spokesman for Essex Police said: 'Officers were contacted by the ambulance service shortly after 6.45am on Friday, December 15, with reports that a 28-year-old woman had been found unconscious at an address in the Beeches Road area of Heybridge. Sadly she died at the scene.
Labels: Chorley, Essex, John Whittingdale, Lancashire, Lindsay Hoyle, Maldon, Miriam Lewis, Natalie Lewis-Hoyle
Trump's tax reform bill is opposed by 55% of US voters, and supported by 33% of them.
Trump tax giveaway – politically it could cost him dear
By 2027, 83% of its benefits will go to the richest 1%.
There are tax breaks for real estate tycoons, which will further enrich the likes of Senator Bob Corker and one Donald J Trump.
The poor will save around $60 a year.
The amount coming into the public coffers will be reduced by $1.5tn.
The health programmes for poor children are being cut for lack of congressional funding on the very day those same Republican congressmen and senators increased to $22m the amount a wealthy couple can leave to their children without paying a cent in inheritance tax.
Trump may celebrate his tax giveaway – but politically it could cost him dear .
Labels: health, poor, rich, Tax Reform, Trump
Wednesday, 20 December 2017
"The military-industrial complex...
"The entire Orwellian spy grid is being run on the flimsiest of pretenses - the “war on terror”."
Labels: CIA, Corbett, Eisenhower, fascism, Google, Information-Industrial Complex, Internet, Military-Industrial, Pentagon
Saudi Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal
Anonymous comments:
Prince Alaweed bin Talal voiced his objection to the illegal Israeli settlements in Gaza and West Bank.
Labels: Alwaleed Bin Talal, Israeli settlements, Saudi, West Bank
John Maclean was a schoolteacher from Glasgow.
For Johnny was a menace to their '14 — '18 plan,
They wanted men for slaughter in the fields of Armentières,
John called upon the people to smash the profiteers
They brought him to the courtroom in Edinburgh town,
But still he did not cower, he firmly held his ground,
And stoutly he defended, his every word and deed,
Five years it was his sentence in the jail at Peterhead.
- Matt McGinn, Ballad of John Maclean, 1965.
1920, Great western Road, Glasgow.
Glasgow was the Second City of the British Empire.
Glasgow by David Peat.
Tanks in Glasgow, in 1919, ready to shoot the people.
How vicious are the ruling elite?
"In 1919 Glasgow's engineering unions called for a general strike starting on 27 January in support of the demand for a 40-hour working week...
"The Government sent English troops to Glasgow...
"Six tanks and 100 motor lorries accompanied the troops, and they were sent to strategic points across the city on 1 February in a calculated show of force."
- I Belong To Glasgow: Bloody Friday
The British military were prepared to shoot the people.
"Soldiers armed with machine guns, tanks and a howitzer arrived on the Friday night and Saturday to occupy Glasgow's streets.
"A 4.5 inch Howitzer was positioned at the City Chambers, the cattle market was transformed into a tank depot, Lewis Guns were posted on the top of the North British Hotel and the General Post Office, armed troops stood sentry outside power stations, docks and patrolled the streets."
- Battle of George Square - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
People got hurt.
"The seriousness of the government's intent can be gauged from Regulation 965 about how to deal with 'civil unrest': 'It is undesirable that firing should take place over the heads of the rioters or that blank ammunition should be used.'" - BBC NEWS.
BBC iPlayer - Andrew Marr's The Making of Modern Britain: Having a Ball.
The people of Glasgow wanted better conditions. www.theglasgowstory.com/
Labels: 1919, Bloody Friday, David Newell-Smith, David Peat, Glasgow, John Maclean, Matt McGinn, Morton Gillespie
Tuesday, 19 December 2017
1. Trump has failed to 'lock up' Hillary Clinton.
2. Trump has failed to reveal the truth about 9 11.
3. Trump has failed to make Mexico pay for a wall.
4. Trump has failed to bring about a "total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States."
His current ban only affects Muslims from Chad, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria and Yemen.
5. Trump has failed to replace Obamacare.
6. Trump has failed in his promise to be a champion of gay rights.
7. Trump has failed to increase the wages of ordinary people in the counties that voted for Trump.
8. Trump has failed to balance the Federal Budget.
9. Trump has failed to end US involvement in Afghanistan.
10. Trump has failed to ditch NATO.
11. Trump's government has failed to declare China to be a currency manipulator.
12. Trump has failed to bring about big tax cuts for the average American.
Labels: 9 11, Afghanistan, China, Clinton, failures, Mexico, Muslims, Obamacare, record, tax, Trump, wages