Monday 8 January 2024

Remember When Ricky Gervais Joked About The Epstein List?


At 8 January 2024 at 21:38 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


RICHARD BRANSON’S WIFE, Joan Templeman Branson, was a Vice-Chair of Prince Andrew’s NSPCC Full Stop campaign launched in 1999 following intense lobbying of Tony Blair by Peter Mandelson, who played an instrumental role. Mrs. Branson served alongside fellow Vice-Chairs including Petie Mandelson himself (a very close friend of Jeffrey Epstein as well as the various Rothschilds and de Rothschilds); Bill Gates' UK Microsoft chief David Svendsen, who served on the Full Stop campaign’s board and steering group (like Mandelson, Bill Gates was a close friend of Jeffrey Epstein); Nick Mason (a close friend of Epstein’s accomplice Ghislaine Maxwell); and 'power couple' Elisabeth Murdoch and Matthew Freud — the Mandelson confidante whose first client in the PR business was ‘Mossad’s’ Uri Geller.

As well as Richard Branson’s wife Joan Templeman Branson; Petie Mandelson; Prince Andrew; Bill Gates’ UK Microsoft chief; Nick Mason; and the Freuds; another influential figure on the NSPCC Full Stop campaign was Mark Weinberg, the business partner of Lord Jacob Rothschild, who, with his cousin Sir Evelyn and other family members, are thought to function as Mandelson’s superiors/handlers.

Jeffrey Epstein, the de Rothschilds and the Clintons are mutual close friends of longstanding — with Ghislaine said to have once boasted to victim Maria Farmer that the Rothschilds were her family’s ‘greatest protector’. Lady Lynn and Sir Evelyn de Rothschild honeymooned with the Clintons at the White House as their guests of honour. Lady Lynn also discussed with Bill Clinton in correspondence the subject of their mutual close friend Epstein; and just like her friend the former President, she reportedly accompanied their mutual friend — the pedophile sex trafficker ‘Mossad’ asset Epstein — on numerous ‘Lolita Express’ private jet flights. Furthermore, Lady Lynn is said to have given Epstein a huge discount on a Manhattan townhouse she sold him, in which they installed Ms. Maxwell.

At 8 January 2024 at 21:41 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

RICHARD BRANSON’S SISTER, Vanessa Branson, owns a hotel with Lord Mandelson's very close friend Howell James. Lord Mandelson’s husband, Reinaldo da Silva, and Howell James previously were in a relationship.

Richard Branson is listed in Epstein and Maxwell’s ‘black book’.

Richard Branson was a ‘Supporting Citizen’ of Ghislaine's ostensible charity, TerraMar, which law enforcement think might have in fact been a “fake charity slush fund for child victims of Maxwell and Epstein's trafficking operation". Branson declared his support for Ghislaine’s operation publicly, supplying a personal, laudatory, message for the TerraMar website that appeared beside his mugshot. Other named supporters of TerraMar (terror-mar?) included Epstein’s close friend Peter Mandelson; Sir Evelyn de Rothschild's son/Lynn de Rothschild's stepson, David, who is a colleague of Branson’s at ‘Whole World Water’; the business partner of Mandelson's close friend Matthew Freud — Dr Arlo Brady; Ghislaine’s business partner Jemma Kidd; Ghislaine’s close friend Nick Mason; Edith 'Edie' Lutnick, the sister of Epstein’s next-door neighbour; and Johan Eliasch, an apparent mutual associate of Jeffrey Epstein (to judge by his listing in the pedophile sex trafficker’s ‘black book’) and Prince Andrew.

Richard Branson owns Neckar Island, lying a mere 30 miles from Little St. James where Epstein had his infamous compound. Little St. James was reportedly the location of much sexual abuse of minors, allegedly under the auspices of Friends of Israel Intelligence factions, potentially including Mossad.

At 8 January 2024 at 21:49 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Richard Branson as a young student attended spooky Stowe School. Stowe School has in more recent years been visited by Ghislaine Maxwell — although the full extent of Maxwell’s connection to the institution remains unclear. Stowe School’s present headmaster, Dr. Anthony Wallersteiner is the son of Ghislaine’s father’s business partner. Anthony Wallersteiner is also a close friend of Epstein’s close friend Fergie. It does not seem beyond the realms of possibility that Dr. Anthony Wallersteiner knows Ghislaine Maxwell personally, given that Ghislaine is not only the daughter of his late father’s business partner, but also has been photographed inside Stowe School attending a fundraiser.

Richard Branson attended the WEF annual meeting in 2006 alongside Epstein’s close friends Bill Gates, Dr. Larry Summers, and Lord Mandelson; Epstein’s next-door neighbour Howard Lutnick — who bankrolled Fergie’s kids charities; Deutsche Bank CEO Josef Ackermann, with whom Mandelson has served on the board of the Alfred Herrhausen Society of Deutsche Bank; and Mark Thompson of the NSPCC Stop Organised Abuse Board and the BBC, who we associate with ‘Mossad’ pedophile Jimmy Savile’s reign of terror.

Richard Branson attended the WEF annual meeting again in 2009 alongside Epstein’s close friends Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Dr. Larry Summers, Prince Andrew, and Lord Mandelson; Epstein’s next-door neighbour Howard Lutnick — who bankrolled Fergie’s kids charities; and Deutsche Bank CEO Josef Ackermann, with whom Mandelson has served on the board of the Alfred Herrhausen Society of Deutsche Bank. Also attending this WEF annual meeting was Prof. Dr. Roland Berger, who sat with Mandelson and Lynn de Rothschild on the board of the Alfred Herrhausen Society of Deutsche Bank and with Mandelson again on the Advisory Board of Sapinda Group.

At 8 January 2024 at 22:00 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Richard Branson has discussed his role in 9-11, the ‘Mossad false flag atrocity’.

He wrote in the 2005 reissue of his autobiography, ‘Losing My Virginity’:

“One of the first things I'd checked, on hearing about the terrorist attacks [the 9-11 ‘Mossad false flag atrocity’], was whether or not anyone we knew had been involved ...

“I was called by Howard Lutnick [of Cantor Fitzgerald. Jefrey Epstein’s next-door neighbour] ...

“On the Friday night, James Kyle of Cantor Fitzgerald ... had called Will Whitehorn.

“They urgently needed to fly dozens of grieving relatives to New York but, since their entire operation had been wiped out, they did not know whether they would have a business, when the markets reopened, to pay the bill.

“On the Saturday morning we [that is, I, Richard Branson] agreed to carry as many people as they needed across the Atlantic.”

Richard Branson hosted NXIVM ‘sex cult’ executive Sara Bronfman on his ‘Epstein-adjacent’ private island, as photographic evidence attests.

Sara is the daughter of the late Edgar Bronfman Sr., and the niece of Edgar’s brother — Charles Bronfman. Charles Bronfman and Jeffrey Epstein’s largest known benefactor, Leslie Wexner, co-founded a shadowy organization for multi-millionaire/billionaire Jewish Zionists called The Mega Group. It has been theorized that The Mega Group may have had links to Mossad operations, including the later Epstein/Maxwell venture, as well as possibly other sexual blackmail and sex trafficking/sexual exploitation operations over the years.

At 8 January 2024 at 22:08 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Richard Branson has been a Patron of ‘Missing People’, an ostensible charity linked to Bob Geldof. Other VIPs associated with Missing People include Paul Gambaccini's former PA, Christian Dray — a convicted paedophile — who helped to set it up; the Jewish Zionist entertainer Stephen Fry, who like Branson has been a Patron; Jewish Zionist entertainer Simon Cowell, whom we associate with funding the Israeli Army (IDF) and wielding power over attractive youngsters; and Kate McCann, one of Missing People’s ‘Ambassadors’, whose daughter was allegedly abducted or murdered by a ‘Mossad pedophile trafficking operation’ with possible links to (among others) the wealthy Freud clan, and Dame Margaret Hodge’s nephew, Philip Martin Edmonds.

Richard Branson is a former client of the late George Carman QC, whose other clients included Ghislaine Maxwell’s ‘Mossad’ father; the Jewish Zionist alleged pedophile Greville Janner; and Sir Elton John, whose life in decades past has been the subject of much speculation by the media.

At 8 January 2024 at 22:10 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sir Richard Branson said to be filmed during trips to 'paedo island' along with Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton


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