Sunday 7 January 2024

Gates of Hell: Bill Gates

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Gates of Hell: Why Bill Gates is the most dangerous man in the world

“… [Ask] someone about Bill Gates now, and they will … associate him with global vaccination programmes via the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and, more specifically, the covid vaccination programme.

“There is so much more to Bill Gates … and some of it is pure evil …

“Accusations of sexual misconduct with employees have dogged him for decades …

“He was associated with Jeffrey Epstein and a frequent visitor to his island hideaway, but accusations of sexual abuse and paedophilia have never been verified …

“Microsoft was built up through infamously aggressive business practices … Employees who fell ill were treated ruthlessly, as demonstrated by his sacking of one employee with cancer and another who had suffered a heart attack …

“The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation exists, ostensibly, to make the world a better place …

“[But] Gates becomes no poorer because he uses the charitable work of his foundation to gain access to world leaders and ingratiate himself with them.

“Where his projects require the wide-scale manufacture of products, for example, vaccines, he is inevitably a major shareholder in the companies that manufacture them.

“For Gates, his humanitarian work achieves two ends: popularity and profit …

“Naturally, his interest in climate change is more than academic. He is involved in a wide range of initiatives. Some of these are positively dangerous, such as plans to block out the sun …

“Towards that end, he funds geoengineering projects whereby substances are released into the atmosphere, which reduces the penetration of the sun’s rays to earth …

“Gates owns more farmland than any other landowner in America, and he continues to acquire more… [He] is obsessed with livestock methane emissions and wants the world to move towards alternative forms of protein, such as laboratory-grown meat and insects.

“Gates seems unaware of how disgusting ordinary people find these notions, which they do, almost as much as his proposals to make fresh drinking water from human feces …

“[Author Daniel Jupp] raises a question: are Gates’ activities underpinned by a desire for a global population cull?

“If so, does this motive lie behind the rollout of harmful vaccines, his plan to block out the sun, and his initiatives to stop further consumption of meat? …”

Is Bill Gates the Most Dangerous Man in the World?

Roger Watson is a British academic and former professor of nursing at the University of Hull. In 2022, Watson was elected president of the National Conference of University Professors.


At 7 January 2024 at 23:34 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bill Gates is truly, truly an awful and very dangerous individual. An abomination of the worst kind.

However, a big however......Bill Gates, KBE is an Honorary Knight. Knights aren't in charge of anything. Knights are answerable to Kings.

When I heard that said to me, in made total sense. That abomination is merely defining and playing his role. He has a boss......they all do. Soros , Schwab et Al.

I wonder who their boss is?

At 10 January 2024 at 15:49 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

just go for the head of the snake - Charley the Green Reset God of Democides - the others will go down with Him


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