Sunday 7 January 2024

Tal Mitnick, an 18-year-old

Unknown commented -

A Gen Z Israeli explained why he's refusing to fight. Now Israel has sent him to military prison.

“Tal Mitnick, an 18-year-old from Tel Aviv, is one of several young Israelis defying Israel's mandatory military service, but he is the first to be sent to military prison during his country's war with Hamas …

“Mitnick was sentenced on Tuesday to 30 days in prison after refusing to enlist in the Israel Defense Forces …

“In a lengthy personal statement … Mitnick said that he supports Palestinian people and does not want to contribute to Israel's attacks on Gaza.

“‘Before the war, the army guarded settlements, maintained the murderous siege on the Gaza Strip, and upheld the status quo of apartheid and Jewish supremacy in the land between the Jordan and the sea’, Mitnick wrote in his statement.

“‘Since the outbreak of the war, we have not seen any call for … an end to the widespread oppression of the Palestinian people and the bloodshed, or for a just peace. We are seeing the opposite: the deepening of oppression, the spreading of hatred, and the expansion of the fascist political persecution within Israel’, he added …

“‘[Real] change will come when we recognize the suffering of the Palestinian people over the years, and that this suffering is the result of Israeli policy’, Mitnick wrote.

“‘Along with recognition must also come justice, correction, and the construction of a political infrastructure based on peace, freedom and equality’ …

“The IDF [said] that after hearing Mitnick's objections, it was ‘unanimously determined that no valid reason for conscientious objection was found’.

“After his sentence is completed, Mitnick will have another interview with a military screening officer, the IDF spokesperson said.”


At 7 January 2024 at 22:49 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

First Commandment of Modern Israel: 'Thou shalt kill thy goyim neighbours and covet their land'.


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