Sunday 7 January 2024

Epstein accuser Virginia Giuffre


Anonymous :

Maxwell’s PR adviser accused Epstein victim of ‘crying rape’ in past allegations

“A British PR guru hired to manage the reputation of Jeffrey Epstein’s accomplice Ghislaine Maxwell accused one of Epstein’s victims of ‘crying rape’ and suggested past allegations of abuse would discredit her …

“ROSS GOW, then a managing partner at Mayfair-based Acuity Reputation, emailed Maxwell with links to media articles about a case from the Epstein accuser Virginia Giuffre’s childhood in which she claimed to have been raped by two older teenagers.

“‘Ghislaine. Some helpful leakage’, Gow wrote, before pasting the links to the articles ... In the email’s subject line he wrote: ‘VR cried rape – prior case dismissed as prosecutors found her “not credible”.’ VR refers to Virginia Roberts, Giuffre’s maiden name …

“Gow … [is an] Old Etonian, who went to school with David Cameron and Boris Johnson [and] has previously represented controversial clients.

“‘We take arms dealers …,’ he once told Spear’s …”


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