Monday 8 January 2024

Street Child


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Children in Crisis —> Street Child —> ROSS GOW

(and Fergie: Duchess of York, Clare Milford Haven, Dr Anthony Wallersteiner, Howard Lutnick, and Lord Richard Dannatt)

In 1993, Jeffrey Epstein’s close friend Sarah Ferguson, the Duchess of York, co-founded a charity called Children in Crisis with Clare Mountbatten, the Marchioness of Milford Haven, who is listed in the black book of Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein.

Two Epstein associates forming a kids’ charity together… how sweet.

The charity’s Chairman was Fergie’s close friend Dr Anthony Wallersteiner, the headmaster of Stowe School whose father was Robert Maxwell’s business partner. Robert Maxwell was — like his daughters — allegedly a Mossad agent or asset.

Major financial support for Children in Crisis was supplied to Fergie by Jeffrey Epstein’s next-door neighbour, Howard Lutnick (who also paid for her office in the World Trade Center… until it was incinerated on 9-11).


In 2018, Fergie merged Children in Crisis into a different charity — Street Child — and changed the name of the merged charity to Street Child.

Fergie is the Founder Patron of Street Child and the Patron is General Lord Richard Dannatt, the former head of the UK Army (Richard Dannatt’s son, Tom, was Street Child’s Co-founder).

The Chairman of Street Child, once again, is Dr Anthony Wallersteiner, the headmaster of Stowe School whose father was Robert Maxwell’s business partner.

A prominent Supporter of Street Child is Ghislaine Maxwell’s reputation manager, ROSS GOW. Mr Gow is now in the headlines once again, because of his apparent contempt for Maxwell’s sex trafficking and sexual assault victims.


In summary, when we think of Fergie’s charity, Street Child, formerly Children in Crisis, we think of:

1. ROSS GOW, who worked directly for Ghislaine Maxwell

2. Fergie, who was very close friends with Jeffrey Epstein/Ghislaine Maxwell

3. Clare Milford Haven, who is listed in Jeffrey Epstein/Ghislaine Maxwell’s black book

4. Dr Anthony Wallersteiner, who is closely connected to Ghislaine Maxwell’s ‘Mossad’ father through his own father

5. Howard Lutnick, who was Jeffrey Epstein’s next-door neighbour

6. And the Dannatts, father and son. Lord Richard Dannatt, following the ‘Zionist false flag atrocity’ of 9-11, “became involved in planning for subsequent operations in the Middle East”. His son, Tom Dannatt, is a businessman who until 2012 “worked for Johnson Magill, a City recruitment firm he co-founded shortly after graduating from Oxford in 2001”.

This all begs the question: Are the Dannatts also connected to Jeffrey Epstein/Ghislaine Maxwell?

Because EVERY OTHER FIGURE at Fergie’s charities is connected to Epstein/Maxwell in one way or another, it appears…

And are these ostensible ‘children’s charities’ in Fergie’s business empire really all they seem — or could there be more to them than meets the eye?


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