Friday 20 February 2015




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At 20 February 2015 at 22:58 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

video outside the courts featuring Abraham Christie who contrary to rumour has not fled the country,

At 20 February 2015 at 23:01 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

drawings made by the children of their abusers.(scroll down a little)!Hampstead-Abuse-Whats-Going-On/c847/468F1A9F-F248-40B6-8955-955BAEBEA3FC

At 21 February 2015 at 05:33 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

REBLOGGED IMA makes those denying look like beasts

At 21 February 2015 at 09:44 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

this has to spread and be known

At 21 February 2015 at 12:26 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me just say that I cannot be in anyway certain what's really happened here But I am trying to get a grasp on what is going on and am remaining open-minded and accommodating all aspects to try and get a rational conclusion.

Now, what's really enlightening for me is the manner in which these self-proclaimed 'alternative media' and 'truther sites' have dismissed this out of hand with total disdain within about two minutes of it hitting the internet. Instead we have nauseating, loud-mouthed crap like Alex Jones talking about Nazis in flying saucers instead. And pro Marxist, conformists like 'What Really Happened' completely ignoring it.

As mentioned above, I do not know the truth about this episode. But one thing this has proven to me beyond a doubt, is what total, and utter frauds these so-called 'truthers' and 'alternative media' types are. They seem to be controlled scum who lead everyone on wild-goose-chases and waste their time and energy on trivia and nonsense. Anything genuine that crops up they will be there to guide your attention away and destroy your resolve, total frauds in most cases.

At 21 February 2015 at 12:30 , Blogger David Howard said...

Pedophilia in Bush/Reagan White House 1-5

At 21 February 2015 at 13:19 , Blogger Unknown said...

Interesting observation! I wouldn't have spent the amount of time with the mother and her piles of legal documents, if I didn't think it was 'worth it'. I'm trying to provide a better context on now, in addition to the petition on

At 21 February 2015 at 20:32 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alisa and Gabriel Interviews (14 Videos)

Alisa Interview (7 Videos)

Gabriel Interview (7 Videos)


At 22 February 2015 at 01:01 , Blogger Sukiwarrior said...

Have you thought of getting someone high profile like Russell Brand involved?

At 22 February 2015 at 04:30 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Russel Brand? My God, you still think he is for real? Nothing but artificial prophets, hand-reared by the establishment to coerce you toward oblivion. Assange, Brand and Snowden are totally and utterly controlled and are allowed air-time to achieve their deception. If they were for real they would be dead.

At 22 February 2015 at 05:37 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been posting the following beneath his posts on his Facebook and his you tube for the last two days:

Post No. 1

Russell, please will you look into this case of the two young children who gave detailed, video recorded descriptions of being victims of satanic, ritualistic abuse in Hampstead. Those who are voluntarily giving legal support to the mother of these children say that based on the children's testimonies, and on other evidence they have, up to 20 children and 60 to 70 adults are involved in the worst kinds of abuse. In the video below, one of the legal advisors, Sabine McNeill, gives a summary of the story so far and urges everyone to sign a petition (linked to in the video) to try and get these children safely back to their mother as they are currently being held in care. Sabine McNeill explains everything in this interview. Please take a little time to watch it, and If you can help in anyway, if only to give some publicity to this case and to the petition, please do so. Thank you.

Post No. 2

Russell, please will you look into this case of the two young children who gave detailed, video recorded descriptions of being victims of satanic, ritualistic abuse in Hampstead. Those who are voluntarily giving legal support to the mother of these children say that based on the children's testimonies, and on other evidence they have, up to 20 children and 60 to 70 adults are involved in the worst kinds of abuse. In the video below, one of the legal advisors, Belinda McKenzie, gives a summary of the story so far and also talks about the unfairness of a private "fact finding" hearing which is currently taking place in the family courts. Please take a little time to watch the video, and If you can help in anyway, if only to give some publicity to these campaigners standing outside the family courts, and to the petition linked to beneath the video, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

At 22 February 2015 at 06:03 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah maybe him and his girlfriend Jemima Khan, who's mother is a Rothschild, can go to the township and pretend that they are in on it and maybe then Mrs. Forsdyke will drop the knickers down to the demon for a peek-a-boo sesh (lol).

At 22 February 2015 at 07:19 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wasn't talking about you Sabine. I was talking of all these well financed fraud sites who seem to be all over the internet charading as pioneers of truth. Take that idiot Alex Jones who reckons the Chinese own the world's media. And everyone will be dead from the Ebola nonsense by Christmas 2014. Well, his little enterprise actually put a video out on youtube within about three milliseconds of the children's video appearing, declaring it all a hoax. It is actually still there. You can be rest assured youtube wont be deleting that certain video.

What is that Icke person and his side-kick Ritchie Allen doing? Sweet F.A!

I actually listened to a bit of his radio show the other night. All he went on about was how many Jewish friends he had, whilst constantly repeating 'anti-Semite' every three seconds. You could almost forget. listening to the prat, that the Khazars charading as Israelites are not even Semites, it is the Palestinians who are the real Semites.

Anyway, just beware of false prophets, because let me tell you, they are about in large numbers. And judge them by their fruits, not the bullshit and false promises they espouse.

At 22 February 2015 at 10:34 , Blogger Sensiblesidney said...

Brand ? He should be the last person you should contact ! A fraudster if ever there was one and a bona fide Establishment 'lackey'. Isn't he an MK Ultra handler too ?

At 22 February 2015 at 10:35 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought I would try him, because he did cover the Westminster pedophile issue in this video that he made:

At 22 February 2015 at 10:35 , Blogger Sensiblesidney said...

Brand ? Don't be daft ! He is the last person you should contact, a fraudster if ever there was one and a bona fide Establishment 'lackey'. Isn't he an MK Ultra handler too ?

At 22 February 2015 at 16:15 , Blogger Unknown said...

At 22 February 2015 at 17:09 , Anonymous Abel Danger said...

Possibly you already saw the Anonymous info. Anonymous Leaks Satanic Cult Member Names, Places, Phone #s, Emails

At 22 February 2015 at 18:01 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

13 of the 14 videos are public. But one is private and cannot be viewed. Is this deliberate of just a mistake with the settings. Do you know?

At 23 February 2015 at 00:50 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear anonymous,
That Richie Allen and Alex Jones may be wrong about one thing does not mean we have to stop looking into the allegations of pedophile sataniccult rings where elites may be involved.
More witnesses and prove with

At 23 February 2015 at 02:24 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

'Anonymous' are nothing more than government, intelligence imposters for the masses to place hope in. Only to have their hopes dashed on the rocks of disappointment.

At 23 February 2015 at 02:33 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alex Jones wrong on 'one' thing! The cretin is a total bell-end and espouses shite 24hrs a day.

Of course we shouldn't stop looking into the allegations of pedophile satanic, occult rings. My point being is if you look further than the small talk, they do nothing to expose any of this. AsI mentioned, none of these 'alternative media' types are doing anything.

And here is the video of one of loud-mouthed Alex Jones's disciples calling it a hoax:

Even if it is proven to be a hoax. Just what have Alex Jones and his scumbag friends done to help find the truth and alleviate the position of the children? Nothing! They just try and brush it under the carpet and mock it.

At 23 February 2015 at 12:12 , Blogger Freemankai said...

not all truther stations are 'bullshit'.
sabine has been on our show and we fully back her and these beautiful children.
peace kai

At 23 February 2015 at 13:54 , Blogger Unknown said...

I want to help. Please what can i do. I'm in America. I will do whatever i can. I'm just not sure where to start. Anybody with any info email

At 25 February 2015 at 01:15 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

''Satanic Child Abuse''? What are you talking about? Yes there is abuse, but no ''Satanic'', just pedophiles and very bad parents. Gabriel has confessed in his interviews that the whole ''sacrifice'' story is a lie and that the mother's boyfriend, named Abraham Christie, forced them to say it. Here it is.

At 25 February 2015 at 11:45 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Richie Allen did a really good interview of Sabine. The retractions are child abuse for any with discernment or sensitivity to the subject of child disclosure chlld interviews etc....but with clever editing, deleting of real truth as in the disclosures, and promoting of backlash the LIE of the retractions for which these children paid the price will mutate into the TRUTH the public find palatable....NOT ON MY WATCH

At 25 February 2015 at 12:58 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do Have to say that I know the police and barnet ss very well and can assure that both are so corrupt and work hand in hand..

At 27 February 2015 at 15:46 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

about:reader? 2222

At 2 March 2015 at 16:10 , Blogger SARAH said...

He might enjoy the case a bit too much.

At 3 March 2015 at 03:44 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you heaven! Good to see someone willing to act.
Have a look at the really long thread about this case on the Icke forum.
What I would like to see, now, is some PSYCHIC input into this.
Any answers on anything at all in this case?
If you can find any/anyone that can glean these, please add them to the Icke thread.

At 5 March 2015 at 14:16 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alex Jones is Married to a Royal. What do you expect?

At 8 March 2015 at 17:06 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You obviously know nothing about the Satanic Underground. It most certainly is real and their are millions of survivors to prove it. You need to research SRA MPD-DID. The children have alter personaltities and can be made to switch by their handlers. The alters will not know what has happened or will be fed another story as a coverup. Only when they were "on Holiday" from the cult were they able to access the true core personalities which told the TRUTH about the situation.

At 8 March 2015 at 17:09 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can start by following Sabine McNeill and Belinda Mckenzie from McKenzie Friends as they are supporting the mother and children. There is a petition on under Sabine's name that you can sign as well and send to your friends.

At 28 June 2015 at 16:41 , Blogger David Howard said...

Google "papa kills babies"

At 20 July 2019 at 15:29 , Blogger Anon said...

Satanic child abuse.


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