Ella Raulyevna Draper, mother of Elisa and Gabriel, says she is from Rostov.
Rostov psychotherapist Alexander K., nicknamed Taylor, comes from Rostov.

A star of Azov Films.
It has been suggested that some of the Azov-Film children have been mind controlled.
"Neuro-linguistic programming and hypnosis have been used by Rusanov's pedophile Rostov psychotherapist Alexander K., nicknamed Taylor, aka Nat, Tay, aka TTT."
Режиссер-педофил Игорь Русанов "1K"
"Taylor has been linked to 'pedo-Net': Atreus, Vasjok, Superboy and others...
Режиссер-педофил Игорь Русанов "1K"

Azov-Films actor Vladik Shimanov.
"It is thanks to Taylor that 'Blitz' appeared - a series of pedophile forums...
"Being a psychologist by profession, Taylor became interested in Neuro Linguistic Programming and actively used it... for child molestation."
Режиссер-педофил Игорь Русанов "1K"
Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) "is an approach to communication, personal development, and psychotherapy."

Igor Rusanov (left) of Azov Films.

Ukranian orphans.
Reportedly the gang obtains babies from Ukraine.

Project Spade - Toronto, the UK and the Ukraine were involved in the selling of child porn.
"My personal hunch is that Jewish bankers based in the City of London, have an important role to play in propping up, facilitating, operating, covering up, and protecting child porn rings often under the direct supervision of the security establishment."
Jews are Prominent in Pedophile Bust.
Jews are Prominent in Pedophile Bust.
Azov films.
"A mother explained that her two children had been raped by their father and other adults when they were in a kind of summer camp called Artek on the edge of the Black Sea.
"In addition, children reported that they were forced to perform sex scenes in front of the cameras
"Linked to Azov films was the Center for Science and Christian apologetics, which organizes summer camps for children around the world, and is one of the many fronts of the CIA.
"The network operated with impunity during the Timoshenko era in Ukraine.
"According to some, Azov Films is linked to the Israeli Russian mafia.
"Linked to Azov films was the Center for Science and Christian apologetics, which organizes summer camps for children around the world, and is one of the many fronts of the CIA.
"The network operated with impunity during the Timoshenko era in Ukraine.
"According to some, Azov Films is linked to the Israeli Russian mafia.
"The Films were shot in Ukraine, especially in Crimea, but also in Australia, France, Portugal, the AU, Moldova, Poland, Spain, the Netherlands, Romania, Germany and Paraguay."
Pédophilie et corruption chez les VIP

Pédophilie et corruption chez les VIP
"Abraham Jemal Christie is Moroccan"

When German officials raided two containers passing through Hamburg, and seized 14,000 documents, they established that Osama bin Laden was funded by the UK Queen’s bank Coutts, part of the Royal Bank of Scotland.

A Roman Catholic priest sexually abused boys with the manager of a care home, a London court has heard.
Father Anthony McSweeney, 68, is accused of abusing boys at a Grafton Close Children's Home in London.
Prosecutors said one boy heard the "screams, shouts and crying" of another boy before being abused himself.
The jury was told the defendant was close friends with John Stingemore, who managed the home.
He was found dead in January 2015.
Prosecutors said one boy heard the "screams, shouts and crying" of another boy before being abused himself.
The jury was told the defendant was close friends with John Stingemore, who managed the home.
He was found dead in January 2015.
shills are everywhere,,,youtube flooded,icke forum etc etc etc
My usual " Paste " function has been blocked............
NOW tell me TPTB are not succeeding in controlling the Internet?
Naah, CTRL+U to see SOURCE CODE on Firefox. Or Save the page. Or use WGET (its available for every PC, UNIX, Mac, Linux... maybe even android) or a local proxy server.
This school is a very tight community. You become part of it the moment your child walks through the doors and it's great. All the children know each other whatever the year they're in and the staff know all the parents by name and vice-versa.
It is a good school that will ensure your child does well academically, they also have loads of fun clubs and activities.
One thing though, this is a school for parents who wish to be involved in their children's education. There is a lot of parent volunteers who read with the kids and accompany them on the many school trips. There are fairs, discos, pub quiz night and class dinners (for the parents).
A word of advice though if you are looking for a place to drop your kids off in the morning, pick them up at night and have no interest in having anything else to do with the school then this is not the school for you. This school expects you to work with them so that your child gets the best education possible.
It is a small school with has a great community (nothing to do with income, we're on the low side of the income scale and we fit in perfectly), it has do with your willingness to work with the school to build your child's future while being part of a great school community.
Reviewed: November 2009
School review
My daughter was a bubbly confident child who was filled with curiousity about the world around her. I have just been comparing her photo's at the beginning of the first term with those three months later.All her confidence and enthusiasm had been knocked out of her, she still bears the scars to this day. She now hesitates to do anything because she feels she will fail . If you are from a higher income group you will probably be fawned upon and your child encouraged, but if you are deemed to be poor, don't consider sending your child there. Not very Christian in practice.
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1cke is the master Shill, former beeb presenter turned into a SAVIOUR for the sheep who think they are awake to follow. Those who are asleep are asleep to the fact that they are asleep.
But the problem is Nobody is listening.
Wakin'up, either by asking directly to one of those involved... Are you aware of these salleged crimes?
Contact local media and inform them, call radio and inform them. Talk to locals, friends and family.
On the long david icke thread, I see that some names involved have a long series of sites dealing with weight-loss and another site that gives help to 'undeground actors' whatever it means... RD has years long involvement in recruiting people.
Children's entertainer who has worked with the BBC and with Richard Branson.
Specialises in Mickey and Minnie mouse dress up.
Says he comes from "Babylon" Iraq.
My question is why is the BBC and Richard Branson so friendly with him?
Remember when Richard Branson did the campaign for M-McCann.
Sorry Folks for theprevious links without comments, but the first one is a long article on this whole hampstead story.
The second is a pamphlet that is running, with addtions, for some years now.
Here is anothe article with actual news from the legal helper to Ella:
Hampstead UK Police, Social Services, Courts brainwash whistleblower kids, send mother & legal helper into exile, protect Satanist abuser father
Let's not forget the azov battalion backed by the U.S. displays nazi emblems on their helmets and are known to be the most dangerous in battle.
Abandoned church in Torbay - zoom in at the cross
Better than 100,000 signatures on a petition that they will just ignore, is 100,000 "Freedom of Information" Requests sent to every public entity because they will have to answer every one of them.
"WOW! Revealing The SHOCKING Truth About The Satanic Ritual Case that has gone viral on the internet & UK Government “Child Snatching”
Want to know the full story behind the shocking video’s that are circulating on the internet? Want to hear about how many children being snatched by the state? Most importantly, want to know how you can help these victims and others?
Tonight on the Kev Baker Show Sabine K McNeill FRSA will be joining Kev & Martin Hardy to go over THE TRUTH behind the story. Sabine represents the mother of the children involved so who better to turn to for the latest information on one of the most shocking cases of satanic ritual abuse ever to come to light
We also cover the UK child snatching policy at work in Britain right now.
The thing we must get across to people is that no matter how disturbing and unrealistic or unbelievable some of this material may seem to us, ordinary people, this is the exact behaviour these predator pedophiles exhibit all the time. This should serve as an example of the crimes Jimmy Saville and the Royals get up to, because when we are talking elite sex rings, this is exactly what we mean
Thoughts and prayers go out not only to all involved in this case, but to any victim of satanic ritual abuse, be it historic or current, and KBS is determined to make exposing these crimes one of our main goals for the show in the years ahead"
website: www.change.org/p/the-rt-hon-theresa-may-mp-retu
the radio show: http://www.truthfrequencyradio.com/the-kev-baker-show-49650/
Unquestioning, sheep-like support for saviour/cognoscenti types must be falling in general. You can tell by MSM Comments how pervasive scepticism is in this country. That can't be bad, can it?
Yet another criminal circle discovered. Good? Maybe, if anyone will be condemned.
The father could pay for this, proof seems overwhelming and thousands of people had fresh, bad info.
It has been said that a policeman agreed with the public release of info in videos... Could this be a gatekeeping charade?
What if people will gather in squares and subscribe more petitions to see - at the end of a long, diverged trial - a single father condemned?
Horror dungeons: We had these kinds of reports from many sources before, as Neufchateau (X-Dossiers), Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake in California, Holland, Italy, Thailand, Cambodia. Will the justice do its deeds? How many judges are masons? The two questions above are in contrast.
This Hampstead case is a gatekeeping iniative. The black powers are kidding with us, see The Greenbaum Speech by D.C. Hammond for more.
The Talmud permits sodomising boys less than 9 years and one day, and girls even younger including babies.
It should be no surprise that paedophilia is rampant as the Talmud and its adherents are tolerated or given high roles in government, judiciary, security.
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