Friday 20 February 2015


There is a suspicion that the police are protecting a Satanist group operating in Hampstead in London.

Above we see Edward Paisnel being arrested. 

Paisnel was a member of a Satanist group on the small island of Jersey, off the coast of Britain.

Paisnel was caught by accident in 1971 after jumping a red traffic light and being chased by the police.

Paisnel was a fan of the 15th-century Breton, Gilles de Rais, who murdered around 200 children.

The authorities discovered that Paisnel had a secret satanic chamber.

(Sir Peter Crill obituary - Times Online)

Paisnel claimed that he was a member of a Satanic group. 

File: /files/Religion/Wicca/witchcraftDeviltry.txt

Paisnel was sent to jail for abusing children, but, no other members of the 'Satanist group' were ever arrested.

The Human Beast )

Paisnel and his Satanist gang were allegedly protected by the police while he was committing his abductions and rapes of children during the period 1958 - 1971.

Peaches Geldof who died in mysterious circumstances.

"The kids (Alisa and Gabriel) remain in permanent foster care until they are 18.

"They are in Dartford, Kent, known as capital of 'paedophilia UK'."

"We dance with the skulls in the church"

(Dartford is associated with: PEACHES GELDOF and MICK JAGGER)

"The strange reaction of the staff accused by the children (Alisa and Gabriel) was weird.

"We dance with the skulls in the church"

"If I were the headmistress or a staffmember at that school, I would have immediately issued a statement with my lawyer, vigorously denying the children's videos, and I would have immediately had my privates photographed by a trusted gynecologist who would then issue an exonerating statement on my behalf -  and within 24 hours all fears and internet questions could have been resolved. 

"I would have opened up the school to all parents and any interested parties to show that hidden rooms described by the children did not exist. 

"Instead, however, the reaction was to delete the school's website and to delete facebook accounts and videos..."

"We dance with the skulls in the church"

"What I do think is that there is a coverup going on regarding some sort of an organized child prostitution and snuff/pedophilia film ring operating in Hampstead..

"Perhaps the school staff are 'fall guys' for a different organized abuse group...

"The possibilities are endless... All I know is that the kids were exploited."

"We dance with the skulls in the church"

Edward Paisnel (above, masked) had access to children in various care homes in Jersey, including La Preference (above) and Haut de la Garenne, where many children were allegedly tortured and murdered.


Many top people visited Jersey, including Sir Jimmy Savile, Sir Edward Heath, Sir Cliff Richard and the Kray Twins.

Edward Paisnel, the 'Beast of Jersey', was a Satanist who abused young children.

He regularly attacked children by entering their homes.

The attacks, on the small island of Jersey, went on for over 11 years.

Paisnel was the son in law of the woman in charge of La Preference children's care home, Florence Walden.

According to a witness at the Independent Jersey Care Inquiry, speaking on 17 February 2015, Paisnel would transport young boys around Jersey in a grey van, late at night.

Witness claims 'Beast of Jersey' terrorised him

The Beast of Jersey's mask.

Paisnel's wife, Joan, helped run La Preference children's care home.

The Jersey inquiry has heard that she abused children.

Edward Paisnel, the Beast of Jersey, was the son of wealthy Jersey landowners.

Paisnel, the Beast of Jersey, visited Jersey's Haut de la Garenne orphanage dressed as Father Christmas during his reign of terror in the 1960s

(Notorious paedophile dubbed the 'Beast of Jersey' linked to ...)

Princess Alexandra and 'the Fatman' Senator Wilfred Krichefski . Senator Wilfred Krichefski raped boys at the children's home known as Haut de la Garenne. Jersey care inquiry: Wilfred Krichefski raped boys.

1. February 24, 2008: It was reported that Jersey Police had found a child's remains at a former children's home in Jersey.

"Detectives said they expected to discover more bodies at the former Haut de la Garenne home...

"The three-month investigation into child abuse at several government institutions on the island took a harrowing turn with the discovery yesterday morning of the partial remains, believed to date from the 1980s."

Body found amid fears of child abuse ring on Jersey

2. "Jersey’s Health Minister was sacked after he blew the whistle on a harsh punishment regime in a home where children as young as 11 were kept in solitary confinement.

"Stuart Syvret, the island's longest-serving and most popular senator, had accused ministers, civil servants and social workers of failing to protect children but he was forced out ... after losing a vote of confidence in Jersey’s parliament, the States.

"He claimed to have been defeated by the 'one-party oligarchy' of the Jersey establishment."

Minister Sacked After Exposing Child Abuse

Haut de la Garenne. "The expert in the UK who had examined the first bones we sent (which included a piece of child's tibia) said that they were very likely the bones of a juvenile human, they had been burnt shortly after death and buried shortly after burning."

3. "One man who was in the home for several years in the 1960s told how his 14-year-old best friend, Michael Collins, ran away from the home and was found hanged from a tree."

"Remains discovered five years ago were dismissed as animal bones and disposed of, despite being found in close proximity to children's shoes."

paedophile was known to visit children’s home

4. "Jersey Police, following up a series of convictions for sexual offences involving officers from the island's Sea Cadet Corps, say they began to notice links between victims in those cases, and a number of island institutions, including Haut de la Garenne."

(BBC NEWS World Europe Jersey Investigating Jersey's 'abuse ...)

"It’s alleged child abuse has been concealed in the area for many years and the trail could lead right to the top of Jersey’s citizens."

Jersey's Chief Minister Deny Claims Children Were Murdered at ... / Endemic abuse at home: ex-RUC officer

The police and MI5 are alleged to have links to child abuse in Northern Ireland and elsewhere in the UK.

Child abuse and murder are part of mind control, as used by the CIA and its friends.


Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg is seen here visiting the Tavistock, which has been linked to mind control.

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At 20 February 2015 at 01:35 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 20 February 2015 at 02:02 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

time for another vid comparing the body language at the beginning and end interviews ie 5 sept compared to 17 sept

At 20 February 2015 at 02:14 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 20 February 2015 at 02:16 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 20 February 2015 at 02:29 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 20 February 2015 at 02:36 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 20 February 2015 at 02:39 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 20 February 2015 at 03:10 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

your blog is very top, i thx s for the information, but i miss your political posts. your write now so often over police,, childer ... earlier you wrote about usa,issis,ebola..

At 20 February 2015 at 04:09 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks again for another good write up. Here's a new interview with Sabine McNeill

At 20 February 2015 at 04:30 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 20 February 2015 at 05:02 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hampstead Dead Baby Cult + Tavistock + Beatles dead baby cover

At 20 February 2015 at 05:03 , Anonymous Anonymous said... Nick Clegg visits the Tavistock & Portman

At 20 February 2015 at 05:56 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi all. As a personal opinion, avoid to follow such issues on any public forum. This Aang. Blog IS a community forum. As an example I suggest anyone NOT to look at David Icke thread about this Hampstead Whistleblower Kids. It is long, it is infested by propaganda agents, it is useless apart one or two comments.

Originally Posted by supertzar:
I still wonder if this is an operation to achieve goals such as

Discredit legitimate SRA victims
Identify supporters of these victims
Boost the rationale to have 'dangerous' conspiracy theories outlawed

I too think there is a much bigger game at play... I've never seen information closed down so fast and the public opinion sway so fast. It's almost military like

At 20 February 2015 at 06:00 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guildhall School of Music teacher jailed for sex attacks

At 20 February 2015 at 06:24 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

mumsnet.people are asking questions.

quick before they delete.

At 20 February 2015 at 06:33 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

2 definite spooks on the David Icke board.their very presence indicates serious attempts to change public perception.Some of their posts carry sinister threatening undertones.Here are the names.I want them to know we know their game.

Junior Member

Join Date: Feb 2015
Posts: 26

Senior Member

Join Date: Jul 2014

At 20 February 2015 at 07:02 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

justiceforchildren Tue 17-Feb-15 16:19:53
Hi Tara, I'm glad you've made this thread, keep in mind the last one regarding this scandal was deleted! just search 'hampstead abuse' sad

Ok here goes. I was at the Royal Courts of Justice today to show my support for the children; at first I didn't know what to make of this situation but I know abuse is RAMPANT and wanted to learn more. I saw the father (I wasn't supposed to go in, but the receptionist gave us directions, I guess she was swamped with the crowds for other trials so didn't tell us it wasn't a public trial). Anyway he looked evil as all hell! At one point we were in the waiting room together and he gave me some very creepy looks..well maybe creepy isn't the word; empty? Just evil. The mother's parents were there (outside in front of the building) as were the ex bf (the English one who took some of the videos) and her friend showed up saying she saw the signs of abuse years ago when she was staying with them for a month. Belinda McKenzie of McKenzie's Friends was there also, and a few other supporters. Everyone seemed really genuine.

I know what the kids say sounds really far fetched, but we know there are people who enjoy harming children. And we know they form into groups and cover for each other. Is it a stretch to say people evil enough to do these things to children are evil enough to be involved in Satanic cults? More people need to know about this, at the risk of seeming crazy, we need to put the kids first!

At 20 February 2015 at 07:26 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are some interesting comments from people who have read the beast of jersey on the website below:

There is also a "Black Magic" angle here, but it's very under-developed and offers no real evidence. There's also talk of a "secret society", but if there was such a thing then it's still very secret.

Read more:

At 20 February 2015 at 08:38 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That Alisa and Gabriel video got me interested and so I did a search and found the rest of the video of the talk by the retired FBI chief, Ted Gunderson. Most people find this satanic child abuse hard to believe, but Gunderson has researched it and say's it's for real. It's shocking!

Retired HEAD OF FBI Tells ALL "Illuminati, Satanism, Pedophile Rings"

At 20 February 2015 at 09:09 , Blogger Greg Pearson said...

from the tap-
The videos have been removed from Youtube seventeen days after they were first posted.

Sabine’s is to be interviewed on a main German blog, after speaking to the today.

She tried petitioning The House Of Commons about child-snatching in Britain.

1000 children are taken each month. It’s a whole industry.

The child snatching has official support, and is based on targets, with the secrecy of the Family Courts in support. The reasons permissible for taking children from their families can include ‘possible future psychological harm’.

Sabine is half Slavic and half German, she says.

Her aim is to 100,000 signatures onto her petition so that the government be made to take notice.

It’s had over 10,000 so far.

The petition is on

At 20 February 2015 at 09:10 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes! Glad too see I'm not alone in shills spotting. It's definitely a big Operation (MIL Term) because they barely need new accounts (sockpuppets)... The usual bad operatives are really active in their constant replying, correcting, rephrasing, re-questioning waht has been answered pages before.

I recognise the usual shill by its (not his or her, they are scripted personas) long, legalese posts. Also, they wait at least 5 mins between two posts, mostly. MODS should clean the room there.

At 20 February 2015 at 09:13 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

THX and Quote:

Belinda McKenzie will be outside the Royal Courts of Justice between 12-2 everyday until the case is closed, here's the info if you'd like to join!:

The dates of the F/F('fact finding') hearing are:

Tuesday-Friday 17-20 February

(Then a week off)

Tuesday-Friday 3-6 March

Tuesday-Thursday 10-12 March

I hope you can make it!

At 20 February 2015 at 10:06 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, definitely agree. The Icke forum seems like a heatsink for genuine peoples resolve to be dissipated. It is like they have sleepers lying in wait to pounce on any who try in earnest to strive for some sort of truth. It also has a terrible reputation for banning and censorship. Highly dubious place in my opinion. Replete with militant, leftist sentinels trawling the place for political dissidence. Old Ickey hasn't really touched this one has he? Mind you, there are a great many subjects he won't get near.

I am still absolutely aghast at the the peculiar response to the allegations from those lot into that tortured 'art'. 'When the kids leave', or whatever it was called. Any normal Woman would be horrified at such allegations, but not this menopausal oddity. Totally unaffected and full of nonchalant ridicule. A most peculiar, soulless creature.

At 20 February 2015 at 10:45 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting this. I'll tell you what, I live in the area and Hampstead is in characteristically quiet about this. I am going to be at the courts to show my support, and to show that this will not be covered up. I would encourage anyone in London to try and find time to come, a show of force. Upcoming dates are:

Tuesday-Friday 3-6 March

Tuesday-Thursday 10-12 March
At the Royal Courts.

At 20 February 2015 at 11:44 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would add alf hearted to the list.

At 20 February 2015 at 12:11 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So do I but this one is so hot. Maybe we will finally nail those sections of the ruling class who causing all the wars and all the hell in this world.

At 20 February 2015 at 12:28 , Anonymous wiggins said...

Suspicion? More like FACT !!!!

At 20 February 2015 at 12:48 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Senator Wilfred Krichefsky whom you mention was a Jew.

At 20 February 2015 at 13:20 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sabine McNeill says her association with Belinda Mckenzie has ended. Anyone know why?

At 20 February 2015 at 14:41 , Blogger Haze said...

Jonquays has baited me throughout the thread, alf-farted distracts from facts and bogs down the defunct D.I forum with inane questions. They are both desperately exonerating the accused and turning it against the whistle-blowers. And this new arrival, ledingue, I don't even read his 'shilling's' worth. It always ends in petty bickering, I'm done with it now and David Icke hasn't said shit!


At 20 February 2015 at 21:25 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

quote: "definite spooks on the David Icke board.their very presence indicates serious attempts to change public perception.Some of their posts carry sinister threatening undertones.Here are the names.I want them to know we know their game.

Junior Member

Join Date: Feb 2015
Posts: 26"

I am user ledingue, a recent member on the Icke forum. I joined to participate in discussion of this specific story. I'm not a "spook".

Did you pick me because after hours and hours or reading and watching my initial credence in the home videos of the boy had and girl ahd gone 180 and I am now persuaded that the story is a fabrication coached by Abraham the boyfriend. All of which, my thought process, I described. As I went along I described all the faults in the story, also conceding some points I had misunderstood/got wrong.

Or do you label me in public as a spook simply on the basis of my arrived at conclusion: I have argued taht I believe the story to be a fabrication.

Btw: cognitive infiltration of social media by spooks is something I know a little about. If I were a spook would I go "active" with a newbie avatar or would I use one of the few hundred well established ones that my department's hundreds of workers had kept "topped up" on that forum?

Honestly.....! I suppose I should be flattered that you think I'd pass GCHQ or MI5's or Strategic Communcations Ltd's vetting procedures. Well I would, haha, with flying colours! But only a dedicated moron would value a career of meddling with pretend twitter/facebook or, god forbid, Icke avatars ffs. Yes..... call me a spook!

Maybe you're a spook! Yes egad! You're definitely a bouble-bluff spook "earning your creds"... eh? Gotcha!
*rolls eyes*
oh... and frisbee and chess are my "games", not disinfo and debate derailment. Just for the record.

At 23 February 2015 at 06:12 , Blogger Unknown said...

Not true. I didn't say that and spoke with her at length this morning.

At 2 August 2019 at 22:20 , Blogger sneakypete said...

Ted is a forefather in this movement. He investigated the Franklin Scandal over here in the States which was a blackmail, MK, kidnapping and child trafficking sex ring in the 80’s and 90’s. He did secret Satanic school rings also. I wish he lived to investigate Hampstead. His fingers started to turn black and after testing he learned he had arsenic and cyanide in his system and shortly after passed away. RIP to a true hero.


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