Epstein and buddy.
The scientists who study 'Superposition' suggest that a tiny object can exist in multiple places or states all at the same time.
Epstein can be dead in the USA or alive somewhere else.

According to many residents of Jakarta, the CIA got certain Indonesian generals, such as Prabowo, to organise the riots; gangsters were brought into Jakarta to burn and rape and murder; soldiers were disguised as students; helicopters directed the looters; the CIA chief had visited Jakarta shortly before the riots.

The scientists who study 'Superposition' suggest that a tiny object can exist in multiple places or states all at the same time.
According to the mainstream media, the Arab Spring was a spontaneous uprising by some poor people.
The Arab Spring began in Tunisia, on 17 december 2010, with the mysterious disappearance of vegetable seller Mohammed al-Bouazizi.

The scientists who study 'Superposition' suggest that a tiny object can exist in multiple places or states all at the same time.
According to Alison Lapper (above) her son Parys Lapper (above) was 'depressed and out of control' at age 16.
Some people might suggest that Parys looked quite OK and did not need to be put into care.

Munira Mirza
The scientists who study 'Superposition' suggest that a tiny object can exist in multiple places or states all at the same time.
Some people see Munira Mirza, the Director of Boris Johnson's Number 10 Policy Unit, as being a good Conservative, in a key position.
Other people worry that (1) Munira Mirza's husband, Dougie Smith, has organised sex orgies and (2) Munira Mirza has been a member of the Revolutionary Communist Party, a small Trotskyist group.

Munira Mirza
The scientists who study 'Superposition' suggest that a tiny object can exist in multiple places or states all at the same time.
Some people see Munira Mirza, the Director of Boris Johnson's Number 10 Policy Unit, as being a good Conservative, in a key position.
Other people worry that (1) Munira Mirza's husband, Dougie Smith, has organised sex orgies and (2) Munira Mirza has been a member of the Revolutionary Communist Party, a small Trotskyist group.
Munira contributed to its magazine, Living Marxism, which was replaced by the Spiked website, to which she has regularly contributed.[16]
Dougie Smith is a top man in the UK Conservative Party and "he runs Fever Parties, a London-based organisation that hosts "five-star" orgies for swingers."[2]

Seth Aaron Ator
The scientists who study 'Superposition' suggest that a tiny object can exist in multiple places or states all at the same time.
Some people believe that Seth Aaron Ator, a white male aged 36, was the gunman responsible for the Odessa mass shooting, in Texas, on 31 August 2019. The suspect was shot and killed by pursuing police.
Dougie Smith is a top man in the UK Conservative Party and "he runs Fever Parties, a London-based organisation that hosts "five-star" orgies for swingers."[2]

Seth Aaron Ator
The scientists who study 'Superposition' suggest that a tiny object can exist in multiple places or states all at the same time.
Some people believe that Seth Aaron Ator, a white male aged 36, was the gunman responsible for the Odessa mass shooting, in Texas, on 31 August 2019. The suspect was shot and killed by pursuing police.
Some people think that this was a 'Strategy of Terror' incident organised by the Powers That Be.

Jakarta, May 1998.
The scientists who study 'Superposition' suggest that a tiny object can exist in multiple places or states all at the same time.
According to CNN and the BBC, Indonesia's President Suharto was toppled by a few students and some rioters.
According to many residents of Jakarta, the CIA got certain Indonesian generals, such as Prabowo, to organise the riots; gangsters were brought into Jakarta to burn and rape and murder; soldiers were disguised as students; helicopters directed the looters; the CIA chief had visited Jakarta shortly before the riots.

The scientists who study 'Superposition' suggest that a tiny object can exist in multiple places or states all at the same time.
According to the mainstream media, the Arab Spring was a spontaneous uprising by some poor people.
The Arab Spring began in Tunisia, on 17 december 2010, with the mysterious disappearance of vegetable seller Mohammed al-Bouazizi.
According to many people, the Arab Spring was organised by the Mossad, the CIA, NATO and certain Tunisian and other generals working for the CIA.

The Ukrainian-born Jew named Semion Mogilevich
The scientists who study 'Superposition' suggest that a tiny object can exist in multiple places or states all at the same time.
Some people believe that Trump genuinely won the 2016 election.
Some people believe that THE 2016 US ELECTION WAS RIGGED.

The Ukrainian-born Jew named Semion Mogilevich
The scientists who study 'Superposition' suggest that a tiny object can exist in multiple places or states all at the same time.
Some people believe that Trump genuinely won the 2016 election.
Some people believe that THE 2016 US ELECTION WAS RIGGED.
Labels: Arab Spring, ATOR, Epstein, LAPPER, MIRZA, Suharto, superposition, Trump
Seth Aaron Ator.... Seth Ator - can a name get any faker/more bogus than that? Seth Ator, really? Jewish name in best case.
"Tony Blair ... says he would do 'anything' to stop No Deal happening
"In a speech at the Institute of Government in Westminster, Mr Blair said: 'IN A SHORT AMOUNT OF TIME THE WORLD WILL BE BIG GLOBAL BLOCKS - USA, CHINA AND PROBABLY INDIA.'
"He added: '(The EU) is not about peace, it is about power ...'"
1. I'll do 'anything'.
2. Power.
3. New world order.
Blair kindly explains why we must urgently stop him/them.
The dissolving of the nation states into a handful of "big global blocks" would be the next step down the road to the one world government (and one world market) these psychotic megalomaniacs have long fantasised about, and which they've been building for decades.
No kind of democratic government could possibly exist in such an unwieldy polity. Only an oligarchical, authoritarian surveillance state could manage a society of such size, geographical extent, and complexity. (They know this, and it makes them happy, for they see oligarchy as an 'efficiency improvement' on democracy).
7.3 billion 'strangers' to one another - lacking common national traditions to bind them together as brothers & sisters - governed from the centre (or rather, marshalled, like cattle) by technocrats/robots implementing the incontestable rules agreed by the permanent members of a permanent ruling class.
As worker-drones, our lives would be devalued to the point where millions of us would regularly be culled, like so many unwanted cattle, according to the oligarchs' wishes. No room for 'useless eaters', is the view these Nazis take.
This may all seem a long way in the future, but it isn't.
Wait and watch.
Or instead say "NO", now - loud and clearly - while we still have just about enough time.
"Mikhail Fridman — the founder of Russia's Alfabank, is Semion Mogilevich’s partner" ... Alfabank is at the centre of a great deal of oligarch activity
Brian Benczkowski is a lawyer who has represented Alfabank
Brian Benczkowski is now the head of the Trump's US Justice Department Criminal Division, 700 prosecutors who are in charge of the USA's most important federal criminal cases, such as organised crime and corruption ... the people who should be 'draining the swamp' ... with Attorney General William Barr of half-Jewish heritage, supervising
Is the Russian-Jewish mafia now esconced at the centre of the US government?
Gordon Duff of Veterans Today thinks so. Duff recently said he thinks Semion Mogilevich is the head of mafias more powerful than Netanyahu, Trump or Putin.
Although Semion (sometimes 'Simon') Mogilevich has apparently in the past been arrested in Russia, then 'cleared' of charges
A March 14 article by John Bernstein on Medium, links Trump strongly to 'Russian' mafias, led by such as Mogilevich
'Donald J. Trump is a longtime money-launderer who remains beholden to the Russian mob’s "boss of bosses” Semion Mogilevich'
Remarkably, the string of letters 'j e w' appears only once in the Medium article by (presumably Jewish) Bernstein, and that regarding the 'emigration of Russian Jews to Israel' involving Robert Maxwell
Bernstein also says that Putin is a 'puppet' owned and brought to power by the 'Russian' mob (not 'Russian-Jewish' mob?)
How striking that in much media, there are obvious pieces missing ... as when we read about 'Russian mafia' figures, who are largely Jewish, tho that latter aspect is not mentioned
Was that the hold-up in the whole 'Russian influence on USA election' issue, that they needed to avoid the 'Russian-Jewish' aspect, plus also the 'Israeli influence' aspect, plus the 'influence of globalist Jews such as George Soros' aspect?
So it was like 'prosecuting Jeffrey Epstein' without looking into Ghislaine Maxwell, or millions in funding by ultra-Zionist billionaire Les Wexner?
Was Hillary vs Trump, just Soros etc vs Netanyahu & Mogilevich etc?
So as Henry Makow says, the 'globalist' faction of heavily-Jewish-involved oligarch groups, versus the 'nationalist' faction of heavily-Jewish-involved oligarch groups? These two groups needling each other ... but not crossing certain lines
Supporting migrants? - Soros & co are there to help lead
Critical of migrant waves? - Jewish-backed 'nationalists' are there to help lead
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Great post.
I found that the name Ator is most prominent in Nigeria and Lebanon. Strange that this white American had such a random surname. Of course Seth and Aaron are good Jewish names, but Seth Ator feels like an anagram.
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