Brabantian 1 September 2019 at 12:56 writes:
"A drone video of Epstein's island from Friday 30 August 2019 shows a man who could be Epstein."

Brabantian 1 September 2019 at 12:56
"A drone video of Epstein's island from Friday 30 August 2019 shows a man who could be Epstein."
Is this computer-generated imagery?
Waya @Waya7665
Who is flying Jeffrey Epstein's Jet? Today? To the Caymen's? 3:43 am · 31 Aug 2019·

Above, we see the gay Jewish politician Lord Peter Mandelson, in 2005, on the island of St Barts, with his very close friend Jeffrey Epstein.
Peter Mandelson and Jeffrey Epstein

Above, we see Peter Mandelson with his very close friend Lord Rothschild.

Reinaldo (right)
Anonymous comments:
"Mandelso informed viewers of Andrew Marr's Sunday morning programme ... that on top of the couple's £8 million mansion in North London, the pair rent a country retreat.
"The 'modest dwelling', as he purringly described it, turned out to be a four-bedroom cottage ON THE ESTATE OF THE BILLIONAIRE ROTHSCHILDS ...
"Reinaldo certainly has a taste for alternative practice. It was once reported he'd enrolled a witch doctor to put a hex on his partner's political enemies in a ceremony involving the slaughter of a live chicken."

The 'UK's Epstein', Jimmy Savile, with John Levy.
Anonymous comments:
"The Director of the Friends of Israel [Educational] Foundation, John Levy, is giving a lecture about The Middle East in Crisis: The Stowe Connection"
(The child abuse whistleblower Carl Beech says that he was sexualy abused by a gang at Stowe School. Carl Beech was given an 18 year jail sentence for accusing certain top Jews of child abuse)

Sir Jimmy Savile, friend of Israel and various prime ministers, was reportedly a frequent visitor to Bry Estyn, one of the homes run by John Allen. SAVILE ABUSED BOYS AT BRYN ESTYN.
It was John Levy, of the Friends of Israel Educational Foundation, who organised Jimmy Savile's ten-day visit to Israel in 1975.
During Savile's 'state visit', the dishevelled BBC disc jockey and prolific paedophile advised President Ephraim Katzir, as well as Jerusalem mayor Teddy Kollek, on Middle East policy matters.
John Levy has described his late friend Jimmy Savile as a "gorgeous, impish, creative character ... a real philosemite".
John Levy is aquainted with Lord Greville Janner, who was named by Carl Beech as a child abuser.
What the MEGA Group organisers were doing to promote Zionist causes in America overlaps with Lord Janner's efforts to promote Zionism in Britain and worldwide.

Jewish figure, John Bercow, is Speaker of the House of Commons.
John Bercow represents the Buckingham constituency in which Stowe School.
In former times this constituency was represented by ultra-Zionist Mossad asset Robert Maxwell, father of Ghislaine.
John Bercow appears to visit Stowe School most years - perhaps every year.
Lord Alistair McAlpine (above), who was at the centre of the UK child abuse scandal, is listed in Jeffrey Epstein's Black Book.
Having represented the Buckingham constituency since 1997, it seems likely that Mr Bercow would have met and known fellow Conservative and 'Old Stoic', Lord Alistair McAlpine, during an event at Stowe School for alumni (to which a local MP would normally be invited).
John Bercow's wife, Sally, certainly angered Lord McAlpine by her tweeting in 2013 - that is, if one believes the media coverage this generated.
Many, however, believe that the Bercows and Lord McAlpine - both closely linked to Stowe School - were working together to protect the former Tory party treasurer and his tattered reputation from investigation by police and journalists in connection with the Bryn Alyn Community paedophile network.
Reportedly, with the alleged involvement of Lord McAlpine, children from Bryn Estyn and other homes were delivered to Zionist Shirley Porter's Dolphin Square for 'paedophile parties', as well as to other properties around southern England owned by John Allen.
Dolphin Square 'paedophile parties' also involved children from ultra-Zionist Margaret Hodge's Islington children's homes. Ultra-Zionists Jimmy Savile and Leon Brittan were linked to it, as was the Ultra-Zionist MP Julian Lewis and various other Friends of Israel.

Ghislaine Maxwell at Stowe School.

Anonymous comments:
John Bercow appears to visit Stowe School most years - perhaps every year.

Having represented the Buckingham constituency since 1997, it seems likely that Mr Bercow would have met and known fellow Conservative and 'Old Stoic', Lord Alistair McAlpine, during an event at Stowe School for alumni (to which a local MP would normally be invited).
John Bercow's wife, Sally, certainly angered Lord McAlpine by her tweeting in 2013 - that is, if one believes the media coverage this generated.
Many, however, believe that the Bercows and Lord McAlpine - both closely linked to Stowe School - were working together to protect the former Tory party treasurer and his tattered reputation from investigation by police and journalists in connection with the Bryn Alyn Community paedophile network.
Reportedly, with the alleged involvement of Lord McAlpine, children from Bryn Estyn and other homes were delivered to Zionist Shirley Porter's Dolphin Square for 'paedophile parties', as well as to other properties around southern England owned by John Allen.
Dolphin Square 'paedophile parties' also involved children from ultra-Zionist Margaret Hodge's Islington children's homes. Ultra-Zionists Jimmy Savile and Leon Brittan were linked to it, as was the Ultra-Zionist MP Julian Lewis and various other Friends of Israel.

Ghislaine Maxwell at Stowe School.

Anonymous comments:
Interesting photos of Stowe School's Masonic Lodge, #9902:

Anonymous comments
Photos of the Egyptian room at Stowe House:

Anonymous comments
"[Ghislaine Maxwell's] sisters Isabel and Christine co-founded MAGELLAN in 1993.
"Does this sound like the precursor to Google and Yandex (Russia)?
"Did the Maxwells backdoor the whole world?"

Anonymous comments
"And to have created the first internet search company without any software engineering background ... hmm"

Anonymous comments
I don't recall ever before reading that Jeffrey Epstein was "a business associate of Robert Maxwell" (?)
Is this a typo, grammar error, or editing error, on behalf of the Evening Standard?
Or am I reading the relevant sentence of the report incorrectly?

Anonymous comments
"Epstein wasn't the first Jewish sex trafficker. This seems like a good time to look back at Zwi Migdal, a Jewish global crime syndicate that operated a century ago and trafficked tens of thousands of Jewish women and underage girls as sex slaves ..."

The Daily Record, 22 April 2000
The odd couple: Andrew falls for Maxwell's girl
"Prince Andrew is dating the daughter of disgraced media tycoon Robert Maxwell.
"The Duke of York has been spotted holding hands with Ghislaine Maxwell, 39, over a romantic meal in New York.
"The pair only had eyes for each other as they sat in a quiet corner of an intimate Manhattan restaurant ...
"A member of staff said the couple barely touched their meal as they chatted and caressed each other's hands ...
"Back at Nello's, a staff member said: 'They were more into each other than the food. It was wonderful to watch.
"'Ghislaine is a great girl. She comes in here all the time. Prince Andrew has been here before - last year with Ghislaine' ...
"Oxbridge-educated Ghislaine, who lives off a trust fund worth £80,000 a year, has known Andrew for years.
"Ghislaine has been a constant companion in recent years, and it's clear the well-connected society girl, who has lived in New York since her father died in mysterious circumstances in 1991, has a special place in his heart ...
"Andrew has become a regular guest at the famous dinner parties she holds on New York's prestigious Upper East Side ..."

Much of the corporate media now accepts it as 'near certain' that Ghislaine Maxwell's father - Robert - worked for the Mossad and possibly the KGB, etc.
But what is disgraceful is that the corporate media is STILL deafeningly silent on the logical implications of this increasingly undisputed, 99.9% probability, 'fact'.
For, if Robert Maxwell worked for foreign intelligence, and daughter, Ghislaine, ran a youth sex trafficking operation with Jeffrey Epstein, INVOLVING HIDDEN CAMERAS for (we can safely assume) blackmail purposes, then - logically - it must be at the very least 'likely' that Ghislaine works for foreign intelligence just like her father did.
Don't you think so?
So the situation we have is this: A Mossad agent enters into a close relationship (possibly sexual) with the son of the British Head of State, before, or while, inducting said individual into the Mossad child-trafficking and paedophilia blackmail operation which is her day job.
This is the situation... but 'shhhhhh!' Don't allude to any of this if you work for the corporate media. Just carry on pretending that the story here is *only* about whether Prince Andrew is a paedophile or enabler of very serious sex crimes.
Of course that question must also be resolved. But there are so many others that the mainstream media is suppressing.
In the controlled media, no journalist will touch the logical implications of the things we know to be facts:
- The implications for the integrity of the British State and its governing apparatus, both historically and going forward.
- The implications for UK foreign policy in the Middle East and foreign policy decisions (such as the decision made to go to war with Iraq on a false prospectus) - in the past, now, and going forward.
- The implications for the UK's relations with the State of Israel - in the past, now, and going forward.
- The implications for the monarchy and its future. (For how long, and just how badly, has this institution been compromised? Is the rot spread too far now?)
The most powerful lobbying groups in Parliament are not 'Leave' and 'Remain'. They are: Conservative Friends of Israel, Labour Friends of Israel, the Liberal Democrat Friends of Israel, and the Independent Group (Independent Friends of Israel).
And if the Brexit Party survives and thrives (which is by no means certain), another Friends of Israel lobbying group will develop within it, too. Count on it.
Where does the Maxwell-Epstein scandal leave these wretched organisations of Israeli State interference in British democracy?
Can they be permitted to derail the integrity of the British State, its legislature, executive, courts, and associated institutions, any longer?
Don't hold your breath waiting for the corporate media to examine these questions.
They're about to turn the survivors into villains, and Prince Andrew into a hapless martyr: 'a victim of his own naive stupidity and the wild fantasies of his accusers', according to the tawdry narrative being hatched. And Ghislaine Maxwell will carry on with her life under a new identity and/or in a new location (looking at you, Israel), and possibly after being partially exonerated 'suicided'.
The corporate media are wholly complicit.

Anonymous comments
Photos of the Egyptian room at Stowe House:

Anonymous comments
"[Ghislaine Maxwell's] sisters Isabel and Christine co-founded MAGELLAN in 1993.
"Does this sound like the precursor to Google and Yandex (Russia)?
"Did the Maxwells backdoor the whole world?"

Anonymous comments
"And to have created the first internet search company without any software engineering background ... hmm"

Anonymous comments
I don't recall ever before reading that Jeffrey Epstein was "a business associate of Robert Maxwell" (?)
Is this a typo, grammar error, or editing error, on behalf of the Evening Standard?
Or am I reading the relevant sentence of the report incorrectly?

Anonymous comments
"Epstein wasn't the first Jewish sex trafficker. This seems like a good time to look back at Zwi Migdal, a Jewish global crime syndicate that operated a century ago and trafficked tens of thousands of Jewish women and underage girls as sex slaves ..."

The Daily Record, 22 April 2000
The odd couple: Andrew falls for Maxwell's girl
"Prince Andrew is dating the daughter of disgraced media tycoon Robert Maxwell.
"The Duke of York has been spotted holding hands with Ghislaine Maxwell, 39, over a romantic meal in New York.
"The pair only had eyes for each other as they sat in a quiet corner of an intimate Manhattan restaurant ...
"A member of staff said the couple barely touched their meal as they chatted and caressed each other's hands ...
"Back at Nello's, a staff member said: 'They were more into each other than the food. It was wonderful to watch.
"'Ghislaine is a great girl. She comes in here all the time. Prince Andrew has been here before - last year with Ghislaine' ...
"Oxbridge-educated Ghislaine, who lives off a trust fund worth £80,000 a year, has known Andrew for years.
"Ghislaine has been a constant companion in recent years, and it's clear the well-connected society girl, who has lived in New York since her father died in mysterious circumstances in 1991, has a special place in his heart ...
"Andrew has become a regular guest at the famous dinner parties she holds on New York's prestigious Upper East Side ..."

Much of the corporate media now accepts it as 'near certain' that Ghislaine Maxwell's father - Robert - worked for the Mossad and possibly the KGB, etc.
But what is disgraceful is that the corporate media is STILL deafeningly silent on the logical implications of this increasingly undisputed, 99.9% probability, 'fact'.
For, if Robert Maxwell worked for foreign intelligence, and daughter, Ghislaine, ran a youth sex trafficking operation with Jeffrey Epstein, INVOLVING HIDDEN CAMERAS for (we can safely assume) blackmail purposes, then - logically - it must be at the very least 'likely' that Ghislaine works for foreign intelligence just like her father did.
Don't you think so?
So the situation we have is this: A Mossad agent enters into a close relationship (possibly sexual) with the son of the British Head of State, before, or while, inducting said individual into the Mossad child-trafficking and paedophilia blackmail operation which is her day job.
This is the situation... but 'shhhhhh!' Don't allude to any of this if you work for the corporate media. Just carry on pretending that the story here is *only* about whether Prince Andrew is a paedophile or enabler of very serious sex crimes.
Of course that question must also be resolved. But there are so many others that the mainstream media is suppressing.
In the controlled media, no journalist will touch the logical implications of the things we know to be facts:
- The implications for the integrity of the British State and its governing apparatus, both historically and going forward.
- The implications for UK foreign policy in the Middle East and foreign policy decisions (such as the decision made to go to war with Iraq on a false prospectus) - in the past, now, and going forward.
- The implications for the UK's relations with the State of Israel - in the past, now, and going forward.
- The implications for the monarchy and its future. (For how long, and just how badly, has this institution been compromised? Is the rot spread too far now?)
The most powerful lobbying groups in Parliament are not 'Leave' and 'Remain'. They are: Conservative Friends of Israel, Labour Friends of Israel, the Liberal Democrat Friends of Israel, and the Independent Group (Independent Friends of Israel).
And if the Brexit Party survives and thrives (which is by no means certain), another Friends of Israel lobbying group will develop within it, too. Count on it.
Where does the Maxwell-Epstein scandal leave these wretched organisations of Israeli State interference in British democracy?
Can they be permitted to derail the integrity of the British State, its legislature, executive, courts, and associated institutions, any longer?
Don't hold your breath waiting for the corporate media to examine these questions.
They're about to turn the survivors into villains, and Prince Andrew into a hapless martyr: 'a victim of his own naive stupidity and the wild fantasies of his accusers', according to the tawdry narrative being hatched. And Ghislaine Maxwell will carry on with her life under a new identity and/or in a new location (looking at you, Israel), and possibly after being partially exonerated 'suicided'.
The corporate media are wholly complicit.
Labels: Brighton, Epstein, Mandelson, Maxwell, Rothschild, Savile, Stowe
Jews have a very strong grip in every aspect of the today's society. And the Internet made their control even stronger. Very hard to fight those people when they are on control and creating the rules or twisting them.
So we have a book about "White" slavery and it is the story of Raquel Liberman that sounds like a very Jewish surname. Is there any publishing house not controlled by Jews?
So Captain Bob , had in his portfolio of assets , scientific journals , medical papers , mechanical jounal etc etc also industry jounals he owned many , so its a great thing hey , people sending in the inventions / research , for the paper not to be published and the idea stolen , also if i remember correctly being a plane spotter 40 plus years ago captain Bob bought a publication civil aviation markings , that gave details of a planes registration number and who owned that at present and its previous owners , great manipulation tool for hiding planes and flights , also interesting is , is it roy cohen the new york lawyer, lawyer for the mob owned the plazza hotel were paedophile parties took place in a certain suite ,
cohen sold the hotel to trump i think for a sum that was over priced , trump was described as roy cohens protege more mossad blackmail me thinks
Another Jewess connected to Epstein
btw, read the comments too
Avila da Silva is an osteopath, Stephen Ward was one too.... Just my 2 cents....
Flight Activity for N120JE on 30 August 2019
Jeffrey Epstein had Tory minister Nick Hurd in his little black book
A drone video of Epstein's island from Friday 30 August shows a man who could be Epstein himself, on the left by one vehicle, talking to a black man sitting on a quad all-terrain unit
Close up of Epstein-like man between vehicles, from video
Epstein 'pale finger' match to close-up
30 Aug 2019 Epstein island drone video, see segment from 2:09 to 2:47
4chan 'Epstein is alive' thread
A very popular Hollywood blogger for a number of years, anonymous 'Enty lawyer' of 'Crazy Days & Nights', often the first one to hint at or state movie star scandals etc, with a track record of being often correct, has surprised his audience by posting 'blind item' comments suggesting that:
- The US government has the Epstein entrapment video tapes and is using them
- Very high US officials are implicated and being questioned, in connection with a foreign government (Israel?), and a major 'tragic event' (9-11?)
More useful cropped photos of 'Jeffrey Epstein sighted alive on Epstein island' from 30 August drone video
Epstein pale finger matched to Epstein archive photo
No words
Thank you so much for bringing this to our attention.
I have the strongest feeling that 9-11 is indeed where all of this leads, via Mossad-Maxwell-MEGA Group software (Promis/Magellan/Chiliad/Reporty-Carbyne); MEGA Group and other Zionist funding; a throng of Mossad assets/Friends of Israel, sick/complicit figures, and compromised/negligent figures, in every level of the US and UK Governments, public sectors, NGOs/third sectors and media; and most likely the explicit knowledge and cooperation of Cantor Fitzgerald executives.
The public at large will never learn - let alone be able to accept - the truth, but surely we can be permitted to hope for sufficient information to leak out that enough of us will know with greater certainty what has happened, and by whom, so that we can exercise greater vigilance over the key individuals and institutions going forward.
We certainly can't prevent or even stymie a future 9-11 and future global wars, but with sufficient information, vigilance and diligence on the parts of tens-of-thousands (or hundreds-of-thousands) of moderately informed citizens, we can continue efforts to marginalize - through the spotlight of exposure - key individuals and institutions who pose a risk to the world public: most especially the Mossad, the Israeli deep state and the worldwide network of Friends of Israel, including their paedophilia, sex trafficking and human sacrifice groups.
Israel-aligned $billionaire individuals & companies, organised paedophilia, ritualised murder, and religio-ethnic extremism are the fuel to the satanic mill. The more we can do to shine on a light on these, the less fuel to the mill.
Should have added that False Flag atrocities and mind controlled patsies are another vital part of the fuel mix, as is psychological warfare (strategy of tension, demoralization through perpetual and deepening social upheaval, etc). These are further areas to which we, the informed citizens, must continue focussing our attentions and shining the spotlight of exposure.
drone footage is CGI ..
Prince Andrew should be banned from all royal engagements while Epstein controversy is ongoing, royal author ANGELA LEVIN says
"Journalist Angela Levin wrote a piece on Jimmy in the 1980s and tells Louis [Theroux] that, even then, she knew of the rumours surrounding him.
"'I found him despicable, controlling and a bully,' Angela reveals.
"'I was told by a nurse that he would play with little girls who were paralysed from the waist down, but the libel laws were very strong, so IT WAS HARD TO WRITE ABOUT IT ...'"
So, after discovering that Jimmy Savile was sexually assaulting children, Ms Levin - a top journalist with high-level contacts in the British press, including at the Sun, the Daily Mail and the Mail on Sunday - apparently told NO ONE, and did NOTHING.
Ms Levin's inaction facilitated Savile to continue abusing children for many more years.
Ms Levin - a Zionist who has family living in Israel and who is associated with the pro-Israel campaigning organisation 'Campaign Against Antisemitism' - once wrote a biography on the Jewish paedophile Max Clifford.
Now Ms Levin appears to have been commissioned by the Sun and the Daily Mail to write a steady stream of comment pieces calling for the head of Prince Andrew (figuratively) over his links to Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell.
And u know that how?
All of Morris 108's videos have been removed from YouTube.
Tapes are in FBI possession- along w/ Mossad-Likud. That is whose operation the entire project was, so yes they do have the tapes. Virginia roberts verified from the get go. If you think these tapes are to expose the perps of 911 and enact justice (another of the many assinine Q deceptions)?? OMFG YOU are crazy. Its like Winston going to Emmanuel Goldstein for redress. All the perps are stitching up loose ends so that none of these scandals will ever surface to trouble them again
Orange, Rose, Green and the flower revolutions too!
3 September 2019 at 02:32
Those who can not be criticised have leverage on the Royals. Even the royals with their amount of power and wealth are in the way of the nwo one religion government. They allegedly have filth on Charlie and even the queen. They may be using the lower royal as leverage. Just reminding them. This card might have been played on the brexit level. Its hard to say exactly but it is most probably a warning across the bowels of the Royal Family..
4 September 2019 at 19:39
PageSix.com (The New York Post)
24 April 2008
"Jeffrey Epstein ... isn't feeling the love stateside, so he's skipped the country (temporarily, we're assured) to feel the love in Israel.
"A rep said Epstein, who was spotted at the Tel Aviv Hilton over the weekend, 'is in Israel for Passover. He's meeting with Israeli scientists about medical research he's funding and TAKING A TOUR OF MILITARY BASES with [Friends of Israel chairman] Benny Shabtai' ...
4 September 2019 at 20:57
Ghislaine Maxwell's attorney in the latest courtroom activity is JEFFREY PAGLIUCA of the law firm Haddon, Morgan & Foreman.
Jeff Pagliuca joined Haddon, Morgan & Foreman at the same time as his "longtime friend", the former Colorado State Public Defender, David Kaplan.
Kaplan "is a surname common among Ashkenazi Jews, usually indicating descent from the priestly lineage (the kohanim)".
Another "Kaplan" - Judge Lewis Kaplan of Federal District Court in Manhattan - officiated at the wedding of Haddon, Morgan & Foreman lawyer Laura Menninger... who is the other US attorney representing Maxwell.
Despite both of Maxwell's lawyers having 'Jewish best friends', the extent to which they themselves are 'Friends of Israel' is a complete mystery.
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