Celia Imrie
As a child, the actress Celia Imrie was treated at a London hospital "that carried out CIA mind control."
On 14 July 2016, Celia Imrie "narrowly escaped death as she was out celebrating Bastille Day in Nice during the terrorist attack that left 84 dead."
Imrie was part of the crowd.
Celia Imrie

William Walters Sargant (1907 - 1988)
At the age of 14, Celia Imrie was a patient in London's Royal Waterloo Hospital for Children and Women.
Imrie was treated by the psychiatrist Dr William Sargant, "who gave her electro-convulsive therapy and the anti-psychotic drug Largactil."

At the Royal Waterloo Hospital children were drugged to keep them asleep for months on end and given electric shock treatment at many times the frequency and intensity normally used on psychiatric patients.
This was done to them without their consent.
Some patients died.
Celia Imrie / dailymail.
Imrie points out that Sargant's books are said to be studied by the controllers of Al Qaeda.
Recruits to Al Qaeda and ISIS are believed to be mind-controlled by the CIA and its friends.
Professor Malcolm Lader says that one of Sargant's books brainwashing "is said to have been found in an Al-Qaeda training camp in Afghanistan."

Sargant ran Ward 5, otherwise known as the sleep room.
The sleep room was "an experiment conducted on behalf of the CIA."
studied by al-Qaida / Celia Imrie / dailymail
Sargant "was once described as MI5's in-house psychiatrist."

Sargant worked for MI5 and the CIA,
He was part of the MK-ULTRA mind control programme.
His work has links to the Jonestown massacre in Guyana, where 900 people died, and to lethal drug experiments at the UK's Porton Down research centre.
Sargant used electric-shocks, insulin-induced comas, and taperecorded 'brainwashing' orders.

William Walters Sargant (1907 - 1988)
William Sargant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1. In 1938 Sargant was awarded a Rockefeller Fellowship to spend a year at Harvard Medical School.
2. Sargant developed an interest in brainwashing.
3. Sargant's methods inspired Australian doctor Harry Bailey who employed deep sleep treatment at Sydney's Chelmsford Private Hospital, eventually leading to the death of 26 patients.
4. Former UK Foreign Secretary Dr David Owen worked very closely with Sargant.

5. Quotes from Sargant:
A. "What would have happened if they [new methods of physical and chemical psychiatric treatments] had been available for the last five hundred years?...
"John Wesley who had years of depressive torment before accepting the idea of salvation by faith rather than good works, might have avoided this, and simply gone back to help his father as curate of Epworth following treatment.
"Wilberforce, too, might have gone back to being a man about town, and avoided his long fight to abolish slavery and his addiction to laudanum. Loyola and St Francis might also have continued with their military careers.
"Perhaps, even earlier, Jesus Christ might simply have returned to his carpentry following the use of modern [psychiatric] treatments."

Yuri Geller who has been linked to MOSSAD-CIA MIND CONTROL.
B. "Though men are not dogs, they should humbly try to remember how much they resemble dogs in their brain functions, and not boast themselves as demigods.
""They are gifted with religious and social apprehensions, and they are gifted with the power of reason; but all these faculties are physiologically entailed to the brain.
"Therefore the brain should not be abused by having forced upon it any religious or political mystique that stunts the reason, or any form of crude rationalism that stunts the religious sense."

Gartnavel Royal Hospital in Glasgow, where experiments involving LSD were carried out.
CIA-backed torture experiments on children took place in Scotland, reportedly.
The Scottish government's inquiry into historic child abuse will be asked to investigate Scottish links to the CIA-backed MK ULTRA mind control programme.
CIA link to torture of Scottish children.
One of the psychiatrists who carried out Nazi-style torture experiments on children was Scots-born psychiatrist Donald Ewen Cameron.
In the 1950s, Cameron was part of the CIA's MK Ultra programme, running experiments in orphanages and psychiatric hospitals in Canada.

Imrie was part of the crowd.
Celia Imrie

William Walters Sargant (1907 - 1988)
At the age of 14, Celia Imrie was a patient in London's Royal Waterloo Hospital for Children and Women.
Imrie was treated by the psychiatrist Dr William Sargant, "who gave her electro-convulsive therapy and the anti-psychotic drug Largactil."

At the Royal Waterloo Hospital children were drugged to keep them asleep for months on end and given electric shock treatment at many times the frequency and intensity normally used on psychiatric patients.
This was done to them without their consent.
Some patients died.
Celia Imrie / dailymail.
Imrie points out that Sargant's books are said to be studied by the controllers of Al Qaeda.
Professor Malcolm Lader says that one of Sargant's books brainwashing "is said to have been found in an Al-Qaeda training camp in Afghanistan."

Sargant ran Ward 5, otherwise known as the sleep room.
The sleep room was "an experiment conducted on behalf of the CIA."
studied by al-Qaida / Celia Imrie / dailymail
Sargant "was once described as MI5's in-house psychiatrist."

Sargant worked for MI5 and the CIA,
He was part of the MK-ULTRA mind control programme.
His work has links to the Jonestown massacre in Guyana, where 900 people died, and to lethal drug experiments at the UK's Porton Down research centre.
Sargant used electric-shocks, insulin-induced comas, and taperecorded 'brainwashing' orders.

William Walters Sargant (1907 - 1988)
William Sargant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1. In 1938 Sargant was awarded a Rockefeller Fellowship to spend a year at Harvard Medical School.
2. Sargant developed an interest in brainwashing.
3. Sargant's methods inspired Australian doctor Harry Bailey who employed deep sleep treatment at Sydney's Chelmsford Private Hospital, eventually leading to the death of 26 patients.
4. Former UK Foreign Secretary Dr David Owen worked very closely with Sargant.

Elliot Rodger - mind controlled sex slave?
5. Quotes from Sargant:
A. "What would have happened if they [new methods of physical and chemical psychiatric treatments] had been available for the last five hundred years?...
"John Wesley who had years of depressive torment before accepting the idea of salvation by faith rather than good works, might have avoided this, and simply gone back to help his father as curate of Epworth following treatment.
"Wilberforce, too, might have gone back to being a man about town, and avoided his long fight to abolish slavery and his addiction to laudanum. Loyola and St Francis might also have continued with their military careers.
"Perhaps, even earlier, Jesus Christ might simply have returned to his carpentry following the use of modern [psychiatric] treatments."

Yuri Geller who has been linked to MOSSAD-CIA MIND CONTROL.
B. "Though men are not dogs, they should humbly try to remember how much they resemble dogs in their brain functions, and not boast themselves as demigods.
""They are gifted with religious and social apprehensions, and they are gifted with the power of reason; but all these faculties are physiologically entailed to the brain.
"Therefore the brain should not be abused by having forced upon it any religious or political mystique that stunts the reason, or any form of crude rationalism that stunts the religious sense."

Gartnavel Royal Hospital in Glasgow, where experiments involving LSD were carried out.
CIA-backed torture experiments on children took place in Scotland, reportedly.
The Scottish government's inquiry into historic child abuse will be asked to investigate Scottish links to the CIA-backed MK ULTRA mind control programme.
CIA link to torture of Scottish children.
One of the psychiatrists who carried out Nazi-style torture experiments on children was Scots-born psychiatrist Donald Ewen Cameron.
In the 1950s, Cameron was part of the CIA's MK Ultra programme, running experiments in orphanages and psychiatric hospitals in Canada.

Peter Lewis was adopted. He was adopted by a man who worked in US Army Medical Research.(CIA MK-ULTRA Experiments on Mind-Controlled Children) Peter's adoptive mother told Peter he was bought for $1000 and that the army owned him. Certain substances were put in Peter's breakfast cereal. If he refused to eat it, he was beaten. Reportedly, Peter was given pills that caused hallucinations and nightmares. Peter said, "My understanding is the sole purpose of adoption of me was for experiments.
One abuse survivor in Scotland says that children in Scottish orphanages and psychiatric hospitals suffered similar torture to that suffered by Cameron's patients.
The survivor says: "The similarities are unbelievable, the drugs programme, the experimentation - we were also doing these things in the 1950s here in Scotland, allowing this deplorable behaviour by the medical elite."
Dr Angus MacNiven trained alongside Cameron at Gartnavel Royal Hospital in Glasgow.
At least one patient died while being experimented on under his care.
CIA link to torture of Scottish children.

The Chrichton 'mental hospital' in Scotland.
Cameron remained in contact with his former colleagues in Scotland throughout his career.
The National Health Service Greater Glasgow and Clyde archives contain a file of correspondence between Cameron and MacNiven, who was at Gartnavel until 1966.
The correspondence has been closed to the public for 75 years, along with the rest of MacNiven's staff papers.

The CIA uses MK Ultra mind-control (above) to produce its sex slaves and assassins.
In his book A Question of Torture: CIA Interrogation, from the Cold War to the War on Terror, the American academic Alfred William McCoy wrote: "Cameron’s experiments... laid the scientific foundation for the CIA's two-stage psychological torture method."
Many medical files from Lennox Castle Hospital in Lennoxtown, Stirlingshire, where some of the experiments are said to have taken place, were destroyed.
Frank Docherty, who first exposed the issue of abuse in Scottish children's homes more than 15 years ago, said: "These experiments were kept hidden from the public eye and they were happening in places all over Scotland.
"The number of victims could run into thousands."
Torture claim probe call rejected / Scots orphans used in ‘military experiments’ / Holyrood child abuse inquiry to look at Jimmy Savile's sex crimes in

Carol Myers, also known as Carol Felstead.
Carol Myers claimed that a government minister raped her with a claw hammer in Conservative Central Office. (The mystery of Carole Myers).
Carol Myers, "a mentally ill adult" aged 41, was found dead in her flat in London, on the 29th June 2005.
"The cause of death was indeterminable." (Justice for Carol Site)
In 1992 Carol had been sectioned under the mental health act, and treated at the Tavistock Clinic in London.

Kurt Lewin. (Cached )In 1921, in London, the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations was set up to study the 'breaking point' of humans. (Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control by Ron Patton) In 1932, Kurt Lewin, a German-Jewish psychologist, became the director of the Tavistock Institute. He studied the use of terror to achieve mind control. (Cached )
"Carole was 'often in trance states', suffered flashbacks (recovered memories) and nightmares; she had multiple personalities, one of whom threatened to kill Carol, and suffered from Dissociative Identity Disorder." (Private Eye.)
She said that her parents were the high priest and priestess of a satanic cult.
She said that during her teens she had had six children - some fathered by Joseph - that she had been forced to kill.

The security services like to mind-control children, from care homes.
In Church of England children's care homes, children have been drugged and raped.
At Kendall House children's home, Teresa Cooper was force-fed drugs more than 1,000 times and raped.
One abuse survivor in Scotland says that children in Scottish orphanages and psychiatric hospitals suffered similar torture to that suffered by Cameron's patients.
The survivor says: "The similarities are unbelievable, the drugs programme, the experimentation - we were also doing these things in the 1950s here in Scotland, allowing this deplorable behaviour by the medical elite."
Dr Angus MacNiven trained alongside Cameron at Gartnavel Royal Hospital in Glasgow.
At least one patient died while being experimented on under his care.
CIA link to torture of Scottish children.

The Chrichton 'mental hospital' in Scotland.
Cameron remained in contact with his former colleagues in Scotland throughout his career.
The National Health Service Greater Glasgow and Clyde archives contain a file of correspondence between Cameron and MacNiven, who was at Gartnavel until 1966.
The correspondence has been closed to the public for 75 years, along with the rest of MacNiven's staff papers.

The CIA uses MK Ultra mind-control (above) to produce its sex slaves and assassins.
In his book A Question of Torture: CIA Interrogation, from the Cold War to the War on Terror, the American academic Alfred William McCoy wrote: "Cameron’s experiments... laid the scientific foundation for the CIA's two-stage psychological torture method."
Many medical files from Lennox Castle Hospital in Lennoxtown, Stirlingshire, where some of the experiments are said to have taken place, were destroyed.
Frank Docherty, who first exposed the issue of abuse in Scottish children's homes more than 15 years ago, said: "These experiments were kept hidden from the public eye and they were happening in places all over Scotland.
"The number of victims could run into thousands."
Torture claim probe call rejected / Scots orphans used in ‘military experiments’ / Holyrood child abuse inquiry to look at Jimmy Savile's sex crimes in

Carol Myers, also known as Carol Felstead.
Carol Myers claimed that a government minister raped her with a claw hammer in Conservative Central Office. (The mystery of Carole Myers).
Carol Myers, "a mentally ill adult" aged 41, was found dead in her flat in London, on the 29th June 2005.
"The cause of death was indeterminable." (Justice for Carol Site)
In 1992 Carol had been sectioned under the mental health act, and treated at the Tavistock Clinic in London.

Kurt Lewin. (Cached )In 1921, in London, the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations was set up to study the 'breaking point' of humans. (Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control by Ron Patton) In 1932, Kurt Lewin, a German-Jewish psychologist, became the director of the Tavistock Institute. He studied the use of terror to achieve mind control. (Cached )
"Carole was 'often in trance states', suffered flashbacks (recovered memories) and nightmares; she had multiple personalities, one of whom threatened to kill Carol, and suffered from Dissociative Identity Disorder." (Private Eye.)
Carole, a former nurse, left behind a statement saying that she had suffered Satantic child abuse at the hands of her parents.
She said that her parents were the high priest and priestess of a satanic cult.
She said that during her teens she had had six children - some fathered by Joseph - that she had been forced to kill.

Teresa Cooper
The security services like to mind-control children, from care homes.
In Church of England children's care homes, children have been drugged and raped.
At Kendall House children's home, Teresa Cooper was force-fed drugs more than 1,000 times and raped.
The CIA's Nazi-style mind control operation (MK ULTRA)
Experimental UK psychiatric treatment kills and injures patients .

Paul Bonacci in front of the ranch where, reportedly, Johnny Gosch, and other boys were held captive. Paul Bonacci has stated that, as a youth, he was forced to participate in snuff films. He identified Bohemian Grove as the location of a satanic murder. Paul A. Bonacci said that, as a child, he was kidnapped by the US military, tortured and subjected to sex abuse and mind control. In a court in Omaha, he won $1,000,000 in damages.
Experimental UK psychiatric treatment kills and injures patients .

Paul Bonacci in front of the ranch where, reportedly, Johnny Gosch, and other boys were held captive. Paul Bonacci has stated that, as a youth, he was forced to participate in snuff films. He identified Bohemian Grove as the location of a satanic murder. Paul A. Bonacci said that, as a child, he was kidnapped by the US military, tortured and subjected to sex abuse and mind control. In a court in Omaha, he won $1,000,000 in damages.
Labels: al Qaeda, Cameron, Carol Myers, Celia Imrie, CIA, Gartnavel, ISIS, Lewin, MI5, mind control, MK ULTRA, Nice, Peter Lewis, Royal Waterloo Hospital, Sargant
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