Tuesday 31 March 2015

The Daily Show – Spot the Africa


Friday 27 March 2015


time.comYemen was once under the influence of the UK.

It's Saudi Arabia, the USA and al Qaeda versus Iran.

It's about getting a war going so as to make lots of money.

The cause of the conflict is Yemen (above).

On the one side are the Shia Houthi rebels in Yemen. 

The Shia make up 40% of the population of Yemen.

Iran is the main Shia power in the region.

On the other side is the mainly Sunni government of President Hadi, which has recently had to flee from the capital of Yemen.

The Shia rebels are being opposed by:

1. Saudi Arabia

2. The USA and the UK

3. Al Qaeda and ISIS

4. Various Sunni states including the United Arab Emirates, Jordan Morocco, Sudan, Qatar and Kuwait.

If the Shia rebels are pushed back, al Qaeda and ISIS are likely to gain more territory.

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Cameron beaten by Miliband

"Slaughtering villagers and hanging rebels without trial."

Cameron's great great grandfather a war criminal? 

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Thursday 26 March 2015


Adam Bojelian who composed poems through blinking.

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In 2013, the Russian oligarch Boris Berezovsky, a former critic of Putin, was found dead at his home in the UK.

Sergei Sokolov (above) was Boris Berezovsky's head of security.

According to Sokolov, Berezovsky was murdered by the Western security services because he was about to hand Putin the evidence of a plot involving leading oligarchs to topple Putin in a coup.


Sokolov, the head of a top Moscow private security agency, says Berozovsky (above) had opened negotiations with Putin on allowing him back to Russia.

According to Sokolov: 'Boris was killed only because he possessed information which he was going to share with Putin.

'I am absolutely sure that Boris had video and audio evidence about certain oligarchs who offered to organise a coup in the country, promising him to be seen as being at the head of the attack.

'Berezovsky planned to come back to his motherland with this sensational material.'


In its Dec. 30, 1996 issue, Forbes Magazine accused Berezovsky of having numerous mafia connections. "The role of Boris Berezovsky, in the Beslan massacre has never been made clear - but there is a growing belief that Litvinenko's silence was sought by people other than Putin..." Matrioshka - The Russian enigma

Sokolov says: 'I knew that Boris was in close relations with MI6, Mossad and the CIA.

'When he became dangerous for their recruited residents such as Russian politicians and oligarchs, the Western secret services decided to get rid of him.

'Berezovsky's murder was prepared for several months. It was a brilliant operation by the secret services.

'You decide: Berezovsky had a house .... round the clock security, CCTV cameras around the house. A fly would not make it.

'And on the day of his death all the security guards vanished, CCTV cameras were switched off for some reason, although they are placed every 100 metres.

'It is likely that not only MI6 took part in this operation but also CIA. There were people around Boris who were recruited by these secret services, including some of his guards.'

It was Berezovsky's personal guard and driver Avi Navam who found his Berezovsky in a locked bathroom.

Photo: www.mosnews.com/ On 23 March 2013, the 'Jewish Mafia Godfather' Boris Berezovsky was found dead at his home in Surrey. Reportedly, Boris Berezovsky, and his colleague Alexander Litvinenko, had links to the weapons smuggling Russian-Israeli Mafia. U.S. link to Litvinenko affair. Reportedly, Berezovsky had links to Neil Bush and Tony Blair and the Beslan massacre.

It was claimed that Berezovsky hanged himself because he had lost a lot of money following a  £3 billion high court battle against Roman Abramovich.

The coroner Peter Bedford said that he could not prove beyond all reasonable doubt that Berezovsky either took his own life or was unlawfully killed.

Sokolov says: 'Let me assure you, Boris was not a poor man... At the moment of his death he had about $1 billion dollars in his bank accounts.

According to Sokolov, Berezovsky had good health, mentally and physically, and had a string of young lovers.

John le Carré, who was once a British spy, wrote 'Our Kind of Traitor'. The key character is Dima, who launders money for the Jewish Russian mafia. Dima wants to retire to Britain. He wants Britain's MI6 to arrange asylum in exchange for evidence incriminating his fellow bad guys who occupy top positions in Britain, Europe and America.

Sokolov says that in the 1990s, Berezovsky had ordered him to spy on Boris Nemtsov.

Nemtsov was reportedly killed in Moscow on 27 February 2015.

He admitted to a Moscow newspaper that he had installed listening equipment in the politician's flat during the Yeltsin era.

'Berezovsky ordered us to follow Nemtsov,' he said. "We followed his movements plus installed recording equipment in his flat.

'Some part of compromising materials Berezovsky showed to Boris Yeltsin, something used for other purposes.'

Sokolov told Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper: 'Nemtsov collected beautiful women.

Sokolov said: "Western secret services are the beneficiaries of Nemtsov's death.

'From the point of view how it was planned, it is very much like CIA operation.'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.

Boris, former girlfriend Elena and their children. Boris Berezovsky is still alive? Russian politician Viatcheslav Nikonov says that Berezovsky is probably not dead. "I have doubts," said Nikonov. Imprensa russa tenta explicar morte de magnata Berezovski

  • boris berezovsky, litvinenko, sergei serykh, russian - Aangirfan


    23 Mar 2013 - Russian politician Vladimir "Zhirinovsky said ... he was convinced that Blair was personally interested in keeping Berezovsky on British soil, ...


    28 Mar 2013 - "As seen in the poisoning of Russian ex-FSB and KGB agent Alexander Litvinenko in London, there are solid links between Berezovsky, the ...


    26 Mar 2013 - Reportedly, in January 2013, the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR) Vladimir Zhirinovsky met with Boris Berezovsky in ...
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    Wednesday 25 March 2015


    Gyles Brandreth, Boris Johnson and Chester MP Moseley in talks on new statue to commemorate Sir Peter Morrison during recent visit.

    Google has removed the following posts:

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    Tuesday 24 March 2015


    New video.

    Ella Draper: chronology of the contacts and father's involvement in Alisa and Gabriel's lives

    Satanic Death cult

    The relationship between Mr Dearman and I was on and off since 2004 until 2007. We have separated several times.

    From what Alisa and Gabriel have been telling me:

    Mr Dearman started to abuse the children since they were babies...

    We have split up when Gabriel was around 1, although Mr Dearman was frequently visiting or taking children out after that: during 2007-2008.

    Children are telling me that around this time he started to fully abuse them inserting his front private into their bottoms and making them to perform oral sex too.

    He was taking them to the places where there were disabled toilets: at nearby Golders Hill park, Starbucks in Hampstead, Costa coffee in Golders Green, Topsy Turvy indoor children’s activity centre.

    He was putting, twigs, small rocks, PVC glue, pieces of toilet tissues in their bottoms, and then making the children to poo it out while watching.

    If it happened in the disabled toilets he would put children on the baby changing folding board. He was touching his front private while doing this.

    Mr Dearman was forcing the children to intimately touch each other at front of him and do it secretly at home.

    He would punish them for not doing it and was questioning them on how many times a day they did it, and still would hurt them even if they obeyed.

    Ricky Dearman

    When Alisa and Gabriel were around 3-4 years old Mr Dearman was also taking the children to his pedophile associates, members of the pedophile ring: xxxx (Polish) - the most violent and wicked, hurting and humiliating, one of the leaders, xxxx (German), xxxx (English).

    Mr Deaman's family members ....

    The adults were bringing other children to the properties where the abuse and violence was going on:  xxxx(6 years old), xxxx (8 years old); xxxx (5 years old), xxxx (7 years old). xxxx and xxxx (around 1-3 years old)....

    These humiliation and violence was filmed on video...

    Alisa and Gabriel said that their dad was putting it on Internet since they saw it there too.

    During the filming adults and children were wearing the masks.

    Children were consistently threatened to be killed if talked.

    They were told to say that “none of the abusers have ever existed" if asked.

    During this time Alisa and Gabriel were displaying very disturbing behaviors, being aggressive towards each other, me and sometimes other adults coming to the house.

    For example, Gabriel could throw himself on the pavement and tantrum for 5-15 minutes kicking and hitting anyone who tried to comfort him. This was usually happening on the way home.

    Alisa would throw the tantrums at home, also without apparent valid reason. She would hit and kick the fridge and anyone who approached.

    From the end of November 2008 to mid autumn 2009 Mr Dearman didn't see the children.


    In March 2009 I have started the legal proceedings, applied for the emergency non-molestation order.

    After the serious incidence of violence towards me and then several months later towards my mum (February 2009), she suggested to take Alisa to Russia for long holidays and for Gabriel to stay with me in London. This was relatively peaceful period for both of the children and me.

    After Alisa came back from Russia, James has already begun the counseling sessions in the Tavistock Centre after witnessing the violence towards me and been hit my Mr Dearman.

    Soon after I started to take both Alisa and Gabriel to see the psychologist Charlotte Burck too.

    On one of the occasions she has invited Mr Dearman. He was rude, started an argument with Dr Burck and slammed the door on her.

    Sensing an evil in Mr Deraman I was adamant to limit any contact between him and the children but the court still has ordered the unsupervised contacts every Saturday from 10am to 6pm. This was going on from autumn 2010 until October 2011.

    (Sex offender became school headteacher and forced young children to perform oral sex on him. primary-school-head-admits-pupil-sex-assaults)

    In 2010 Alisa started to attend the Christchurch school in Hampstead, Gabriel - year later.

    That is the time, when the children are claiming to being abused by the teachers.

    According to the children, Mr Dearman has already knew xxxxx from before and became good friends with xxxxx and xxxxx.

    The abuse was going on the regular basis, almost as part of the school time schedule. Many other children have been abused too. As a reward and bribe for not talking, the children were given their favorite sweets. There were even chocolate lessons, where children were sharing which sweets were most desired. Also they were threatened to be killed if talked.

    Alisa told me that she was going to tell me once but Gabriel stopped her reminding her of the threat.

    On the other occasion, Alisa's friend xxxxx who came to our house for a play day asked whether I was doing sex to the children.

    When Alisa answered “no”, xxxxx said that “she was lucky” and ‘why don't they tell me about what was going on in school”.

    Alisa also then reminded xxxxx about the threat of being killed.

    The children were terrorized by the abusers and have never told me until August this year (2014) while on holidays.

    Both Alisa and Gabriel were abused physically, hit on the head, their front privates.

    Ricky Dearman

    On one occasion, according to Gabriel about a year ago, Mr Dearman hit him so hard on his left year that it bled. His father would often scream into both children's ears. They claim to not hear very well: Gabriel with his left and Alisa with her right ear.

    The children say that there were plenty of visitors coming to the school on Wednesdays.

    The most wicked ones were doing terrible things to the children. Like putting broom's sticks in the children's bottoms and then fishing the pieces out while it caused bleeding.

    The adults were pushing them hard into the walls, inserting plastic strip on willies into the children's bottoms, sometimes together with the plastic balls, and hitting them hard with their boots into the children’s privates.

    The children like Gabriel who could not tolerate the pain and screamed too much were put to sleep...

    After being injected they felt pain in their belly, dizziness, headache, numbness, weakness, and heavy limbs.

    All along I was aware of the serious underlying issue with my children, just didn't know what it was.

    I have never been exposed or came across the sexual abuse and only briefly knew about the existence of the pedophile phenomena so did not recognize the signs.

    Aggressiveness, violence towards each other was always present in my children, to more or less degree. There were periods of the relative peacefulness in the family, for example, the time when Mr Dearman was out of the UK from the end of 2011 until summer of 2012.

    Although formally, as far as I was aware he didn't see children until June-July 2014, when the contacts were ordered by the court, the children behaviors, attitudes started to worsen with the beginning of school in September 2013.

    The growing dissatisfaction, edginess, bullying one another and me were the consequences. Alisa became increasingly cynical in her comments, cold towards the sufferings, pain of others. I saw she was deeply unhappy.

    I instigated the conversations with her many times, asking her what was bothering her, if something happened in school, whether someone has upset her.

    She wouldn’t talk.


    Gabriel's behavior was a concern. He found funny the babyish like acting, kept laughing and coming back to the jokes about pee-pee and poo-poo he was frequently making.

    One of the striking things that I found very disturbing was kind of glaze over his eyes as if he was switching off from the reality.

    Even though I knew he had got the enormous potential and mental capability, I was observing the slow development, which I now realize, was in fact arrested development due to what he was experiencing. I noticed this in his friends and other children in school too.

    For the last year Gabriel was experiencing outbreaks of strong headaches, usually after school, which I thought was due to the dehydration. I told the school staff to remind Gabriel to drink.

    About a year and a half ago I have caught the children were doing something inappropriate in the little bathroom.

    When I came in, Alisa had her panties down and Gabriel had my phone in his hands. I have learnt that Gabriel was filming Alisa. (This could be done without even unlocking the iPhone).

    There was about 50 seconds of the video footage on the phone.

    I have explained to the children that this was inappropriate, the intimate parts were for our own private use and we should not touch each other's or our private parts unless cleaning.

    I then were suspicious about this activity continuing but haven never caught the children red handed. My mother has also noticed similar things. Alisa told her that Gabriel was "sucking his willie and poking her front private”.

    About half year ago I've noticed Gabriel was touching our puppy Crystal's intimate parts. Mr Christie noticed this too.

    About two years ago the children started to steal money from my purse to buy sweets even though I was buying their favorite healthy treats like nut and fruit bars, dried fruit yo-yos, vegan jelly beans, chocolate, cakes, ice-cream, popcorn, etc.

    The situation became worse around spring 2014 when Alisa was encouraging Gabriel to steal or doing it her self. They now revealed that it was their farther who was teaching them to do this. Moreover, he was forcing them to steal for him. The large amounts of money were missing both from Mr Christie’s wallet and my purse.

    In May-June 2014 the large amounts were taken from my credit card. Alisa says that her dad asked her to write the card details for him. This incident was reported to the bank.

    Mr Dearman forced Alisa to steal Mr Christie's iPhone (along with the other few possessions), which according to the children, was then used by Mr Dearman to film the sexual abuse scenes.

    I was constantly seeking the answers to the situation, asked the school twice for the referral to the Tavistock Center (after we have attended previously), had a private consultation with the child psychologist, signed up and attended six weeks course on positive parenting and prepaid and was going to attend another advanced course on the siblings parenting (this supposed to start on 9 September 2014 but I never went because of the children disclosure, reporting to the police, children have been retained, courts, etc).

    In regards the children's diet: they were vegetarian since birth; then vegan from about 2-3 years old. They were always well and properly nourished with the adequate amounts of healthy high quality plant based proteins, essential fatty acids, carbohydrates and essential sugars. Freshly prepared meals three times a day, including pulses, avocados, buckwheat, quinoa, millet, red and brown rice, nuts, soya protein (tofu, veggie sausages, fillets, etc), plenty of vegetables and fruits, wholesome snacks throughout the day, freshly extracted vegetable and fruit juices. Alisa and Gabriel was always within the middle of the charts in regards their height and weight.

    Abraham Christie

    Concerning the allegations against Mr Christie.

    The relationship between him and the children were friendly and loving in the beginning but started to suffer when Mr Christie grew suspicious about the children being abused.

    His adopted niece was sexually abused before the adoption, and he realized that the signs of the behaviors of my children were very similar.

    When he started to ask subtle questions Alisa especially grew hostile towards Mr Christie, I guess because of her misplaced loyalty towards her father.

    This became worse when the truth has come out.

    Both children were putting poo on our food and the toothbrushes.

    This continued in spite of many talks about the subject. Both children admitted that their father was teaching them to do it.

    I guess this became too much for Mr Christie and on one occasion, when I was in the kitchen he tapped both Alisa and Gabriel on the head with the teaspoon following their extremely rude and disrespectful behavior. He also splashed water on them.

    Although the stress level was extremely high at the time for both Mr Christie and me, I have explained him that it was totally unacceptable means of disciplining the children and this would not to happen ever again. It indeed has not happened ever since.

    I believe that elaborated and extensive allegations against Mr Christie that have been put forward at the subsequent hearings were the results of the children been coached to say those things or actually have been created on their behalf.

    Since during the police interview on 11 September, when children were taken into the custody, Alisa has mentioned only the incident I've described earlier but then two weeks later more information been sent, - this somehow coincided with the children retracting their allegations against the abusers.

    I believe that most of the information my children have revealed is true.

    There is no way a child could create a story like that, with so many intricate details… It is out of the question that Mr Christie or me would coach the children to say things like that. Neither of us would ever put the children through this for whatever reason, and create such unbelievable situation for ourselves.

    Even supposedly we coached them to say this, the children of that age could not possibly repeat the same story all aver again to the different adults in different circumstances without hesitation or changing the details.

    Although we know that they have retracted their statements, the children still, even now keep coming back to the same story and the details, while in the foster care to the degree that it became unbearable for their caretaker Carol to look after them. She no longer wants to do this.

    Lufthansa Airbus crash in the Alps. Same pattern as the others.

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    We are having lunch with a bunch of scientists at a restaurant in Positano.

    Charles Darwin orders a few bottles of 1995 Chateau Margaux Bordeaux.

    Albert Einstein suggests the green tortellini with seafood and the lamb medallions 'in crisp quinoa with herbs on winter roots with pepper sauce'.

    We all agree.

    We are here to discuss the meaning of life.


    Max Planck, the founder of quantum mechanics, holds up a piece of bread and says that bread is derived from consciousness.

    "It is consciousness, or mind, that makes bread, or matter, exist," he says.

    "Therefore," says Max, "the mind cannot be produced by the brain."

    Eminent Researchers

    Erwin Schrödinger, who received the Nobel Prize in Physics, nods in agreement.

    Erwin says: "Consciousness is not produced by the brain and and cannot be explained in physical terms."

    Our tortellini arrives.

    Wolfgang Pauli is one of the pioneers of quantum physics.

    "Look," says Wolfgang, "the tortellini is gliding onto my fork."

    Wolfgang believes he has 'psychokinetic powers', which he cannot always control.

    Otto Stern, a Nobel laureate in physics, smiles.

    "I banned Wolfgang from entering my lab" says Otto, "to prevent his powers from damaging my experimental apparatus."


    When the lamb is served, I ask Albert Einstein about so called 'natural laws'.

    "Natural laws," says Albert, "were designed by an intelligence or spirit."

    "I am an agnostic," says Charles Darwin.

    "But," says Kurt Gödel "a human being is a non-physical spirit.

    "It is a spirit connected to a physical body."

    "Yes," says Karl Popper, "the mind is non-material."

    Robert Boyle, the founder of the Royal Society of London, points out: "I believe in spiritual healing."

    Eminent Researchers - Spiritual Development

    I ask the group what they think about 'evil spirits'.

    "Do you mean Vodka?" asks Charles Darwin.

    I relate that the term 'demon' appears 63 times in the New Testament.


    Emanuel Swedenborg says: "I have communicated with spirits."

    "Tell us more," says Darwin.  

    "There is not a single hell and a single heaven, but rather a series of higher and lower heavens and hells.

    "After death, people become their desire or impulses."

    What decides your desires?

    Erwin Schrödinger says: "You decide. 

    "Nothing has a 'fixed state' - until your mind decides what its 'fixed state' will be."

    "In other words," says Max Planck, "if you come across Mr Schrödinger's cat lying very still on the grass, the cat is neither dead nor alive - until your mind decides what its 'fixed state' will be."

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    Dr. Kevin Barrett with James Robertson


    James R. with Dr. Kevin Barrett during his radio show of March 20th.

    Crimes of Empire meets Dr. Barrett on Truth Jihad Radio

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    Monday 23 March 2015

    UK Column: Daily Mail Article on Ella Draper

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    Ella Draper.

    We should remember that the Daily Mail, over many years, failed to expose Jimmy Savile and a host of other child abusers, including those at Haut de la Garenne, Bryn Estyn and Elm Guest House.

    One of the Mail's journalists told us that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.

    On 23 March 2015, The Daily Mail has an article on the Hampstead scandal written by PAUL BRACCHITIM STEWART and STEPHANIE CONDRON.

    According to this article:

    1. "To the outside world, at least, Ella Draper was a doting and caring mum. 

    "Her son and daughter, aged eight and nine, seemed to want for nothing: they had private violin and swimming lessons."

     Abraham Christie

    2. "Ella Draper and her partner Abraham Christie forced her two children to lie about sexual abuse and ritual torture in Hampstead, North London."

    "Draper 'tortured' and 'brainwashed' her children into concocting the depraved story to prevent their father from gaining custody of them."

    (The Mail does not tell us that - according to the children and their mother: 1. Child abuse videos are made in several Hampstead schools and at various other locations in North London, including a Hampstead church. 

    (2. Members of the gang film, edit, translate and sell the movies around Europe, Russia, Ukraine and the USA. 

    (3. The headmistress has a huge pink birth mark around her shaved front private. 

    (4. One member of the gang regularly travels to Thailand and runs a lucrative child pornography and snuff movies business. The Hampstead gang includes: A man who runs a building company and who constructs secret rooms and escape routes.)

    Ricky Dearman, who has links to Hollywood, Goa and Haiti.

    3. "The two children falsely accused their father, actor Ricky Dearman, of leading the cult."

    (The Mail fails to tell us that, according to Ella draper: Mr Dearman had secretly been abusing his children - Alisa and Gabriel - from an early age; when Alisa and Gabriel were around 3 - 4 years old Mr Dearman had introduced them to his child abuse gang; the children were repeatedly told that they would be killed if they spoke out.

    (Reportedly, the children's medical reports state that the police had been called out on several occasions because Ricky Dearman, the father, was committing 'domestic violence.'

    (Reportedly, the medical reports suggest that the children had been sodomised.

    (According to Ella Draper: during this time Alisa and Gabriel were displaying very aggressive and disturbing behaviour inside and outside their home. In March 2009 the mother started legal proceedings, applying for a non-molestation order. 

    (According to Ella draper: The children's behaviour started to worsen with the beginning of school in September 2013. Sometimes a kind of glaze would come over Gabriel's eyes, as if he was switching off from the reality. The children were observed to be indulging in unusual sexual behaviour at home.

    (The mother's partner is a Mr Abraham Christie. According to Ella draper: Mr Christie grew suspicious about the children being abused. On one occasion Mr Christie tapped both Alisa and Gabriel on the head with a teaspoon following their extremely rude and disrespectful behaviour.

    (Eventually the children told their mother that Mr Dearman had sodomised them and forced them to do oral sex. It was in August 2014, while on holiday, that Alisa and Gabriel told their mother about what was going on at the school. Ella Draper then contacted the police. In September 2014, there was a police interview of the children.)

    4. The "children's headmistress is implicated ('Runs lucrative child pornography and snuff movies business'), together with a senior colleague ('lives in Highgate'), the local priest and dozens of local parents including company directors, advertising executives, small business owners and a national TV reporter - all of them branded child abusers."

    5. "Police were deployed at Christ Church primary (rated 'outstanding' by Ofsted) to reassure parents, who considered removing their children because they feared they were at risk."

    6. "At morning service at the church attached to Christ Church primary school yesterday, parishioners were confronted by a group of between 20 and 30 of Draper's supporters, who hurled abuse at them and held up their mobile phones to film them as they arrived.

    "The group - or 'mob', some might say - were eventually moved on by the police."

    7. "Originally from the city of Rostov in southern Russia, Ella Draper - or Ella Gareeva as she then was - attended Moscow State University, where she graduated with a masters degree in history of art.

    "It was in Moscow in the Nineties that she met a British banker who would become her first husband (Mr Draper). 

    "She became pregnant and moved to Britain around 17 years ago to raise their son; he still lives with his father (Mr Draper) in the Home Counties. 

    "The marriage eventually ended, but she kept her married name and went on to have two children with the actor Ricky Dearman."

    Havers - linked to a child abuse ring.

    8. "Those who know Ella Draper point to the growing influence of her fortysomething boyfriend, Abraham Christie.

    "The pair met three years ago.

    "Christie has a history of criminality, which is spelled out in Mrs Justice Pauffley's judgment, including offences for violence, dishonesty and drugs."

    (The Mail provides no reliable sources for its assertions.)

    9. "We have established that Ella Draper has, indeed, fled abroad, fearing she may face criminal charges if she returns. She is believed to be in her home country of Russia.

    "Her children remain in care, and it is understood their father sees them once a week. Attempts by the Mail to contact him failed."

    (So, the Mail has apparently not interviewed any of the key players.

    (It has apparently not interviewed Ricky Dearman, Ella Draper, Abraham Christie, the headmistress, the vicar, Alisa or Gabriel.)



    Witness Statement by Ella Draper 21 March 2015 - https://hampsteadresearch.wordpress.com

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    Sunday 22 March 2015


    The Duke of Edinburgh has links to Bohemia Grove, Mountbatten and Jimmy Savile. There is no suggestion, however, that he is involved in anything improper.

    A member of the UK's royal family was in a suspected child abuse ring being investigated by the police, according to a former London police officer.

    "A former Metropolitan Police officer said he was told a member of the Queen’s family and an MP had both been identified as part of a major child abuse inquiry.

    "But the operation is said to have been shut down by the Crown Prosecution Service for national security reasons."


    The former police officer told the Sunday Mirror how a named detective sergeant based at London’s Marylebone police station in the late 1980s spoke to him about the investigation and the fact it had been shut down.

    The former officer said: "I was in a car with two other vice squad officers. They were discussing a madam who had provided a girl of about 15 to Oliver Reed.

    "The detective sergeant said he had just had a major child abuse investigation shut down by the CPS regarding a royal and an MP.

    "He did not mention names, but he said the CPS had said it was not in the public's interest because it 'could destabilise national security'."

    The Sunday Mirror has been given the names of his two colleagues and the officer we spoke to said he was passing his information to the police.

    Read more: Ex-cop claims a ROYAL was in paedophile ring but inquiry was closed to shield Buckingham Palace from scandal - Mirror Online

    Edward, Jimmy Donahue and Wallis Simpson, who allegedly was a man.

    Edward VIII, allegedly gay and reportedly a friend of the Nazis, was briefly King of England.

    (Nona: The Duke and Duchess of Windsor)

    Now we learn the Strange story of the king and the hypnotist doctor - (Telegraph)

    Reportedly, this is what happened:

    In 1936, in the months before his abdication, Edward VIII was being hypnotised by Dr Alexander Cannon, a qualified psychiatrist.

    Cannon had links to 'the occult' and to fascism.

    Cannon used spirit mediums to advise hypnotised patients about how to get off various addictions.

    One of Cannon's patients was George Drummond, a banker who subsidised Oswald Mosley, the fascist leader, and his British Union movement.

    In December 1936, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Cosmo Lang, received a report about Cannon from a country vicar.

    A parishioner had told the vicar that she had heard that Cannon was treating the King for alcoholism.

    Edward, Wallis and the reportedly gay Adolf Hitler.

    Lang got in touch with the Prime Minister, Stanley Baldwin.

    Around the same time, the Bishop of Bradford spoke openly about the affair that the king had been having with Wallis Simpson, a divorced Roman Catholic American.

    Archbishop Lang and Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin persuaded the king to abdicate.

    Philip Ziegler, official biographer of the Duke of Windsor, says it is possible that the King was being treated for a sexual problem.

    Wallis Simpson and Edward not looking wildly happy on their wedding day.

    According to Christopher Wilson's book, "Dancing with the Devil, The Windsors and Jimmy Donahue", Oxford students linked Prince Edward romantically with his tutor Henry Peter Hansel.

    By 1935, Prince Edward was friends with Wallis Simpson.

    The Duke allegedly allowed the Duchess to play dominatrix.

    Papers released by the Public Records Office reveal that in 1935 Wallis Simpson was also having a relationship with a car salesman called Guy Trundle.

    Prince Edward became King of England in 1936 but then abdicated because of his love for Wallis Simpson.

    According to Wilson, Wallis Simpson, the Duchess of Windsor, was a man.

    Dr John Randall, consultant psychiatrist at the Charing Cross hospital in London, reportedly told Michael Bloch, the Duchess’s bigrapher, that Wallis Simpson had androgen insensitivity syndrome, a hormonal irregularity that causes a genetically male body to develop as a woman, although without fully developed sex organs.

    Wilson writes about the Duchess, the Duke and their relationship with the Woolworth heir Jimmy Donahue, "a gay playboy twenty years her junior." Donahue reportedly helped the Windsors financially.


    Donahue was ‘a school dropout who enjoyed playing expensive practical jokes’, including dressing as a nun.

    Donahue was an ‘intimate’ friend of Francis Spellman, New York's reportedly gay Cardinal Archbishop.

    The actor Tim Seely

    One of Prince Edward's mistresses was Freda Dudley Ward.

    In September 1934, while Wallis Simpson was away on vacation, Edward reportedly had sex with Freda's sister Vera, who gave birth to a boy in mid-1935.

    This boy was Tim Seely.

    In March 1988 the Daily Express had a front page story naming him the Duke of Windsor's "secret son."

    Sexual perversion in the royal family

    Prince George, Duke of Kent

    Prince George, Duke of Kent, is said to have been addicted to drugs (notably morphine and cocaine).

    Reportedly he was blackmailed by a male prostitute to whom he wrote intimate letters.

    Reportedly he had a sexual relationship with his distant male cousin Louis Ferdinand, Prince of Prussia.

    Reportedly George Duke of Kent had a sexual relationship with Sir Anthony Blunt, who was a spy, a child abuser and a friend of Lord Victor Rothschild.

    Reportedly, George Duke of Kent The Duke was part of a ménage à trois with Jorge Ferrara, the bisexual son of the Argentine ambassador to the Court of St. James's, and drug-addict Kiki Preston.

    Prince George, Duke of Kent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Felix, whom Edward VII tried to seduce.

    King Edward VII tried to seduce the homosexual Russian prince Felix Yusupov.

    (Prince Felix Yusupov: The Man Who Murdered Rasputin by Chris Dobson, 1989. Sexual perversion in the royal family,)

    Edward VII was the son of Prince Albert, whose official father, Ernest I, Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, was reportedly bisexual.

    stuttering performance

    But Edward VII also liked women.

    A gossip columnist once wrote: "There is nothing whatever between the Prince of Wales and Lillie Langtry."

    In his journal's next edition he wrote: "Not even a sheet."

    (Secrets Of The Royals - by Gordon Winter and Wendy Kochman, 1990)

    German ancestry, Sexual perversion in the royal family,

    Carolina Otero, who was the mistress of Edward VII, Albert I of Monaco and several members of the Russian royal family. The cupolas of the Hotel Carlton in Cannes are 'based on her breasts.'

    Edward VII had sex with Sarah Bernhardt in a silk-lined coffin which she kept in her bedroom.

    Victor Hugo and Napoleon III also made use of Sarah's coffin.

    'Daisy' Warwick, the wife of Lord Brooke, tried to blackmail the royal family by threatening to hand Edward VIII's love letters to the newspapers.

    Arthur du Cros, of the Dunlop rubber company, gave £64,000 to Daisy in return for the love letters.

    German ancestry, Sexual perversion in the royal family,

    Cavendish Hotel - brothel

    Edward VII slept with a young maid called Rosa Lewis.

    Rosa told Edward about several little servant girls who were available.

    Edward gave Rosa the money to set up a brothel.

    This brothel was the Cavendish Hotel in Jermyn Street, next to Fortnum and Mason's.

    Members of the British elite took their teenage sons to the Cavendish Hotel.

    The hotel was also popular with members of the American elite.

    Sexual perversion in the royal family

    Jennie Jerome

    Winston Churchill's Jewish mother, Jennie Jerome, was King Edward VII's mistress for a period of two years.

    Winston Churchill may have been an illegitimate son of Edward VII.

    Winston Churchill, his mother and the philandering Prince

    Prince Eddy, who mysteriously disappeared in 1892.

    Edward VII's eldest son was Prince Albert Victor Christian Edward, known as Prince Eddy.

    Prince Eddy appears to have been bisexual, like his father.

    Prince Eddy was involved in the Cleveland Street Scandal of 1889.

    This scandal involved a boy brothel in London's Cleveland Street.

    Public Record Office police papers and the letters of Lord Arthur Somerset show that the Prince was involved with boys.

    Prince Eddy is linked to the Jack the Ripper murders.

    According to the late Stephen Knight, in his book Jack the Ripper: The Final Solution:

    Prince Eddy secretly married a poor Catholic girl named Anne Crook, and she gave birth to his child, a girl named Alice.

    Sir William Gull, one of the royal family's doctors, was commissioned to operate on her brain and have her placed in a mental institution.

    Anne Crook had left her baby in the care of Mary Kelly, a prostitute in London's East End.

    Mary Kelly and three other prostitutes tried to blackmail the royal family.

    The British prime minister, Lord Salisbury, sent Sir William Gull to murder these prostitutes.

    Sexual perversion in the royal family

    King George V, who liked boy scouts.

    King George V was the second son of Edward VII.

    At one time George shared a girl with his brother Prince Eddy.

    She was kept in a luxury apartment in London's St. John's Wood (near Hampstead).

    Angela Mary Culme-Seymour

    Before he became king, George had lived for a time in Malta.

    According to the French newspaper The Liberator, Prince George, while in Malta, had married an admiral's daughter, Angela Mary Culme-Seymour, and produced several children by her.

    Those children were claimants to the throne.

    When Prince Eddy disappeared, the Royal family decided that Prince George should discard the admiral's daughter.

    Sexual perversion in the royal family

    Children of George V. 

    Top left we see the future King George VI. Top right is the future King Edward VIII.

    Bottom left we see Prince John who died in mysterious circumstances.

    Bottom right we see the bisexual Prince George Duke of Kent who died in a mysterious plane crash.

    George VI, who liked boy scouts

    George VI became king after the abdication of his brother Edward VIII.

    George VI is reportedly the father of Queen Elizabeth and her sister Margaret.

    According to author Kitty Kelley, Elizabeth and Margaret were conceived, in 1926 and 1930, with the help of artificial insemination by anonymous donors.

    King George VI's other stuttering performance

    The Queen Mother, next to Sir Jimmy Savile

    George VI's wife Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, was the daughter of Lady Glamis.

    There are doubts about who was her father.

    The Queen Mother's favourite servant was William Tallon, who died of Aids.

    Tallon had an underground passage leading from his room to the Queen Mother's room.

    Tallon used the underground passage to smuggle controversial guests in to see her.


    Paul Kidd

    Paul Kidd was the Queen Mother's butler.

    He sexually abused a number of boys over a 30-year period.

    He took at least one of his teenage boys to meet the Queen Mother.

    More boy scouts

    Kidd claimed to have met and looked after three U.S. presidents, including Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan. 

    In 1979 Kidd was awarded the Most Noble Order of Merit by then West German president.

    Kidd is also said to have worked closely with Princess Diana at Buckingham Palace


    Queen Elizabeth II in Canada

    Queen Elizabeth II, daughter of the Queen Mother, became Queen in 1952.

    The journalist Nigel Dempster wrote that when Queen Elizabeth married Prince Philip, she was: "as virginal as her eponymous ancestor."

    Her eponymous ancestor Elizabeth I, 1558-1603, had several young lovers.

    Sexual perversion in the royal family

    Stephen Ward

    The media has spoken of Prince Philip's alleged involvement in the Profumo sex scandal, the scandal which involved Stephen Ward.

    Stephen Ward studied at the College of Osteopathy in Missouri.

    Ward's friends included Prince Philip, Winston Churchill, Mahatma Gandhi, Paul Getty, Nancy Astor, Ava Gardner, Princess Margaret, the Duke of Kent, various spies, various prostitutes and John F Kennedy.

    In 1961 a British Intelligence officer named Keith Wagstaffe recruited Stephen Ward as an agent of MI5.

    Sexual perversion in the royal family

    Sir Anthony Blunt, friend of the Rothschilds.

    The author Anthony Summers (co-author of Honeypot) has alleged that photographs removed from the home of Stephen Ward showed a likeness of Prince Philip alongside various naked girls.

    After Stephen Ward was murdered, reportedly by MI5, the portraits that he had made, of the Duke of Edinburgh and others, were removed from an art gallery and made to disappear.

    The man who removed the portraits is said to be Sir Anthony Blunt, who worked for both MI5 and Soviet intelligence.

    Blunt told his friends that he was the illegitimate child of King George V, by his mother, Hilda Blunt.

    Sexual perversion in the royal family


    Reportedly Anthony Blunt ran a paedophile ring which included included a lot of top people.

    (aangirfan: Sexpionage)

    Reportedly Blunt's friend Peter Arne shared boys with the head of MI6 Maurice Oldfield, Noel Coward, several bishops, and an archbishop.


    In 1940 Rothschild (above) suggested that Anthony Blunt should be invited to join the secret service. (www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/SSrothschild.htm) Blunt was a member of the 'Cambridge spy ring' which is believed to have been run by Lord Victor Rothschild.

    Reportedly, during World war II, "Maurice Oldfield was arrested with the King’s brother, the Duke of Kent, Prince George, a boyfriend to Sir Anthony Blunt...

    "A policeman rounded up what he thought were 3 drunken street whores, only to find they were ... the HIGHEST in the land...

    "Maurice Oldfield and the Duke of Kent ... had links to Victor Rothschild.

    "Rothschild was Churchill’s mentor; he made Churchill’s decisions."

    The Biggest Secret of World War II

    Lord Victor Rothschild and his first wife.

    Lord Victor Rothschild, who was extremely influential within MI5 and MI6, was a close friend of Anthony Blunt.

    According to T. Stokes, Blunt, while undergoing a cataract operation, blurted out to the surgeon that he had been recruited by Lord Victor Rothschild.

    (Sir Anthony Blunt)

    The bisexual Prince George Duke of Kent, brother of Edward VIII and of George VI.

    "Blunt would insist that the mysterious death in 1941 of the king’s brother, the Duke of Kent, was a murder on Churchill’s orders, as he was trying to make peace..."

    Reportedly, Anthony Blunt claimed Nazi party funding came from the same Jewish banks that supported the allies.


    Queen Elizabeth's son Andrew was married to Sarah Ferguson, whose father is Major Ron Ferguson.

    In 1988 the British newspaper The People reported that Major Ron was a regular visitor to a London brothel for top people, the Wigmore Massage and Sauna Club

    Major Ron had asked one prostitute: "What does it feel like to be dealing with royalty?"

    Major Ron was Prince Charles's polo manager.

    Princess Michael and Russian millionaire Mikhail Kravchenko, one of her many friends. Kravchenko was murdered not long after this photo was taken. Princess Pushy's toyboy shot dead

    In 1985 a British paper photographed Princess Michael entering a London house for an alleged overnight rendezvous with Texas billionaire John Ward Hunt.

    Princess Michael is the wife of Prince Michael of Kent, the son of Prince George Duke of Kent who was the brother of Edward VIII and of George VI.

    Princess Anne.

    Queen Elizabeth's daughter Princess Anne married Captain Mark Phillips in 1973.

    Before long, Mark was being regularly photographed in the company of various women, including Pamella Bordes, who reportedly earned £500 a time for entertaining various top people.

    Princess Anne befriended her bodyguard, Sergeant Peter Cross of the Royal Protection Squad.

    Cross was sacked from the squad.

    While Princess Anne was pregnant with Zara, he met Anne secretly at her Gatcombe Park home.

    Cross then gave his story to The News of the World.

    Cross said he had met Princess Anne secretly on several occasions, at a cottage in the grounds of Princess Anne's country estate, and at a friend's house.

    Mountbatten (back row, centre) uncle of Prince Philip.

    The bisexual Lord Louis Mountbatten was married to Edwina, who had Jewish ancestry.

    Reportedly, on one occasion, Lord Mountbatten entered Quaglino's restaurant and told the bandleader: 'I am lonely and sad and drunk. That nigger Hutch has a penis like a tree-trunk, and he's fuc**** my wife right now.'

    (Daily Mail (15th November 2008) )

    Hutch was a bisexual gigolo called Leslie Hutchinson.

    Lord Mountbatten was rumoured to have been a visitor to Northern Ireland's Kincora children's home which "was run as a virtual gay brothel by loyalist leaders and MI5."

    (Lord Mountbatten linked to Kincora child - united kingdom)(aangirfan: Child abuse at the Kincora boys' home)

    "Mountbatten was particularly attracted to boys in their early teens; it was this characteristic which made him especially vulnerable to the IRA , because he needed to slip away from his personal bodyguards to keep dates with such boys , some of whom came in contact with IRA men."


    Prince Philip, aged 9, was sent to England to be looked after by George Mountbatten, the 2nd Marquess of Milford Haven, and by Lord Louis Mountbatten.

    The Marquess of Milford Haven had the largest collection of sadomasochistic pornography in Europe.


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