Tuesday 24 March 2015

Dr. Kevin Barrett with James Robertson


James R. with Dr. Kevin Barrett during his radio show of March 20th.

Crimes of Empire meets Dr. Barrett on Truth Jihad Radio

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At 24 March 2015 at 00:50 , Blogger ad astra said...

We should find out why Ella Draper's YT page is trying to link to an old domian that Ricky Dearman owned.


(check upper right corner and find: http://www.actingundergroundnetworkforactors.com

and from that site:

Hi my name is Ricky Dearman,

ActingUnderground NetworkForActors
Before we go on, grab yourself a coffee, lock the door and read every single word on this letter!! This could probably be the most significant letter regarding your Acting career EVER!!!
You are about to have the chance to be apart of what is said to be,

NOTHING, I repeat NOTHING has enabled an Actor to do what I will be showing you – PERIOD.
To be apart of this phenomenon please, please read on.

After stumbling onto something by pure accident
I was able to turn this into something that I have not seen before, something very, very special.

....its shite eh?

At 24 March 2015 at 00:53 , Blogger James R said...

Hello Aangirfan,I must admit that I was hoping you would hear my voice , now I am embarrassed, totally. As previously stated I hope that at some point I can repay either you or someone else for all the kindness.Many thanks.

At 24 March 2015 at 02:18 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I browsed many sites on the archive. RD has a long story on online biz with the following enterpreneurships:

Selling weight-loss products. Offering quick ways to '" Holy Wood Acting '" and he has put a video on YT about a Bali Green School. A school awarded the "Greenest School on Earth" and more...
He currently lists himself as media seller/manager on Linkedin.

At 24 March 2015 at 05:00 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Expert Witness Statement Retired Constable

Expert Medical Report Ends ALL DOUBT

At 24 March 2015 at 10:43 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also, that was just one of many sites that RD created to get 'actors' in a quick career. Another was mentioned in a forum where many listed as a scam. The first of the row was Advanced7s Weight Loss System.
They are all deleted.

At 24 March 2015 at 12:16 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jimmy Savile revisits Hampstead:

Royal Free Hospital in Hampstead to be investigated over links with Jimmy Savile

Well now ain't that a coinkidink.


At 24 March 2015 at 12:22 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Du côté européen, la Lufthansa et ses filiales Germanwings, Austrian Airlines et Swiss International Air Lines suspendent leurs vols vers Tel Aviv pour 36 heures en raison de « la situation instable » qui règne à l’aéroport. http://www.egaliteetreconciliation.fr/Des-transporteurs-suspendent-leurs-vols-vers-Tel-Aviv-26829.html

France : niveau «sans précédent» de menace terroriste

Beaucoup d'officiels sur place, tres rapidement...trop rapidement peut etre...
Un premier couac dans la com: a 13h07, le site du Point annonce que le pilote a passé un appel de detresse a la tour de Marseille, annoncant qu'il devait perdre de l'altitude. A 14h47, dementi de la DGAC qui affirme que le controle aerien a lance l'appel apres la perte de controle de l'appareil....ce n'est pas la meme histoire...
A suivre, car il risque d'y avoir d'autres distorsion dans le recit des faits.. http://www.alterinfo.net/notes/France-crash-d-un-Airbus-A320-dans-le-sud-des-Alpes_b7604181.html

At 24 March 2015 at 15:10 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Royal Free Hospital Hampstead, NW3 2QG London, UK

Do not miss RFH Wikipedia entries for 'MMR vaccine controversy' and 'High-level isolation unit'... Vaccine-Autism and Ebola.

The Royal Free Hospital Children's School (RFHCS) is a community Special School for pupils aged 5 to 16... Part of the 'Healthy Schools' ring, as the Christchurchschool...

Have maternity services at the Royal Free Hampstead improved?
A lot of mumsnetters have been critical of the Royal Free.

even more details on the Satanic Death cult:

Anonymous Satanic Cult Leaks Improved:

At 24 March 2015 at 15:49 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

anonymous 12:22
the report of suspended flights into TLV reported by E&R is dating from last july..


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