Saturday 31 August 2024

Trump, Travel, Wealth Tax ...

'From Angola to Zimbabwe, dictators with access to hidden sources of wealth are better able to resist demands for political change. They can hide their families and their property abroad. They can finance bribery and influence operations. The aura of secrecy they build is also part of what keeps them in power....

'That we don’t know whether any Americans or any foreigners sought to influence the Trump administration using the president’s condo sales is only the beginning of the problem.'

Exploring the potential benefits of Garlic for Autism Spectrum Disorder ...


Suresh & Raj

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post 'Venezuela, media, Kamala, Japan ...':
Internet becoming 'splinter-net'

'A Brazilian Supreme Court justice on Friday ordered the suspension of Elon Musk’s social media giant X in Brazil'

'Russia, China, Iran, Pakistan, Myanmar, North Korea, Venezuela and Turkmenistan are the eight countries currently restricting Musk’s platform.' - Tho dozens of countries have in the past blocked Twitter X, and much else, for short periods.

Russia ... China ... Iran: the core of the so-called 'Axis of Resistance' to the West, most of the 'BRICS' now ... leading the blocking of Twitter X?

So 'opposing the West', involves censoring Western media? Whilst many Western media bosses heavily censor themselves to benefit certain groups?

Tho ironically, high officials of Russia, China and Iran all use Twitter X to spread their viewpoints to Western audiences, whilst denying access to their own people on these platforms.

And of course we also have the EU censoring Russian media, to help hide things like NATO-backed Ukraine killing 13,000+ Russians in east Ukraine, over the 8 years 2014-22 before the Russian invasion.

So we are indeed moving toward the 'splinter-net', where nations and groups of nations have extremely different internet presences, banning what others see and vice-versa

In these strange times, economically troubled India, is somewhat of an accidental 'free speech' locale, Indians more preoccupied with poverty and other matters, and happy to earn a few extra rupees via presenting alternative news.

Tho it can be difficult to tell what is reliable, as Indian sites aided by AI chat-bots, grab for clicks and internet viewers, reposting and translating whatever can be found on the web.

Some dissident western sites are web-hosting now in India where they are less harassed. Indian authorities indulge Indians seeking to earn a meagre penny or two via web services, given a high level of inaccuracy on the web unavoidable in any case.


Friday 30 August 2024

Venezuela, media, Kamala, Japan ...

What the Media Are Hiding About Venezuela’s Elections. Who Is Edmundo Gonzalez? By Marc Vandepitte, August 28, 2024

Who Will Tell Us the News? In His Latest Book, Greg Guma Recounts a Life Guided by Alternative MediaBy Norman Stockwell, August 30, 2024

SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccine-related Myocarditis and Pericarditis: An Analysis of the Japanese Adverse Drug Event Report DatabaseBy Keisuke Takada, Kazuaki Taguchi, Masaru Samura, and et al., August 30, 2024

Anonymous said...

KAMALA'S stance on Gaza: "Gaza is a place, in conflict, with two sides finding themselves in conflict, in a place, where two different sides, of people, historically, and in a real sense, have found themselves in conflict. That's against each other. Opposed. In a place called Gaza which belongs to Israel, which we support at all costs. In this conflict. And in this place."

Symphony of Realities - ACT 11 - MECHANICS OF THE MATRIX - Part 1 of 2

Unknown commented on "Yesterday | The Beatles (LYRICS ON SCREEN / ORIGINAL)"

In this episode of Symphony of Realities, I talk about time distortions and how this reality works. I include some things I've said before, but I'll be expanding on them. Many of the time distortions we are witnessing more and more of, were also occurring during the final fall of Atlantis. During the last age of Atlantis they had figured out how to change the speed of light itself causing all types of temporal distortions as timelines blended and merged, sped up, slowed down, etc.

Like Neo in The Matrix, waking up when he took the Red pill, many of us have been waking up when we first experienced Mandela Effects, and this presentation includes many examples. I discuss how time travel may be responsible for about 5% of Mandela Effects. I also discuss the phenomena of timelines merging, and how those repercussions' also create Mandela Effects.

I see us as role players in a role player game and how when you change the role, you change the game. How do you change your role? Buckle up all you lucid dreamers and enjoy the ride as I get into this and so many more details! Or as they say in The Matrix, "buckle up Dorothy, because Kansas is going bye bye."


Anti-war activists criticise Kamala Harris’ stance on Gaza

Princess marries bisexual

Durek Verrett has been accused of domestic abuse by several of his former partners, including his former male fiancé Hank Greenberg. 

He has also been described as a convicted felon who served time in prison in the United States.

Norway's Princess Martha Louise will marry bisexual American Shaman Durek in a Fjord with a 'sexy and cool' dress code, 'Latin American' party and boat trip for all guests.22 Aug 2024

Is this the wackiest royal wedding ever?

Norway's Princess ...

Ukraine may have bankrupted Britain


The UK's money has gone to the Kosher Nostra in Ukraine?

Anonymous -

Investment strategist Alex Krainer, on how Ukraine may have bankrupted Britain:

'Today, large segments of British society are slumping into Dickensian era poverty.

Gordon Brown in the Guardian:

"Britain is in the throes of a hidden poverty epidemic, with the worst-affected households living in squalor and going without food, heating and everyday basics"

Britain might be facing an imminent financial crisis which could accelerate her economic and social collapse ... probably as a consequence of Ukraine’s debt default.

Britain seems to have gone 'in over her head' ... In addition to providing at least £7.5 billion in military aid, Britain gave another £5 billion in financial support ... Britain also guaranteed multiple tranches of World Bank loans to Ukraine

A World Bank official involved noted that Ukraine was facing bankruptcy. He added that the World Bank did not provide its own funds for Kiev, but 'took advantage' of guarantees from two of Ukraine’s donors, Japan and the UK. But Ukraine is now unable to service her mounting foreign debts.

12 July 2024 - Ukraine negotiations with bondholders start, Ukraine advised by Rothschild & Co

19 July 2024 - Zelensky addresses Starmer's cabinet

22 July 2024 - Panic at the Bank of England? Victoria Saporta, Executive Director of the bank’s Markets Directorate suggested that the bank would need to accept a “broader range of assets” as collateral.

What is clear from the BOE’s language is that the bank is now anxious about Britain’s financial system collapsing, and it has resolved to avert the collapse by loosening its credit standards and accepting junk quality collateral - even Ukraine's bonds - in exchange for cash.

This is the clearest possible sign that the system came to the verge of collapsing.

31 July 2024 - Zelensky suspends debt repayments on Ukrainian bonds

The BOE has estimated it will require the Treasury to transfer a total of £150 billion by 2033 to cover expected losses ... this sum represents nearly £10,000 per employee working in the private sector.

Britain’s not so excellent misadventure in Ukraine tore the last shiny fragment from her democratic façade. Now that their ship has sunk in Ukraine (and in the Middle East) ...

The UK will likely make all the mistakes made by other powers in that similar position through history: it will suffocate its domestic economic growth by imposing hard austerity.

The coming collapse of Britain

“Everything points… to a horrific cliff-edge looming… an avalanche of debts, defaults, evictions and unpaid bills to follow.”

(Vote SNP)

UK bankrupted itself

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post 'Ukraine may have bankrupted Britain':

Ukraine hasn't bankrupted anyone. Ukraine didn't give itself the money or weapons, WE gave them the money and weapons. So, by definition we bankrupted ourselves.

Whilst we are at it, Ukraine didn't allow 100,000s if not millions of feckless criminals to invade us. WE did that. A country without borders isn't a country. These feckless criminals eat 3 times a day and need housing and money. They ain't free.

Ukraine didn't impose lockdown on us, WE did that to ourselves. A conspiracy of monstrous proportions straight out of a Pabloists playbook.

Ukraine didn't bailout our failing banks in 2008, WE did that. A theft on a scale unheard of in history at that time. 

A corporate money grab after pretending their Babylonian money making scheme and FIAT currency had collapsed or needed recapitalised. The Government being the promissory to their paper printing scheme.

The money has been stolen, repositioned, wasted and pissed up against a wall for decades. FIAT money is a Babylonian illusion where pieces of paper are given a value based on the sale of debt. There has not been a single FIAT currency that has been a success in the whole of history. The US dollar and the GBP will prove to be no different.

Once the controlled demolition takes place and the currencies fail as has been decided, the CBDC that awaits our new Blockhained existence has been planned just as long as the controlled demolition.

May as well set the narrative of 'over leveraged' now, it gives the excuse and opportunity to blame the Russians 'because of the war'.

All planned with clownworld oblivious as to our collective fate. It could be worse...... it's not the debt we need concern ourselves with, it's the lack of food - we can't eat paper money!

Thursday 29 August 2024

Deedeh Rouhani (Age 10) Performs…

Yesterday | The Beatles (LYRICS ON SCREEN / ORIGINAL)

The Loving Time (Orchestrated)

Song for Ireland - Mary Black

Irish Artists For Palestine

 Anonymous has left a new comment on your post 'UNESCO SITE':

Irish Artists For Palestine

“If it comes from Israel, then you know you’re supporting murder and it’s as simple as that.”

Amazing line-up of Irish artists set to perform in north Wexford in aid of Gaza

Irish Artists For Palestine are hosting Oíche Don Gaza at the Ashdown Park Hotel on Thursday, April 4 and 100 per cent of the funds raised will go towards Médecins Sans Frontières in aid the people of…


'The Galloway and Southern Ayrshire biosphere (awarded 2012) is a land of gorgeous scenery, close-knit farming communities, and a rich cultural heritage. Of particular note is Galloway Forest Park which is widely regarded as one of the finest forests in Britain and attracts tens of thousands of walkers and cyclists each year, yet due to careful management the impact of tourism on the landscape is negligible.

'This is most evident in the fact that it was one of the first places in Europe to be designated as a dark sky park which is one of the few places in the world that is entirely without light pollution.'

Wednesday 28 August 2024



hadn't seen this photo before

Ghislaine Maxwell in her 20s, at an early 1980s computer

UK Diplomat RESIGNS Over Israeli War Crimes - And UK Complicity

How To REPROGRAM Your Mind - Dr. Bruce Lipton

Ep 10 - Bruce Lipton - Discovering the Power of Epigenetics

Life Doesn't Frighten Me ~ Maya Angelou & Jean-Michel Basquiat

3 Irish Tunes - Banchnoic Eireaan O, A Stoir mo Chroi and Ardaigh Cuain

Tuesday 27 August 2024

Former Google CEO Spills ALL! (Google AI is Doomed)


Thought provoking but he's missing a few more FACTS. 

WTCs 1, 2, 3, 4 & 7 were entirely destroyed. 

WTC 5 & 6 were seriously damaged. 

See Dr Judy Woods 'Where Did the Towers Go?" Aerial photos. Those isolated fires..not mentioned the gas pipes, nor the BB18 remote explosive fuses installed WTC 1 level 92 and in the basement on record in photos & videos. 

Gelatin Art Group - Mossad agents same as the dancing Israelis. 

What hit the towers were NOT Boeing passenger jets. 

The second tower was hit by a CGI masked military drone. 

No credible footage of a Boeing hitting WTC 1 either. 

The explosions happened levels 93 up to 100. Exactly where Credit Agricole tenants on level 92 (Rothschild) placed on record BB18 fuses. 

Silverstein had breakfast at Windows on the World - 106-7 NOT at the very top, which is 110 broadcasting cable stations. 

Hence the big aerial.. 

PS none of them died on 9/11 they'd set up in another building hence continuous coverage.

The firemen died in WTC 1 because nobody was allowed to live from 92 up to 110 on 9/11 because there were survivors & firemen who would have said NO PLANE.

Photos show clearly Edna Cintron waving for help in the hole made by explosives. 

The elevator shaft was blown up to stop them coming down. Their communication systems were faulty deliberately - they had complained about this before. 

The firemen blamed Mayor Giuliani. Also missed that flight 11 left Boston airport at 7.59 am and arrived (explosions) at 8: 46 am. 

Pilots for 9/11 Truth said it takes well over an HOUR from Boston to NYC. Can't be done in 47 minutes.

Rachel Maddow — Prequel: An American Fight Against Fascism - with Susan Glasser

Monday 26 August 2024

Hermer - UK's Jewish Attorney General -

Richard Hermer is Jewish and is a member of Alyth synagogue.[8]  

In July 2023, he said that he had family members who were currently serving in the Israel Defense forces.[6]

Keir Starmer has appointed Hermer as Attorney General for England and Wales

Foreign Office official resigns over Israel arms sales

18 Aug 2024 — The official resigned over arms sales to Israel, saying the UK government "may be complicit in war crimes".

Telegram CEO Pavel Durov ARRESTED; Tucker Carlson, Edward Snowden CONDEMN...


In 2014, Pavel Durov fled Russia, selling his multi-billion dollar social media company VK after refusing to censor content and share user's private information with the Russian government.

In 2024, France, an EU and NATO member, arrested Durov for refusing to censor content on Telegram.

What has happened to the West?

: "In 2012, we faced our first issues in Russia. Because I was a big believer in the values of free market, freedoms, freedom of speech, and freedom of assembly. So when the Russian opposition started to use VK to organize large protests in Russia, where almost half a million people would protest in the main square of the city, we were requested to ban these communities on VK by the government, and I refused."

: "So the government asked you to shut down communication between their opponents?"

: "It was a tool for these protestors to organize themselves. It wasn't about us siding with one political side or the other. It was about us defending freedom of speech and freedom of assembly, which we believed were the right things. But that didn't go too well with the government."

: "When the Russian government asked Pavel Durov to use his social media company to censor its political opponents, he refused. He said he would rather resign and leave the country where he was born than participate in something like that. Such was his commitment to free speech.

Now, you have to compare what Pavel Durov did to what Mark Zuckerberg or Parag Agrawal did, the guy who ran Twitter before
bought it. Both of them collaborated with governments to censor people. And that's shameful."

France Arrests Telegram CEO Pavel Durov In Paris; Elon Musk Rallies Supp...

The IDF Uses Palestinian Civilians As Human Shields

Palestine before 1948

Lord Alli is likened to Lord Levy


Unknown -

Keir Starmer is accused of cronyism after Lord Alli is given ‘unrestricted' access to Downing Street

“Keir Starmer was embroiled in a sleaze storm last night after it emerged that his biggest personal donor was given a rare Downing Street security pass …

“Labour peer Lord Alli, who paid for thousands of pounds of suits and spectacles for the Prime Minister among more than £500,000 in donations to Labour, was allowed unrestricted access to the heart of Government after the election.

“The highly unusual move meant the millionaire TV mogul, who was hired by Sir Keir as the party's chief fundraiser, could attend political meetings in No 10 …

“Insiders have questioned how Lord Alli … got a pass so quickly after the change of administration, given the need for stringent checks.

“A Whitehall source … [said] that the decision to grant Lord Alli a pass was a mystery …”

Lord Alli, who is openly gay, is very close friends with Jeffrey Epstein’s partner, Lord Peter Mandelson (linked to the ROTHSCHILDS.

Lord Alli is also the business partner of Elisabeth Murdoch who was married to Matthew Freud, son of the late serial paedophile Clement Freud: a former MP involved in events surrounding the disappearance of Madeleine McCann and who allegedly knew all about Britain's VIP paedophile and child trafficking network.

Lord Alli was a former trustee of Crimestoppers alongside fellow trustee Nick Rosenbluth (Ross), whose BBC co-star Jill Dando was murdered — allegedly to terminate her investigations into Britain's VIP paedophile and child trafficking network.

Lord Alli is also the former business partner of Bob Geldof, whom the late 'serial paedophile' Greville Janner nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. Bob Geldof's first wife (Paula Yates) and daughter (Peaches Geldof-Cohen) both "took their own lives". In common with Jill Dando, Peaches Geldof-Cohen allegedly came too close to uncovering the truth about Britain's VIP paedophile and child trafficking network.

Lord Alli has formed a company called Silver Star Productions.

Perhaps coincidentally, the late Aleister Crowley founded a secret society called the order of the Silver Star: the Latin term for which he said was ‘Argentum Astrum’ (A.A.)

The Silver Star cult of Crowley represented an absolute rejection of what we understand as morality.


Unknown commented -

Lord Alli is likened to ‘Mossad’s’ Lord Levy

“In the run-up to the election, Alli routinely hosted dinners at his Mayfair home where senior Labour politicians and wealthy individuals were able to mix away from the glare of publicity … Among insiders he has drawn comparisons to Lord Levy, who was nicknamed ‘Lord Cashpoint’ during Blair’s premiership.”

Lord Alli is friends with ‘spooky’ Sue Gray; gave her son £10,000

“Alli [is] close to Sue Gray, Starmer’s chief of staff. He supported her preparations for government and was a trusted voice on sensitive matters, including ministerial appointments.”

In the 2026 election for the Scottish Parliament, the party with the most seats will be the SNP

A Norstat poll in the Sunday Times (25 August 2024) reports that, in the 2026 election for the Scottish Parliament, the party with the most seats will be the SNP.

Was the general election vote in Scotland rigged?

Sunday 25 August 2024


26-year-old Issa al Hasan, Solingen suspect. Said to be in ISIS, which was set up by the CIA and Mossad?

Anjem Choudary, Moslem extremist? MI5?

WHO is doing the stabbings?

Man in custody after woman and girl stabbed in London's Leicester Square

Knife attack in Sydney church treated as 'act of terrorism'

Four injured in school stabbing in western Germany

Woman in life-threatening condition as multiple stabbed at Notting Hill Carnival

Now, We Crush Trump: 100 Days to a Better World | Ep. 322 Michael Moore ...

Saturday 24 August 2024

LARRY ELLISON: Israel & Netanyahu & CIA ...


Larry Ellison. Born to Florence Spellman, an unwed Jewish mother.[5][6][7][8] 

Anonymous :


the CIA & Project Oracle; 

Jeffrey Epstein & Lady de Rothschild; 

Israel & Netanyahu; 

War Crimes in Occupied Palestine; 

funding Blair’s Covid-19 ‘vax’ database

Pompeo, Ellison.

“Larry Ellison has funded controversial annexation projects in occupied Palestine …

“Additionally, a $1 billion lawsuit was filed by Palestinians against several Israel supporters, including Ellison … [accusing] them of conspiring to expel Palestinians from the occupied territories and committing War Crimes.

“Larry Ellison, who has close ties with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, reportedly lobbied Israeli mogul Arnon Milchan to drop his lawyer so that Netanyahu, implicated in one of his corruption cases, could hire him.

“It was also revealed that Ellison offered Netanyahu a post at Oracle.”


From Oracle’s company’s founding in 1977, “the CIA was Oracle's first customer, contracted to build a relational database.

“The firm's name came from a CIA project code-named ‘Oracle’. 

“Company co-founders Larry Ellison, Robert Miner and Ed Oates worked on Project Oracle at a consulting firm, before striking out on their own

“Oracle has … [continued] to win contracts for … agencies, like the National Security Agency … and the Department of Homeland Security.”

“In 2021, Larry Ellison … became one [of Tony Blair’s] biggest donors, when [Oracle gave the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change] $33 million, with plans for future donations of a further $49 million.

“The money was earmarked for a joint partnership to ‘help’ African countries to create a central database of vaccination records …

“Blair said: ‘… [Africa] needs to be part of international efforts to control [Covid-19] … That means vaccination of at least a significant portion of the population, requiring the highest quality data system so that everyone’s vaccine experience is recorded."

Anonymous :

Blair on yachting break with his benefactor, CIA-linked Zionist extremist Larry Ellison

“… [Tony Blair waited] to board the superyacht of tech billionaire Larry Ellison …

“Sir Tony was accompanied by his wife Cherie to holiday with Mr Ellison … founder of software company Oracle …

“The decades-long 'bromance' between Sir Tony and Mr Ellison has proved extremely lucrative for the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change (TBI).

“The former PM's think tank has previously received £76 million from him.

“This year, Mr Ellison pledged to donate a further £295 million.

“Sir Tony is said to have encouraged Mr Ellison … [to pour cash] into building a research institute to 'help solve the world's great problems' … The Ellison Institute of Technology [based in Oxford] …”

“As prosecutors investigate [JPMorgan bank’s ties to Jeffrey Epstein], they’re subpoenaing … Elon Musk and Oracle’s Larry Ellison — clients WHO MAY HAVE BEEN REFERRED BY EPSTEIN — to share communications.”

Larry Ellison previously served alongside Jeffrey Epstein’s close friend and partner, Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild, on the Clinton Administration's ‘Corporate Commission on Educational Technology’; Lady de Rothschild was a vice chair.


Solingen stabbing: Three killed in knife attack at German festival

Suspected perpetrator arrested in Solingen arson attack case

12 Apr 2024

'Five members of the Turkish-origin Genç family lost their lives after their house was set on fire by neo-Nazis.'


In the late 1970s, former military prosecutor and Turkish Supreme Court Justice Emin Değer documented collaboration between the Grey Wolves, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA),[95] and Counter-Guerrilla,[35] the Turkish stay-behind anti-communist organization organized under NATO's Operation Gladio, a plan for guerrilla warfare in case of a communist takeover. 

Martin Lee writes that the Counter-Guerrilla supplied weapons to the Grey Wolves,[35] while according to Tim Jacoby, the CIA transferred guns and explosives to Grey Wolves units through an agent in the 1970s.[95]

Israel Vs Hamas: Freed Israeli Captive Noa Argamani Says She Was Wounded by the Israelis