Saturday 24 August 2024

Solingen stabbing: Three killed in knife attack at German festival

Suspected perpetrator arrested in Solingen arson attack case

12 Apr 2024

'Five members of the Turkish-origin Genç family lost their lives after their house was set on fire by neo-Nazis.'


In the late 1970s, former military prosecutor and Turkish Supreme Court Justice Emin Değer documented collaboration between the Grey Wolves, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA),[95] and Counter-Guerrilla,[35] the Turkish stay-behind anti-communist organization organized under NATO's Operation Gladio, a plan for guerrilla warfare in case of a communist takeover. 

Martin Lee writes that the Counter-Guerrilla supplied weapons to the Grey Wolves,[35] while according to Tim Jacoby, the CIA transferred guns and explosives to Grey Wolves units through an agent in the 1970s.[95]


At 24 August 2024 at 03:47 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


It's the Far Right.........RUN

At 24 August 2024 at 06:08 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm going for fake. Just like Southport. Bullshit

At 24 August 2024 at 07:08 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 24 August 2024 at 07:23 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 24 August 2024 at 11:43 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 24 August 2024 at 11:49 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why does the Church of England struggle to deal with child abuse allegations?

At 24 August 2024 at 12:00 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Move on!

At 24 August 2024 at 14:17 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 24 August 2024 at 14:40 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 24 August 2024 at 15:10 , Anonymous Anonymous said...
Ukraine attacks Russian nuclear facility, Putin declares state of emergency…breaking news

At 24 August 2024 at 20:18 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

PETER HITCHENS: ‘The EU's catastrophic new border control system is coming. You will hate it’

“Quite soon, it will be harder to get out of this country than it is to get into it …

“… [We] will probably have to submit to intrusive fingerprinting and facial scans …

“It's impossible to find out exactly when the EU's catastrophic new border control system will come into force.

“But it is coming.

“You will hate it.”

At 24 August 2024 at 21:34 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blair on yachting break with his benefactor, CIA-linked Zionist extremist Larry Ellison

“… [Tony Blair waited] to board the superyacht of tech billionaire Larry Ellison …

“Sir Tony was accompanied by his wife Cherie to holiday with Mr Ellison … founder of software company Oracle …

“The decades-long 'bromance' between Sir Tony and Mr Ellison has proved extremely lucrative for the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change (TBI).

“The former PM's think tank has previously received £76 million from him.

“This year, Mr Ellison pledged to donate a further £295 million.

“Sir Tony is said to have encouraged Mr Ellison … [to pour cash] into building a research institute to 'help solve the world's great problems' … The Ellison Institute of Technology [based in Oxford] …”

At 24 August 2024 at 21:37 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

LARRY ELLISON: the CIA & Project Oracle; Jeffrey Epstein & Lady de Rothschild; Israel & Netanyahu; War Crimes in Occupied Palestine; funding Blair’s Covid-19 ‘vax’ database

“Larry Ellison has funded controversial annexation projects in occupied Palestine …

“Additionally, a $1 billion lawsuit was filed by Palestinians against several Israel supporters, including Ellison … [accusing] them of conspiring to expel Palestinians from the occupied territories and committing War Crimes.

“Larry Ellison, who has close ties with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, reportedly lobbied Israeli mogul Arnon Milchan to drop his lawyer so that Netanyahu, implicated in one of his corruption cases, could hire him.

“It was also revealed that Ellison offered Netanyahu a post at Oracle.”

From Oracle’s company’s founding in 1977, “the CIA was Oracle's first customer, contracted to build a relational database.

“The firm's name came from a CIA project code-named ‘Oracle’.

“Company co-founders Larry Ellison, Robert Miner and Ed Oates worked on Project Oracle at a consulting firm, before striking out on their own

“Oracle has … [continued] to win contracts for … agencies, like the National Security Agency … and the Department of Homeland Security.”

“In 2021, Larry Ellison … became one [of Tony Blair’s] biggest donors, when [Oracle gave the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change] $33 million, with plans for future donations of a further $49 million.

“The money was earmarked for a joint partnership to ‘help’ African countries to create a central database of vaccination records …

“Blair said: ‘… [Africa] needs to be part of international efforts to control [Covid-19] … That means vaccination of at least a significant portion of the population, requiring the highest quality data system so that everyone’s vaccine experience is recorded."

“As prosecutors investigate [JPMorgan bank’s ties to Jeffrey Epstein], they’re subpoenaing … Elon Musk and Oracle’s Larry Ellison — clients WHO MAY HAVE BEEN REFERRED BY EPSTEIN — to share communications.”

Larry Ellison previously served alongside Jeffrey Epstein’s close friend and partner, Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild, on the Clinton Administration's ‘Corporate Commission on Educational Technology’; Lady de Rothschild was a vice chair.


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