Tuesday 9 January 2024

New York synagogue secret tunnel

Unknown commented-

How a secret tunnel in a New York synagogue - HQ of the world Chabad movement - has led to 10 arrests and a brawl between police and extremist jews.

The dispute saw police and worshippers clash after a group of Hasidic Jewish students tried to defend what was in the tunnel

The tunnel was discovered at the world headquarters of the Hasidic movement Chabad, also known as Lubavitch, in the Brooklyn neighbourhood of Crown Heights.

The building was once home to the movement's leader, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, and it draws thousands of visitors each year. 

'The Orthodox Jewish Hasidic movement's headquarters are in the Brooklyn neighbourhood of Crown Heights.

'Rabbi D Cohen denied gossip the tunnel was used for interrogations, storing weapons or for boy-nobbing parties.'


At 10 January 2024 at 00:08 , Anonymous Snippits said...

I am so interested in this one. They found all sorts of bodily waste and filth down there. Mattresses, etc. Tunnels? We may never find out the truth here. Secretive folk....

At 10 January 2024 at 00:20 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Redacted on Jew Tunnels

At 10 January 2024 at 02:05 , Blogger Mart said...

I personally believe that Epstein was working for Chabad Lubavitch and not Israeli intelligence. People forget that Chabad Lubavitch is an end of the world death cult that is pulling the strings of both Nethanyu and Putin


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