The following are a few of the people who have been infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which causes AIDS

Merritt Butrick (above) (1959–1989) American actor from Star Trek.
Ian Charleson (1949–1990) British actor who played Eric Liddell in the film Chariots of Fire.
Denholm Elliott (1922–1992) British actor
Denholm Elliott (1922–1992) British actor
Rock Hudson (1925–1985) American actor
Tom McBride (1952–1995) American actor who portrayed the Marlboro Man

John Megna (above) (1952–1995) American former child actor, To Kill a Mockingbird.

Timothy Patrick Murphy (above) (1959–1988) American actor, played Mickey Trotter in Dallas.
Anthony Perkins (1932–199) American actor

Danny Pintauro (above) (born 1976) American actor in Who's the Boss?
Dack Rambo (1941–1994) American actor who played Jack Ewing in the television series Dallas.

An 1989 Washington Times investigative report
Steve Tracy (1952–1986) American actor, best known for his role on Little House on the Prairie.
Michael Sundin (1961–1989) British television presenter and actor; was presenter of the BBC children television show Blue Peter.
Peter Allen (1944–1992) Australian born songwriter and singer; wrote the expatriate's anthem "I Still Call Australia Home".
Michael Sundin (1961–1989) British television presenter and actor; was presenter of the BBC children television show Blue Peter.
Peter Allen (1944–1992) Australian born songwriter and singer; wrote the expatriate's anthem "I Still Call Australia Home".

Roy Cohn (above left) (1927–1986) Mentor of Donald Trump.
Terry Dolan (1950–1986) chaired the National Conservative Political Action Committee (NCPAC).
James K. Dressel (1943–1992) Republican Party

Rock Hudson. Any clues here?
Michael A. Hess (1952-1995) chief legal counsel of the Republican Party
Arthur Ashe (1943–1993) American tennis player
Mike Beuttler (1940–1988) British Formula One driver.
Glenn Burke (1952–1995) player for the Los Angeles Dodgers and Oakland Athletics. [224]
Esteban De Jesús (1951–1989) world lightweight boxing champion. [226]
Magic Johnson (born 1959) American basketball player; was named to the NBA All-Star team twelve times.
Tommy Morrison (1969-2013) Heavyweight Boxing Champion, co-star of movie Rocky 5 [233]
Bruce Chatwin (1940–1989) British novelist and travel writer, best known for the influential In Patagonia.
‘Patient Zero’ no more | Science / This new research rewrites the history of HIV in America - Vox /

New York has a lot of gay people. Above we see the gay former New York mayor Ed Koch and the gay Roy Cohn with their friend Donald Trump.
Gaetan Dugas, a Quebec-born flight attendant at Air Canada, was wrongly labeled as Patient Zero in a 1984 study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Patient Zero.

Patient Zero.
Researchers at the University of Arizona in Tucson have studied the history of the AIDS virus's mutations and found that the epidemic began before Dugas's time, Science reports.
From there, it probably moved into the US mainland by way of New York City in 1970 and then on to San Francisco by the mid-1970s.

A US Navy officer enters lab test results into a computer, in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
Gary Glum, author of Full Disclosure theorised that scientists at the Cold Spring Harbor lab in New York engineered HIV/AIDS.
Glum believes that AIDS was created to wipe out, or control, the black population.
Edward Hooper, a British journalist, argued in his 1999 book, The River, that Dr. Hilary Koprowski of the Wistar Research Institute caused the AIDS epidemic by using chimp kidneys to produce an oral polio vaccine.
Edward Hooper, a British journalist, argued in his 1999 book, The River, that Dr. Hilary Koprowski of the Wistar Research Institute caused the AIDS epidemic by using chimp kidneys to produce an oral polio vaccine.
For Congressmen, or European Commissioners, who like young black boys, Port au Prince is an ideal destination.
(The John Duarte Case / The Douglas Perlitz Case / White pedophiles from abroad participating in sexually abusing forsaken, abused and already much exploited Haitian street children: On the Street by Tim Collie/ Haitian children sold as cheap labourers and prostitutes for ...)

Photo of Haiti from John Carroll's Posts
Reportedly, Haiti was where the CIA tested the AIDS virus.
Reportedly (Cached), the US Navy "had an experimental medical station down in Haiti.
"They were down there because there was a huge pool of very poor locals they could use as subjects in tests.
"He said that they were developing something that would lower a person’s resistance to the point where a common cold would put them out of action for weeks."

Live From Haiti.
From 'AIDS and the Doctors of Death' Alan Cantwell MD, 1988 (Research On AIDS In Haiti):
"U.S. scientists heavily promoted the theory that AIDS was brought to America by affluent, young promiscuous gays from Manhattan, who regularly traveled to Port-au-Prince and Carrefours where it was cheap and easy to have sex with Haitian men...
"The public was repeatedly informed that the 'gay plague' was brought to America by Manhattan gays sodomized in Haiti...
"Some Haitians use epidemiologic data to suggest that Manhattan gays brought the disease to Haiti...

"(There is a) theory which accuses the CIA of conducting secret biological experiments on male and female prostitutes in Carrefour.
"Proponents of this theory insist that prostitutes were deliberately injected with viruses during routine injections of antibiotics for sexually-transmitted diseases.
"The theory seems so bizarre, and yet there are statistical and epidemiologic peculiarities of Haitian AIDS that could be compatible with covert human experimentation...
"Something obviously happened in Haiti around the late 1970s to account for the outbreak of AIDS."

Labels: AIDS, Blacks, Brady Bunch, CIA, Donald Trump, Gaetan Dugas, HAITI, HIV, Jerry Falwell, Little House on the Prairie, New York, Rockefeller, Star Trek, US Navy
HIV/Aids is a Criminal Hoax
Hiya! Interestin read. Thank you! Tripped over this couple month ago..
I always wondered what George de Mohrenschildt was doing in Haiti. Weren't Ferrie and Oswald researching biological agents?
My take, this was a factional warfare agent between rival elements of the homosexual mafia. Top homosexuals began dropping like flies at the outset almost like a media event designed to show off.
Great post. I cared for a number of people with end stage AIDS back in the 90's. Boyd E. Graves suffered and died to but was able to prove the paper trail of man-made origin.
Interview Jon Rappoport on AIDS. He has an interesting take on this.
Read AIDS, Inc. by Jon Rappaport, AIDS i engineered.
Aangirfan I believe a young man named Michael Anthony Hess is a worthy candidate to add to this list.He was the son of Philomena and grew up to become Chief Council for the Republican Party in 1988. Tragedy upon tragedy,he was taken age 3 from his mother in Ireland and died of Aids knowing but never finding his mum. I've not seen the film but just read the book which shows the links between Church and State in harsh lights.
There was one kind nun in the home where poor Philomena was made to slave to 'pay for her sins' but that nun died young. She and Philomena and her precious babbie were all seriously attractive and I now understand how the world crushes such people when they don't toe the party line.
Wishing you every happiness in post-convent life x
There is no aids per se, unless it is the result of vaccines such as the polio virus. One can test positive for an immunity some unknown antigen they call aids.
On the basis of his experience with retroviruses, Duesberg has challenged the virus-AIDS hypothesis in the pages of such journals as Cancer Research, Lancet, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Science, Nature, Journal of AIDS, AIDS Forschung, Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapeutics, New England Journal of Medicine and Research in Immunology. He has instead proposed the hypothesis that the various American/European AIDS diseases are brought on by the long-term consumption of recreational drugs and/or AZT itself, which is prescribed to prevent or treat AIDS. See The AIDS Dilemma: Drug diseases blamed on a passenger virus.
Prof. Duesberg's findings have been a thorn in the side of the medical establishment and drug companies since 1987. Instead of engaging in scientific debate, however, the only response has been to cut-off funding to further test Professor's Duesberg's hypothesis.
You can show your support by contributing a tax deductible donation to help support Prof. Duesberg's lab at the University of California Berkeley.
Magic Johnson still alive after all these years, apparently AZT hasn't killed him yet.
International Journal of AIDS is an online, open access, peer-reviewed journal deals with HIV related topics from different disciplines enhancing insight in understanding, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmissible infections,Journal of AIDS
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