Saturday 11 November 2023


The late Mark Elston, who died aged 63. 

Mark was born in Lambeth and adopted by Eileen and Ben Camp. 

Eileen later remarried and lived in Sudbury for many years, the later years with Mark as her carer.

Partner Sara said: “He had an illustrious past as a church leader, social worker, music producer, graphic designer and even a short order cook.

“He has been described as a punk prophet, a beautiful soul, one with untamed beauty and a fire within.”

Mr Elston  moved from the Sudbury to the Hebrides, west of Scotland, earlier this year (2023).

Police say there we no suspicious circumstances surrounding his death.

Partner Sara Merritt, who lives in Little Cornard said: “Sudbury residents will recognise this often-barefoot man with a smile that filled his face and a friendship that included everyone.

“He won friends by sheer force of personality and love of life. If you met Mark, you knew he was interested in you, he cared for everyone he met and was generous with his time and talents.”

Mark Elston. Picture courtesy of Sara Merritt

“Sudbury is poorer for the loss of Mark but I imagine him looking down on us, willing Sudbury to be the loving community he stood to promote.

A tribute page has been set up at



Hello Aangirfan, thanks for your coverage of the massacre. 

I recently found out that my long time friend Mark Elston, who I am sure will be familiar to you from his comments here, (sometimes under the moniker Mark Jesus), has died.

I spoke to Mark via Skype for years and finally met him when I went to the UK last year.

This is the tribute site set up by Mark's fiancee.


This is my tribute to Mark.


At 7 November 2023 at 04:15 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very familiar with Marks' posts. Evidently one of lifes 'good guys'.

Thanks for the update Aang. RIP Mark an may God have blessings on your soul.

Peace to the Humans.

At 7 November 2023 at 10:56 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Palestinian comfort meme

child from the world beyond, saying

'Don't cry Baba, bombs don't reach where I am now'

('Baba' is an Arabic-Persian term of affection for a respected older person)

At 12 November 2023 at 01:29 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually "baba" means father too.

At 29 November 2023 at 09:50 , Blogger James R said...

Many thanks for that Aangirfan. Another of Mark's friends posted a tribute to him recently that did a great job of explaining Mark.


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