Saturday 11 November 2023


Unknown commented -

Ehud Barak says Israel must INVADE Gaza

“… [Ehud Barak] supports a full-bore invasion of Gaza. And he defends Israel’s bombing campaign of the territory, which has already killed thousands …

“[Barak says:]

“‘It might not be very short, like the Six-Day War. It won’t take three weeks like the ’73 war or even two months like the last long operation in Gaza. But … we have to do it …

“‘Netanyahu worked systematically in the last five years to strengthen Hamas, to keep it alive and kicking …

“‘There were even payments — I called it “protection money” — through the Qataris in order to keep [Hamas] strong and active …

“‘[Netanyahu] doesn’t want two states … [In] order to protect this ideology of one state and to block the trajectory toward the possibility of two states, he ended up strengthening Hamas …”

“Former Israeli Prime Minister EHUD BARAK met with disgraced financier and child sexual abuser Jeffrey Epstein at least 36 times, according to a report by the Wall Street Journal. The meetings occurred monthly from December 2015.

“The meetings occurred after Epstein had initially been arrested in 2008 for sex crimes.

“The report also details Barak taking rides on Epstein’s private jet and visiting the Epstein mansions in Florida and New York. In January 2014, Epstein flew Barak from his private Palm Beach mansion to Tampa …

“[Virginia Giuffre] claims that Epstein forced her into having sexual relations with Barak and Jewish-American attorney Alan Dershowitz …

“Barak claims that he was introduced to Epstein in 2003 by former prime minister Shimon Peres. Additionally, Barak was photographed entering Epstein’s Manhattan townhouse with his face hidden, on the same day in January 2016 that a large group of women were seen entering the home …”


Unknown commented

Alan Dershowitz **: ‘Israel must consider the NUCLEAR option’

“[Dershowitz says:]

“‘If you’re old enough to kill a Jew, you’re old enough to be killed by a Jew. You can’t hide behind being a child …

“‘Shakespeare said, in The Merchant of Venice, “If you wrong us, shall we not revenge?”

“‘Revenge is an important element of human feelings …

“‘If the rules are that you never hit a target if there are civilians, the United States and Great Britain would not have won World War Two.

(World War II was orchestrated by the Jewish led Cabal?)

“‘Dresden, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Berlin, Tokyo: Roosevelt and Churchill said we will stop at nothing to win …

“‘Israel should not accept the double-standard fake morality of outsiders.

“‘It should impose its own morality together with its allies, the United States and Great Britain …’

“Dershowitz says in his new book that … Israel will ultimately have to ‘consider its nuclear option’ …”

Victoria Giuffre “first accused DERSHOWITZ of sexual abuse in a December 2014 affidavit …

“In the court filing, Giuffre alleged that Epstein and … Ghislaine Maxwell forced her to become their teenage ‘sex slave’ and sent her to powerful men to be sexually abused—including Dershowitz …

“Dershowitz [has said that] his relationship with Epstein ‘changed completely’ after Epstein’s 2008 jail stint for soliciting minors.

“‘After he served his time my relationship with him changed completely, it was no longer academic or social, but I did meet with him on a number of occasions …’ Dershowitz testified …

“Dershowitz testified that he also had discussions with Epstein about the Middle East after his Florida conviction: ‘[EPSTEIN] WAS FRIENDLY WITH A NUMBER OR PROMINENT ISRAELIS. And—and so we had conversations about the Middle East and the matters—legal matters’ …

“Emails cited in the deposition transcripts, however, seem to paint a picture of a particularly chummy relationship between Epstein and Dershowitz even after [Epstein’s] incarceration …

“[Virginia Giuffre says:]

“‘I have long believed Mr. Dershowitz participated in my sex trafficking. I have not, and would not, retract what I have said …’”


At 11 November 2023 at 15:03 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"39 babies died in intensive care unit at Gaza's Al-Shifa Hospital due to lack of oxygen, the Palestinian Health Ministry said.

The hospital, located in the Gaza Strip, has been deeply affected by the recent series of attacks carried out by Israel."


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