Saturday 11 November 2023

Jill Stein - War Crimes - Netanyahu - Helping Trump - Millions

American physician


Jill Ellen Stein is an American physician, activist, and political candidate. She was the Green Party's nominee for president of the United States

Unknown commented - 

New US presidential candidate demands probe into Netanyahu's 'war crimes' in Gaza

The war crimes being perpetrated by Netanyahu against Palestinians … ‘have reached genocidal proportions,' says Jill Stein

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post 'Jill Stein - War Crimes - Netanyahu':

Jill Stein - born in 1950 into a Russian-Jewish family - was widely credited with helping Trump win in 2016, by siphoning enough of the anti-Trump vote into her Green Party presidential candidacy.

She then raised over $7 million from disappointed voters to 'recount' the 2016 election ... with questions arising over what was done with those funds, spent partly on personal legal defence for herself

'What Happened to Jill Stein’s Recount Millions?'

'Jill Stein owes the Federal Election Commission more than $66,000 in [fines for] campaign finance violations, an FEC press officer told Business Insider'


At 11 November 2023 at 07:21 , Blogger Anon said...

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post 'Jill Stein - War Crimes - Netanyahu':

Jill Stein - born in 1950 into a Russian-Jewish family - was widely credited with helping Trump win in 2016, by siphoning enough of the anti-Trump vote into her Green Party presidential candidacy.

She then raised over $7 million from disappointed voters to 'recount' the 2016 election ... with questions arising over what was done with those funds, spent partly on personal legal defence for herself

'What Happened to Jill Stein’s Recount Millions?'

'Jill Stein owes the Federal Election Commission more than $66,000 in [fines for] campaign finance violations, an FEC press officer told Business Insider'

At 11 November 2023 at 14:53 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ireland ‘should refer Israel to the International Criminal Court’

“Ireland should refer Israel to the International Criminal Court, Sinn Féin leader Mary Lou McDonald has told party members.

“Speaking at [Sinn Féin’s annual party conference], she attacked the EU's policy on the conflict in Gaza and said:

“‘When the European Commission gives carte blanche to Israel to massacre Palestinians, we say, no, never. They do not speak for us.’

“She added: ‘The world sees Israeli actions for what they are. Barbaric. Hateful. Cowardly. War crimes’” …

At 11 November 2023 at 15:29 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Re: ‘helping to Trump to win’.

I’ve formed no opinion one way or another about Jill Stein; I know next to nothing about her personal background, political record & policy positions, funding sources, agenda, impact, etc.

She may well be a bad apple, for all I know.

The vast majority of politicians who rise to any sort of prominence or power are corrupt (or useless and ‘harmless’) … since they’d never have been able to rise to where they are if they were anything else.

So I’m not seeking to defend Jill Stein as a person of integrity and good intentions, or anything like that. As I say, I have formed no opinion about her.

All this being said, I can’t agree that it’s reasonable to condemn Jill Stein for ‘having helped Trump’ in 2016 by ‘siphoning anti-Trump votes’.

America’s First-Past-The-Post voting system surely means that *ANY* 3rd party candidate(s) — be they ‘green’, ‘libertarian’, ‘single-issue’, ‘socialist’, ‘liberal’, ‘Conservative’, ‘centrist’, whatever — will ‘siphon votes’ from 1 (or both) of the ONLY 2 candidates who realistically have a chance of becoming president: ie, the Democratic contender and the Republican contender.

If Jill Stein and other 3rd party candidates hadn’t ‘siphoned votes’ from the Hildebeast in key states, so that Clinton had somehow narrowly triumphed in the electoral college, I fail to see how regular citizens would have benefited from having Jeffrey Epstein’s close friend — Bill — installed in the White House (again)?

And the Hildebeast is besties with Lady Lynn de Rothschild who — according to reports — sold Epstein, at a huge discount, the Manhattan property in which they then installed Ghislaine.

While husband Bill was taking scores of flights with Epstein and reportedly visiting the trafficker on his private island.

Hillary and Bill are a twofer, a sordid Bonnie & Clyde.

Again, are we really meant to be mad at Jill Stein for siphoning ‘anti-Trump votes’ and thereby helping to thwart the political ambitions of the wretched Clintons?!?

Clinton 1, Clinton 2, Bush 1, Bush 2, Obama, Biden, DeSantis, Trump… I fail to see how it greatly matters which of them got in before/ gets in again in the future.

It’s like choosing between 10 different brands of table sugar or table salt. News flash! They’re all essentially the same.

At 12 November 2023 at 14:23 , Blogger llifthrasir said...

Israel is alreadty on trial for warcrimes resulting from the previous attack on Gaza. They did everything to stop the International court. As far as i know they did not give in. Hearing an israeli in Piers Morgan interview repeat the accustation that Assad bombed children with Saringas, an accusation immediately debunked by Carla Ponti, who soon after left the International court, later again proven to be false, i cannot help but wonder who the real culprits are. When you deny 7th of october as Israel brings the narrative you now are a Holocaust denier. A fact which is punishable by jailtime in the Netherlands. Scott Ritter said that Hamas beheading and raping children is a recurring theme accusation by Israel. I also wonder if Carla Ponti was forced out. Knowing every UK politician who says one word in favour of Palestine is immediately forced out.


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