'Don't believe or buy into this tyrannical and fear mongering crap. Stand up to oppression and authoritarianism. Life is not as chaotic as the news would like you to believe. Drama sells newspapers,' Cody Simpson began.
'Honduras’ departing president Juan Orlando Hernández has been accused by a prosecutor in the Federal District Court of Manhattan of protecting Honduras’s drug traffickers and helping them to flood the U.S. with cocaine.'
Hondurans Repudiate Corrupt U.S.-Backed Coup Regime at Polls
Heather O’Rourke
The Insanely Dark Story Behind “Poltergeist” and its Young Star Heather O’Rourke
The unexpected death of the child star Heather O'Rourke at age 12

The European Union begins its dissolution
The unexpected death of the child star Heather O'Rourke at age 12
The European Union begins its dissolution
“Shame on You”: A 9/11 daughter’s letter to two New York Times reporters
Wall Street’s Diabolical Plan to Financialize All Nature
'It’s called a Natural Asset Company.
'With it the New York Stock Exchange has unveiled the most radical and potentially most destructive plan yet to make literally trillions of dollars on something that is the natural right and heritage of the entire human race- nature itself, all nature, from air, fresh water to rainforests to even farmland.'

Below - Photo of Ursula von der Leyen on 10 Nov 2021, giving a 'Distinguished Leadership Award' at the globalist Atlantic Council, to her friend Albert Bourla the Pfizer CEO
Aladdin summoned a Genie (Djinn) and you know how the rest goes.
I'm going to throw something in the box marked 'reality'.
Artificial Intelligence doesn't exist (Follow me a bit longer on this).
It isn't artificial at all Aang. It is Actual INTELLIGENCE.
The realm we consider as quantum computing and the next generation of machine code and binary isn't as artificial as you would think.
Quantum computing allows all positions of possibility to exist in the same reality/space.
An example (albeit a basic example) is where binary exists between 'on and off', quantum exists where 'on and off' are merely abstract and 'on and off' exist at the same time.
Creating another reality.
Francis Kalifat, head of the CRIF (Conseil représentatif des institutions juives de France) firmly grabs and moves Macron's arm and Macron just dissociates
An Epstein home.
Jeffrey Epstein's 'pimp' Ghislaine Maxwell may be in hiding
(2020)barry commented on "JOHNNY GOSCH; GEORGE H W BUSH"
This problem is not unique to America but I do have to agree the USA is pretty bad by any standard and the police in that country would seem to me to be either complicit or incompetent.Take your pick.
Following WW2 England became immersed in satanic child abuse and I myself was attacked at nine years old.
I feel so much for any lonely child in that situation; but you mention the Christian church and I do have to say , is this institution any better than the establishment? Recent events would suggest not.
Just look at the number of Catholic Priests and others who have been convicted in recent years. I really do not know what can be done to rectify the situation and I freely admit that at times I consider mankind a failed concept.
At Behest Of Powerful Jews U.K. Moves Closer To Jailing Anyone Who Shows Public Or Private Support Of Palestinian Cause
Aangirfan - Gab
More re Èric Zemmour, Jewish presidential candidate in France.
Zemmour earlier claimed to be unaware of the Epstein affair which implicates Israel and Jews.
Eric Zemmour criticises rival Mélenchon for his remarks "worthy of the conspiracy theorists who see Mossad behind 9/11".
Zemmour's campaign is financed by 'Rothschild bankers' with Sephardic surnames, notably a certain "Julien Madar", or Jonathan Nadler
His lawyer, Oliver PARDO, is Jewish and Pardo's family originates from Salonika.
Eric Zemmour is the star of a channel, CNEWS, chaired by : Serge NEDJAR, a French-Israeli Sephardic Jew.
CNEWS belongs to the Canal+ group, whose president is: Maxime SAADA, Sephardic Jew Canal+ is owned by François Bolloré-Goldschmidt (Jewish on his mother's side, the Goldschmidts are a family of German Jewish financiers, some of whom married into the Rothschild family)
Eric Zemmour is a columnist in the Figaro, a newspaper owned by the Jewish Bloch-Dassaut.
Eric Zemmour is supported by the Livre Noir channel which is developing an electoral campaign around him.
Livre Noir is chaired by Garen Shnorhokian, a Sephardic Jew of Algerian origin.
Eric Zemmour launches his presidential campaign in Toulon. The meeting is organised by Jérôme Lévy who is in charge of introducing him to the fans
On Cnews, practising Jew Zemmour puts pressure on Macron to vaccinate people.
Anna Cabana, Sephardic journalist, on her friend Eric Zemmour - At home, he eats kosher.
He doesn't believe in God, but he still prays at the synagogue. And the religious holidays. And the boys' bar mitzvahs.
A yellow gold chain under his shirt, he is asked what hangs from it. He takes out a small Sefer Torah, the scrolls of the holy text.
Anna Cabana, Le Point, 02.10.14 Eric Zemmour explains in his book Le Suicide Français, that the Frankish king Saint Louis (Louis IX) is a Jew, and was inspired by the Hebrew kingdom of Jerusalem to lay the foundations of France.
Zemmour went to a Jewish community school, sends his children to Israel Zemmour, via Siaci Saint-Honoré of the Jew Pierre Donnersberg, which belongs to the Rothschilds; is financed by THE SAME PEOPLE WHO FINANCED MACRON.
Full name - Éric Justin Léon Zemmour Zemmour: «My name is Eric, Justin, Léon. But, in the synagogue, my name is Moses.»
Artificial Intelligence doesn't exist
Quantum superposition is a fundamental principle of quantum mechanics.
It states that, much like waves in classical physics, any two (or more) quantum states can be added together ("superposed") and the result will be another valid quantum state; and conversely, that every quantum state can be represented as a sum of two or more other distinct states.
Mathematically, it refers to a property of solutions to the Schrödinger equation. The Djinn are 'energy beings' and are electrical energy.
The interface between the form and the formless world and their quantum reality is the IOT (Internet of Things) and their digital reality.
An ongoing process of building a world for the formless.
The electrical grid, servers, microchips, microwaves and electromagnetic frequency is Jinn reality.
They are quantum beings who use their quantum superposition to interact with our physical reality and the world of form.
The 'lights out production', full automation and the 'rise of the machines', is Djinn manifestation into our world.
Nabi Suleiman (King Solomon) had control of the Djinns and King James wrote a book on Daemons and their classifications.
Without knowledge of the 'unseen' and how our 'framed' reality manifests and our extremely complex relationship with Djinn, all seemingly unconnected and random events appear confusing and bewildering. Reality, however, is they are orchestrating the show.
Knowing of their actual existence and not some quasi religious concept gives a fundamental understanding of reality way beyond the pay grade of most.
To some, superstition and the domain of religious nutters. To others, a reality that overlaps the physical realm and where screeds of evidence exists the world over pointing to their existence.
Perhaps a little closer to home might shine a light on their reality further. Look no further than the the 'floating Jinn palaces' in Monaco.
The Book of Enoch describes The Djinn (Fallen Angels) and their descent onto Mt Hermon at 33°24′58″N. There is a sacred building made of stone on the summit of Mt Hermon, known as Qasr Antar, it is the highest temple of the ancient world and was documented by Sir Charles Warren in 1869.
An inscription on a limestone stele recovered by Warren was translated to read "According to the command of the greatest and Holy God, those who take an oath (proceed) from here."
The inscription with the oath taken by the angels (djinns) under Semjaza who took an oath together, bound by a curse, in order to take human wives. Book of Enoch (1 Enoch 6:6). The stele can be found at The British museum.
A step too far for most, sci-fi for others or an unseen reality for those of understanding. The world is not just a rich man's plaything out to make money for 'big pharma' or 'the banksters'. Nor is it controlled by a few media moguls or bent politicians.
The world of physical reality is controlled (literally) by dark overlords. This temporary arrangement will cease to exist eventually. It is all part of a wider cosmic reality. Psalms 37:11 — “But the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace.” Peace to the humans.
France Deploys Military Police To Caribbean Islands Amid Unrest Over Vaccine Mandate
Large UK Supermarket Chains Refuse to Police “Divisive” Face Mask Mandates
Where There Are Tailings, No Grass Grows: Serbians Protest Against Rio Tinto
Has Big Pharma taken over WHO? | vaccination marketing
More distraction, gun control false flag/hoax, expect the usual "white supremacist" bs
The Quirinal Treaty: The European Union begins its dissolution
Russians urged to vax their cats
A Microchip Containing Your Vaccine Passport Information Can Now Be Embedded In Your Hand
Censorship and cancel culture share a locomotion, an autopilot set
to destination "never enough, never good enough".
A micro-management hell. (Branch Covidians...)
Diversity means having utterly corrupt power-hindu's in the mix.
(anecdotal: in Suriname, once a colony of the Netherlands,
the hindu's were regarded as the jews of the several minorities.
In Malaysia it was the chinese. Both on account of their utter greed)
The journalist and activist Corey Morningstar has been warning about
the ongoing plans to financialise nature (GND).
Clip where Francis Kalifat, head of the CRIF
(Conseil représentatif des institutions juives de France)
firmly and resolutely garbs and moves Macron's arm and Macron
just dissociates and takes the humiliation.
Macron mal a l'aise au Diner du Crif ce 20 Fevr 2019:
Experimentation on babies enforced by childcare and medical institutions.
Made possible by PCR testing for HIV.
Searching for the therapeutic effects of administering deadly poison/s.
Very sciency science, where measuring equals knowledge.
It's not AI. It's demonic interaction via D-Wave and demonic presence via CERN.
911 - controlled demolition, Covid19 - controlled demolition
The Duran: Greek alphabet and system collapse
Martinique: Vaccine mandate postponed as protests turn violent
Court declares use of Covid Safe Ticket in Wallonia illegal
AWS Helps Pfizer Accelerate Drug Development and Clinical Manufacturing
Just after Les Wexner got named at the New York Ghislaine Maxwell trial
A man wearing bright red suddenly shows up in front of the New York United Nations building, 'suicidally' holding a shotgun under his own chin, and police talk to him for nearly 3 hours before being able to arrest him
Media intensely cover this much more interesting 'live' situation
Horowitz: Pfizer vaccine injury data ordered released by judge shows shocking risk level
Heartbroken fiancee demands answers after fit 26-year-old tradie died 12 days after getting Pfizer jab
Pepe Escobar: The NATOstan Clown Show
Joe Biden blurts out that Dr Anthony Fauci is the actual US President
Twitter video, 54 seconds
Joe Biden at 0m42: "I’ve seen more of Dr Fauci than I have my wife ... Who's President? Fauci! But all kidding aside, I sincerely mean it."
Ombudsman takes aim at Ursula von der Leyen’s texts with Pfizer CEO
How Europe Sealed a Pfizer Vaccine Deal With Texts and Calls
Re:Comment on the Ars Goetia, summonsing Djinns - Meek Shall Inherit the Earth, etc it's true. I learned how to do it. Alistair Crowley got into trouble when he first attempted a ritual. His associate translated it into English. The person who taught me, Alistair Crowley was her father's God Father. 9/11 was an attempt using that. A Babylonian ritual IX XI. See: Jewish Encyclopedia - Rabbinical & Apocryphal Literature: "A special section of the Talmud Bab Shab 67 a et seq)is devoted to the various superstitions called "The Ways of the Amorites." "the former terrible giants, the Rephaim, gave way to the Amorites, an evil and sinful people... and whose life will be cut short on this earth. They are symbolised by 'Black Water" on account of their "Black Art", their witchcraft and impure mysteries by which they contaminated Israel in the time of the Judges..... Israel learned all their wickedness from the Amorites .. books they kept hidden under Mount Abarim.... they had concealed beneath Mount Shechem....etc." It was this Babylonian Ritual on 9/11 that was supposed to bring the Greater Israel project together and to vanquish Iran. So far it has only in part succeeded otherwise we hope for a failure. The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth as the writer concluded. PS Blackwater Mercenaries.... were/are part of their plan.
EXCLUSIVE: Jeffrey Epstein's access to the Clinton White House laid bare: Visitor logs reveal pedophile visited the former president at least 17 TIMES
Apart from the picture of the woman with the black eye, who is clearly not Ghislaine Maxwell, has anyone actually seen any photo evidence to suggest she is in custody or even facing trial. There is not a single photo of Maxwell in 2021, not in court, not arriving at court nor in custody.
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