A Pandemic, a Vaccine and Mind Control: The Prophetic ...
Over the decades, the debt-money component of the system has resulted in worldwide debt-slavery with virtually all governments in debt to the international private banking system.
False and Deceptive UN and WEF Narratives – All Part of the One World Government Agenda of ControlBy , October 30, 2020
2021 will be the year we start to pay for electing charlatans, fraudsters and scam artists into the highest office. Irrespective of your political alignment...
The mainstream media have turned on this government out of embarrassment. Even the Daily Mail and Telegraph have reported the catastrophic failures of Johnson’s government.
The right-wing Spectator Magazine, one of Johnson’s former employer’s headlines with – “Boris Johnson’s failed command and control administration.” In it, Johnson is accused of running the country ‘Soviet-style’ and that he, along with Gove and Cummings are merely political mouthpieces accompanied by a maniac, that failure is their destination and that the certainty of it is a price we will all pay.
The Times also goes with a story that attempts to look on the bright side but concludes that the only thing we have left to weather the short term outlook is hope.
Dark Days Approach - TruePublica
As fake as Pizzagate.

The COVID-19 Lockdown rules are among “the most onerous restrictions to personal liberty” in almost four centuries - and have cost the UK economy £2.5 billion per day - the Court of Appeal has heard.
Lawyers representing businessman Simon Dolan told three senior judges that the regulations “imposed far-reaching restrictions on the lives and businesses of the entire population of England”.
Lockdowns cost economy £2.5bn a day and were worst affront to liberty since Cromwell, appeal court told
“Donald Trump’s ex-wife was always in the car (with Ghislaine Maxwell),” Farmer said of Maxwell’s procurement of high school girls in the Florida area and elsewhere.'

Henry Makow@HenryMakow·12h

Exposed: Special procurement channels for 'VIPs' and ...


Donald Trump (right)
In April, Trump 'assembled a reopening task force to advise on how to safely reopen the country and stabilize the economy.'
Six months later, the panel has met only once, by phone.
“This was a sham, not a task force,” said Tim Schlittner, a spokesperson for the AFL-CIO, the country’s largest labor union.

“We still can control this” by wearing masks, social distancing and being careful around the holidays, Brett Giroir, the assistant secretary of health, said on NBC’s Today show.
Top Trump health official warns of 'draconian measures' if America doesn't mask up

NY Gov. Cuomo Reaped $6.2 Million In Campaign Cash
"The Greater New York Hospital Association funneled $1 million to Cuomo's re-election through the state Democratic party in 2018.
That same year, the Association and the healthcare union, 1199SEIU, backed Cuomo’s healthcare “reforms” and spent $5.9 million lobbying in Albany.
"By February 2020, Cuomo appointed the Association’s past chair and board member Michael Dowling along with 1199SEIU President Dennis Rivera as co-chairmen of the “Medicaid Redesign Team.”
(State Medicaid was $4 billion in the red because of Cuomo’s accounting gimmicks.)

"Just six weeks before the governor’s appointment, Michael Dowling gave Cuomo a $5,000 campaign donation (12/14/19). (Dowling is also the CEO of Northwell Health – which received $10 million in state payments in 2019.)
"Twenty-eight days before the governor made 1199SEIU president Dennis Rivera co-chairman of his Medicaid Team, the union gave $15,000 to Cuomo’s re-election fund (1/6/2020).
"Since 2014, 1199SEIU backed Cuomo with political endorsements and $95,250 in campaign cash.

"Then, the pandemic hit. The Association and Cuomo’s healthcare power brokers/major campaign donors convinced the administration to transfer positive Covid-19 patients to nursing homes to relieve bed pressures on hospitals.
"An estimated 15,000 senior residents died in New York nursing homes even while the hospital association ran statewide advertising promoting Cuomo and the safety of hospitals."

Attention ……. CEO, Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen (SRF)
You realize that there is not one SRF news program without covid being at the center.
Covid discussions appear even between news topics as special shows and discussion “panoramas”.
They are constantly alarming and aiming clearly at fear mongering.
New “cases” are reported almost on an hourly basis, how they double and triple in 24 hours, its astounding, really fear-inflicting; that we are in a second wave, that the hospitals are overflowing, that testing-testing-testing is key, so we can prevent others from being infected…
"Following the election of Donald Trump as president of the U.S., the proposed chlorpyrifos ban was scrapped.
"One of the ‘BBC reporters’ at the trials was later revealed to be a “reputation manager” for FTI consulting who’s clients include Monsanto."
The Dangers of Environmental Toxins
The Head of Operation Warp Speed & The Gates Foundation are pushing BioElectronics and Vaccine Patches

Photos can be faked.
"For their research involving the allegedly new virus SARS-CoV-2, they only used 37 base pairs from actual sample tissue and filled in the rest (around 30,000 base pairs) with computer generated sequences, i.e. they made it up!
"The other of the COVID admissions is equally as stunning: after testing they found that SARS-CoV-2 could not infect human tissue."
COVID Admissions: CDC Scientists

Videos of empty test centres.
Where are the figures coming from?
"As Trump himself said last month, his foreign policy has been “good for Israel.”
I withdrew from the last administration’s disastrous Iran nuclear deal. So good for Israel. So good that we did that.
"His list of pro-Israel actions includes moving the embassy to Jerusalem, defunding the UN refugee agency serving Palestinians, closing down the Palestinian mission in Washington, recognizing Israel’s annexation of the Golan Heights, giving legal validity to Israel’s colonization of the West Bank...
Adelsons got a lot from Trump for $75 million

"According to the IMF, about half of Low Income Economies (LIEs) are now in danger of debt default. ‘Emerging market’ debt to GDP has increased from 40% to 60% in this crisis."

According to former UK Supreme Court judge Lord Sumption -
Lockdowns and other Government-imposed Covid curbs contain all the ingredients of totalitarianismOrders to remain at home and rafts of new laws to restrict what people can do amount to a 'breathtaking' infringement of democratic rights.
Ministers have been exceeding their rightful powers.
The methods used by ministers will undo the unity of society and will lead to long-term authoritarian government.
New criminal offences have been brought into being on the 'mere say-so of ministers', with the fines of up to £10,000 'truly breathtaking' constitutionally.
This has been achieved through the 'language of impending doom', 'alarmist' projections and statistical manipulation.
Durham councillor Irene Hewitson says -
'We're being locked down over a fake virus. I don't believe the virus exists,' Cllr Hewitson, 63, told ChronicleLive yesterday. 'When my neighbours, relatives, friends and work people are dying around me then I'll believe it's true.
'I've got a friend who works in the Nightingale Hospital and they've never had one patient. They've been cleaning a hospital for six months. It's absolutely disgusting.'

Village Magazine predicts that the FBI will betray Ghislaine Maxwell's victims for a second time.

Israel´s Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau, left, Rabbi Arthur Schneier, center, and Klaus Schwab, president of the World Economic Forum, light candles at Ground Zero
A recently published paper has found -

"A longtime campaign operative informed clients that he has a new line of work: selling critical medical supplies - protective equipment, including N95 respirator masks.
Asked how he’d managed to procure such equipment when there are shortages in hospitals across the country, Gula said, “I have relationships with a lot of people.”
Gula started Blue Flame with John Thomas, a consultant who until recently worked as chief strategist for Don Sedgwick, a Republican.

Rod Kelly@rodkelly50·10h
Tory Jesus thread: I could give you this bread Timmy but you’d probably just swap it for crack

“Hello everybody! It’s your old pal Grover with some health tips…” begins the spindly blue monster in a Sesame Street PSA.
After teaching kids to wash their hands Grover transitions into some new normal brainwashing: “Another way for everyone to stay healthy is by practicing physical distance and staying six feet away from people in public. That is right, six cute little feet like this…”
Sesame Street Offers “New Normal” Brainwashing for the Very Young and Vulnerable

When it came to NEWS, the BBC's Frank Bough was trusted.
"In 1988, it all came crashing down amid lurid stories of cocaine parties with prostitutes and four years later, he was pictured leaving a 'dungeon party' at the flat of a dominatrix prostitute."
"His image as a clean-cut family man was shattered after revelations that he wore women's lingerie at cocaine parties with prostitutes."

Trump is behind in key swing states like Florida, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Arizona and Pennsylvania.

The return to the Feudal System.
Robert Middelmann, a German Jew.
On 21 October 2020, the German Press Agency (dpa) reports that Germany pledges NATO soldiers for possible Covid-19 operations:
“German soldiers could be sent on crisis missions to other NATO and partner countries during the second wave of the Corona pandemic.
“Democracy” vs. COVID: A No-Go. The Great Reset is the Antidote of DemocracyBy , October 25, 2020
Protective medical equipment deals.

Trump and a Melania body-double?
“Nose, cheek bone, jaw line, lips, chin… Melania’s doppleganger is younger, less botoxed and WAAAAAAAAY too happy to be hanging with Trump.”
President Trump has consoled the 90-year-old mother of New York City police officer who died last year after she was fatally shot by a deranged individual.

"We are gradually becoming a totalitarian state.
"Ministers are encouraging people to spy on their neighbours, the police are urged to abandon their normal duties to disturb us in the privacy of our homes, and pub and restaurant owners are required to use Gestapo-like tactics with their customers.
"Millions are again prevented from meeting friends and family, banned from leading normal lives. Swathes of jobs are also being destroyed and Government debt is piling up to dizzying levels."
Labels: 50cent, 9 11, autism, Biden, Covid, Hewitson, Maxwell, Melania, NATO, PPE, scamdemic, Schwab, SEX TAPES, Sumption, Trump, vaccines