Thursday 19 September 2019


Carl Beech (left) and Richard Kerr (right) have both linked military officers to a child abuse ring.

Child abuse victim Richard Kerr alleges MI5 (military intelligence) involvement in the abuse at the Kincora children's home in the UK.

"One of the abusers seemed like he might be an Army captain; he had loads of medals," Richard Kerr said.

Leon Brittan (right) the Jewish cabinet minister formerly responsible for the UK police and the security service MI5.

The child abuse whistleblower Carl Beech claimed that Edward Heath and Leon Brittan were child abusers.

Police officers observed boy prostitutes from 'the Meat Rack' in central London being taken to a flat in Cricklewood Broadway, near Hampstead, in London.

Among those that the police saw entering this flat in Cricklewood were:

Edward Heath 

And Leon Brittan.

The police officers were then told by a senior officer that thay were no longer to investigate the flat in Cricklewood. 

Mark Watts‏ @MarkWatts_1 Aug 28

Report by ‘Operation Conifer’about it … and … 

Lennie Smith, who was part of a child abuse gang that murdered boys, had a flat in Cricklewood.

Lennie Smith has been linked to the Elm Guest House boy brothel, said to have been attended by Leon Brittan.

Carl Beech mentioned Elm Guest House.

Carl Beech was given an 18 year jail sentence 'for telling lies' about Leon Brittan and Edward Heath.

Cressida Dick (centre) with the UK Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists.

Britain's top cop is Cressida Dick.

Cressida Dick had a key role in the probe into Carl Beech, aka Nick, the child abuse ring whistleblower.

Carl Beech, given an 18 year jail sentence after claiming that certain top Jews had sexually abused him and others.

The members of the alleged child abuse ring were not prosecuted.

Cressida Dick had key role in Nick probe.

Jean Charles de Menezes.

Cressida Dick had a key role in the events which led to the murder, by the authorities, of the innocent Brazilian plumber Jean Charles de Menezes, whom the authorities wished to label as being a terrorist.

London's new police chief Dick led operation.


Lesbian Cressida Dick and the Chief Rabbi.

Who controls Cressida Dick?

Cressida Dick is a member of 'Common Purpose'.


'Phoenix was ritually abused at an elite London school'.

King’s House School is in Richmond in London.

Daniel Janner QC‏ @JannerQc

I’m going to @BackBoris because I believe he supports our campaign.

He said: “an awful lot of money, an awful lot of police time goes into these historic offences and all this malarkey - £60m I saw being spaffed (ejaculated) up the wall on some investigation into historic child abuse”

8:49 am - 8 Jul 2019

Daniel Janner QC‏ @JannerQc

Boris (Johnson) will put the break on IICSA (Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse) legal gravy train.

11:31 pm - 26 May 2019

Brian P Willmot‏ @BrianWillmot 3h3 hours ago

Greville Janner (right)

Child abuse whistleblower Carl Beech accused Greville Janner, a top Jewish politician, of being a child abuser.

Carl Beech is likely to be jailed for accusing top people of child abuse.


"Janner used his holiday home on the south coast to entertain teenage boys, according to former neighbours ...

"A man has come forward to describe how he was abused at a club in the 1970s.

"The man said Janner befriended him when he was eight by buying him 'pop and crisps' while his single mother was at work.

"But within months the then-Labour MP allegedly began sexually assaulting him in a 'secret room' at the club.

"The alleged victim, who cannot be named for legal reasons, said the abuse continued until he went to secondary school aged 11 ..."

Above, we see Greville Janner and his pal Boris Johnson, who is descended from a rabbi.

Boris Johnson has appointed Priti Patel as his Home Secretary, responsible for the police and the security service MI5.

Priti Patel is famous for holding secret meetings with the Israeli government.

 Dominic Raab, with a Jewish father, is UK Foreign Secretary.

Boris Johnson 'may be the most pro-Israel prime minister in history' - Haaretz

Leon Brittan (right)

Carl Beech claimed that Lord Leon Brittan, of Lithuanian Jewish heritage, was a child rapist.

A court found Carl Beech guilty of lying.

In 1967, Lord Brittan reportedly raped a teenage girl, who looked younger than her years.

Ex-flatmates support 'Jane' over rape claim against Leon Brittan ...

In October 2014, a Labour MP claimed that Brittan was linked to child abuse.[38][39]

Another Member of Parliament accused Brittan of "multiple child rape".

He said he had spoken to two people who claimed they were sexually abused by Brittan.[40]

A journalist further alleged that Brittan had abused a pre-pubescent boy at Elm Guest House in mid-1982.[41]

Carl Beech was put on trial after accusing Harvey Proctor of being a violent child abuser.  Harvey Proctor had a sexual interest in children. Proctor can be a Jewish name.

In the trial of the child abuse whistleblower Carl Beech, the judge blocked the cross-examination of Harvey Proctor, who is alleged to have murdered children.

The police searched Harvey proctor's home, at the Duke of Rutland's Belvoir castle.

In Proctor's home, the police found whips, straps, blood-stained child's underwear and a notepads entitled 'Bizarrre sex' 

David Granby, aka the Duke of Rutland, is in Jeffrey Epstein's Black Book of contacts.

The Duke of Rutland has been close to Ghislaine Maxwell.

Dame Alun Roberts‏ @ciabaudo 12h12 hours ago

Witness statements show Proctor's sexual interest in young boys ... No prosecution was pursued ... A school uniform with a child's underwear stained in blood ... Refusal to provide blood sample ... Someone who enjoy inflicting pain for sexual pleasure ...

I Am Incorrigible FCA MAAT‏ @ImIncorrigible 15h15 hours ago

Just for the record, allegations against many of the alleged so called VIP child abusers came from other sources than just Carl Beech. Allegations against Leon Brittan and Greville Janner were laid by other alleged victims, and corroborating evidence was provided.

Louise Lee Corbynista‏ @louiseleelee

Why when there are so many more survivors telling the same stories about the same establishment figures as Carl Beech were they not heard in this case?

😈 👑HRH Crafty Muvva 👑 😇‏ @craftymuvva 5h5 hours ago

Kids of 11-12 years old. Boys aged between 11-19. #BorisJohnson says investigating this sort of thing is “spaffing money up the wall.” I beg to differ. I want a #newPM who cares.

"Harvey Proctor beat 'young boys' and took photographs of their injuries, according to court submissions.… …

Harvey Proctor is reported to be an old friend of Jonathan Denby.

Peter Jonathan Denby, a former aide to Enoch Powell, was once picked up by police who wanted to question him in connection with a violent gun incident in Mayfair.

Denby's Islington home was later raided by armed detectives and his Jaguar car, found abandoned in Kent, was blown up by bomb squad officers.

Harvey Proctor.

There is a suspicion that Harvey Proctor is being protected by the security services because of possible links to the illegal arms trade.

HARVEY PROCTOR: Denby, Proctor & Powell – scepticpeg /


Janner, top right.

Carl Beech named the top Jewish politician Lord Janner as a child abuser.

The police wanted to bring 22 historical charges against Janner dating back to the period between 1969 and 1988.

Police officers were furious when they were blocked from prosecuting Janner.

Lord Janner 'raped and tortured' children.

Above we see the editor of the Daily Mail with Ghislaine Maxwell, alleged Mossad spy.

Why is the media attacking Carl Beech and apparently supporting 'the Jimmy Savile gang'?

Carl Beech (aka Nick) is a whistleblower in the case of Martin Allen, above. A large number of boys, linked to abuse by top people, have died in mysterious circumstances.


Carl Beech, the only son of Robert and Charmian Gass, is a whistleblower on child sexual abuse.

Carl Beech

Carl Beech accused Jimmy Savile, Leon Brittan, Greville Janner, and other friends of Israel, of being part of a child abuse gang.

On 22 July 2019, a jury in Newcastle 'sided with Savile and company' and found Carl Beech guilty of making up the story of the child abuse gang.

Carl Beech was born in Wrexham, in North Wales, in 1968.

Bryn Alyn in Wrexham was a boy brothel, reportedly used by the security service MI5.


In the 1990s, top policeman Gordon Anglesea was awarded £375,000 in damages after successfully suing news organisations that had linked him to child sexual abuse at Bryn Alyn.

However, Anglesea was guilty.

In October 2016, Gordon Anglesea (above) was found guilty of sexually abusing boys at the North Wales children's home, Bryn Estyn, and at a young offenders institution.


Ernest Parke was editor of the North London Press. He published a story naming Lord Euston as a person involved in the boy brothel. And he suggested that a much more important person was involved.

Ernest Parke was a journalist who named a top person involved in a boy brothel.

Ernest Parke, and some of the boys, ended up in prison.

The 'toffs' were not prosecuted.


Anonymous 22 July 2019 at 10:27 comments -

This absurd outcome was a foregone conclusion from the moment the security services realised these true allegations could no longer be completely 'shut down' absent a suitable show trial, scapegoat, and accompanying targeted propaganda exercise.

Staggeringly prejudicial reporting of the trial and Carl Beech's allegations by the spook-infested corporate media had the intended effect.

Week after week, in article after miserable article, the corporate media demonised Carl Beech and sanctified the 'real' accused: Harvey Proctor, Lord Bramall, the late Greville Janner and the late Edward Heath, etc.

Those establishment figures were consistently portrayed by the newspapers and broadcasters as 'distinguished public servants'; as 'noble gentlemen'; as 'elderly victims' 'crying out for justice', etc. etc.

Anonymous 22 July 2019 at 10:27 comments -

In a show trial whose outcome was predetermined by the security services, a guilty verdict supports only one conclusion: that the substance of Carl Beech's claims are 100% correct.

When the security services exert resources at the magnitude we've witnessed in the Carl Beech trial - coordinating a UNIFORM NARRATIVE about Mr Beech, his allegations, and the twists-and-turns of the trial through EVERY British newspaper and broadcaster.... the people can be sure that the VIP paedophiles and their allies in the security services are highly rattled.

Beech's allegations - especially their truthfulness, which is what gives them their power to frighten - have terrified the life out of some very important people indeed. 

We've all seen the consequences of this: the massive cover-up, and the retribution unleashed on Beech in the form of the media's pathetic attempts at humiliating him (branding him a 'fantasist' ad infinitum, showing his personal photos, etc.)

Bad luck, spooks, assets, and rent-a-hacks. We still believe Carl. You've failed yet again. And we are totally undeterred in our pursuit of justice.

Carl Beech blew the whistle on Harvey Proctor.

Journalist Mark Watts writes:

BBC making a massive story of Carl Beech. That's it folks. It's over. Dossiers lost. Child abuse inquiry delayed. Westminster perverts carry on. Nothing to worry about.

The 'Jewish' judge kept information hidden from the jury?

Carl Beech, among others, accused Lord Janner of being involved in child sexual abuse.

Gilad Atzmon writes:

"In Britain, the independent inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse, pretty much collapsed when LORD JANNER became a centre of its focus.

"Lord Janner was a former chairman of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, a body that claims to represent British Jews.

"He was also the founder of the Holocaust Memorial Trust.

"Some people, so it seems, are either above the law or beyond scrutiny.

"We may have to admit that in a world where THE LABOUR PARTY is terrorised, in the open, by a foreign lobby, in a world where PENGUIN PRESS stops publishing a book because it referred to the Rothschilds as an 'influential Jewish family', in a world where [THE BBC] is reduced to a Zionist propaganda unit, no one in proximity to power dares to look into the possibility that the intelligence agency of a close ally might have invested millions if not billions of dollars in the formation of a spectacular blackmail apparatus that abused underage children through sex trafficking ..."

Epstein, Israel and mainstream media's scandalous silence 

Virginia Roberts

Carl Beech reminds us of Virginia Roberts.

Both have been threatened for acting as whistleblowers on elite child sexual abuse.

According to Virginia Roberts, who worked for Donald Trump:

"There were about eight guys perhaps for whom Virginia provided massages..."

When asked to name the eight men, Virginia grew scared and refused to identify them.

"No, not at this stage, I just - some of these people are really influential and powerful...

"I’m really scared of where this is going."

Global Human Trafficking Markets - The Silent War - 

Carl Beech

Carl Beech says that as a child he was sexually abused by Lord Bramall.

Tony Badenoch, who is leading the prosecution of Carl Beech.

Anonymous, 16 July 2019, writes about the trial of Carl Beech - 

"Prosecutor Tony Badenoch QC said:

"'LORD BRAMALL ANSWERED ALL QUESTIONS FULLY AND TRUTHFULLY, gave details, spoke about his life, spoke about things intimately personal to him.

"'Compare what he was to say and the manner in which he was to say it, to this defendant, Carl Beech, shifting, shuffling and lying, and deceiving and dancing and twisting and twirling and running' ..."


"Fully and truthfully"? 

Ha ha ha. Well, if you say so.

Also, what a cheap and tawdry tactic, if you don't mind my saying so, 'Tone'.

(Tony. Is that what you like to be referred to when you're pretending to be an or'nery man of the people, like?)

To invite comparison between - on one hand - a decorated war veteran of advanced age, with an elite education, a peerage, upper-class speech patterns and mannerisms, associations with royalty, and a heart-rending sob story.

And on the other hand, a visibly weak and traumatised survivor of childhood sexual abuse, who has already admitted to child sex offences and spoken of his undying shame. 

A man with no titles, no peerage, no upper-class diction, appearance or mannerisms. No associations with royalty. A man totally unpracticed in functioning at the centre of public attention - in complete contrast to the powerful men he is accusing of the most vile crimes, who got to spend decades mastering their public images whilst performing jobs in the glare of the mass media.

An extremely vulnerable man, having his entire life and every real failing dissected and chewed over with relish by the lip-smacking wolves of the media, who couldn't give a hoot about abused children, torture, and unsolved murders - just so long as they continue to please the cartel.

Carl Beech is accused of damaging the reputation of Jimmy Savile and other top friends of Israel.

It's been like a bear baiting spectacle, staged for the delight of the credulous British public, who - having been fed a pack of lies and slanted impressions for weeks, months and years by the establishment so-called journalists - are now baying for this defendant's blood.

It's sick, but it's also ironic. These were the same tactics allegedly deployed by the likes of Bramall, Harvey Proctor and Edward Heath to avoid detection back in the day. 'Nobody will ever believe those powerless, rough accented boys from the care homes, when powerful, upper-class men like ourselves deny and scoff at everything'.

So the same old wheeze is wheeled out again. And again. And again.

No wonder Britain's paedophile network has been so successful.

Stick a 'Sir', a 'Lord', a 'Dame', a 'Lord Lieutenant' or any other ludicrous title from chivalrous days of yore before or after any common scumbag's name - sprinkle with royal and 'prestigious' charitable associations - and the British public fall for it. Every single time.

But you know that very well, already. Don't you, Tonee?

Child abuse organiser Jimmy Savile and Edward Heath.

Carl Beech (Nick) accused former UK Prime Minister Edward Heath, and others, of child abuse.

Mark Watts‏ @MarkWatts_1 3h3 hours ago

Carl Beech (Nick) 's Defence counsel Ray Tully tells the NickTrial that it is agreed with prosecution that Wiltshire Police examined Edward Heath’s close-protection logs, but these were missing for a period during 1970’s and 1980’s. 


In Rochdale, in Yorkshire, in the UK, Amber, aged 15, was sexually abused by a gang.

Amber was arrested. 

Amber and her friends were written off as 'unreliable witnesses'.

There is a belief that the child abuse gang was being protected by the police.

The abuse of young girls by Rochdale sex ...

Child abuse whistleblower Carl Beech who was arrested by the police.

An investigation in the town of Rotherham in Yorkshire in the UK, found that at least 1,400 children were sexually abused over a period of 16 years.

Rotherham child exploitation report - 26 August 2014

The police and social services turned a blind eye.

Sometimes the police harassed those who were whistleblowers.

Reports on the child abuse, by various officials, were suppressed.


There is a belief that the security services use certain child abuse gangs to recruit Moslems for 'inside jobs'.

Yorkshire is linked to powerful pedophile rings, reportedly protected by government agencies.

Reportedly, Sir Jimmy Savile, whose main base was Yorkshire, worked for the intelligence services.



Carl Beech has accused Harvey Proctor of being part of a top UK child abuse ring.

The Duke and Duchess of Rutland are in Jeffrey Epstein's Black Book.

The Duke and Duchess of Rutland are the benefactors of Harvey Proctor, who has been linked to child abuse.

Continued here: EPSTEIN'S BLACK BOOK and the HANSON family and other top people.

Dame Alun Roberts‏ @ciabaudo Jul 7

Anthony Royle was MP for Richmond in Surrey, the home of Britain's infamous Elm Guest House child brothel until the year after it was raised by Met police.

His daughter Lucinda features in Epstein's telephone book. …

Carl Beech has referred to the Elm Guest House boy brothel.

Carl Beech on his wedding day.

Carl Beech (Nick) claims that as a child, 40 years ago, he was sexually abused by Field Marshall Lord Bramall, Lord Greville Janner and others.

Lord Bramall told the police that he did not know Lord Janner.

But, Bramall had had a fight with Janner.

They knew each other rather well.

Bramall hit Janner


Carl Beech as a child.

The police say that 'John', a witness, does not exist.

Nick says the Met police were in e-mail contact with 'John'.

Witnesses vary their stories?

In May 2019, Carl Beech was put on trial for 'telling lies' about top people.

In court, Carl Beech has admitted that he got wrong some of the details of what happened 40 years ago.

Aangirfan has a friend who often tells the tale of his visit, many years ago, to San Diego.

Each time the tale is told, there are slight differences in the details.

There is some fiction, along with fact.

Mark Watts‏ @MarkWatts_1 4h4 hours ago

Asked why he told Wiltshire Police that he did not know why he passed out during abuse, when he later said that it was because his head was held under water, Carl Beech (Nick) tells the NickTrial: “Some things were just too hard to do at that stage.”

Mark Watts‏ @MarkWatts_1 3h3 hours ago

Carl Beech (Nick) accepts at  the NickTrial that he told Wiltshire Police of someone with a Canadian accent when he meant an American, John Louis.

Mark Watts‏ @MarkWatts_1 4h4 hours ago

Why did Carl Beech tell Wiltshire Police that he did not know with what the abusers stabbed and burnt his feet, when he later said drawing pins/lighter.

Carl Beech tells  the NickTrial that he did not know and was later giving an indication of what he thinks that it may have been.

Mark Watts‏ @MarkWatts_1 3h3 hours ago

Carl Beech accepts at  the NickTrial that he when he told Wiltshire Police that he met John on a building site at the end of his road, this was untrue.

Mark Watts‏ @MarkWatts_1 2h2 hours ago

Carl Beech confirms to  the NickTrial that he did not go to school with John, 'who was present when the third child was killed'.

Mark Watts‏ @MarkWatts_1 2h2 hours ago

Carl Beech accepts at  the NickTrial that he wrote in a journal that he never saw John with any bruises and yet also claims that he saw him in hospital, and that he wrote he was a friend at school even though he did not go to school with him.

Mark Watts‏ @MarkWatts_1 2h2 hours ago

Carl Beech agrees at  the NickTrial that “there were a series of fictions” in the chapter in his journal about his friend John.

Mark Watts‏ @MarkWatts_1 2h2 hours ago

Carl Beech agrees at  the NickTrial that he “told many lies” to, and “withheld important information” from, the Wiltshire Police.

Mark Watts‏ @MarkWatts_1 1h1 hour ago

Carl Beech accepts at  the NickTrial that he told Wiltshire Police that John was not at any of the abuse in London even though he said to the Met (London police) that John was.

Mark Watts‏ @MarkWatts_1 1h1 hour ago

Carl Beech tells  the NickTrial that one location for abuse was the Saudi embassy.

Asked who were the Saudi diplomats who sexualy abused him, he says Abdullah and Turki.

Mark Watts‏ @MarkWatts_1 1h1 hour ago

Defendant tells #NickTrial that he also saw Turki sexually abuse John.

Show this thread

Dr Anthony Wallersteiner, Head Teacher of Stowe School

JR‏ @JamesRusbridger Jul 5

QUESTION - If Carl Beech were a "fantasist", making things up, can anyone explain his "random" identification of Stowe School?

It just so happens that Stowe is linked to an array of individuals with links to the alleged VIP paedophile network.

Clearly Beech isn't making this up.

Mark Watts‏ @MarkWatts_1 2h2 hours ago

Carl Beech accepts at the NickTrial that he lied to Wiltshire Police “in certain areas” and that he sent them off to look for what the prosecutor called “a non-existant witness”.

Mark Watts‏ @MarkWatts_1 2h2 hours ago

Prosecutor presses Carl Beech to tell #NickTrial about being taken abroad.

Very reluctantly and hesitatingly, defendant says that he was flown... to Paris... on a private 747... but says that he cannot recall who was on the plane.

Mark Watts‏ @MarkWatts_1 45m45 minutes ago

Prosecutor asks defendant at #NickTrial why when he told the Met (London police) that his step-father raped him for the first time at a wildlife park he made no mention of John.

“Because I didn’t want to tell them about,” is the reply.

Mark Watts‏ @MarkWatts_1 42m42 minutes ago

Pressed on why he did not tell the Met about John at the wildlife park, defendant becomes tearful at #NickTrial, saying that he not was not prepared to talk about him.

Asked whether it was a lie, defendant says that it was an “omission”.



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At 9 July 2019 at 07:51 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it "Irony", that Wiltshire Police Force, Metropolitan Police Service, have found absolutely No Evidence of Child Sexual Abuse from "Nick", Mr Carl Beech testimonies, costing well over Two Million pounds, Operation Midland, Yewtree, QC Richard Henricques(Original Janner Review), Reprimands Met Officers, Keith Vaz Home Affairs Select Committee?

Add in recent Gordon Brown, Jacqui Smith, instructions to 46 UK Police Forces, "Not To Investigate Grooming Gangs, 2008", Girls asking for it?

Appears, "If Your Told Not to find it, You jolly well Don't find it"?

Dame Alexis Jay involved in uncovering, the Covered Up Grooming Gangs, now in charge of IICSA, where One Former Prime minister instructed Miss Jay by Remit, "Not to invsetigate Elm Guest House, Dolphin Square, or Kincora Boy's Home in Ireland, as there is Nothing to be uncovered is there, just friendly advice?

At 10 July 2019 at 03:14 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Carl Beech has accused Harvey Proctor of being part of a top UK child abuse ring.

The Duke and Duchess of Rutland are in Jeffrey Epstein's Black Book.

The Duke and Duchess of Rutland are the benefactors of Harvey Proctor, who has been linked to child abuse."

According to Wikipedia, the Duke and Duchess also sent their son, Charles, to Stowe School, where Carl Beech says he was taken for sexual abuse.

I wonder if the Duke of Rutland himself attended Stowe School back in the day, and/or sent any of his other children to be educated there?

At 10 July 2019 at 04:35 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, he went to Stanbridge Earls School:,_11th_Duke_of_Rutland

At 10 July 2019 at 05:09 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 10 July 2019 at 05:09 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 10 July 2019 at 09:18 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 10 July 2019 at 09:34 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 10 July 2019 at 09:34 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 12 July 2019 at 10:06 , Blogger steve said...

Comment regarding Rochdale , its strange how Cyril Smith is not Mentioned , Cyril Smith also had connections with Stockport police were he was mates with a few of them , some have been subsequently prostituted n found guilty , Smith used to go to one of there houses for his sick fun ,,,,, if you search google reg pickstock
my father , you will see also it took 40 years to bring him to justice , why , when my sisters and brothers went to the police they were told to Fuck off several times , My father tried to destroy me and i went to the police , who again like the police did in rochdale i was told i could be arrested , we should not allow Freemasons in the police or anywhere in public office as they serve there own, and not the greater public good , what shallow souls they are
we should take to the streets and march , but were to lazy and dont care that much

At 15 July 2019 at 10:17 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Carl Beech tells the NickTrial that one location for abuse was the Saudi embassy.

Asked who were the Saudi diplomats who sexualy abused him, he says Abdullah and Turki."

Interesting that (according to reports) the FBI agents who raided Jeffrey Epstein's townhouse found a fake SAUDI ARABIAN passport bearing Epstein's likeness and a different name. A red herring? Or not?

At 15 July 2019 at 22:35 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The 'lady of the house' who was long entangled with Jeffrey Epstein

"... [Ghislaine Maxwell's] father, Robert Maxwell, was a Czech-born World War II hero who founded PERGAMON PRESS, an extremely successful publishing house for SCIENCE AND MEDICAL BOOKS. After that, he bought British tabloids, including The Mirror, as well as a stake in MTV Europe and the American publishing giant Macmillan.


"Once Ms. Maxwell began spending a lot of time at [Jeffrey Epstein's] Florida house in the late 1990s, the visitors began coming ... Celebrities, such as DAVID COPPERFIELD and Donald J. Trump. A new guest corridor of the house was constructed; Prince Andrew was among the regulars, [Juan Alessi, who helped manage Epstein's Palm Beach mansion for a decade] said ..."


The illusionist David Copperfield (born David Seth Kotkin) was accused of sexual assault in 2007 by Lacey L. Carroll. In January 2018, Copperfield was accused of drugging and assaulting a teenager in 1988. In 2006, Copperfield bought eleven Bahamian islands called Musha Cay. Renamed 'The Islands of Copperfield Bay', the islands are a private resort.

In addition to David Copperfield, other illusionists and members of the Magic Circle include: Uri Geller; the late Lord Greville Janner; David Blaine (who knew Janner well, seemingly); the late Lord Mountbatten; and Mountbatten's protege Prince Charles.

At 16 July 2019 at 23:28 , Blogger Anon said...


16 July 2019 at 17:48

"[Prosecutor Tony Badenoch QC] said:

"'LORD BRAMALL ANSWERED ALL QUESTIONS FULLY AND TRUTHFULLY, gave details, spoke about his life, spoke about things intimately personal to him.

"'Compare what he was to say and the manner in which he was to say it, to this defendant, shifting, shuffling and lying, and deceiving and dancing and twisting and twirling and running' ..."


"Fully and truthfully"? Ha ha ha. Well, if you say so.

Also, what a cheap and tawdry tactic, if you don't mind my saying so, 'Tone'.

(Tony. Is that what you like to be referred to when you're pretending to be an or'nery man of the people, like?)

To invite comparison between - on one hand - a decorated war veteran of advanced age, with an elite education, a peerage, upper-class speech patterns and mannerisms, associations with royalty, and a heart-rending sob story.

And on the other hand, a visibly weak and traumatised survivor of childhood sexual abuse, who has already admitted to child sex offences and spoken of his undying shame. A man with no titles, no peerage, no upper-class diction, appearance or mannerisms. No associations with royalty. A man totally unpracticed in functioning at the centre of public attention - in complete contrast to the powerful men he is accusing of the most vile crimes, who got to spend decades mastering their public images whilst performing jobs in the glare of the mass media.

An extremely vulnerable man, having his entire life and every real failing dissected and chewed over with relish by the lip-smacking wolves of the media, who couldn't give a hoot about abused children, torture, and unsolved murders - just so long as they continue to please the cartel.

It's been like a bear baiting spectacle, staged for the delight of the credulous British public, who - having been fed a pack of lies and slanted impressions for weeks, months and years by the establishment so-called journalists - are now baying for this defendant's blood.

It's sick, but it's also ironic. These were the same tactics allegedly deployed by the likes of Bramall, Harvey Proctor and Edward Heath to avoid detection back in the day. 'Nobody will ever believe those powerless, rough accented boys from the care homes, when powerful, upper-class men like ourselves deny and scoff at everything'.

So the same old wheeze is wheeled out again. And again. And again.

No wonder Britain's paedophile network has been so successful.
Stick a 'Sir', a 'Lord', a 'Dame', a 'Lord Lieutenant' or any other ludicrous title from chivalrous days of yore before or after any common scumbag's name - sprinkle with royal and 'prestigious' charitable associations - and the British public fall for it. Every single time.

But you know that very well, already. Don't you, Tonee?

At 17 July 2019 at 09:03 , Anonymous Brabantian said...

“What you have to understand, is that sometimes there are forces and events too big, too powerful, with so much at stake for other people or institutions, that you cannot do anything about them, no matter how evil or wrong they are, and no matter how dedicated or sincere you are, or how much evidence you have. This is simply one of the hard facts of life you have to face.”
- Former US CIA Director William Colby to Nebraska State Senator John DeCamp, quoted in the book, 'The Franklin Coverup'

At 17 July 2019 at 10:13 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Twelve Israelis arrested in Cyprus on suspicion of gang raping tourist

At 17 July 2019 at 12:28 , Blogger Hollie Grieg Justice said...


At 18 July 2019 at 06:33 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

rich man's titles like 'Sir', a 'Lord', a 'Dame', are PAID FOR - they purchase this title to continue to commit crimes and not be punished for them. They become part of the Establishment protected by the Freemason brotherhood death oaths.

At 18 July 2019 at 06:40 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

don't be so easily deceived by these people - they want you to think they are untouchable, they hide behind masks like 'Royal', The Bank of England, Rothschild etc - there is just a man or women behind these wizard of Oz masks - a perverted sick twisted man or women and that is who you need to focus on - no man or women will not die and they fear the public, each other and there is no loyality between criminals - so once you ID the man or women - they will get sacrificed for the greater good - whatever that evil is - NWO. But we need to focus and find and out the top man or women behind the mask - exposing the wizard as just a man and not a god - is where people become confused - how many people look at the queen as a god - too many - this is the problem?

At 22 July 2019 at 11:26 , Blogger syd said...

What did Bulah know??

At 22 July 2019 at 16:48 , Blogger Tom said...

I think we all knew this would be the outcome. However, Carl Beech has done the country a great service by this case coming to trial and will not be forgotten.

At 23 July 2019 at 01:01 , Blogger James R said...

That is a stunning result. What is wrong with people over there? Institutional corruption is clearly the norm,but for a jury to support that is utterly nauseating. History will condemn that verdict. An obvious travesty.

At 23 July 2019 at 02:40 , Blogger James R said...

What they found was a fake Austrian passport with a Saudi address listed as the place of residence.Big difference.

At 23 July 2019 at 04:09 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lord Janner and the paedophile ring at his son's elite school: Labour peer's link to institution where teachers abused boys

At 23 July 2019 at 04:55 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

All in the brotherhood

At 23 July 2019 at 05:38 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Harvey Proctor had sexual interest in 'young boys', judge in 'Nick' trial heard without jury

At 23 July 2019 at 06:01 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are Geordie Greig and Hollie Greig related?

At 23 July 2019 at 06:33 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 23 July 2019 at 06:39 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 23 July 2019 at 06:40 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

@theJeremyVine very very bad taste to play "on the beach" following the item on Carl beech - shameful

At 23 July 2019 at 08:00 , Blogger James R said...

Viva la Democrats!

At 23 July 2019 at 12:03 , Blogger Hollie Grieg Justice said...


At 23 July 2019 at 12:30 , Blogger dognamedblue said...

there is an old saying AangryFan that you should be able to pack a case and be gone in 5 minutes without a trace
judging by the way the BBC the media the police the politicians are behaving that may be closer than one would like

At 23 July 2019 at 13:09 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 24 July 2019 at 04:56 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 24 July 2019 at 07:07 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Police commissioner calls for 'National Inquiry' to investigate Sir Edward Heath paedophilia allegations in wake of Carl Beech Trial

At 24 July 2019 at 07:12 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Laura Janner-Klausner: "People alleging my father was a paedophile make me sick"

At 24 July 2019 at 07:28 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 24 July 2019 at 07:44 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I have no doubt that there is antisemitism behind it”

– Daniel Janner QC attacks his father's victims for hating Jews

At 24 July 2019 at 08:12 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Lord Janner "was at the top of a list of company directors for his firm West Heath Road Seasons Ltd ...

"[He] stood down as a director of the company ... six days before the chief prosecutor announced he would escape being charged with 22 child sex offences.

"[And] Janner transferred ownership of his apartment to his three children in the same month his Parliamentary office was searched by police last year ...

"Now it can also be revealed the alleged paedophile used his holiday home on the south coast to entertain teenage boys, according to former neighbours ...

"Former Bournemouth mayor Anne Filer, who is a leading member of the town's Jewish community, said she never heard even a 'whisper' of concerns ...

"Another of the peer's alleged victims has come forward to describe how he was abused at a working men's club in the 1970s.

"The man said Janner befriended him when he was eight by buying him 'pop and crisps' while his single mother was at work.

"But within months the then-Labour MP allegedly began sexually assaulting him in a 'secret room' at the club.

"The alleged victim, who cannot be named for legal reasons, said the abuse continued until he went to secondary school aged 11 ..."

At 24 July 2019 at 09:13 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

In light of statements given to the media today by the late Lord Janner's children, consider again Gilad Atzmon's statements about Lord Janner.

Laura Janner-Klausner has very pointedly condemned the UK Child Abuse Inquiry's *dedicated investigative strand into her father's alleged career of child rape*.

Could part of the reason for the the Carl Beech trial (in particular the deranged media fanfare given to its outcome) be to either:

(A) Kill the dedicated 'Lord Janner strand' of the UK Child Abuse Inquiry entirely? (Somewhat unlikely to happen, but within the realms of possibility: particularly if new prime minister Boris Johnson or his administration were to intervene); or

(B) Force the Inquiry chair, Prof Alexis Jay, into permitting Daniel Janner QC to 'cross-examine' survivors testifying about their experiences as Lord Janner's victims.

The Janner siblings desperately want Daniel Janner QC to be permitted to interrogate and rail against the vulnerable survivors who intend to describe what Lord Janner did to them. They want Daniel Janner to be permitted to use the survivors' imperfect personal histories against them: to bring up survivors' criminal records, however slight, and use survivors' intimate photos and messages (including from social media accounts) to try to destroy their credibility.

Moreover, the Janner children have also indicated that they are preparing to allege that survivors making allegations against their father are guilty of anti-Semitism.

As ruthless and cynical as they appear to be, the Janner children would even be prepared to claims that the UK Child Abuse Inquiry is itself irredeemably tarnished by 'institutional anti-Semitism'.

Daniel Janner QC would also love free reign to spin a yarn for a complicit media involving tales of 'False Memory Syndrome'; 'A Climate of Public Hysteria, post-Savile'; 'Unscrupulous Ambulance-Chasing Lawyers'; and - last but not least - 'Pathetic Fantasists Craving Fame and its Rewards').

The siblings are prepared to work with the national media to turn the dedicated Lord Janner strand of the Child Abuse Inquiry into a circus if they have to. Anything to prevent the allegations against Lord Janner from being properly and fairly heard and considered by the Inquiry itself and the British public at large.

At 24 July 2019 at 10:52 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 24 July 2019 at 11:01 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 24 July 2019 at 11:22 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

'Mossad-certified' MP Priti Patel is the new UK Home Secretary.

"In 2017, Patel resigned as international development secretary after initially omitting to tell Theresa May that she'd met high ranking Israeli officials, INCLUDING ISRAEL'S PRIME MINISTER, when she was on holiday in the country.

"Patel falsely suggested the Foreign Office knew about the meetings in advance.

"And she also failed to include two further meetings when she did finally come clean."


[The reporter forgot to place 'on holiday' in inverted commas]

At 24 July 2019 at 12:57 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Journalist Mark Watts points out that The Daily Mail at some point "SWITCHED DIRECTION" over the scandal of VIP paedophiles.

The change seemed very abrupt and dramatic at the time.

This is fascinating. Why did it happen?

In fact, the 180 degree turnaround in the Daily Mail's reporting focus, emphasis and editorial position on 'VIP paedophilia' seems to have taken place IN MID AUGUST 2015.

What on earth happened at (or to) The Daily Mail in mid August 2015 to cause the sudden change in its approach to reporting this subject?

What follows is a snap-shot of reports from The Daily Mail in the time period, so you can judge for yourself how the focus and emphasis changed. In mid August 2015 the paper dramatically switched from being 'the victims' advocate', to being 'the Establishment's advocate'.

At 24 July 2019 at 12:58 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


20 JUNE 2015:

'Lord Janner made secret visits to the Lords AFTER being declared unfit for police questions over child abuse allegations'

24 JUNE 2015:

'Lord Janner and the paedophile ring at his son's elite school: Labour peer's link to institution where teachers abused boys'

27 JUNE 2015:

'Janner WILL face justice: Top barrister to recommend DPP's decision is over-ruled so case against Labour peer IS heard in court'

5 AUGUST 2015:

'Moment whip in Sir Edward Heath's Government revealed that his job was to cover up scandals "involving small boys" and the PM kept details in a "dirt book"'

6 AUGUST 2015:

'Jimmy Savile's nephew claims his friend was abused at 14 by Ted Heath as picture emerges of the ex prime minister with known paedophile dubbed "King Cornet"'

7 AUGUST 2015:

'Mother claims she had told police a child vanished after going on Sir Edward Heath's yacht but officers were warned not to investigate by '"someone above"'

8 AUGUST 2015:

'A vanished file and troubling claims about Heath and young musicians: There's no smoking gun. But after a week of shocking headlines, the Mail's unearthed fresh allegations'


At 24 July 2019 at 12:59 , Anonymous Anonymous said...



25 AUGUST 2015:

'Ex-Tory MP Harvey Proctor blasts Met Police for mounting homesexual witch hunt against him'

26 AUGUST 2015:

'It's a pack of lies, insists son of general accused in Westminster abuse inquiry'

27 SEPTEMBER 2015:

'Social worker who accused Leon Brittan and other VIPs as being members of an alleged paedophile ring was convicted of fraud in 2011'

12 OCTOBER 2015:

'DOMINIC LAWSON: Abuse slurs are like acid thrown in your face. Those to blame mustn't evade justice'

16 OCTOBER 2015:

'Tory candidate for London mayor Zac Goldsmith faces Commons grilling for refusing to apologise over VIP sex abuse slurs'


The tone, focus and emphasis of Daily Mail articles on 'VIP paedophilia' has remained quite consistent since the middle of August 2015 to the present day.

Mark Watts reference:

At 24 July 2019 at 14:17 , Anonymous gamleboeger said...

Here's a bit more about the methods of the DeepState when they're in a frenzy...

At 24 July 2019 at 14:20 , Anonymous gamleboeger said...

Here's a few thoughts on why the DeepState obviously like to hurt the innocent...

At 24 July 2019 at 16:12 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boris Johnson "may be the most pro-Israel prime minister in history"

- Haaretz

At 24 July 2019 at 16:27 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"[Boris Johnson] is a man who believes that money spent on investigating child abuse has been 'spaffed' - ejaculated - up the wall. I think we need to use the language. We need to say what this man actually said, what he meant, because this takes inside the mind of Britain's new prime minister.

"And if he feels this - which he clearly does, because he said it live on LBC Radio - we cannot trust him on anything he's going to do."

- Brian Gerrish, UK Column News 24 July 2019

At 24 July 2019 at 17:41 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm going to @BackBoris because I believe he supports our campaign

He said: "an awful lot of money, an awful lot of police time goes into these historic offences and all this malarkey - £60m I saw being spaffed up the wall on some investigation into historic child abuse"


Daniel Janner QC tweeting his support for Boris Johnson. "Our campaign" is apparently a reference to and

At 24 July 2019 at 18:34 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 25 July 2019 at 02:34 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 25 July 2019 at 02:47 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Absolutely nothing about this in the msm, except that:

At 25 July 2019 at 04:52 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"In light of Beech trial and IOPC report IICSA to decide whether to drop untenable Janner Strand. Decision to be made on 9 August."

- Daniel Janner QC on Twitter


How thoroughly predictable...

At 25 July 2019 at 06:58 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


How to contain Britain's VIP paedophilia scandal, at least in the short to medium term?

Take it step by step.



i. The wife of John Bercow, the House of Commons Speaker, 'libels' Lord Alistair McAlpine in a 'devastating' Tweeter message.

ii. The BBC, the national broadcaster, 'prejudices' a police investigation by broadcasting dramatic footage of a police raid on one of Sir Cliff Richard's properties.

iii. A 'fantasist', Carl Beech, 'sullies' the 'good names' of Lords Janner and Brittan ('deceased'), Lord Bramall, General Sir Hugh Beach, the late Sir Edward Heath, and various other deceased VIPs from the British army and security services.


'Something must be done', say the public (according to the mass media, Westminster, and various prominent 'influencers' - all 'on message').


i. Prime Minister Boris Johnson and/or MPs to declare that 'things have gone too far' ... 'Victims should not automatically be believed' etc. etc. These declarations accord rather neatly with the message of a media campaign spearheaded by the likes of Daniel Janner QC, Harvey Proctor and Sir Cliff Richard, supported and amplified by key editors, journalists, and media commentators.

ii. Survivors are deterred from contacting police and speaking out - fearing disbelief, scorn, ridicule and retribution.

iii. The UK Child Abuse Inquiry is scaled back. A strand dedicated to Lord Janner is portrayed as 'compromised', and will perhaps be abandoned altogether.

iv. Police investigations and prosecutions against key living individuals never take off. The police apologise to various VIP 'victims' for ever having doubted their integrity and innocence.

v. The reputations of key paedophiles and their supporters are rehabilitated and enhanced.

vi. The 'bigger picture' of organised VIP paedophilia and child sex trafficking - why it exists; its sponsors and supporters; the way the sponsors and supporters organise and operate within the institutions - is buried.

vii. Public confidence in the Establishment is preserved.

viii. Fewer people will believe victims and whistle-blowers in the future when they speak out. Alternative media 'discredited'.

ix. The Friends of Israel, and VIP paedophiles and supporters around Britain, breathe a collective sigh of relief.

Job done.

Problem - Reaction - Solution ... mass psychological steering straight out of the Tavistock playbook.

At 25 July 2019 at 07:45 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Things of interest

At 21 August 2019 at 06:03 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

First time commenter
I worked closely with child abuse and have inside knowledge of child abuse
The london brothel madam Lindie st Clair wrote a tell all book naming those in parliament who used her girls, Both her and cynthia payne refused to supply young boys for the homosexual trade but said it was rife.
The inside knowledge i have backs up Nick Beech 100%

At 24 August 2019 at 23:02 , Blogger Anon said...

24 August 2019 at 19:03

Peter Saunders of NAPAC quits UK child abuse inquiry over drunken lunch tryst in a restaurant toilet with molested victim



Note, in the above report, the journalist's gleeful, triumphant tone.

David Rose, the journalist in question, is identified as an 'Associate' of F.A.I.R. - joined by Harvey Proctor, Daniel Janner QC, and Sir Cliff Richard - on the lobbying group's website.

I assume Mr Rose is an asset of the Mossad and / or the British security services.

Below are a few examples of Mr Rose's previous efforts on behalf of the security services to prejudice and derail trials of VIP paedophiles, sway public opinion against survivors, and demoralise survivors:

How a self-promoting TV detective, obsessed with celebrity sex abusers, helped police ruin the lives of Sir Cliff and a string of other famous faces... who all turned out to be TOTALLY innocent

How police chief Lenny Harper lost the plot over the Jersey children's home 'murders'

Sir Cliff Richard joins battle for a law change after suffering 'years of hell' over false accusations of sex abuse

'Abuse witch-hunt traps innocent in a net of lies'

"A victim of his delusions: Astonishing story the BBC DIDN'T tell you about its troubled star witness"

On Twitter:
"I investigated claims Leon Brittan was a paedophile 30 years ago. They were disgusting lies then, and so they remain."


In short, anything and everything that David Rose writes is highly suspect. He appears to be a spook who pens a lot of claptrap which the state finds it useful to air.

At 15 September 2019 at 03:54 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 15 September 2019 at 09:55 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interested? U bet:

At 19 September 2019 at 10:42 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is getting very messy

At 20 September 2019 at 08:50 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now "Kincora Boys Home Documents" suppressed for another 66 yrs?
The people in UK and Ireland thought they lived by "Democratic Methods", by orders of the Supreme suppressors, Parliament, House of Fruads,Den of Inequity,No dounbt backed up by MI5/6, Metropolitan Police Service, London?

At 8 February 2020 at 12:36 , Blogger @BubbaRogowski on twitter said...


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