Scotland's Cardinal Keith O'Brien with Sir Jimmy Savile, friend of the UK military and Israel.
A woman has told how she was subjected to a Satanic sex ritual by nuns at the Smyllum Park orphanage.
In evidence at the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry, she told how she was sexually assaulted in a candlelit chapel in the grounds of the Smyllum Park home run by the nuns.
The assault was carried out by man wearing a hood – and the sisters told her he was 'the Devil'.
Afterwards, she said she was buried alive overnight at the orphanage in Lanark, then forced to bathe in what she was told was blood.

The security services have been linked to child abuse and mind control.
Winston Barracks is in Lanark

Smyllum Park orphanage in Scotland.
Children 'were murdered' at Smyllum Park orphanage, in Lanark, in Scotland.
Young boy 'killed by nun at South Lanarkshire orphanage'.

Smyllum Park orphanage in Scotland.
Around 400 children who died at the orphanage were buried in a single unmarked grave.
Smyllum's Children: Lanarkshire kids' home scandal ... - Sunday Post

Jimmy Savile is known to have visited the hospital in Carstairs, 5 miles away from Smyllum Park orphanage.
Carstairs: Hospital for Horrors.

Scotland's Cardinal Keith O'Brien
Savile was close friends with Cardinal Keith O'Brien who visited children in Lanark.
Cardinal Keith O'Brien visits Lanark's St Mary's Primary School ... .
Former residents of Smyllum Park orphanage have accused the nuns and staff who ran the home – the Daughters of Charity of St Vincent de Paul – of beating the children.

Inside Smyllum Park
At Smyllum Park orphanage, children died as the result of 'accidents' and 'malnutrition'.

Scotland's Cardinal Keith O'Brien
Savile was close friends with Cardinal Keith O'Brien who visited children in Lanark.
Cardinal Keith O'Brien visits Lanark's St Mary's Primary School ... .
Former residents of Smyllum Park orphanage have accused the nuns and staff who ran the home – the Daughters of Charity of St Vincent de Paul – of beating the children.

Inside Smyllum Park
At Smyllum Park orphanage, children died as the result of 'accidents' and 'malnutrition'.
Smyllum's Children: Lanarkshire kids' home scandal ... - Sunday Post
Labels: Child Abuse, Jimmy Savile, Keith O'Brien, murder, orphanage, Scotland, Smyllum Park
i was at st marys orphanage school in shernhall st walthamnstow the head nun sister peter was an evil twisted bitch who would beat primary schoolchildren with bamboo canes straps and bats, she also sexually interfered with small boys, the name of this orphanage has been changed many times, but evil in the extreme it was before i was there there were rumours kids were taken from here to porton down for experiments
My mother was sent to a private school in Scotland that was run by nuns. She was abused and saw other girls being abused. She said the nuns were evil and nasty.
i used to live near walthamstow and i remember the rumours years ago, i did a net search and found this interesting little item
From Strategic-Culture org -
George Soros "and his followers have set up shop in Britain with their own «spy network» in a little known charitable organisation based in St. James Square, London under the title of «Hope» not «Hate»
Soros and his misguided followers in his «Hope» not «Hate» spy network cult have started targeting anyone in Britain who exercise their legitimate democratic and civil liberty rights to intellectual freedom, freedom of speech and freedom of thought
How such an independent spy network can be allowed to operate this way in Britain is deeply disturbing and is yet another sign of the 1984 quasi-Gestapo State the UK is steadily slipping into. Indeed there is close coordination between certain elements in the British State along with Soros's «spies»
The children were all residents of an orphanage run by Catholic nuns and were found buried in an unmarked mass grave in a section of St Mary’s Cemetery.
400 Sexually Abused Children Found Buried Under Catholic Church
Over 400 children's bodies have been discovered on the grounds of a Catholic Church run by nuns in Lanarkshire, southern Scotland.
There's an Irish DJ who loves children who is quadriplegic. By this description you may know him. When he was a young boy, about 5 maybe, his dad hung himself. Well, suicide was frowned upon by the Catholic religion so they said the little boy was possessed by the devil and they put him in a convent to be taken care of by nuns. But as they said he was Demon possessed so they kept beating him. Eventually he developed this strange gait every time he walked past the nuns and his foot nearest to the nuns would twist inward because he was so scared of them.
A neurosurgeon got to hear of his strange walk and he was pioneering research in brain surgery at the time so he got the little boy and started doing brain surgery on him to try to cure him of his strange walk. Anyway, as the years went by the brain surgeries slowly left him quadriplegic.
(Do you know, I find this so difficult to write and it's making start to cry).
Anyway, the little boy was pleased that the surgeon took him away from the nuns because the nurses were so much nicer to him and he says it saved his life because the nuns would have completely destroyed him.
All this evil.
You know, Aang, I think many of us as humans ask why there is pain and suffering in our lives? Why do bad things happen to ourselves and to others? Why do people we love die? Why do our relationships sometimes cause us heartbreak? Why is illness a thing? Why does sadness visit us so much? Why can't and the ones we love we always be happy, always live and never die, always have good health and affluence and joy?
Well, I know a small part of the answer.
There are so many people who are doing evil things, wrong things. These individuals who are doing wrong things, terrible things, are not only impacting their direct victims. They are impacting all of us, every day, in a million different ways, because they are creating and perpetuating negative energy, the energy of fear and death.
A billion wrong deeds, a billion examples of wrong behaviour - more new ones every day. History an eons-long accumulation of atrocities and micro aggressions and mistakes and scars upon scars upon scars. Fear and suffering and sadness for billions of us, until we stop doing this, until we finally fucking stop.
Mustn't forget the Rabbis either. They are probably just as bad as the nuns and catholic priests. They just get forgotten about. There have been quite a number of stories in the past few years of rabbis (which just actually means teacher, and anyone can call themselves a rabbi in the Judaic religion) who have been done for child molestation, child porn etc. It just isn't talked about or reported on much because you know ... anti-Semitism. But unfortunately it is true, so they cannot tar you with that brush ...
I have no links but I'm sure if you do a google search you will find something ...
We really need to clear up these organisations. They are full of psychopaths who get away with all sorts of hideous things because they are in positions of power. It is time for people to start standing up for themselves in droves. Only then will things start to change.
Pedophilia ‘Rampant’ In Orthodox Judaism
REBLOGGED DONT forget Robert Green kept the Satanic abuse element away from the public for years as he knew he nonces would deny it ....the tales are horrific
I have tears in my eyes too.......poor little kids.......
Sister Murher ( maybe false spelling ) nazareth House(Nazi House) said to my face she would have me run over and killed ( i was 8 or 9 and some football stickers had gone missing from the childrens home near devils point where we local kids use to play with the childrens home kids, its a few minutes walk from frm 3 commando where phil the greek and jimmy saville were most welcome most of the children from the home would tell you straight that people would come in and take them away for the night are now dead in strange circumstances or been lifed off at her majesties pleasure. C H who was royal navy with prince charles is now in bristol court for historic offences. Think charlie and the gang have thrown him under the bus. This evil from people in positions of power will stop, we will make sure of that. 1 kings 11.6 1 kings 11.7
Many thanks for the info.
Can you tell us more - eg which Nazareth House and which military base?
- Aangirfan.
The misery inflicted on 1000s of kids in Scottish approve schools remand home regime. Unbelievable.
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