Tuesday 30 May 2017

Jan Raven - Theresa May

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Sunday 28 May 2017



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Saturday 27 May 2017

Morgens halb zehn im wunderschönen Bayern - dann passierte DAS

Monday 22 May 2017

Dr Peter Gøtzsche exposes big pharma as organized crime

Have you been conned? Of course not. You knew.


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Saturday 20 May 2017

Jon Robberson: Satanic child abuse ring

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Thursday 18 May 2017



Natalie Crayton makes 'Hebridean Sea Salt'.

The agency called Food Standards Scotland has been investigating Natalie Crayton's 'hand harvested sea salt, produced on the Island of Lewis', in Scotland.

Food Standards Scotland  claims that most of Natalie Crayton's salt is 'imported table salt from Israel'.

Food Standards Scotland began its inquiry after an ex-employee alleged that the product was 'bulked out' with salt from Israel.

Hebridean Sea Salt received assistance from the Prince's Trust and the Scottish Edge entrepreneurial fund, plus £180,000 from private investors and the Bank of Scotland.

Highlands and Islands Enterprise gave Hebridean Sea Salt £147,405 in grants over five years.


Above, we see a Jewish wedding on the island of Lewis in the Hebrides.

The house where Donald Trump's mother grew up in Tong, on the Isle of Lewis

Donald Trump's mother, Mary Anne MacLeod, was born and brought up on the island of Lewis, in Scotland.

Lewis has been linked to child abuse and worse.

Lewis has a population of around 18,000.

Reverend Iain D. Campbell and his wife Anne.

The Reverend Iain D. Campbell died in mysterious circumstances, in January 2017.

The Reverend Iain D. Campbell was a top clergyman on the Isle of Lewis.

The death of the Reverend Iain D. Campbell 'cast a gloom over the island of Lewis.'

"Iain was a well-known figure in Evangelical circles throughout Britain, and beyond, and tributes have already come in from the USA and elsewhere."

The Reverend Dr. Iain D. Campbell.

Lewis - top left.

The Revered Dr Iain Campbell reportedly had 7 affairs with church members and fathered an out of wedlock child.

Herald Scotland

The Revered Dr Iain Campbell  reportedly hanged himself.

The Rev Dr Iain D Campbell, of the Free Church of Scotland on the Isle of Lewis, reportedly took a drug overdose and then hanged himself while in hospital.

Iain Campbell and Anne.

A church source told the Daily Mail "Anne has supplied names of these alleged mistresses to the church."

Campbell had been a senior official in the Free Church.



Was Campbell framed and murdered because he knew too much?

Three children on the Isle of Lewis were sexually abused for years.

In 2003, there was a major child abuse scandal on the island of Lewis.

In 2005, an investigation by the Social Work Inspection Agency found extensive evidence of sexual, physical and emotional abuse.[57]

The Lewis accusations involved animal sacrifices, snuff movies, devil worship and the rape of children.

The accusations were made by children.

Police investigation resulted in allegations of an island-wide "Satanic child abuse ring". [57][58]

Charges were dropped nine months later following an inconclusive investigation. [57][58]

Lews Castle, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis

In the Lewis child abuse case, the Sunday Herald was given police transcripts of interrogations with some of the accused.

They include police claims that there is medical proof that the three children at the centre of the case were definitely sexually abused.

Eight people were arrested and later released.

These included John Gray, originally from Rotherham, who had been a Boy Scout leader, and, Ian Campbell who was openly a "pagan".


Liam Aitchison.

In 2011, Liam Aitchison, 16, was stabbed at least 20 times in an attack at a derelict military building on the Isle of Lewis.


De la Lanne-Mirrlees

Robin Ian Evelyn Grinnell-Milne (aka Robin Ian Evelyn Milne Stuart de la Lanne-Mirrlees) lived on Lewis.

He worked with Ian Fleming on his book On Her Majesty's Secret Service and was the main inspiration for the character of James Bond.

The aristocrat who inspired Fleming's James Bond.



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Wednesday 17 May 2017

Mossad man: Tump will be impeached; Conservative Conference.

Mossad agent Juval Aviv predicts that President Trump will be impeached on grounds of treason.

Maybe Mossad thinks that Mike Pence will be less accident prone.


Conservatives are funny.

Above we see a gay party at the royal palace in Saudi Arabia. The Saudis are mainly gay.



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Tuesday 16 May 2017

The dubious friends of Donald trump: King of Diamonds

Monday 15 May 2017


According to the dailymail:

"The Syrian government has been accused of carrying out mass killings of thousands of prisoners by the US government...

"The Trump administration claims the bodies of those killed were burned in a large crematorium attached to the Saydnaya prison complex outside the Syrian capital of Damascus."

Below, we see comments from readers of the Mail Online.

More Daily Mail farcical reporting. I'm so glad I don't pay to read this nonsense.

cool_php, Tucson, United States

As usual Daily Mail news has zero credibility.

David Whitmore, London is tan, United Kingdom

Strange how they can get such good aerial shots of Assad's installations but nothing of ISIS.
jules st john, swansea,

What a total load of crap - the buildings could be anything - are these the same people who decided about the WMDS in Iraq.


katz ro, Darko, United States,

So, are you stroking daesh (ISIS) because they make you hot or coz your scared and that will make them leave you alone in your twisted mind?

They are the ones that butchered raed and destroyed whole cities en masse. They are the ones that blew up priceless centuries old architecture and statuaries any grain of which would be worth more in powder than a single one of their polluted sounds. You were actively involved in helping create this situation it needs to be dealt with and not by you whoops sorry there is no reset

not 4 me, Åland Islands, 
They still havent proved Assad bombed those people - all speculation

Read more: dailymail.

The Daily Mail was founded by Alfred Harmsworth, 1st Viscount Northcliffe (1865 – 1922) and his brother Harold Harmsworth, 1st Viscount Rothermere  (1868 – 1940).

Below, is what we wrote earlier:

Lord Northcliffe (Alfred Harmsworth), who died in mysterious circumstances.

The newspaper owner Lord Northcliffe liked to cover certain things up.

Lord Northcliffe's private secretary was the gay spy Scott Moncrieff.

Lord Northcliffe, who was related to the Rothschilds through marriage, owned a number of newspapers including The Times and the Daily Mail.

Northcliffe is linked to the cabal that started World War I.

Beginning in 1913, Wellington House in London was at the centre of a plan to 'create' public opinion.

Sir Edward Grey, the British Foreign Secretary, installed Lord Northcliffe as its director. 

The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations.

The operational staff of Wellington House consisted of Lord Northcliffe, Arnold Toynbee, Walter Lippmann and Edward Bernays (the nephew to Signund Freud).

Funding was provided by the Royal family, the Rothchilds (related to Lord Northcliffe by marriage) and the Rockefellers. 

Wellington House became the Tavistock Institute in 1921

Lord Northcliffe was a war monger, but he once published an article entitled The Jewish Peril.

In May 1920 Lord Northcliffe published an article in The Times about the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

The article was entitled The Jewish Peril.

In 1921 Northcliffe became ill.

He complained he was being poisoned

The Protocols.

In 1921, the Times changed its mind and produced a series of articles suggesting the Protocols was a forgery.

On 14 August 1922 Lord Northcliffe died, aged 57.

The cause of death stated was 'ulcerative endocarditis'..

The John JACOB Astor took over the Times in 1922.

The Times became very clearly pro-Zionist.

Harold Harmsworth with Hitler.

Lord Northcliffe was born Alfred Harmsworth.

Working alongside Alfred was his brother Harold Harmsworth, who becameLord Rothermere.

The Harmsworth newspapers championed the British Union of Fascists, many of whose leaders were actually Jewish.

John Beckett (British Union Director of Publications), Bill Leaper (Editor of the Blackshirt), Harold Soref (later Tory M.P. for Ormskirk), and the Jewish boxer Kid Lewis all supported Oswald Mosley and his fascist Blackshirts.

Rothermere wrote a Daily Mail editorial entitled "Hurrah for the Blackshirts", praising Oswald Mosley.

Rothermere visited and corresponded with Hitler. 

On 1 October 1938, Rothermere sent Hitler a telegram in support of Germany's invasion of the Sudetenland, and expressing the hope that 'Adolf the Great' would become a popular figure in Britain.


The owner of the Daily mail Lord Rothermere with Adolf Hitler.

"The Daily Mail supported Hitler and the Nazis prior to World War II and promoted fascism in the UK in the 1930s.

"Harold Sydney Harmsworth, 1st Viscount Rothermere, counted himself as a friend of Mussolini and Adolf Hitler when he was proprietor of The Daily Mail. Prior to World War II, he praised Hitler publicly and privately, and met him personally in Germany.

"Letters show that Lord Rothermere congratulated Hitler on the annexation of Czechoslovakia and encouraged him to invade Romania.

"He also publicly supported the British Union of Fascists... In 1934 the paper ran the notorious headline, Hurrah for the Blackshirts."

The Daily Mail "provides a notoriously gratuitous display of scantily-clad celebrity pictures on the right sidebar of its website, also known as the “sidebar of shame,” and publishes highly sexualised imagery and even nude pictures itself.

It has run stories about teens in skimpy bikinis and has been accused of sexualising underage girls.

Its highly sexualised content is probably the reason it toppled the New York Times as the most visited newspaper site in the world.

Thus the crusade against porn is coming from a newspaper that has been accused of peddling ‘almost porn’.

Daily Mail

The Daily Mail is campaigning against the Human Rights Act.

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Thursday 11 May 2017



Above we see Indonesians protesting about the rise of Trump's Islamo-fascist friends in Indonesia.

Tommy Suharto. 

Who are the people said to be promoting the mad Islamists in Indonesia?


1. Tommy Suharto.

'Billionaire playboy' Tommy Suharto is said to be linked to the narcotics trade in Indonesia.

His mother was born a Christian.

His father, former President Suharto, is rumoured to have Chinese origins.

Above, we see the American educated Anies Baswedan (left) with Tommy Suharto (right), the son of the late President Suharto, who was put into power by the CIA in the mid 1960s.

In 2002, Tommy was sentenced to 15 years jail for paying two hitmen to kill a Supreme Court judge who had convicted him of graft.

Rumour has it that Tommy got a 'body double' to serve his time in prison.

Rumour has it that Tommy's mother was shot dead by one of the Suharto sons.

Tommy Suharto's financial contributions to the Islamists were affirmed by retired General Kivlan Zein


Hary Tanoe.

2. Hary Tanoe, Trump's main Indonesian business partner.

Billionaire Tanoe is a Christian with Chinese origins.

Journalist Allan Nairn was told that funds for the Islamists "came from Donald Trump's billionaire business partner Hary Tanoe, who was repeatedly described ... by key movement figures as being among their most important supporters."

"The supporters of the FPI (ISIS linked Islamists) see Hary, who is a Christian, as being a bridge between Trump and Gen. Prabowo."



3. Former General Prabowo Subianto.

Prabowo's late mother, Dora, was a Christian.

Prabowo graduated from The American School in London. [9]

Prabowo was trained at Fort Bragg and Fort Benning in the US. 

Prabowo is said to have worked for the USA's Defence Intelligence Agency.

Domingos Guterres, from East Timor, claims General Prabowo personally carried out acts of torture.

In the 1983 Kraras massacres in East Timor, about 300 people are believed to have been buried in mass graves after a series of executions that the locals say were carried out under General Prabowo. 

(Torture evidence mounts against Indonesian general )

Prabowo and a Thai 'girl'.

According to sources, former Indonesian Special Forces boss Prabowo Subianto, who hopes to become President of Indonesia, often takes commercial flights to Bangkok to visit a Thai 'girlfriend'.


Didiet Prabowo. 

Prabowo Subianto's son is called Didiet (also Didit, Didier). 

Didiet is said to be transgender.

Didiet grew up in Boston and now lives in Paris, as a designer..itoday.

Rizieq Shihab - crypto-Jew?

5. Rizieq Shihab

Rizieq Shihab was educated at the Bethel Christian Middle School in Petamburan.

Rizieq Shihab may or may not be working for the CIA, Mossad or Saudi intelligence.

Rizieq Shihab is the founder[2] and the mastermind behind the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), which is said to be run by certain generals, such as Pentagon friend General Wiranto.

Rizieq claims to be an Arab Indonesian.

"Considered by neighbors to be a troublesome youth with a penchant for getting into fighting, his family sent Rizieq to Saudi Arabia in 1990 to continue his study at King Saud University."

Rizieq - what is his sexuality?

Rizieq set up the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) on 17 August 1998, just after the CIA's toppling of President Suharto. 

Reportedly, the FPI has been used by certain generals to extract money from certain nightspots.

"Rizieq was jailed for seven months in 2003 for inciting his young, white-shirted followers, who often would hide their faces bandit-style behind handkerchiefs, to attack nightspots in Jakarta with clubs and stones."[13] 

The FPI is allied to al Qaeda and ISIS 'which are run by the CIA and its friends.'

Above, we see Rizieq and his close friend Pastor Gilbert Lumoindong.

There was a sexual abuse case linked to the family of the pastor.

Kasus Hukum Istri Pendeta Gilbert Lumoindong Dihentikan - Translate this page.

Pastor Gilbert is now in the USA.

CIA Infiltration into Churches Today.


Rizieq likes young lads.

"Ralph Boyce, while US ambassador in Jakarta, used the services of two known local procurers of child prostitutes and sex slaves."


5. Indonesia's military

Indonesia's military has been training the Islamist FPI which is allied to ISIS.

Indonesia's top generals have been trained in the USA. "Their wives shop in New York. Their children are educated at American colleges."

The CIA put the generals into power in the mid-1960s. Around one million opponents of the CIA were then murdered.

Mad Islamists in Jakarta, or, a gay pride march? Jakarta's Christian governor Ahok jailed

The CIA, Mossad and Saudi intelligence have been holding a party in Jakarta, in Indonesia?

Ahok - a Christian Chinese-Indonesian.

Ahok was the Christian candidate standing for re-election as Jakarta Governor in the recent election.

He was opposed by candidates linked to certain generals who are alleged to be in bed with the CIA and Mossad.

Various well fed Islamists took to the streets on 4 November 2016. Prabowo allowed his supporters to join the Nov. 4 Protest

Former general Yudhoyono, another friend of the Pentagon, denied organising the protests against Ahok.

Yudhoyono Denies Mobilizing Protest Against Ahok

Wiranto - East Timor.

Ahok has been verbally attacked by the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), which is closely linked to the Pentagon's golden boy General Wiranto.

General Yudhoyono is another of the Pentagon's golden boys.

General Yudhoyono is married to Christian Herrawati, who was educated at the Christian University of Indonesia

Christian Herrawati's father was a commander of the notorious Kopassus special forces regiment.

Kopassus works closely with Mossad.

Anies Baswedan

Ahok was defeated for the governorship of Jakarta by Anies Baswedan.

Baswedan holds a PhD in Political Science from Northern Illinois University, and a Master of Public Policy degree in International Security and Economic Policy from University of Maryland School of Public Policy.

Anies (left)

US magazine Foreign Policy named Anies Baswedan as one of the top 100 public intellectuals in the world in May 2008 [1] and the World Economic Forum included him in the 2009 Young Global Leaders.

Anies Baswedan ran as a candidate of the party headed by General Prabowo Subianto.


In 2013, General Wiranto's youngest son, Rizky Nur Zainal, died in mysterious circumstances in Johannesburg, South Africa.


Robert Finnegan was editor of the Jakarta Post at the time of the first Bali Bomb.

Finnegan clashed with Ralph Boyce, the then U.S. ambassador to Indonesia, and got sacked. Reportedly, Finnegan had produced evidence linking the Bali Bombing to the security services.

The Bali Bomb, Ralph Boyce and Robert Finnegan

"Finnegan said that while he was with the Jakarta Post, he became aware that Boyce, while ambassador in Jakarta, used the services of two known local procurers of child prostitutes and sex slaves.

"They were both Indonesian nationals, one was a CIA asset operating as a businessman and the other was a journalist."


A parade by banci.

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Wednesday 10 May 2017


Donald Trump Holds Meeting with Henry Kissinger on Syria.

On 10 May 2017, Henry Kissinger and Donald Trump met to discuss Syria.

'US and UK forces on the border with Syria'

"The United States, the United Kingdom, and Jordan are mobilizing their troops along the border between Syria and Jordan."

Massive US Troop Movement Reported Along Syria-Jordan Border.

Trump is going to topple Assad, save ISIS and help create a Greater Israel?

Donald Trump 'plotting US Syria invasion to oust Assad'.

Trump has been at war with Assad for some time.


Henry Kissinger helped to organise the deaths of at least one third of the population of East Timor, where the people are Christians.


Kissinger is now advising Donald Trump, whose Indonesian allies are in bed with an ISIS-backed militia seeking to put Trump's friends into power in Indonesia.

Kissinger is in bed with Trump.

"Dr. Kissinger," shouted twenty-eight-year-old Ellen Kaplan, "is it true that you sleep with young boys at the Carlyle Hotel?" News SpikeTowards the end of World War II, Kissinger was in US military intelligence, and reportedly had the job of protecting and recruiting top Nazis. ASCII text - www.ratical.org. 

Kissinger's policies helped kill millions in Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Bangladesh, Chile, Indonesia and even Cyprus.

Donald Trump, 'who is German Jewish in origin', is the Deep State.

Trump's Older Brother Fred Joined a Jewish Fraternity Trump proclaims May 'Jewish American Heritage Month'

Henry Kissinger wants Freeport to continue to loot Indonesia.

Freeport collects export permit after Pence visit .

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Tuesday 9 May 2017


Ahok and family

Ahok, Jakarta's former governor, a Christian, has been jailed for two years.

Ahok's alleged crime was that he said that Moslems could vote for a Christian.

The people who have sent Ahok to jail are Trump's Indonesian cronies.

This is dirty politics by Trump's friends, who want to seize power in Indonesia.

The coup plotters include top Indonesian generals, linked to the Pentagon, and 'Islamist' militias, linked to ISIS, and reportedly financed by Trump's friends.

The Pentagon's chief Indonesian friend, former general Prabowo, is said to be one of the brains behind the idea of using the FPI (friends of ISIS) against Ahok. When the CIA ordered the slaughter of Indonesians in the mid 1960s, they used Moslem militias to do much of the killing. Prabowo was said to have been tasked by the Pentagon to topple SUHARTO. In May 1998, the generals transported street thugs into Jakarta to act as rioters. Suharto was toppled by the CIA and not by a bunch of students.

According to Allan Nairn, Prominent supporters of the coup against the current president Joko Widodo include:

1. Fadli Zon, the vice speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives who is Donald Trump's main political supporter in Indonesia.

2. Hary TanoeTrump's main Indonesian business partner, who is building two Trump resorts, one in Bali and one outside Jakarta.


The Pentagon wants its 'Islamist dictators' in charge of countries such as Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Indonesia.

Donald Trump is Jewish, according to his late brother.

Most Indonesians are moderate and friendly.

The mad Islamists all work for the Pentagon and its friends.

ISIS (above) is linked to Indonesia's FPI (above) which is linked to the Indonesian military (TNI) which is linked to the Pentagon.

ISIS is linked to Indonesia's Islamic Defenders Front (FPI).

Indonesia's Secretary of Defense, Ryamizard Ryacudu, has said that all members of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) may participate in defense exercises organized by the Indonesian military (TNI).

Menhan Sebut Jangankan FPI, ISIS

In the days before the Bali bombings, one of the generals who just happened to be in Bali was General Ryamizard Ryacudu.

(Jakarta Post, 1/3/2003; Pacific Media Watch, 3/31/2003; Ryamizard Ryacudu)

Indonesian military training the FPI .

Above we see the FPI, which supports ISIS, being trained by the Indonesian military.

The Indonesian generals work closely with the CIA and Mossad.

Munarman (right)

The FPI's militia chief is Munarman.

Munarman has been videotaped at a ceremony in which young men swear allegiance to ISIS.

Munarman is a corporate lawyer working for the Indonesian branch of the mining colossus Freeport McMoRan, now controlled by Carl Icahn, President Trump's friend and deregulation adviser.

The police have unveiled a treason plot linked to Moslem militias.

Continued here: TRUMP'S LINKS TO ISIS


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Businessman James Hanson, a ruthless operator, and a close friend of Margaret Thatcher.

Goodness- and Harmony reports on EPSTEIN'S BLACK BOOK and the HANSON family and other top people.

Jeffrey Epstein's little-black-book

Jeffrey Epstein's Black Book contains the names of members of the Hanson family.

James Hanson, who became Lord Hanson, married into the Meinertzhagen banking family.


James Hanson's business partner, Vincent Gordon White, commanded Special Operations Executive Force 136 in the Far East in the 1940s.

Epstein's friend Ghislaine Maxwell and her friend Sarah Ferguson. Epstein.

The late James Hanson was well connected.

Jeffrey Epstein's Black Book.

Those who attened the James Hanson Memorial Service included:

Lord Rothschild, Margaret Thatcher, former Home Secretary Kenneth Baker, Sir David Frost, Lord Palumbo, Claus von Bulow, Lord Rees-Mogg, Timothy Jefferies (also in Jeffrey Epstein's book), Lord ArcherJonathan Aitken, the Earls of Halifax, Liverpool and Westmorland and the Marquess of Salisbury.


James Hanson's business practices have been much criticised.

Margaret Thatcher is said to have sold the electricity firm PowerGen to her friend Hanson at a knockdown price.


Pilgrims Society member Walter H. Annenberg was a business and personal mentor to Lord James Hanson. cia-ngo-network. 'The Pilgrims Society is a cluster of intermarried old-line rich, royals and robber barons who created the world’s financial structure. The_Pilgrims_Society

The Evening Standard reported:

"Hanson and his business partner White were long suspected by Scotland Yard, the Drug Enforcement Agency in the US, and some of their business enemies in this country, of having close ties to the Mafia...

"In 1983, two Scotland Yard officers visited the US to examine links between Hanson and the Gambino and Genovese crime families..."

Robert Hanson, son of James Hanson.

James Hanson's son Robert Hanson appears in Jeffrey Epstein's Black Book.

Jeffrey Epstein's Black Book.

Robert Hanson worked for the Rothschilds in the 1980s.

Robert Hanson married Masha Markova, a Russian 'businesswoman' 25 years his junior.

Robert Hanson 'is secretly involved in the pornography business'.

"Robert Hanson found himself embroiled in an unseemly courtroom battle involving a pornographic film company...

"Woodman Entertainment is a company involved in making pornographic films such as Psycho Sex, Wide Open and Sex Carnage."

It is claimed The Hon. Robert Hanson held a financial investment in Woodman Entertainment.


The Earl of Dartmouth, Willian Dartmouth, the Ukip MEP, is on the board of Hanson Family Holdings.

William Dartmouth is also listed in Jeffrey Epstein's black book.

Donald Trump is in Epstein's Black Book.


The Duke and Duchess of Rutland are in Jeffrey Epstein's Black Book.

The Duke and Duchess of Rutland are the benefactors of Harvey Proctor, who has been linked to child abuse.

Continued here: EPSTEIN'S BLACK BOOK and the HANSON family and other top people.



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