Friday 31 March 2017

Chief Constable Mike Veale - Edward Heath

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Thursday 30 March 2017

Dr Robert Duncan - CIA black projects


"Apparently Robert Duncan never went to Harvard at all, even though this is the very first thing he claims in his book, The Matrix Deciphered."

Dissecting the Claims of Robert Duncan.

A Comparison of Robert Duncan to Other Known Disinfo Artists in the Past


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Wednesday 22 March 2017


McGuinness (left) with Mandela.

The IRA's Martin McGuinness is being compared to Nelson Mandela

According to the Sunday Herald, UK:

"Nelson Mandela is ... named as an MI6 agent...

"Allegations of Mandela's recruitment by the British intelligence service ... is revealed in a controversial new book, 'MI6: Fifty Years of Special Operations,' by the acclaimed intelligence expert Stephen Dorril."

The IRA's Martin McGuinness has died aged 66.

Ian Hurst (aka Martin Ingram) was a British spy.

Ian Hurst has claimed that the 'IRA boss' Martin McGuinness reported to MI6.

The UK security services used 'child sexual abuse' as a way of controlling the IRA.

Reportedly, the security services have run child brothels in the UK.

One of these child brothels was the Kincora children's home in Belfast.

One of the whistleblowers on Kincora is Colin Wallace.

Sovereigntea alerts us to:

The statement issued by Colin Wallace, following the publication of the 'whitewash' Historical Institutional Abuse Inquiry Report on 20 January 2017.

Kincora Child Abuse Statement of Colin Wallace


"Key Army Intelligence files ... have gone missing after they were handed over by the Army to MI5 in 1989...

"There also appears to be no record whatsoever of what became of all the ‘Clockwork Orange’ project files which I handed over to my superiors when I left Army Headquarters in Lisburn in February 1975."

Jimmy Savile in Belfast in Northern Ireland. Savile is believed to have been working for the UK security services.

Below is what we wrote earlier:

The murder of Brian McDermott (above) has been linked to the Kincora Boy's Home which was 'being run by MI5'. BBC News

One of the child brothels reportedly run by MI5 and MI6 was the Kincora Boys' Home.

Kincora Boys' Home Belfast Telegraph.

William McGrath of MI5 and MI6

One of the key figures involved in sexually abusing young boys at Kincora was William McGrath, an agent of both MI5 and MI6.

Children were murdered.

The body of 10-year-old Brian McDermott was discovered in a sack in the River Lagan in 1973.

Kincora Boys' Home - Belfast Telegraph.

4th most searched for celebrity on Google in 2013.

The CIA, Mossad and MI5 know something which the general public may not know:

Philip Tromovitch, a professor at Doshisha University in Japan, has stated that:

The "majority of men are probably paedophiles and hebephiles"

"Paedophilic interest is normal and natural in human males".

Hence the CIA and its friends use boys to control the top people.

Most searched for celebrity on Google in 2013.

In the Dutroux Affair we saw that young girls are also popular with the elite.


Reportedly, boys from Kincora were "being taken to big country houses to be used by public figures, including Lord Mountbatten, the former head of MI6 Maurice Oldfield, and Edward Heath."

Lobster's Ramsay on Paedophile Panics - Rigorous Intuition

Denis Donaldson (centre). As a result of sexual blackmail, the IRA's Denis Donaldson, and many of his friends, secretly worked for MI5. 

The 'terrorist' group the Irish Republican Army (IRA) was supposed to be fighting the British.

In 2005, it was revealed that the IRA's Denis Donaldson was secretly working for the British security service MI5.

According to the Sunday World, 3 February 2013:

Donaldson was recruited by MI5 in the mid-1980s as the result of a 'honey trap'.

MI5 is reported to have run Belfast's Kincora Boy's Home as a paedophile 'honey trap'.

Donaldson was an important figure in the IRA.

Belfast. By DanUneken

Donaldson was outed as an agent of MI5.

In 2005, Irish Minister for Justice Michael McDowell advised a US Special Envoy to Northern Ireland that he believed the outing of Donaldson as an informant was a clear message from the British Government that it had another, more valuable, asset within the republican leadership.[8]

In 2006, Donaldson was found shot dead.

Sir Jimmy Savile, believed to have been an agent of the security services, photographed near Kincora.

The security services do run brothels, reportedly.

"MI5 ran a brothel in Church Street in Kensington throughout much of the 1950's and early 1960's for the use of visiting dignitaries, diplomats and intelligence officers.

"While for those too important to visit such an establishment certain discreet gentlemen were called upon to provide young female or male company directly to the VIP hotel bedroom."


"Kincora was run as a virtual boy brothel by loyalist leaders and MI5 .

"Its clientele who preyed for years on vulnerable young boys... included loyalist paramilitary leaders , unionist politicians , judges and public figures .

"MI5... used it as a blackmailers lever."

(Michael stone, MI5 and Kincora - Irish Nationalism)

UK Prime Minister Edward Heath (left). Reportedly, UK Liberal Party leader Jeremy Thorpe and UK Conservative Party leader Edward Heath both used rent boys. POLITICIANS

It would seem that the security services (CIA, Mossad, MI5 and MI6) controlled both sides in the Northern Ireland conflict.

The people in Northern Ireland who want to stay part of the UK are called the Loyalists.

"Loyalists have long had links with Zionist gangsters and have received Israeli weapons.

"In at least one incident weapons were exchanged for intelligence material on British missile systems, and loyalists rely on Israeli-'Russian' mafiosi for supplies of ecstasy pills.

(Michael stone, MI5 and Kincora - Irish Nationalism)

"Loyalists have also engaged in the smuggling of non-Whites into Eire in alliance with the 'Russian' mafia."

(Michael stone, MI5 and Kincora - Irish Nationalism)

Reportedly, in the 1970s, several newspapers claimed that the former UK Prime Minister Ted Heath, who was reported to be gay, was a regular visitor to Kincora Boys Home.

However, references to this have been disappearing from the internet. (cached text )

According to the book Who Framed Colin Wallace? (Who Framed Colin Wallace) by Paul Foot:

1. Colin Wallace served in a special UK Ministry of Defence press unit in Northern Ireland which dealt in "psychological operations."

2. Wallace tried to alert the authorities about what was going on at Kincora.

3. In 1973 MI5 set up a propaganda campaign named Clockwork Orange.

The purpose of Clockwork Orange was to blackmail and control top political figures in Northern Ireland and Great Britain, including Harold Wilson and Edward Heath.

4. In October 1974, Wallace refused to take any further part in the Clockwork Orange operation.

He was sacked and he moved to England.

The husband of a friend and colleague was found dead.

Wallace was accused of murder and sentenced to ten years' imprisonment.

On 30 January 1990, UK Armed Forces Minister, Archie Hamilton admitted that several key allegations made by Colin Wallace were true.

Lord Stevens.

Most terrorists work for the security services.

Lord Stevens, a former UK police chief, is quoted as saying that only three out of 210 terrorist suspects he arrested in a probe in Northern Ireland were not working for either the police, the security service MI5 or the UK Army.

On 21 December 2011, we learn that the IRA was run by the UK security services.

Half of all the top IRA men 'worked for security services'

Ian Hurst, former spook (aka Martin Ingram)

According to a 24-page document, written by UK intelligence officer Ian Hurst:

1. Half of all the senior IRA members were working for the UK intelligence services

2. Freddie Scappaticci, the IRA's head of internal security, the agent known as Stakeknife, worked for British intelligence.

3. MI5 had a network of agents within the Garda, the Irish police force.

From 1982-1990, Ian Hurst (aka Martin Ingram) was in Londonderry handling agents like Frank Hegarty, an IRA quartermaster later murdered for betraying a cache of Libyan weapons.

Ian Hurst has claimed that the 'IRA boss' Martin McGuinness reported to MI6.

Northern Ireland by niknkimnollie

Richard M Bennett, in Asia Times, June 2003, made the following points about the UK security services and assassinations:

1. In the early 1970s Rafael Eitan, head of the Mossad hit-squad known as the 'Kidon', toured Northern Ireland and the Special Air Services (SAS) base in Hereford, England.

Shortly after his visit there were big changes in UK security policy, including the setting up of what was to become the Force Reconnaissance Unit (FRU) .

The FRU was involved in the targeting of Irish Republicans for assassination by death squads.

The FRU may have been involved in the de Menezes killing.

2. In 1988, three Irish Republican Army (IRA) members were killed in Gibraltar by the SAS (UK special forces).

Reportedly, it was Mossad who had tracked the IRA men.

3. In 1972, John Wyman of MI6 recruited the Littlejohn brothers to carry out bank robberies and bomb attacks in the Republic of Ireland.

Wyman said to them that there was "going to be a policy of political assassination" for which they were to make themselves available.

Wyman gave the Littlejohns a list of IRA leaders to assassinate; these included Seamus Costello, Sean Qarland and Sean McStiofain.

Northern Ireland by Hotpix UK Tony Smith

In the USA, in November 1982, five men were acquitted of smuggling arms to the IRA after they revealed that the CIA had approved the shipment.[98]

There is a theory that many of the Irish terror groups were Mafias run by elements of the CIA and MI6.

It was all about making money from drugs and guns, and discrediting the Republican movement.

Northern Ireland by Slainte

Kevin Fulton, a former British soldier claimed that he had flown to New York, met FBI and MI5 agents and was given money to buy an infra-red device to be used to set off IRA bombs. 

(Congress probes 'IoS' revelations on IRA link.)

According to one source: "the Real IRA has in the past been exposed as being run by MI5 agents, as was the case in the Omagh bombing, and it appears that the British officials are keen to continue keeping people in fear through this same control mechanism." 

(statism watch - Real IRA plot.)

Former British spy Kevin Fulton reported that "the real reason why the Real IRA murderers who planted the bomb at Omagh, have never been taken to court or their cases investigated - it is because the actual bomber, Sean Hoey, was also working for the RUC (the police)". 

(MI5 & the IRA!)

Gerry Adams by Slainte

"In 2006, the Guardian reported that, two British agents were central to the bombings of three army border installations in 1990, the claims included tactics known as the human bomb, which involved forcing civilians to drive vehicles laden with explosives into army checkpoints, this tactic was the brainchild of British intelligence.

"In 2006, it was also revealed that, a former British Army mole in the IRA has claimed that MI5 arranged a weapons buying trip to America in which he obtained detonators, later used by terrorists to murder soldiers and police officers, and British intelligence co-operated with the FBI, to ensure his trip to New York in the 1990s went ahead without incident, so that his cover would not be blown."

(MI5 & the IRA!)

The UK's General Frank Kitson refers to the 'pseudo gang'.

(General Frank Kitson: Trail Blazing Fake Terrorism)

Belfast bomb by Slainte

The pseudo gang works for the military but pretends to be a bunch of terrorists.

The idea of the 'pseudo gang' is to carry out acts of violence which can then be blamed on the people that the military wants to discredit.

Pseudo gangs have been used in Vietnam, Italy, Turkey, Belgium, the Philippines, Kenya, Malaya, Northern Ireland, Iraq, New York and many other places.

Reportedly, the white Rhodesians used pseudo gangs to bomb churches (and murder missionaries) and blame the violence on black guerrillas.

GERRY ADAMS OF MI6? / Martin McGuinness of MI6

UK Prime Minister Edward Heath. Illustration by John Kent in “Private Eye” 11 September 1970. Website for this image

Tonymusings blog looks at some of the evidence concerning former UK Prime Minister Edward Heath.

Among the points made:

1. "Savile regularly visited the notorious abuse-ridden children's home Haute de la Garenne" (on the island of Jersey).

"Savile initially denied ever visiting the home, despite photographic evidence to the contrary."

2. It has been alleged that "One of those who stood most to lose was Sir Edward Heath, the former prime minister from 1970-74, who was known to visit the Jersey care home the Haute Garenne among others to take young boys on boating weekends on his yacht called 'Morning Cloud'...

"The person bringing children for him to abuse is Sir Jimmy Saville.

"He was seen by the witness, victim, taking young boys on board Heaths yacht the morning cloud when they were at party conference.

"Allegedly Saville is known for supplying a number of high profile MP's with children for them to sexually abuse."

[2011 Sept] The Wheel of Fortune By T Stokes

Brad Lane with Reggie Kray at Gartree prison. (Yorkshire PostPEDOPHILE RINGS...

3. Reportedly, Heath was warned on 4 occasions by the head of the Metropolitan police not to loiter in London's lavatories and not to try to pick up young boys.

Ted Heath 'stopped cottaging for gay sex to protect his career'. /
Heath warned about gay sex trysts - Telegraph

London boys playing with the police.

"Late one night on the Thames embankment by the House of Commons a British prime minister approached a rent boy."

Reportedly, almost all the rent boys worked for the spooks - CIA, Mossad, MI5 and the KGB.

"The details of the encounter on the Thames embankment quickly ended up on the London KGB station chief’s desk."

Quite naturally, "the KGB man handed the file to MI6", which had close links to Lord Victor Rothschild.

Website for this imageBBC News - Heath Caper: A Czech blackmail plot against Ted Heath?

'Going "up the Heath" is a bit of a rite of passage for many gay men." -'I go with gay strangers.

London Cruising Grounds

We once saw Edward Heath's Rolls Royce parked outside a large hall where Heath was making a speech.

Sitting alone in the back of the Rolls Royce was a handsome young boy.

The UK security services used 'child sexual abuse' as a way of controlling the IRA.

British spies recruited paedo IRA chief / spiescovered up sex-abuse of teen-girls by IRA

Reportedly MI5 covered up the abuse of young girls, and boys, by leaders of the IRA and similar organisations.

Reportedly, MI5 provided boys from the Kincora childrens care home to the militants, so that they could be controlled.

In the 1970s, Joe Cahill, who helped found the Provisional IRA, was pictured abusing a 14-year-old girl in a car.

The UK security services covered up the case and persuaded Cahill to become an agent of the UK security services.

Jimmy Savile in Belfast in Northern Ireland. Savile is believed to have been working for the UK security services.

It is believed that all the key leaders of the 'terrorist' organisations were working for the UK security services.

It is believed that the 'terrorism' in Northern Ireland was directed by the UK security services as a way of discrediting those who wanted Northern Ireland to leave the UK.

IRA's Joe Cahill in1971

In addition, Cahill’s grand-niece, Mairia, revealed that the IRA covered up the alleged abuse she suffered as a 16-year-old at the hands of another IRA figure.

Gerry Adams' brother Liam was jailed for sexually abusing his own daughter.

Liam is currently serving a 16-year prison sentence for raping and abusing Aine Dahlstrom when she was aged between four and nine in the late 70s and early 80s.

Labour MP Simon Danczuk

Labour MP Simon Danczuk, who exposed the truth about MP Cyril Smith, said: "The exploitation of children by the secret services and members of the establishment comes as no surprise.

"We are discovering a history of poor children being treated like disposable goods by people in high places and no one batted an eyelid."

Meeting of PIE 1971?

Jimmy Savile boasted that he had friends in the IRA who could beat up anyone who got in his way.

Jimmy Savile and the IRA: Predator boasted terrorist friends could ... -

Northern Ireland by niknkimnollie

The Sunday People revealed how Jimmy Savile once told one of their journalists that he could fix anyone with just one phone call - to the IRA terrorists.

Savile said: "All I have to do is call my friends in the IRA. They’ll have someone waking up in hospital the next morning eating their breakfast through a f***ing straw.

"I know the IRA, men from the IRA, and you don’t need to ask these guys twice.

"I'm serious. Don't f***ing think I’m not serious. I can get them done - just with a phone call. That’s all it takes, young man."

Jimmy Savile and the IRA: Predator boasted terrorist friends could ...

When Savile talked of IRA terrorists, he presumably meant those working for MI5 or MI6.

Burning buses New Lodge
Northern Ireland by Slainte

Savile was a regular visitor to Belfast, the location of the KINCORA children's home, reportedly used by the UK security services as a boy brothel.

aangirfan: Child abuse at the Kincora boys' home

MI5 'blocked exposure of Kincora sex abuse scandal'

Kincora Boy's Home scandal: South African intelligence 'secretly backed loyalist paramilitary group Tara'

State papers: The perjury that allowed Kincora suspect preacher to walk


Jul 8, 2014 - "Nothing less than the inclusion of the Kincora home in the new inquiry is liable to see the truth finally arrived at, and justice finally delivered," ...


Jun 17, 2015 - "A letter written by Lord Hutton, who chaired the public inquiry into Dr Kelly's death, shows he was asked to do the job just three hours after the ...


Nov 10, 2014 - (aangirfan: FREUD, MADELEINE McCANN, MURDOCH) ... Journalist Chris Moore wrote The Kincora Scandal an investigation into the Kincora ...
You've visited this page 3 times. Last visit: 8/12/16


Feb 4, 2013 - MI5 is reported to have run Belfast's Kincora Boy's Home as a paedophile honey trap. The security services apparently run brothels. "MI5 ran a ...

aangirfan: Child abuse at the Kincora boys' home

Mar 1, 2008 - Allegedly, "Kincora was run as a virtual gay brothel by loyalist leaders and MI5 . Its clientele who preyed for years on vulnerable young boys...


Mar 24, 2013 - Kincora, Bryn Estyn in Wales, London's Elm Guest House, Jersey's Haut de la Garenne and many other 'boy brothels' ...

aangirfan: Kincora Boys

Jan 22, 2007 - "For years, MI5 had been aware of a homosexual vice ring operating within the KincoraBoys Home in East Belfast, which was run by William ...

aangirfan: Child abuse in the UK: Jersey, Kincora, North Wales ...

Feb 26, 2008 - Child abuse in the UK: Jersey, Kincora, North Wales, Dunblane, Islington, Leicester, Quarriers Homes, Nazareth House, St Ninians, Coatbridge.

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Tuesday 21 March 2017



Hi Aangirfan,

We are doing research into abuse in Lambeth's children's home's and we are interested in any allegations of any wrong doing.

Please contact the Shirley Oaks Survivors Association


Contact - Shirley Oaks Survivors Association.

Shirley Oaks Survivors Association.

Shirley Oaks was a children's care home in the London area.

A child abuse ring operated at Shirley Oaks.

At least 700 children were sexually abused at Shirley Oaks.

The child abuse ring had at least 60 members.

At Shirley Oaks, "doctors, teachers, priests, police officers, sports coaches and council workers were part of a 60-strong paedophile ring."


Shirley Oaks.

Some of the sports coaches were linked to Chelsea football club, and other football clubs.

Police corruption "meant that almost all of the abusers have escaped justice."

Shirley Oaks was run by the notorious Lambeth Council in London.

Back To

"48 children died in Lambeth's care system between 1970 and 1989."


"Children from Lambeth Care Homes were being taken to a Police Station for sexual abuse, rape and use in child pornography."

Lambeth Police Station Paedophile Sex Ring Dungeon Scandal.


Jimmy Savile may have abused children from Shirley Oaks.


Jimmy Savile has been linked to the top people in the UK and in Israel.

Lambeth, a London borough, has been a major centre of child abuse.

Children were murdered at Shirley Oaks.

Shirley Oaks Care Home: Two boys murdered.

According to a130-page report by Raymond Stevenson:

Two boys were murdered at Shirley Oaks and their bodies buried in a nearby golf course.

Retired Detective Chief Inspector Clive Driscoll, who led an investigation into suspected abuse in Lambeth, "confirmed he received the same information from a different source in 1998."

Note that 48 children died in Lambeth's care system between 1970 and 1989.

Shirley Oaks: Two boys murdered at children council home  / Two-boys-murdered-Shirley-Oaks-care-home

The top child abuse rings are usually run by the security services, reportedly.


Are there links to Yuri Geller and Michael Jackson?

Below, is what we wrote earlier:


Peter Davis, 15, was found hanged at Lambeth Council's Shirley Oaks children's home in Croydon in South London.

Peter was probably murdered.

A coroner ruled it was "death by misadventure". 

The police say that the case is closed.

Shirley Oaks abuse.

Peter was found hanged in a toilet with a cord around his neck.

There were signs of sexual activity.

Peter had been a witness in a rape trial two years before he died.

When journalists looked for court documents from the time, they found that in 2003 they had been made secret for 100 years.

Former senior detective Clive Driscoll said reopening the Peter Davis case would be a "great opportunity for detective work".

Chuka Umunna, Labour MP, who has constituents who are Lambeth abuse survivors said: "The police should reopen the inquiry into Peter Davis' death.

In recent times, three people have been convicted of the child abuse at Shirley Oaks that took place in the 1970s and 80s.


Shirley Oaks children's home was run by Lambeth Council, in London.

The child abuse rings in Lambeth are linked to the child abuse rings in Islington, Jersey, Richmond, Yorkshire and elsewhere.

Top people are involved.

Award-winning author Alex Wheatle (above) was abused at Shirley Oaks children’s home which is thought to be linked to a paedophile ring involving an MP in Tony Blair’s government.

Yuri Geller, Michael Jackson, David Blaine, Paul Boateng, Greville Janner.

Paul Boateng was a UK cabinet minister.

He was in Tony Blair's government.

Paul Boateng has links to Lambeth, a London borough famous for 'child abuse rings operating in its children's care homes'.

Janet Boateng, wife of Paul Boateng [25], was chair of Lambeth Council’s social services committee, which had overall responsibility for the running of children’s homes in Lambeth.

"In November 1997 the South London Press reported the finding of a sex dungeon complete with manacles, chains, bedding and a sleazy red light in Lambeth High-Security Police Head Quarters in South London.

"The civilian staff who leaked the story were suspended...

"From the copious amounts of child pornography found at the Police Station, it was soon realised that Children from Lambeth Care Homes were being taken to the Police Station for sexual abuse, rape and use in child pornography. 

"It is believed several senior Police Officers were renting out Children and using the Police Station as a brothel...

"All 25 of Lambeth’s Childrens’ Homes had been run by a large paedophile network for over 20 years.

"There were around 50 Children who had entered Lambeth Childrens’ Homes and never been seen again by their families.

"The leader of Lambeth Council at the time was Ted Knight (Labour) who was a close friend of Margaret Hodge (Labour) who was leader of nearby Islington Council.

"It is believed that Children were “traded” between Lambeth and Islington Councils."

Lambeth Police Station Paedophile Sex Ring Dungeon Scandal.

Kiddist Forsythe, at the grave of her father Bulic, is urging police to fully reopen the investigation

"Sky News has obtained details of an internal investigation documenting sexual assaults and abuse carried out by officers within Lambeth Council in the 1990s.

"That abuse involved senior figures in Lambeth who were using council premises for the rape of women and children, according to the report's remarkable findings." 

"In the 1990's, senior staff members in Lambeth council were producing pornographic material of a 'sadistic, bestial and paedophile' nature in the basement of the housing department, where they knew they would not be interrupted. 

"A female member of staff disclosed how she was subjected to a rape on council premises 'of horrendous proportions' which she was still suffering serious injuries from one month later. 

"She described being raped alongside children and animals by senior figures in the council.

"The findings of a report which included rape, assault and posession of indecent images of children, was never formally investigated by the police at the time or made public."

Abuse in Lambeth, Operation Ore, and the Blair Minister

Reportedly, a local council official in Lambeth, Bulic Forsythe, was murdered to stop him exposing the VIP child abuse ring operating in Lambeth.

"Detectives are investigating claims Bulic Forsythe was silenced by a children's home vice ring said to have included a future minister in Tony Blair's government."

Council official 'murdered days after he vowed to expose VIP child abuse ring'....

Bulic Forsythe - 'murdered 22 years ago'.

A friend of Bulic, traced by the Daily Mirror, says:

"I will never forget one evening in the pub when Bulic told me and my wife: 'There are some people in Lambeth Council who are doing really horrible, disgusting things and I am going to expose them. I won't let them get away with it...

 "Several days later, he was murdered."

Council official 'murdered days after he vowed to expose VIP child abuse ring'....

Bulic's friend contacted the police with the information at the time.

Bulic's friend says: "It was a very short conversation with no interest expressed by the police and no one ever called me back.”

Another of Bulic's former colleagues has said that Bulic had become aware of claims that children were being sexually abused at a Lambeth children's home.

A restricted document newly uncovered by the Daily Mirror shows officials in the Blair government were aware in 1998 of claims the murder of Bulic had been linked to a Lambeth paedophile ring and the children's home child abuser John Carroll.

Bulic Forsythe's wife Dawn.

Bulic died in February 1993.

A BBC Crimewatch broadcast revealed that three official looking men were seen by a neighbour carrying files away from his flat in Clapham, South London.

Two more men were seen in a car behind the property.

His bedroom was torched at 1am and the oven turned on.

Yuri Geller, Michael Jackson, David Blaine, Paul Boateng, Greville Janner.

Child abuse rings are used by the powers-that-be to control the world.

A top people's child abuse ring made use of around 20 children's care homes in Lambeth in London.

cathyfox / 'murder linked to a VIP paedophile abuse network'

Allegedly, a 'Godfather' controlled Lambeth council [28], child abuse victims had petrol poured over them, and the Lambeth Police HQ had a basement where children may have been abused.[15][8].

In the case of Lambeth, a large number of people died in mysterious circumstances before any perpetrators could be brought to justice. [1] [2] .

Detective Chief Inspector Clive Driscoll was removed from the original police investigation after superiors learned that politicians, including an MP, were among the suspects. [3]

Benjamin Boateng, pictured left with Amy Winehouse in 2009. Boateng untouchable.

The Daily Mirror asks: was Bulic Forsythe killed to protect a paedophile ring 'linked to a future minister in Tony Blair’s government?'

The police are probing, or pretending to probe, the murder of Lambeth council official Bulic Forsyth who vowed to expose a paedophile ring allegedly linked to a future minister in Tony Blair’s government.

A former social services manager told Detective Chief Inspector Clive Driscoll in 1998 that she saw the future Blair minister making evening visits to the Angell Road children’s home in Brixton in the early 80s.

She claimed she learnt he had visited South Vale. /Tony Blair and the paedophiles .


"John would sometimes come down and select one of the boys to go up to the flat."


Reportedly, one of Tony Blair's government ministers sexually abused children at a children's care home in Brixton in London in the 1980's.

Angell Road children's home, in Brixton, in Lambeth

The Angell Road children's home in Brixton in Lambeth was run by the convicted child abuser Michael John Carroll.

Daily Mirror

Convicted paedophile: Michael Carroll ran the Angell Road home .

Two whistleblowers are saying that there was a cover-up

Blair (centre) with Brown and Mandelson.

In 1998, after the government minister became implicated in the child abuse ring investigation, the detective in charge, Detective Chief Inspector Clive Driscoll, was removed from the case and disciplined.

The investigation of the minister was dropped.

Tony Blair, campaigning with Ron Davies

Former Lambeth council child protection chief Dr Nigel Goldie says: 'There were a lot of very senior people trying to put a lid on it. There was ­something very unfortunate about the way the whole thing was dealt with.'

The Mirror says it has seen a Lambeth council memo that shows there was an intention to brief then Health Secretary, Frank Dobson, about the police investigation.

Dobson says he does not remember being briefed.

A number of children's care homes throughout the UK are believed to have been run as child brothels for the elite and are believed to have been protected by the security services.

Clive Driscoll

Detective Chief Inspector Clive Driscoll was on the trail of certain politicians involved in child sexual abuse.

He was removed from the case.

Paedo MP cover-up claim: policeman removed from sex abuse probe after naming politicians as suspects

BRIXTON is in Lambeth

Clive Driscoll began his investigation of child sex abuse in the London borough of Lambeth in 1998.

Clive Driscoll "suddenly found himself booted off the case and put on 'a disciplinary' after revealing ­politicians were among the suspects."

Paedo MP cover-up claim: policeman removed from sex abuse probe after naming politicians as suspects


Detective Chief Inspector Clive Driscoll said: "I was unhappy with the interference of some senior officers who did not appear to have a logical connection to my investigation into child sex abuse in Lambeth.

"There were allegations made by several people that named politicians had been involved but I never had a chance to investigate them because I was moved before I could do so."

Lambeth Palace.

Clive Driscoll was asked if a file naming politicians as suspects was lost.

Clive Driscoll says: "I handed the file to an officer and I have no ­knowledge where it went after that."

Anna Tapsell

Former Labour councillor Anna Tapsell says she was visited by a police chief to 'warn her off'' after she raised concerns that police would not ­properly investigate pedophile rings in children's care homes.

Anna Tapsell, a chairwoman of Lambeth’s social services committee, has ­highlighted sexual abuse of children in Lambeth's care for more than twenty years.

Lambeth - home to the MI6 HQ and various gay clubs.

Anna Tapsell says: "When I learned that Clive (Driscoll) was being removed, not only from the case but also from Lambeth, I realised that the Met (London Police) were caving in to political pressure that was far more powerful than Lambeth Council.

"I was aware of allegations about an MP and the Met's failure to act on those allegations and its apparent desire to silence those who called for them to be investigated fully was deeply shocking to me.

"Council employees who tried to expose staff they suspected of sexual abuse were sidelined and ignored."

Paedo MP cover-up claim: policeman removed from sex abuse probe after naming politicians as suspects

Former kids' home - Angel Road

Clive Driscoll had been investigating child sex abuse at Brixton’s Angell Road children’s home and South Vale youth assessment centre in West Norwood

Sir Jimmy Savile, 'pedophile ring organiser', in West Norwood.

After Clive Driscoll's removal, Anna Tapsell told how she raised fears about the depth of the investigation during a meeting of the Community Police Consultative Group.

She says that a high-ranking officer later arrived at her home.

AnnaTapsell says: "I doubt whether I was the only person to be visited by a senior police officer in an attempt to warn me off.

"I had cast doubt on the Met’s ­inclination to get to the bottom of the paedophile activity within Lambeth’s care system...

"I have found the minutes of that meeting in the archives of Lambeth’s Community Police Consultative Group but no mention is made of the high-ranking officer’s contribution and the tape recording is also missing."

The police did trace 200 victims between 1998 to 2003.

There were only three convictions.

A total of 19 suspects were never identified.

Convicted paedophile: Michael Carroll ran the Angell Road home .

Michael John Carroll, the former boss of the Angell Road home, was arrested in 1998.

Anna Tapsell had spent more than 10 years highlighting his case.

Lambeth bosses had let him run children's homes until 1991 despite knowing in 1986 that he was a convicted ­paedophile.

In 1994, Tapsell told a judge that Carroll was 'protected' by Lambeth social ­services bosses along with paedophile Les Paul who worked in South Vale.

According to Anna Tapsell: "I have no doubt Angell Road may have been used for organised child abuse which involved adults other than staff.

"This view is reinforced by the strong investment that officers and politicians have in blocking any effective investigation.”

Clare Whelan, a Lambeth Tory councillor since 1990, claims she was repeatedly ignored by police when she tried to highlight the Carroll case.

Paedo MP cover-up claim: policeman removed from sex abuse probe after naming politicians as suspects

Inspector Mick Starkey of the Yorkshire police, with Sir Jimmy Savile, who is suspected of having links to the security services.

South Yorkshire Police "ignoring hundreds of reports of sexual abuse against young girls."

Tony Brookes, a former policeman with 30 years' service, claims the South Yorkshire Police knew that girls as young as 12-years-old were being raped and assaulted but chose to ignore it.

A document from the police's intelligence base "shows that girls aged as young as 12 to 15 were subjected to abuse including rape, trafficking, physical assaults, abduction and threats to kill.

Ann Lucas, who formerly ran the city's sexual exploitation service, has revealed that that senior officers failed to act.

She says that more than 660 children were referred to Sheffield's sexual exploitation service between 2011 and 2013.

She says that none of the reports resulted in prosecutions.



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