John Smyth QC and his wife Anne, in Cape Town, South Africa. Smyth's daughter said that teenage boys were 'often' at their family home for barbecues and pool parties.
In 1984, John Smyth, the alleged sadistic abuser of boys, moved to Zimbabwe.
Smyth moved with his wife and their four children.

Prince Edward High School in Harare. A top Freemason.
Smyth founded Zambesi Ministries which ran holiday camps for boys from Zimbabwe's top schools.
Smyth founded Zambesi Ministries which ran holiday camps for boys from Zimbabwe's top schools.
In Zimbabwe, Smyth "continued his sadistic abuse of children at summer camps."
Christian crusader in teen abuse

Guide Nyachuru, who died in mysterious circumstances. The 16-year-old boy was found dead at a Zimbabwean holiday camp.
In 1997 Smyth was arrested over claims that he had killed a teenage boy, 16-year-old Guide Nyachuru.
Guide was found naked in a school pool.
The prosecution was dropped.
Archbishop of Canterbury's 'delightful' friend accused of killing / dailymail.

Christian crusader in teen abuse

Guide Nyachuru, who died in mysterious circumstances. The 16-year-old boy was found dead at a Zimbabwean holiday camp.
In 1997 Smyth was arrested over claims that he had killed a teenage boy, 16-year-old Guide Nyachuru.
Guide was found naked in a school pool.
The prosecution was dropped.
Archbishop of Canterbury's 'delightful' friend accused of killing / dailymail.

PJ and Ashleigh Smyth of Covenant Life Church.
PJ Smyth is the son of John Smyth.
PJ Smyth is now the head a US 'megachurch' involved in a child sex abuse scandal.
Son of lawyer in 'spanking' documentary heads US 'megachurch
PJ Smyth is the new lead pastor at Covenant Life Church‚ in Gaithersburg‚ Maryland.
In December 2012‚ before PJ Smyth took over, former congregants from Covenant Life filed a lawsuit alleging the ministry's leaders conspired to conceal the sexual abuse of children.
In 2014 former Covenant Life youth group leader Nathaniel Morales was convicted on five counts of sexual abuse against three boys between 1983 and 1991.
Why is Pastor P.J. Smyth Comfortable Enabling Child Sexual Abuse
In March 2016, a member of Covenant Life Church was arrested for multiple counts of child sexual abuse.
New Allegations of Child Sexual Abuse Affecting Children

Christian crusader John Smyth in teen abuse scandal/ Son PJ Smyth heads US ‘megachurch’ embroiled in sex scandal/Archbishop Welby/Cover-Up
Church of England CSA VIP Cover ups… Bishop Garth Moore, Bishop Michael Fisher and Bishop Peter Ball etc
PJ Smyth is the son of John Smyth.
PJ Smyth is now the head a US 'megachurch' involved in a child sex abuse scandal.
Son of lawyer in 'spanking' documentary heads US 'megachurch
PJ Smyth is the new lead pastor at Covenant Life Church‚ in Gaithersburg‚ Maryland.
In December 2012‚ before PJ Smyth took over, former congregants from Covenant Life filed a lawsuit alleging the ministry's leaders conspired to conceal the sexual abuse of children.
In 2014 former Covenant Life youth group leader Nathaniel Morales was convicted on five counts of sexual abuse against three boys between 1983 and 1991.
Why is Pastor P.J. Smyth Comfortable Enabling Child Sexual Abuse
In March 2016, a member of Covenant Life Church was arrested for multiple counts of child sexual abuse.
New Allegations of Child Sexual Abuse Affecting Children

Christian crusader John Smyth in teen abuse scandal/ Son PJ Smyth heads US ‘megachurch’ embroiled in sex scandal/Archbishop Welby/Cover-Up
Church of England CSA VIP Cover ups… Bishop Garth Moore, Bishop Michael Fisher and Bishop Peter Ball etc
Labels: Covenant Life Church‚ Gaithersburg‚ Maryland, Guide Nyachuru, John Smyth, PJ Smyth, Prince Edward, ZIMBABWE
And now to deflect the aftermath of Trump's Yemen raid, killing at least 10 women & children, including that little 8-year-old girl Nora Nawar Al-Awlaki who bled to death over 2 hours, brave little dying Nora who even tried to comfort her own crying mother in Nora's final words on this earth
Now the US has 'released' another fake-seeming Rita-Katz-type video they say they 'found in Yemen', the video giving 'bomb-making instructions' that can be found anywhere ... so Trump's people say killing all those women & children are OK because there is this stupid video 'recovered' from amidst the corpses
As if Yemenis trying just to stay alive & fight back whilst Saudis are bombing them with US-supplied weapons, have time & resources to waste on making Rita Kitz uploads
Tho the picture of that 8-year-old girl murdered by Trump troops, is viral all over the Muslim world & there will be mega-blowback from that satanic killing
The dominant financial news website that earned huge profits from Trump's rise, the ZeroHedge run by the apparently Jewish-Bulgarian-American Dan Ivandjiiski, has quite descended into the gutter here, pumping the CIA myth of 'Al-Qaeda' etc & promoting the dodgy video as ZeroHedge tries to hold on to the Trump religion
happy witnesses
I doubt she died considering who her father was/is.
If the vid is fake, who died? Hello?
An open letter to the Most Rev Justin Welby, endorsed by eight alleged victims of John Smyth QC, calls on the Archbishop, a former colleague of the barrister, to come clean about the extent of his knowledge of the abuse claims.
Dear Archbishop of Canterbury: Can you look yourself in the mirror and honestly say you did everything you could to expose John Smyth?
Colman's Mustard heir, Jamie Colman, admits charity funded 'child abuse' barrister John Smyth for nearly thirty years
His wife Rev Sue Colman was an independent adoption and fostering panel member for her local authority and was the spiritual director for the scandal-ridden Kids Company
Sue Colman oversees a ‘Hospitality’ project, which encompasses the sharing of community lunches to the opening of our homes to vulnerable and at risk children and adults.
Jamie Colman's father, Sir Michael Colman,oversaw the Church's investment portfolio between 1993 and 1999, holding the post of First Church Estates Commissioner.
He was subsequently awarded the Archbishop of Canterbury's Cross of St Augustine.
Jamie Colman's father, Sir Michael Colman was director (1992-1996) of The South African Business Initiative along with Sir Evelyn Rothschild (1992-1999) and Harry Frederick Oppenheimer and his son Nicky Oppenheimer
Harry Oppenheimer was a benefactor of the WATERFORD SCHOOL TRUST
Its emphasis is on disadvantaged students
Waterford School Trustees - LADY JANET BOATENG
Janet had been the chair of Lambeth social services during a period in the 1980s
Mary Colman (née Bowes-Lyon), niece of the Queen Mother, a cousin of the Queen and wife of Sir Timothy Colman, of the mustard family is a close friend of Queen Elizabeth
Update on John Smyth:
More claims emerge of alleged abuse at Christian camp
Tue 11 Apr 2017
It has been claimed a man, John Smyth, at the heart of a child abuse scandal in the Church of England recruited one of his victims, Simon Doggart, to help him carry out beatings.
"John Smyth beat me first, appallingly, with his usual force. Then Simon Doggart took over while John watched", said one victim who wished to be anonymous.
Survivors said abuse undertaken at Christian camps run at Winchester College - the oldest public school in the country - amounted to a cult.
Alleged victim Andy Moorse told the BBC that barrister John Smyth QC convinced Simon Doggart to join in committing the sadomasochistic abuse at Winchester College in Hampshire during the mid-1970s.
Mr Doggart, who has been the headteacher of Caldicott preparatory school in Buckinghamshire for the last two decades, is said to be critically ill and unable to respond to the allegations, the broadcaster said.
Pupils at Caldicott School, Farnham Royal, Buckinghamshire suffered child sexual abuse over a number of years and a number of abusers.
...under the current headmaster Simon Doggart, another incident of alleged child sexual abuse was reported in the late 2000s. The headmaster and the chairman of the board of governors, Lord Justice Scott Baker, suspended the teacher (who did not return) but failed to report the incident to the police or social services, contrary to the school's written policy on this matter.
The BBC said it had spoken to Doggart's victims and had been handed nine hours of recording left unheard for years which reveal the full extent of the abuse. On one occasion, a victim was beaten for 12 hours.
Archbishop's QC friend allowed to commit abuse after evangelicals failed to report him'
It has now emerged that a number of senior figures at high-profile evangelical organisations were told of the claims but did not alert the authorities.
Both the Iwerne Trust, the Christian group that Mr Smyth chaired, and Winchester College, the school attended by some of his alleged victims, did not report the claims to police.
David Fletcher, a Iwerne trustee who oversaw an investigation into the alleged assaults, said he told the Church Society, a powerful voice on the evangelical wing of the Church of England, about the claims in 1982.
David Jackman, then a senior minister at a leading evangelical church also admitted he was told about the allegations at the same time. Mr Jackman went on to become head of the Proclamation Trust, which helps train evangelical preachers,
The Lawyers’ Christian Fellowship, the legal charity of which Mr Smyth was a member, is also named in Iwerne documents as having been informed.
Separately, the Charity Commission has announced that it has launched an investigation into a charity established by Reverend Sue Colman, a trustee of the Holy Trinity Brompton, which oversees the Alpha Course, the evangelical movement backed by celebrities such as Bear Grylls, after she admitted sending thousands of pounds to Mr Smyth via her personal charity.
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