Sunday 1 November 2015


Brian Docherty from Glasgow reports on video how his family 'were targeted by Police Scotland after informing them that a paedophile had attempted to buy access to his son for £25,000.'

Police Scotland target family


William Henry Leicester Stanhope, Viscount Petersham, lives at the family's Scottish estate, Crimonmogate.

His sister is Serena Armstrong-Jones, Viscountess Linley (née Hon. Serena Alleyne Stanhope) who is married to David Armstrong-Jones, Viscount Linley, nephew of Queen Elizabeth II.

Alex Salmond was the Member of Parliament for the area around Fraserburgh (Banff and Buchan).

Alex Salmond's grandfather, William Milne, shot himself dead.


Milne was a Conservative, a fan of the boy scouts and a Freemason.

Salmond: Against The Odds.

Why did Alex Salmond suddenly decide to support NATO?

A child abuse ring among Scotland's top legal figures may have saved the top Jewish politician Greville Janner from being prosecuted in Scotland for child abuse.


The alleged child abuse ring has been referred to as the 'Magic Circle'.

Janner is reported to have sexually abused a teenage boy in Scotland in the 1970s.

Janner (left)

The boy reported the 'abuse' to the Edinburgh police in 1991.

The 'Magic Circle' that operated in the 1990's included judges, sheriffs and lawyers.

Scotland's prosecution service, the 'notorious' Crown office, claims that its officials did not receive a report about the 'abuse' of the boy.

The police in Scotland have just recently found documents relating to the case.

Janner with Tony Blair. Blair was a pupil at Fettes school in Edinburgh.  TONY BLAIR'S SCHOOLS; CHILD ABUSE RINGS

Sir William Sutherland, 81, who was in charge of the Edinburgh police at the time of the abuse report, says he could not recall the complaint.

While Sir William Sutherland was in charge of the Edinburgh police, the 'Fettesgate' scandal took place.

The Fettesgate scandal involved the theft from the Edinburgh police headquarters of a report on the 'Magic Circle'.

A top Scottish judge called Lord Rodger announced an inquiry into the magic circle allegations but found 'there was no evidence to support claims of a conspiracy in the justice system'.

Read morehttp://www.dailymail.


Susie Henderson says that, at the age of 4, she was raped by Sir Nicholas Fairbairn (above), a former top Scotttish legal figure, Conservative Member of Parliament and aide to Margaret Thatcher.

Fairbairn, a solicitor general for Scotland, reportedly was a visitor to the boy brothel Elm Guest House.

The BBC's Esther Rantzen had an affair with Fairbairn.


Robert Henderson

Susie Henderson says she was also abused by her late father, a prominent Queen's Counsel.

Miss Henderson has told the Daily Mail that she suffered years of sexual assaults by her late father, prominent Scottish QC Robert Henderson, who was a friend of Sir Nicholas Fairbairn.

Susie said of Fairbairn: "I hated that man. More than I hated my father. He just really wasn't a nice man.

"I want it acknowledged that my father and Fairbairn did something very evil. 

"Not just to me. 

"There are other children out there."

In the 1990's it was alleged that a ‘magic circle’ of judges, sheriffs and advocates were being blackmailed by 'rent boys'. 

Some people wondered why the Lockerbie trial judges, lawyers and police were so keen to accept dubious evidence from the CIA which was later reported to be completely fake.

Susie first made her allegations against Sir Nicholas in 2000 but an initial police investigation did not lead to any charges.

Susie Henderson reveals that her father once said: "If I go down, they’ll all go down with me."


Kenny MacAskill, Scotland's former Justice Minister. What does he know about pedophile rings and the Scottish Criminal Justice System?

Susie says that her father let his powerful friends rape her.

She speaks of an organised paedophile ring

She has given the Daily Mail the names of six other top members of the Scottish legal profession who either abused her or were aware of the abuse.

Two of these top people are still alive.

Why did Alex Salmond suddenly decide to support NATO?

Susie 'has spent a lifetime in hiding.'

Susie's father Robert Henderson often beat his wife and Susie was regularly belted.

Susie believes her father started abusing her around the age of three.

According to Susie, "He always put a pillow over my head. Another time in the bath he abused me and put my head under the water...

"My father had parties where I had to dance for people. 

"He’d then put me in a bedroom. People came in. They had drugs there, lots of drink. My Dad used to give me drink."

"There were parties and drink and drugs and people half-naked. 

"I remember him taking me to a sauna one time. Another time, he took me to a judge’s house and left me there.’

Which top people were involved in a child abuse ring in Dunblane?

"With the Fettesgate scandal, my father had a list of all the prominent people involved and he used to just laugh. 

"He would say, 'If I go down, they’ll all go down with me.'

"He told me he could put me six feet under'

"He had all this evidence. He showed me. He just thought it was all hysterical. He knew he would take the whole lot of them with him. That’s why it was all hush-hushed."

Read more: http://www.dailymail.

Alex Salmond, former First Minister of Scotland. What does he know about the Magic Circle?

The following is based on:

The Tragic Magic Circle – Scotlands Shameful Child Sexual Abuse Scandal Continues

The Magic Circle is said to be group of top people in Scotland involved in child abuse and the use of rent boys.

Reportedly, top people in the criminal justice system would arrange light sentences in return for gay sex.


Many top people have been linked to the Magic circle, including:

Sir Angus Grossart (Deputy Chairman of the Royal Bank of Scotland) 

Lord Hardie (judge of the Court of Session, and former Lord Advocate) 

Mr Ivor Reginald Guild (Ex Senior Partner of solicitors Shepherd and Wedderburn and prominent resident of the Edinburgh’s New Club)

The late Very Reverend Andrew Herron (former Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland)

In 1988 possible homosexual blackmail had been suggested in the Burnett Walker Solicitors case [37].  
Ian walker killed himself and money was missing [117][118] [119]

In 1989 Lord Devaird mysteriously resigned [119].

Operation Planet

On 24th March 1990 Lothian and Borders Police launched Operation Planet after a 16 year old boy from a care home, was sodomised by a number of men, having been given cannabis beforehand [1]

Five defendants walked free.

The Orr Report

Detective Inspector Roger Orr's report concluded:

"Homosexuality may well have been used as a means to seriously interfere with the administration of justice”[10] by “a well-established circle of homosexuals”, including judges, sheriffs and lawyers. Significantly, the report named names!

The report has still never been published and appears to have vanished.


At around midnight on July 19, 1992, an intruder entered the offices of the Serious Crime Squad and made off with a haul of confidential files.

One file was about the “magic circle”.

It was leaked.

The Crown Office appointed QC William Nimmo Smith, and a regional Procurator Fiscal, James Friel, to investigate (and arrange a cover-up?).

Nimmo Smith / Friel Report

Nimmo Smith was duped into revealing his findings to a bogus journalist. 

The “journalist” was none other than Derek Donaldson, the original thief of the Orr Report.

The Nimmo Smith report found no evidence of a homosexual conspiracy.

Days later, Nimmo Smith was admitted to hospital with nervous exhaustion. 

The Nimmo Smith / Friel Report was finally published in January 1993. 

In essence the Nimmo Smith / Friel Report found all the lawyers linked to the Magic Circle clique innocent of any wrongdoing and all of the policemen who investigated this affair guilty of homophobia. All the rent boys and others who supported the Orr findings were liars and crooks. Peoples powers of recall was also found by Nimmo Smith / Friel to be perfect among the lawyers, and wanting among the others [8a].

The Nimmo Smith report refers to a boy brothel in Thailand thought to have been frequented by several persons popular on the Edinburgh gay scene, including the gay element of the legal fraternity.

According to Nimmo Smith: “We are in possession of no evidence which would support this latter allegation.”

In this matter, Nimmo Smith had accepted the evidence Martin Frutin.

In 1996 Martin Frutin was convicted of possessing child pornography [123], and he moved to Thailand. 

He became a prominent member of the local Masonic Lodge, Pattaya West Winds, as well as the gay scene. 

His death is reported by Andrew Drummond in 2010 [94].

On 28 December 2012 Scotland's Former Procurator Fiscal Depute Stuart Macfarlane was found with 15,000 child pornography images.

He escaped earlier charges of indecency with a prostitute whilst serving under Lord Advocate Elish Angiolini, the Crown Office claiming at the time “it was not in the public interest” to prosecute the former prosecutor who has now admitted to being a paedophile. [20]

One person said “There’s more chance of winning the lottery than winning justice in Scotland.” [125]

Continued here: The Tragic Magic Circle – Scotlands Shameful Child Sexual Abuse Scandal Continues

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At 30 October 2015 at 14:46 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 30 October 2015 at 15:07 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

REBLOGGED Google Hollie Greig

At 30 October 2015 at 15:18 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Any Questions -

Where is St John of Bridlington -

Signum Salutis Semper (Always the bringer of health, prosperity, safety or wellbeing)

At 30 October 2015 at 16:27 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Spooks on Halloween

Definition of 'spook' 1) Ghost 2) a CIA spy

Undercover agent spy, commonly known as John Smith found anywhere and everywhere specifically in Bridlington, East Yorkshire. (Page 9)

I wonder what he is keeping an eye on?

Let's have a guess shall we?

Anything to do with -

Children *

At 30 October 2015 at 20:43 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

God I So Wish You Were Wrong!! (Sorry!)


'S Math Sin, Glè Mhath
Moran Taìng
Oichde Mhath à ghraìdh

C xx

At 30 October 2015 at 21:29 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh... Have u seen this??


Cover ups o this size only mean 1 thing....

C. xx

At 31 October 2015 at 03:19 , Blogger thirdeye said...

Haggarty anyone? What about Aberdeen's finest Buchanan? Possibly even Bowen? Or maybe scumdees satanic murder? Izzies promise would know.

At 31 October 2015 at 03:28 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greville Ewan Janner
He is a former member of the Magic Circle and the International Brotherhood of Magicians.International Brotherhood of Magicians
(I.B.M.) is an organization for both professional and amateur stage magicians, with approximately 15,000 members worldwide. The headquarters is in St. Charles, Missouri, and there are over 300 local groups, called Rings, in more than 30 countries, largely concentrated in cities of the United States and Canada, though there are members of the international organization from at least 80 different countries[citation needed]. The organization publishes a monthly periodical entitled The Linking Ring, which features tricks, coverage of shows and events in the magic community, and interviews with magicians.[20]

A teacher at the elite Jakarta International School is accused of using a "magic stone" to anaesthetise a child before sexually abusing him, Michael Bachelard reports from Jakarta.
police transcripts of the children's statements, leaked to the Wall Street Journal, contain extraordinary allegations of secret underground rooms on the school grounds and a "magic stone" which Bantleman is alleged to have conjured from the air to anaesthetise one boy prior to an attack.

At 31 October 2015 at 03:40 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 31 October 2015 at 04:14 , Blogger James R said...

At 31 October 2015 at 04:31 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got into all this spooky stuff about magicians recently. But today I read this and I'm flabbergasted. This is really spooky too, like a science fiction horror movie, the Invasion of the Body Snatchers, where loads of people in high places have been taken over by something really evil, and so you can't get anywhere. .

I looked at all the links and the videos and it's an obvious cover up. Now I do believe quite a lot of the stuff I read on Aangirfan, but things must fade after a while and perhaps unconscious doubts start to occur, but then I read something like this and it hits me really hard. 'Top policeman, top judges, and the top people in government social services are all in it together.' Crikey!

I came across a site the other day which said that the Mafia, organised crime, sections of the CIA and the FBI, some prominent people in government are all in it together because crime is where the big money is made. This includes the illegal arms trade, drug trafficking, kiddie porn, trafficking children, deliberating starting wars to make lots of money. Basically, it is pure evil.

Most people want to live in peace and have an enjoyable life with sufficient relaxation.. But the ruling elite keep the wars and tensions going, and put everyone in ruthless competition with each other to make massive profits. We are told by the powers above that mankind is naturally a violent creature.

But are prominent Russians and Chinese criminals too because only the most ruthless get to the top? let's hope not, and I like Putin a lot. But how can any other country deal with a country that is run by organised crime? Where its purpose is to keep tension up so as to be able to sell lots of weapons and military equipment, and furnace the nuclear arms race which is £trillions over time. But the tax payer pays for it all.

I know now that the US has always been run by organised crime, and it's capitalist system is really fake. Ordinary people have to battle it out in ruthless competition, while the ruling elite free ride. In fact capitalism is the perfect system for keeping wages dirt low, the working hours extended, and people going at it 24/7.

So the system is perfect for the ruling class to turn ordinary people into slaves without them even realising it. No need for fascism, or military police, or the army, to make people work much harder than they really want to, the ruling elite can just get the market do it. And they call it freedom and lecture the rest of the world about it, while the top hedge fund managers hover over people's pensions to see if they can raid them, people's life savings.

Some argue that without the free money stolen from the third world western capitalism wouldn't at all. But there will always be a 'people's type capitalism' where ordinary folk start up their own companies and practice their art and skills, but the ruling elite have hijacked this as camouflage for its fake exploitative type of capitalism to extract as much profit as possible and creating conditions for people that are like factory farms.

Could there be a revolution, a peaceful one i hope? Could there be a Zeitgeist movement? We can start by making banking public and take away the money creation system from the ruling elite.

At 31 October 2015 at 06:32 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 31 October 2015 at 06:39 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

lets bang some thai kids

At 31 October 2015 at 09:46 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Could there be a revolution, a peaceful one i hope? "
NO!. The ruling elite are there because of their utter & total willingness to use as much violence as neccesary ; & then some.
That's why they're the ruling elite.Of course,they don't dirty their hands themselves - they can always find willing "mercenaries" to do the dirty work for them.& get rid of such men if they become a "problem".
So please stop daydreaming.

At 31 October 2015 at 09:53 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Ex-soldier Hugh “Mitch” Mitchell was jailed for 10 years for the serial abuse of youngsters – chiefly in a bedroom-cum-dungeon in their marital home. His victims are glad justice has finally caught up with him. "

Mitch seems to wear a strange ring, you may have to dig a little for the images of that.


At 31 October 2015 at 10:08 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know that there have been reports that Mikaeel's father had some sort of bust up with his friend, Sheku Bayoh, on the "night" that the latter died in mysterious circumstances in the hands of the police.

Sheku's family have appointed Aamer Anwar as their solicitor to try to get to the bottom of the matter.

Anwar was with Paul McBride when he mysteriously died in Pakistan :

I read recently, but cannot find the info, that McBride (and one assumes Anwar) was (were) actually on some sort of secret mission over there.


At 19 December 2015 at 06:42 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Ceausescus were operating as secure members of the elite until they were so discredited that not even the police or military would defend them. A vision of a society with a distributive financial system that would end the divisions that the elite encourage and exploit in order to maintain their overarching control could infect the enforcers, many of whom in the nature of things have to be ordinary human beings who detest the activities they are paid to be involved in, and destroy their willingness to protect their employers. The centralized control of money is what allows peoples to be enlisted in repugnant work. A general realization among the populace that this centralization is completely artificial and derived from a fundamental financial scam would create an irresistible pressure for reform. The elite would of course try to manage the reform so it would not threaten their position, but every disappointment merely wisens more people up to the game that is being played. Eventually cynicism will make the whole system unworkable--short of implementation of open slavery, but this is an even riskier and less stable means of control than cooption by monetary carrots.

At 3 July 2016 at 07:27 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brian & Janice Docherty updates at

At 24 August 2016 at 16:04 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The International Common Law Court has been approached by a Russian intermediary reference the GENOCIDE of NATIVE CANADIAN CHILDREN.

Kevin Annett has a Russian trip planned in which he expects to meet with Russian Government officials.

The ITCCS is "apparently" issuing a public appeal to Russia requesting assistance...LEGAL & MILITARY... with .....

1) The matter of Indigenous GENOCIDE.
2) Enforcement of the ...ARREST WARRANTS....issued in the names of.......
(i) Elizabeth Windsor.....Buckingham PaLICE.
(ii)Emeritus.... Pope RAT-zinger
(ii) Pope Francis.

At 14 December 2016 at 10:30 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi!! hows u, goin over some old stuff as a wee refresher more than anythin.. which is why i am here! & I thought this may interest you...

Halloween 2014 ~ 20yr old Shaun Ritchie from Strichen was partying wi pals in middle o forest & he vanished & has never been seen again. (they found half his clothes tho??)

Totally coincidental.. ALEX SALMOND lives in Strichen.

Shaun aint the only young man 2 mysteriously vanish from the Highlands in recent years..

18yr old Adam Mitchell from inverness did, only a few week ago.
Tragically they found his body off the coast o St Fergus

Funnily enough, SLAP BLINKIN BANG in between St Fergus & Strichen is none other than


Only 8 mile frm Strichen & 6 mile frm St Fergus!

Strange that eh? It's just 1 random coincidence after another!
Speaking o which.. Dennis Nilsen used 2 live in Strichen 2!

You just couldn't make it up eh?!

Some more random coincidences.. Although i am sure u know of them...

xxxx C xxxx

At 14 December 2016 at 11:26 , Blogger Anon said...

Jings crivens!

- Aangirfan


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