Monday, 31 August 2015
Sunday, 30 August 2015
Scottish lawyer Robert Henderson avoids investigation despite paedo allegations
Accused tells trial 'Mike Hancock's agents planted child abuse images.
19 Intriguing Coincidences Surrounding the Virginia Shooting.
Is The Virginia Shooting Hoax Blowing Up in the MSM's Face?
Labels: Mike Hancock, Robert henderson, Thatcher, Tony Benn
Saturday, 29 August 2015

Ernie Wise, Cliff Richard, Eric Morecambe

Ronnie Kray and Christine Keeler

Eamonn Andrews, Rolf Harris, Ernie Wise, Eric Sykes, Michael Aspel, Eric Morecambe and George Cole.
Harold H Corbett and Wilfred Brambell

Front row: Pete Murray, Ed Stewart, Peter Drummond, Mike Ahern, John Peel. Middle row: Bob Holness, Terry Wogan, Keith Skues, Chris Denning, Pete Myers. Back row: Tony Blackburn, Jimmy Young, Robin Scott, Duncan Johnson, Dave Cash, Pete Brady

Edward Heath, Leon Brittan, Willie Whitelaw.

Sir David Frost (left), Ronnie Barker (centre), John Cleese (second right) and Ronnie Corbett (right)
National Treasure
Channel 4 is to make TV's first drama based on Operation Yewtree - about the fall of a household name comedian accused of an historic rape in the 1970s.
National Treasure focuses on Paul Finchley, one half of a double act.
Labels: Channel 4, National Treasure, Operation Yewtree
Friday, 28 August 2015
The Powers-That-Be produce their stories about, for example, the French train 'shooting'.
But then certain 'citizen journalists' query the official story.
So then the Powers-That-Be make sure that the 'citizen journalists' who actually get heard are all working for the Powers-That-Be.

Above, we see BBC anchor Nik Gowing (left), Jeff Jonas, IBM Entity Analytics chief engineer, and John Rendon (right) at the Highlands Forum.
Anonymous asks:
The Highlands Forum is this the glue that links the CIA, the Military, the Corporates, Goldman Sachs and the Media ?
How the CIA made Google. / HIGHLANDS GROUP - About

The alleged shooter on the French train is called Ayoub el Khazzani.
Anonymous comments on the French Train False Flag:
Ayoub el Khazzani's father in interviews said that his son was normal until hired by Lycamobile, the mobile phone network operator.
He stayed 2 months of a 6-month employment.
(1) The sponsorship of certain cricket events relating to the 7/7 London bombers.
7/7 bombings: Cricket initiative.
(2) Samantha Lewthwaite, the alleged terrorist.
(3) Iraqi suicide bombers.
(4) The Tamil Tigers.
Sri Lanka Tamil Tigers - Huffington Post.

Anonymous comments:
Chris Norman is the 62-year old Brit who jumped into the fray when 'the jihadist' attacked.
His current partner is Philippe Potin, a former employer Maroc Telecom.
Philippe POTIN | LinkedIn.
Their Linkedin profiles all sound like a bunch of old mercenaries and spooks.
Chris NORMAN has worked for clients in Morocco.
BMO Africa.
Labels: Christopher Norman, citizen journalists, Highlands Forum, Khazzani, Lycamobile, Morocco, Nik Gowing, Skyful of Lies, Tamil Tigers
"You don’t need to be Paul Krugman to know the new normal is:
Anemic global trade;
A severe crisis in most emerging markets;
Europe's absolute stagnation cum recession;
And 'factory of the world' China selling less to the rest of the world."
THE TRUE ECONOMIC SITUATION - Pepe Escobar of Asia Times.
"Meanwhile, the hyper-valued US dollar is strangling US exports; up to 3 percent decline in the first semester alone. Imports also fell by 2.2 percent; and that ties in with the structural corrosion of America’s dwindling middle class spending power.
"Everywhere we look, the whole structural landscape screams crisis of the neoliberal disorder."
THE TRUE ECONOMIC SITUATION - Pepe Escobar of Asia Times.
"Contrary to Western forecasts/wishful thinking, China is not imploding.
"Credit Suisse has released some quite level headed analysis. Here are the highlights.
"'China still has a very healthy current account surplus, its capital account is still partly closed and its major financial institutions are largely state-owned.
"These factors combined would allow the monetary authority a free hand to create liquidity in the system if it wants to do so...
"'The fear of a repeat of the 1997 Asian financial crisis or a 2008 global financial crisis is not warranted.'"

Illustration by Erik T. Johnson - The Stock Market and the Economy's Apparent Disconnect
"What to do about the tsunami of foreign money driving the US dollar up, and driving US industry to become totally uncompetitive...
"Central banks absolutely love to drive up stock market prices for the benefit of the 0.0001 percent.
"So expect more delusion ahead.
"But be sure everything that's solid melts into air. Including the neoliberal dream."
THE TRUE ECONOMIC SITUATION - Pepe Escobar of Asia Times.

The Central Banks have engineered this Financial Collapse, according to James Corbett
The Corbett Report 25 August 2015
"The phony baloney stock markets, manipulated as they are from top to bottom and juiced as they are on the Fed’s QE heroin, are no longer reflective of economic reality.
"The only question is how far this particular dead cat market will bounce, and whether it will be helped along with more heroin from the Fed..."
The Corbett Report 25 August 2015

"It is the central banks that have created this mess, and what’s more they have created this mess in the full knowledge that their actions would lead to disaster.
"And now, one can be sure, the same central bankers and their political puppet mouthpieces will use this crisis to continue the construction of the New World Order that they called for in the wake of the 2008 collapse.
"Anyone who can’t see the endgame now - global government by the bankers, of the bankers and for the bankers - is either blind or wilfully ignorant...
"We can already see a false narrative underway. This narrative has two main thrusts: one is to paint China as the culprit for the global downturn and the other is to assume that only central banks can save the day (with even greater liquidity injections and even deeper rate cuts)."
The Corbett Report 25 August 2015

"I have just been on a swing through the North and East of the USA, and have talked to some of the leading financiers of the country.
Labels: Central Banks, China, Corbett Report, economy, inequality, neoliberalism, New World Order, Pepe Escobar, stockmarkets, USA
Tuesday, 25 August 2015

The Moroccan being led into court has a beard.

The Moroccan on the station platform has no beard.
Labels: Amsterdam to Paris train, attack, beard, CCTV, guns, Khazzani, Spencer Stone, Thalys
Friday, 21 August 2015

Ben Fellows was persecuted and hounded by the Metropolitan Police, arrested, charged with perverting the course of justice, and imprisoned for blowing the whistle on Ken Clarke for alleged sexual assault. The harassement took place over a period of two years.
This is typical police behaviour when crime or negligence has been exposed by the public with regard to any public figure or entity. Make no mistake about it, there is a pattern: Brian Pead, Melanie Shaw, Peter Hofschroer, Chris Spivey, Sabine McNeill, and more.
Ben fellows is interviewed in the latter part of this video, after having won the court case in a trial by jury. He also describes how his whole life has fallen apart: no home, no job, no marriage, and more. He was innocent of perverting the course of justice.
Furthermore, another person has stepped forward with allegations agaist ex Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice, Ken Clarke. The audio is worth listening to.
Exaro news report
"The people in positions of power, from local councillors, MP's, police, crown prosecution service, civil service and council employeees will use all the apparatus of the state, corporations and institutions under their control to defend the status quo. A whistleblower will face first denial of their assertions and then an attack upon themselves as a potential upsetter of the applecart or gravytrain."
Child Sexual Abuse Campaigners and Whistleblowers targeted by state organisations...
Attempts are often made by the establishment to fraudulently section whistleblowers under mental health legislation.
Strathclyde Police drug runnning
Stan Richardson & NHS botched job: alleges Metropolitan Police harass him on the basis that someone has entered into the police computer that he has a mental health problem. He says he is constantly being pulled over by police for no reason, since he complained about a very serious dailed operation on his collar bone, and everyone closed ranks, to cover up. This included the alteration of medical x-rays. When the establishment closes ranks, it is always across departmental boundaries, and someone orchestrates it all. How do comments from corrupt doctors end up in police data bases, and why?
The public has always been suspicious about "convenient deaths".
Labels: Ben Fellows, Chris Spivey, DAVID KELLY, Edward Heath, Melanie Shaw, Sabine McNeill, Strathclyde Police, whistleblowers
Thursday, 20 August 2015

Survivors' testimonies to the 'Independent Jersey Care Inquiry' are yielding more evidence of apparent occult practices on the Queen's island.
1. "I knew the staff got rid of the babies because I witnessed it. Not proper abortions, something else"
2. "I saw figures in black cloaks with torch-like lights near to the Dolmans"
3. "A group of us used to be taken there when it was dark after tea. I remember it was some kind of religious thing"
4. "He wore gloves with silvery things on them, which looked like prongs or nails"
1. https://www.scribd.com/doc/275306008/I-knew-the-staff-got-rid-of-the-babies-because-I-witnessed-it-Not-proper-abortions-something-else
2. https://www.scribd.com/doc/275360887/I-saw-figures-in-black-cloaks-with-torch-like-lights-near-to-the-Dolmans
3. https://www.scribd.com/doc/275358562/A-group-of-us-used-to-be-taken-there-when-it-was-dark-after-tea-I-remember-it-was-some-kind-of-religious-thing
4. https://www.scribd.com/doc/275369971/He-wore-gloves-with-silvery-things-on-them-which-looked-like-prongs-or-nails
The 'child abuser' Jaconelli was a close friend of the police.
The Scarborough Evening News - Silence as council ...

"I have just been on a swing through the North and East of the USA, and have talked to some of the leading financiers of the country.
Labels: 1928, crash, economic crisis, economy, inequality, rich and poor, Will Rogers
English schoolkids are among the world's unhappiest, according to a new study.
Nearly 40% of English schoolkids aged 10 to 12 say they have been physically bullied in the past month.
The Good Children 2015 report, published this month by the University of York, examined 53,000 children's wellbeing across 15 countries, including South Korea, Romania, Colombia, Uganda, Ethiopia and Algeria.
The report ranked England 14th for life satisfaction, ahead of South Korea.
Only 1% of 10 to 12-year-olds in Romania said they are unhappy with their life 'as a whole'.
One of the problems in England is that the government ministers in charge of education have often been regarded as being 'bullies' or worse.
Among those who have been in charge of education are:
Margaret Thatcher
Sir Keith Joseph, Bt
Rhodes Boyson.
Kenneth Clarke
David Laws.

Part of the problem is the 'sick' culture in Britain.
In Britain, those who bully children tend to be rewarded, while the 'whistleblower kids' tend to be ignored.
MI6 deputy boss PETER HAYMAN abused children but was given a knighthood
JIMMY SAVILE abused children but was given a knighthood..
SARAH HARRIS in the dailymail reports on what she calls innocuous playground taunts.
She and the 'Jewish led' Manifesto Club are against the 'recording' of the names of bullies.

Aangirfan believe that one of the reasons why so many UK schools perform badly is because of low standards of behaviour.

It is easy to spot the children with personality disorders - the future Hitlers and Netanyahus.
You just have to listen to how they address their fellow human beings.

Such children need help.
Often the bullies are totally unaware that what they are doing is wrong.

The Mail lists some of the 'innocuous' taunts:
B called another child an 'African rat'.
C called his teacher 'Jimmy Savile'.
C said the teacher was an Australian faggot and a pikey.
C said the teacher rapes babies.
D called a girl an 'Egyptian bitch'.’
E called another child 'fat' and 'gay'.
F called a girl a 'fat bucket of KFC'.
G called another child a retard.

'Hasbara' journalist Brendan O'Neill.
Aangirfan believes that most of the trolls are Crypto-Jews and Nazis.
The Manifesto Club has been linked to Cryto-Jews.
The Manifesto Club says "We support free movement across borders."
Brendan O'Neill co-founded the Manifesto Club
In the Daily Telegraph online, thereisagod commented on an article by Brendan O'Neill entitled:
Murdoch, Jews, lizards, Lefties and Leveson: the spread of British conspiracy politics. - Brendan O'Neill - 27 Nov 2012
The Comment:
"Creating powerful twilight language such as 'conspiracy theories' is just another method currently used for closing down debate on sensitive subjects by creating taboos that allow the media and politicians to avoid answering reasonable questions...
"Real power is NEVER challenged by the press nor our so-called representatives in parliament.
"People understand that the trust agreement between MP's and those that supposedly appoint them (i.e. us) is broken.
"We understand that our interests are served only when these interests coincide with corporate/banking interest.
"Do the public really wish for perpetual war?
"This is exactly what we get..."

Hasbara Bingo! | The Palestine Poster Project Archives...
Hasbara means Israeli propaganda, and it is often produced by crypto-Jews.
Brendan O'Neill is a Telegraph hasbara blogger, according to Jews sans frontieres.
So, what did O'Neill write in his Telegraph blog?
"In the current issue of the New Statesman, Peter Wilby slams the Daily Mail for spreading a 'conspiracy theory' about the Leveson Inquiry.
"He says the Mail's claim that... Common Purpose has effectively infiltrated Leveson, with an eye for achieving its long-standing goal of muzzling the press...
"The Mail might as well have published an article about 'ten-foot lizards' controlling Leveson, says Wilby.
"Yet flick forward a few pages, and there is Mr Wilby again heaping praise upon Labour MP Tom Watson's book Dial M for Murdoch...
"It describes how Murdoch's 'invisible networks' created a 'shadow state' in Britain, which controlled virtually every aspect of public life.
"You know what the sounds like?
"Yep, a big fat conspiracy theory...
"So one starts to fantasise that there must be a tiny but unbelievably influential clique of lizards/Jews/bankers/annoying Lefties/Murdoch drones...
"Isn’t it time we grew up?
"Murdoch did not control Britain from a yacht in the Mediterranean. And Leveson is not a plot..."

The man who speaks for the BBC?
Some more comments on O'Neill's article:
"Brendan O'Neill
"I assume, then, that you consider yourself to be a 'coincidence theorist' or just a mere Liberal Fascist?
"And that the BBC inquiry into Jimmy Savile scandal 'to stay secret' is not people in power conspiring?"
"The flavour of the current epoch is that the innocent are guilty and the guilty (if you are powerful) innocent.
"Examples are Savile, Smith, Hillsborough Disaster, The Cardiff Three, MPs expenses, Blairs lies on Iraq etc....
"And their is no point havng anti-corruption units to deal with the sorry mess if they are corrupt themselves.
"Nobody believes or trusts anybody anymore. Democracy has had its day.........Can you hear the boots marching."
"Glad we've had Leveson to put to bed the idea that News International had a hold over politicians and police officers. Almost as silly as the idea that the security services were plotting against Harold Wilson..."

It looks as if there is a Zionist-Nazi-Robber-Baron plan to control the world by a policy of divide and rule?
Get the Blacks against the Whites; the Christians against the Moslems; the 'Gays' against the 'Homophobes'; the liberals against the conservatives...
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion is reported to be a fake piece of pro-Russian-Czar propaganda.
In 1903, in Russia, the struggle for power was between the corrupt old aristocracy and the corrupt power-hungry Jewish Marxists.
However, you might agree that at least some of the aims of the 'plan' seem to be being achieved?
Here is the plan by the "Learned Elders of Zion," laid down in the allegedly fake "Protocols."
We shall:
1. Seduce and demoralize youth with false doctrines.
2. Destroy the family life.
5. Introduce the habit for luxuries, crazy fashions and spendthrift ideas so that the ability for enjoying clean and plain pleasures is lost.
6. Divert the attention of the people by public amusements, sports, games, prize contests, etc., so that there is no time for thinking.
7. Confuse and bewilder the minds of the people by false theories and shatter the nerves and health by continuously introducing new poisons.
9. Cause diplomatic friction and misunderstanding between States which will increase international suspicions and hate thereby greatly augmenting armaments.
India versus Pakistan. Sri Lanka, Mossad, the CIA, drugs and arms dealers. /OBAMA, THE CONGO, MINERAL WEALTH, WAR
10. Gradually amend all constitutions so as to prepare the soil for absolute despotism.
12. Prepare the death struggle of the nations; wear out humanity through suffering, fear and shortage of food - hunger creates slaves!

Aangirfan believe that one of the reasons why so many UK schools perform badly is because of low standards of behaviour.

It is easy to spot the children with personality disorders - the future Hitlers and Netanyahus.
You just have to listen to how they address their fellow human beings.

Such children need help.

The Mail lists some of the 'innocuous' taunts:
B called another child an 'African rat'.
C called his teacher 'Jimmy Savile'.
C said the teacher was an Australian faggot and a pikey.
C said the teacher rapes babies.
D called a girl an 'Egyptian bitch'.’
E called another child 'fat' and 'gay'.
F called a girl a 'fat bucket of KFC'.
G called another child a retard.
'Hasbara' journalist Brendan O'Neill.
Aangirfan believes that most of the trolls are Crypto-Jews and Nazis.
The Manifesto Club has been linked to Cryto-Jews.
The Manifesto Club says "We support free movement across borders."
Brendan O'Neill co-founded the Manifesto Club
Murdoch, Jews, lizards, Lefties and Leveson: the spread of British conspiracy politics. - Brendan O'Neill - 27 Nov 2012
The Comment:
"Creating powerful twilight language such as 'conspiracy theories' is just another method currently used for closing down debate on sensitive subjects by creating taboos that allow the media and politicians to avoid answering reasonable questions...
"Real power is NEVER challenged by the press nor our so-called representatives in parliament.
"People understand that the trust agreement between MP's and those that supposedly appoint them (i.e. us) is broken.
"We understand that our interests are served only when these interests coincide with corporate/banking interest.
"Do the public really wish for perpetual war?
"This is exactly what we get..."

Hasbara Bingo! | The Palestine Poster Project Archives...
Hasbara means Israeli propaganda, and it is often produced by crypto-Jews.
Brendan O'Neill is a Telegraph hasbara blogger, according to Jews sans frontieres.
So, what did O'Neill write in his Telegraph blog?
"In the current issue of the New Statesman, Peter Wilby slams the Daily Mail for spreading a 'conspiracy theory' about the Leveson Inquiry.
"He says the Mail's claim that... Common Purpose has effectively infiltrated Leveson, with an eye for achieving its long-standing goal of muzzling the press...
"The Mail might as well have published an article about 'ten-foot lizards' controlling Leveson, says Wilby.
"Yet flick forward a few pages, and there is Mr Wilby again heaping praise upon Labour MP Tom Watson's book Dial M for Murdoch...
"It describes how Murdoch's 'invisible networks' created a 'shadow state' in Britain, which controlled virtually every aspect of public life.
"You know what the sounds like?
"Yep, a big fat conspiracy theory...
"So one starts to fantasise that there must be a tiny but unbelievably influential clique of lizards/Jews/bankers/annoying Lefties/Murdoch drones...
"Isn’t it time we grew up?
"Murdoch did not control Britain from a yacht in the Mediterranean. And Leveson is not a plot..."

The man who speaks for the BBC?
Some more comments on O'Neill's article:
"Brendan O'Neill
"I assume, then, that you consider yourself to be a 'coincidence theorist' or just a mere Liberal Fascist?
"And that the BBC inquiry into Jimmy Savile scandal 'to stay secret' is not people in power conspiring?"
"The flavour of the current epoch is that the innocent are guilty and the guilty (if you are powerful) innocent.
"Examples are Savile, Smith, Hillsborough Disaster, The Cardiff Three, MPs expenses, Blairs lies on Iraq etc....
"And their is no point havng anti-corruption units to deal with the sorry mess if they are corrupt themselves.
"Nobody believes or trusts anybody anymore. Democracy has had its day.........Can you hear the boots marching."
"Glad we've had Leveson to put to bed the idea that News International had a hold over politicians and police officers. Almost as silly as the idea that the security services were plotting against Harold Wilson..."

It looks as if there is a Zionist-Nazi-Robber-Baron plan to control the world by a policy of divide and rule?

Here is the plan by the "Learned Elders of Zion," laid down in the allegedly fake "Protocols."
We shall:
1. Seduce and demoralize youth with false doctrines.

5. Introduce the habit for luxuries, crazy fashions and spendthrift ideas so that the ability for enjoying clean and plain pleasures is lost.

6. Divert the attention of the people by public amusements, sports, games, prize contests, etc., so that there is no time for thinking.

10. Gradually amend all constitutions so as to prepare the soil for absolute despotism.

12. Prepare the death struggle of the nations; wear out humanity through suffering, fear and shortage of food - hunger creates slaves!
Labels: Brendan O'Neill, bullies, bullying, hasbara, Ministers of Education, Protocols, Sarah Harris, schools
Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Did you hear who the abusers were, lawyers, powerful businessmen, senior military figures, and senior conservative politicians, in other words, the fucking ruling class?

Part 2 (below) is off the planet.
Labels: abuse, BBC, Becky Milligan, David's Story

Tao is a grower of food and herbs.
Cian is the rock of the earth and an artist and farmer.
Sage, well he is an alchemist and probably my great teacher.
An embrace of Simplicity
Labels: Easyidler