Wednesday 18 February 2015


According to "The Copenhagen PsyOp"

1. An apparently fake Facebook page tries to link Omar El-Hussein  to ISIS.

(We should remember that ISIS is run by the CIA and its friends.)

The Facebook page was swiftly deleted after people began pointing out that it was fake.

2. Apparently fake witnesses have given their accounts to the media.

One witness refers to curtains at the culture centre blocking the view of the attacker.

Yet the photos of the scene show no curtains.

And if there had been curtains, what would witness Helle Merete Brix, inside the centre, have been able to see? 

She claims she 'saw one of them running by, wearing a mask.'


3. The so called 'dead body of the attacker' looks fake?

"He either had two prosthetic legs or we are staring at a dummy/cpr doll."

The dead body doesn't match the description of the alleged suspect.

"The shooter was a man dressed in ... black pants" - CNN

4. In the BBC's exclusive audio recording, a woman's speech is interrupted by alleged gunfire.

"There's not a cry for help being heard, no crowd panicking, no yelling of any kind what so ever not even whispering among the supposed targets, as would be expected when people come under attack from live gunfire."

5. In January 2015, there was a terror drill by the security services at Norreport station, where the 'attacker' was later shot dead.

There is usually a terror drill before a false flag attack.

6. According to the Wall Street Journal, Jorgen Skov, head of the Copenhagen police, says that "there is nothing to suggest that several perpetrators are involved.".

Helle Merete Brix stated earlier that "they tried to shoot their way into the conference room … I saw one of them running by, wearing a mask. There was no way to tell his face."

 Continued here: The Copenhagen PsyOp"

The cultural centre in Copenhagen - a strange lack of blood and bullet holes. dailymail

The February 2015 attack on Copenhagen looks like a false flag attack carried out by Mossad, the CIA, and agents of Danish security services?

"Denmark is a client state of the USA and is presently ruled by several American CIA generals residing at the Danish army intelligence headquarters at Sandagergaard 8 miles from the center of Copenhagen." - Steen Hjortsoe, Copenhagen.

Cultural Centre - 200 bullets reportedly fired.

The man accused of carrying out the Copenhagen false flag attack is Omar El-Hussein.

Reportedly he was inspired by the Mossad-NATO led Charlie Hebdo false flag.

Above, we see Omar El-Hussein on a train back in 2013.

Omar was released from prison two weeks before the February 2015 attack.

"Some say the shootings (near the railway station) were part of a turf war over the lucrative hashish trade in the city."


Above we see the alleged attacker in February 2015.

Born in Denmark, Omar El-Hussein joined the gang called The Brothas and roamed the streets with a knife or a gun.

He was known to Danish intelligence services.

Police tracked El-Hussein to an apartment next to Norrebro metro station at around 5am.

When he emerged he was killed in a hail of bullets.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.

1. On 14 February 2015, in Copenhagen, there was a false flag attack at the Krudttønden cultural centre.

2. And early on the morning of 15 February 2015 there was a false flag attack near Copenhagen's Great Synagogue.

A bat mizvah ceremony attended by 80 people was taking place there. 

Dan Uzan, a 38-year-old Jewish community member who was on security duty, [18] was allegedly shot in the head and allegedly later died. 

3. Later in the morning, the 'patsy', a 22 year-old Dane with a background in criminal gangs, was shot dead near Nørrebro station 

Jens Madsen, head of Denmark's intelligence service, PET, said the suspect was known to his agency.

Two officers of Denmark's intelligence service were at the cultural centre when it was attacked.

The alleged attacker was able to escape from the cultural centre in a Volkswagen Polo.

Morten Storm (above) is the CIA and MI5 agent from Denmark used by the CIA and MI5 to finance Ikirma, the so-called 'Kenya Mall attack mastermind'.

Denmark is home to Morten Storm, who reportedly was used by the CIA and MI5 to finance terrorism.

Was Kenya mall massacre 'mastermind' backed by CIA cash.

Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt (centre) is not always in control of events.

What was the motive for the Copenhagen attack?

After the attack, Benjamin Netanyahu said to the Jews of Denmark and the rest of Europe that "Israel is the home of every Jew ... Israel awaits you with open arms."[33]

The American David Headley who planned many terror attacks in India.

The 'crypto-Jew' and 'CIA agent' David Headley reportedly travelled to Denmark to scout out locations for false flag attacks.

("In alleged terror plot, a troubling twist")

Headley claimed he worked for the CIA.


Denmark has many influential Jews.

The editor of Jyllands-Posten, Flemming Rose, is reported to be a Ukrainian-born Jew who is working for Mossad. 

(Flemming Rose - A Ukrainian Jew Working for Mossad?)

In March 2010, we learnt that Herbert Pundik, a top Danish journalist, worked for Mossad. 

Up until 2014, Denmark's spy boss was Jakob Scharf (above).

Reportedly he has Jewish connections. (Website)

According to former Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky's book, By Way of Deception:

"The relationship between the Mossad and Danish intelligence is so intimate as to be indecent."


Anders Rasmussen, formerly prime minister of Denmark and formerly boss of NATO, has strongly supported Neocon policies.

Rasmussen is a Bilderberger.

Craig Murray wrote of Rasmussen (NATO Appoints a Vicious Liar as Secretary General):

"An enthusiastic follower of George Bush, like his friend Tony Blair he told outright lies to the Danish people about the existence of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction.

"He also lied about the content of secret intelligence reports the Danes had on Iraqi WMD...

"A very brave and honourable man, Major Frank Grevil, stepped forward to tell the Danish people that Rasmussen had lied about the content of intelligence reports.

"Rasmussen did not show his famed support for freedom of speech in the case of Major Frank Grevil, who was jailed for telling the Danish people the truth..."

Denmark is a colony of Israel.



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At 15 February 2015 at 15:28 , Blogger Steen Hjortsoe said...

A colony of Israel ? Not quite true. Denmark is a client state of the USA and is presently ruled by several American CIA generals residing at the Danish army intelligence headquarters at Sandagergaard 8 miles from the center of Copenhagen.
What you write about major Frank Grevil is true. You can consider him a case parallel to David Kelly in the UK.
The shootings in Copenhagen on 14-15 February 2015 have many parallels to the Charlie Hebdo massacre and are probably a false flag operation suggested by NATO.
Anders Fogh Rasmussen is of course a liar, but his Norwegian successor, Jens Stoltenberg, the present NATO secretary general is worse: he is, according to Peter Dale Scott and Richard Cottrell, probably accessory to the murder of 77 good Norwegian citizens on 22 July 2011.
Steen Hjortsoe,

At 15 February 2015 at 19:00 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

YNet is claiming - but dead men can't talk.

The man suspected of killing two people in shootings in Copenhagen was identified in several Danish media outlets on Sunday as Omar El-Hussein. Reports in Lebanon said he was the child of Palestinian immigrants from Ain al-Hilweh, a refugee camp in Lebanon.
Ekstra-Bladet, a Danish tabloid, reported that the 22-year-old was released from jail only two weeks ago after serving a term for aggravated assault. Police have not confirmed the name, but police said earlier that the man believed to be the perpetrator of this weekend's killings in Copenhagen had a history of assault and weapons offences and links to gangs....,7340,L-4626973,00.html

btw 21 christian copts killed in libya has a group of 500+ news results on google, while the danish story has 3000+ in one grouping, 500+ in a second grouping, & is all over the MSM, unlike the copts' story, which is almost invisible.

At 15 February 2015 at 20:08 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At this point, when I hear about terrorist attacks, I look at NATO and Izrael. I don't even entertain the thought that a "Islamic Extremist" did it (maybe a mind controlled one by the West and Izrael). The "Muslim Terrorist" is a brand name and product invented in the U.S. I am not buying it!!

At 15 February 2015 at 20:48 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is there a country that is not a colony of Israel these days? Where you go it seems to be the same. It makes no difference if it is at the top or the bottom of the pyramid.

At 15 February 2015 at 20:55 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The closer the ICC gets to possibly indicting Israel for their multitude of war crimes against Gaza, the more of these False Flags will appear.
Israel is trying to get that pity-party status back in effect.

At 15 February 2015 at 21:49 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Photos taken from inside the building of the first shooting:

Somebody has a bandage around his knee and the trouser leg cut off but is able to apparently stand up? The scene looks odd to me.

At 15 February 2015 at 22:09 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like the Jewish Society in Copenhagen is driving the propaganda around "their shooting":


At 16 February 2015 at 10:53 , Blogger elwind45 said...

To think that the narrative surrounding Europe in the seventies was left wing gangs or the soviets when all along they were gangs but the gangs were ultra right and government sponsored at a more local level?
I just wish that BIBI trusted himself more when recruiting and focus more on the good in Israeli and less of the ills and dangers of the rest of the world. That indeed more tourism and sport and less brinkmanship as a formula for recovery is possible.

At 16 February 2015 at 11:21 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is a good one ;-)

At 16 February 2015 at 12:20 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The first shooting occurred at Krudttønden which translated into English means "The powder keg (or barrel)". By coincidence (?) Fastelavn (a kind of Nordic Halloween big with kids) was celebrated this weekend and one of the central rituals is to "slå katten af tønden" which means to "smash the cat out of the barrel". As the Copenhagen event seems to follow a similar script (copy cat) of the Paris event could this be a cruel, sick joke by the orchestrator of Saturday's false flag to "smash the (copy) cat out of the powder keg"?

Incidentally, a Fastelavn event for kids was planned to take place at Krudttønden on Sunday 15 February which was subsequently cancelled due to the shooting:

At 16 February 2015 at 15:45 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was my thought too. All very suspicious, with another brainwashed criminal set up as the patsy to be shot dead, as in Paris. The usual 'laying it on with a trowel' touches of the shouts of 'Allahu Akbar' and the attack on the synogogue too.

At 16 February 2015 at 15:46 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting perspective - thanks.

At 16 February 2015 at 19:35 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awake Americans know that, "Islamic Extremist" or, "Muslim Extremists" are an invention.
More awake people is all that is required now...

At 16 February 2015 at 23:46 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

do you have knowledge of other European countries being directly ruled by CIA personnel?? I have a gut feeling, that here in "neutral" Switzerland, we are in a similar situation, at least for everything concerning the armed forces. A politician who must have a good knowledge of what is going on, confirmed to me, that NATO-officers would definitely call the shots in our MoD.

At 17 February 2015 at 08:39 , Blogger Unknown said...

Very true.Awake Americans are aware these attacks are not done by Muslim extremists. We are so sick of this S***!! Their

At 17 February 2015 at 09:05 , Blogger Steen Hjortsoe said...

The fact that several American CIA generals are presently residing at Sandagergaard is a direct consequence of Project Absalon, the local Danish name for the NATO Gladio/Staybehind project in Denmark (a monography about Project Absalon attached)

The author, Morten Heiberg, correctly stresses the importance radio communication had in these NATO staybehind projects, but fails to mention the overwhelmingly important variation of radio communication which radio frequency interference fine-tuned to the brain frequencies of the population started to be already in the 1950s.

A quantum leap occurred in the 1960s when RF interference could be carried out from satellites.

This happened in Denmark and I have no reason to doubt that extensive NATO and CIA radiofrequency control of not just the communists in Western Europe but also of the entire populations ensued.

I have first-hand and insider knowledge about this from Denmark, but only knowledge from secondary sources from other European countries. The rule of thumb is that the CIA went the whole hog, i.e. did the same in all the European countries, where staybehind projects were launched.

At 18 February 2015 at 00:32 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To me it looks like a freemasonic initiation. Don´t they do also things with one knee oncovered?

At 18 February 2015 at 01:08 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 18 February 2015 at 03:29 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 18 February 2015 at 03:30 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 18 February 2015 at 03:34 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 18 February 2015 at 03:35 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 18 February 2015 at 03:38 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 18 February 2015 at 09:18 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just read about that on Global Research. Apparently the CIA is funding Boko Haram to cause a civil war in Nigeria. Then US and UN humanitarian troops get sent in to stop the bloodshed, then a US puppet government gets installed, then US oil companies grab all the oil. This is what they have been doing everywhere else leaving Libya and Iraq, in ruins. Syria and Ukraine are getting the US treatment now.
'Is Boko Haram a CIA Covert Op to Divide and Conquer Africa?'

At 18 February 2015 at 09:52 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is clearly something fishy with the BBC sound: According to 5 policemen working as bodyguards on the inside of the first shooting: The Perp opened automatic fire, the policemen returned fire and one emptied his magazine. This is not what we hear. The policemen are sure they hit the perp several times.

At 18 February 2015 at 23:08 , Blogger elwind45 said...

If you thought the audio of the shots were difficult to understand the interviews for democracy now right after will shot you over the top? The lady was one tough cookie. Sounded as calm as a summer day! Even after one gun man and two policeman shot hundreds of rounds at each other and at the stage. Another example of realpolitic

At 18 February 2015 at 23:14 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

By 'friends and allies', General Clark is referring to Israhell and its Ratchild freaks: the Wahhabist Saudi Arabia which was made in the City of London after Zionist Theodore Herzl was turned down by the Ottomans and Germans.
The USA is only the latest country to be used as a false flag by the Nazionists; the AshkeNAZI; the Khazars; the jews who are not jews', but steal from anyone and most especially the Palestinians who they continue to genocide with impunity, as the illegal nuclear terror state of Israhell blackmails the whole world with its disgusting, hateful, racism and nuclear threats; The Samson Option, as they belligerently call it.

At 19 February 2015 at 04:55 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

And here she comes with the inevitable. So soon after, nice round figures, inline with the template and agena:

Need to translate from Danish with Google!

At 24 February 2015 at 13:43 , Blogger Sohan Dsouza said...

Hey, I have an idea. Why not go back further, and consider that the alleged cartoons that allegedly provoked these alleged revenge attacks were never actually published, and were planted in the Islamic world's media by Mossad and the CIA in a false flag operation? So next time someone calls for a protest against anti-Islam/ProMo cartoons, we can all just tell them to sod off, and go home and eat falafel.


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