Wednesday, 27 August 2014
Extensive war crimes in Donbass committed by the Jews and Nazis
Ukraine was peaceful, until the Jews and Nazis intervened.
It was the Jews in the U.S. State Department (Neo-Con Victoria Nuland, a Zionist Jew...) working with USAID, Academi (Blackwater) and George Soros who carried out the coup d'etat in the Ukrainian.
Now the Nazis and Jews who run the Ukraine government are carrying out genocide.
More than 50,000 U.S.-Backed Troops Are Fighting in Ukraine.

- Dear William Hague
- Forced to Clean Human Waste in India
- The Zionist Story.

The Fake James Foley Beheading.
James Foley was once embedded with the US Army in Afghanistan.
Foley - a windfall for Rendon Media Group.
In other words, he was a spy.
In the US Military's 'Stars and Stripes' newspaper, U.S. officials stated that any reporter embedded with U.S. forces gets a full background check from The Rendon Group.
Foley - a windfall for Rendon Media Group.

The Rendon Group helped to create the Iraqi National Congress.
The Iraqi National Congress was reportedly funded by the CIA.
The Iraqi National Congress provided much of the false information about Iraq's supposed weapons of mass destruction.
Foley - a windfall for Rendon Media Group.

Umar al Shishani, an ISIS commander
It is likely that The Rendon Group's current job is to provide 'lies' about ISIS.
ISIS works for the CIA, Mossad and MI6.
The US Embassy was involved in the smuggling of Umar al Shishani, an ISIS commander, from Georgia into Syria.
The US and its allies have trained all the ISIS terrorists.
Foley - a windfall for Rendon Media Group.
The fake Foley video was designed to get the public to support US military action in Syria and Iraq.

Nayirah's testimony about babies being taken from incubators was fake.
The Rendon Group has worked closely with a British partner, Hill and Knowlton.
Hill and Knowlton was responsible for the 1990 'Kuwaiti incubator' story - which claimed that Kuwaiti babies were being removed from incubators by Iraqi forces.
This totally fake story was used to get Congressional approval for the 1991 Gulf War.
Foley - a windfall for Rendon Media Group.

Another Rendon Group story concerned Private Jessica Lynch.
James Bamford of Rolling Stone has reminded us that Lynch herself has said that the story about her is fake.
She was not slapped by an Iraqi colonel.
She was not raped.
She did not have gunshot or stab wounds...
Foley - a windfall for Rendon Media Group

Things are not always what they seem.
"Former Israeli Attorney General Michael Ben Yair has said that "it was Israel who staged the alleged Hamas breach of the ceasefire..."
Former Israeli AG: Our government staged Hamas breach
James Foley was once embedded with the US Army in Afghanistan.
Foley - a windfall for Rendon Media Group.
In other words, he was a spy.
In the US Military's 'Stars and Stripes' newspaper, U.S. officials stated that any reporter embedded with U.S. forces gets a full background check from The Rendon Group.
Foley - a windfall for Rendon Media Group.

The Rendon Group helped to create the Iraqi National Congress.
The Iraqi National Congress was reportedly funded by the CIA.
The Iraqi National Congress provided much of the false information about Iraq's supposed weapons of mass destruction.
Foley - a windfall for Rendon Media Group.

Umar al Shishani, an ISIS commander
It is likely that The Rendon Group's current job is to provide 'lies' about ISIS.
ISIS works for the CIA, Mossad and MI6.
The US Embassy was involved in the smuggling of Umar al Shishani, an ISIS commander, from Georgia into Syria.
The US and its allies have trained all the ISIS terrorists.
Foley - a windfall for Rendon Media Group.
The fake Foley video was designed to get the public to support US military action in Syria and Iraq.

Nayirah's testimony about babies being taken from incubators was fake.
The Rendon Group has worked closely with a British partner, Hill and Knowlton.
Hill and Knowlton was responsible for the 1990 'Kuwaiti incubator' story - which claimed that Kuwaiti babies were being removed from incubators by Iraqi forces.
This totally fake story was used to get Congressional approval for the 1991 Gulf War.
Foley - a windfall for Rendon Media Group.

Another Rendon Group story concerned Private Jessica Lynch.
James Bamford of Rolling Stone has reminded us that Lynch herself has said that the story about her is fake.
She was not slapped by an Iraqi colonel.
She was not raped.
She did not have gunshot or stab wounds...
Foley - a windfall for Rendon Media Group

"Former Israeli Attorney General Michael Ben Yair has said that "it was Israel who staged the alleged Hamas breach of the ceasefire..."
Former Israeli AG: Our government staged Hamas breach

Lord David Neuberger, who worked for N M Rothschild & Sons, from 1970 to 1973.[2][5]
The UK is increasingly run by top Jews, such as Lord Neuberger, the president of 'the Supreme Court'.
Neuberger says that Britain may need to introduce privacy laws to meet the ‘challenges’ thrown up by the internet.
Lord Neuberger says it is time to re-think the law because of Facebook and Twitter.
His comments have been interpreted as a first step towards legislating to protect such top Jews as Leon Brittan and Greville Janner.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.
Neuberger says that Britain may need to introduce privacy laws to meet the ‘challenges’ thrown up by the internet.
Lord Neuberger says it is time to re-think the law because of Facebook and Twitter.
His comments have been interpreted as a first step towards legislating to protect such top Jews as Leon Brittan and Greville Janner.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.

Labels: CIA, Hill and Knowlton, ISIS, James Foley, Jessica Lynch, Kuwait incubator, Rendon Group, Umar al Shishani
Tuesday, 26 August 2014
Dear William Hague

William Hague has been linked to various child abuse scandals.
He was the UK Foreign Secretary.
Labels: Child Abuse, pedophile rings, William Hague

Mayor of Rotherham, in Yorkshire, Shaukat Ali and Colonel Simon Newton
Yorkshire in the UK, has links to the military, false flag terrorism and pedophile rings.
The three go together.
1. Rotherham, in Yorkshire, has links to the military
In 2009, Rotherham, in Yorkshire, presented the 'Freedom of the Borough' to the Yorkshire Regiment.
Yorkshire in the UK, has links to the military, false flag terrorism and pedophile rings.
The three go together.
1. Rotherham, in Yorkshire, has links to the military
In 2009, Rotherham, in Yorkshire, presented the 'Freedom of the Borough' to the Yorkshire Regiment.

London Bombings 'ringleader' Mohammad Sidique Khan photographed by Yorkshire Police in 2001.
2. Yorkshire has links to terrorism.
In 2001, Yorkshire police filmed a terrorist camp, in the North of England, attended by some of the 7/7 'bombers'.
These bombers were not apprehended, and it is assumed that they were working for MI5/MI6 when they were involved in the 2005 London bombings.
There is a belief that UK military intelligence recruits Moslems and trains them to carry out acts of false flag terrorism.
Exclusive: How MI5 blackmails British Muslims.
The men claim they were given a choice of working for the Security Service or facing detention and harassment.

These bombers were not apprehended, and it is assumed that they were working for MI5/MI6 when they were involved in the 2005 London bombings.
In 2009, five Moslem community workers accused MI5 of waging a campaign of blackmail and harassment in an attempt to recruit them.
Exclusive: How MI5 blackmails British Muslims.
The men claim they were given a choice of working for the Security Service or facing detention and harassment.

3. Yorkshire is linked to powerful pedophile rings, reportedly protected by government agencies.
Reportedly, Sir Jimmy Savile, whose main base was Yorkshire, worked for the intelligence services.
Reportedly, Savile was able to abuse children at a Royal Marines Commando base, and get away with it.
Reportedly, Sir Jimmy Savile, whose main base was Yorkshire, worked for the intelligence services.
Reportedly, Savile was able to abuse children at a Royal Marines Commando base, and get away with it.
There has been massive child abuse in the town of Rotherham, in South Yorkshire.
"A dossier of ... intelligence reports shows that agencies in South Yorkshire were aware that vulnerable girls were being abused, but a catalogue of alleged crimes were not prosecuted."

Reportedly, the CIA, MI5 and MI6 do run pedophile rings.
An investigation has now found that, in the town of Rotherham in South Yorkshire in the UK, at least 1,400 children were sexually abused over a period of 16 years.
For 16 years, the police and social services turned a blind eye.
Sometimes the police harassed those who were whistleblowers.
Reports on the child abuse, by various officials, were suppressed.

Cliff Richard has been quizzed about an alleged sexual offence in South Yorkshire.
People associated with Rotherham include the notorious William Hague (formerly responsible for MI6) and the notorious Denis MacShane (Denis Matyjaszek) a former Jewish government minister.
People associated with Rotherham include the notorious William Hague (formerly responsible for MI6) and the notorious Denis MacShane (Denis Matyjaszek) a former Jewish government minister.
So, between 1997 and 2013, at least 1,400 children were subjected to "appalling" sexual exploitation in Rotherham.
"Children as young as 11 were raped by multiple perpetrators, abducted, trafficked to other cities in England, beaten and intimidated...
"Children were doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone".
It sounds like an exercise in CIA/MI5 mind control?
"Rotherham Council and the police knew about the level of child sexual exploitation in the town, but didn't do anything about it."
Rotherham child exploitation report

Jimmy Savile and a Yorkshire police inspector.
Five Pakistanis from Rotherham were jailed for sexual offences against girls in 2010, but the report said that the police "regarded many child victims with contempt".
The majority of the child abusers referred to in the Rotherham report are Pakistanis.
Gangs of Pakistani men have been convicted of child abuse in Rotherham, Oxford, Rochdale, Derby, and Shropshire.
MI5 and MI6 are said to recruit Pakistanis.
Mohammad Sidique Khan, who was involved in the London Bomb attacks, is of Pakistani origin.
Governments... love child abuse...
No other criminal activity... gives such control over those who commit it.

British Moslems are recruited by MI5 using sex?
Might the UK security services have used sex to recruit UK Moslems to fight in Iraq, Kosovo, Pakistan, Libya, Syria...

Denis MacShane (Denis Matyjaszek) was the member of parliament for Rotherham and a leading figure in Labour Friends of Israel
Young girls were trafficked from Yorkshire to Manchester, Birmingham, Bradford, Bristol, Dover and other cities.
Similar child trafficking gangs operated in other parts of the UK.
Many people complained to the police and many girls gave evidence to the police, but prosecutions did not follow.

Police were summoned to a house outside which a father was demanding the release of his daughter.
The young girl was being held by a group of men of Pakistani origin. The police found the girl, who had been drugged.
The police arrested the father for racial harassment and arrested the girl for assault.
The police left the Pakistanis at the house with two more girls.
Two girls from South Yorkshire were dragged into a car and driven to Bristol to be used for sex as part of a drugs deal.
When the girls managed to escape, the South Yorkshire Police did not question them about the incident.
After neighbours heard screaming, a 13-year-old girl was found at 3am in a house with a large group of men.
The men had given her vodka. Police arrested the girl for being drunk and disorderly but did not question the men.

Police were summoned to a house outside which a father was demanding the release of his daughter.
The young girl was being held by a group of men of Pakistani origin. The police found the girl, who had been drugged.
The police arrested the father for racial harassment and arrested the girl for assault.
The police left the Pakistanis at the house with two more girls.
Two girls from South Yorkshire were dragged into a car and driven to Bristol to be used for sex as part of a drugs deal.
When the girls managed to escape, the South Yorkshire Police did not question them about the incident.
After neighbours heard screaming, a 13-year-old girl was found at 3am in a house with a large group of men.
The men had given her vodka. Police arrested the girl for being drunk and disorderly but did not question the men.

"Asian sex gangs were able to groom, pimp and traffic girls across the UK for more than a decade while authorities failed to publicly acknowledge the problem was happening, confidential documents reveal.
"A dossier of internal police, social services and intelligence reports shows that agencies in South Yorkshire were aware that vulnerable girls were being abused, but a catalogue of alleged crimes were not prosecuted."

On February 5, 1999, in the U.S. District Court in Lincoln, Nebraska, Paul Bonacci said that he had been ritualistically abused by Lawrence E King, as part of a nationwide pedophile ring linked to powerful political figures in Washington and to elements of the U.S. military and intelligence establishment.
On February 27, Judge Warren K. Urbom ordered King to pay $1 million in damages to Bonacci, in what Bonacci's attorney John DeCamp said was a clear signal that "the evidence presented was credible."
During the February 5 hearing, Noreen Gosch gave the court sworn testimony linking U.S. Army Lt. Col. Michael Aquino (ret.) to the nationwide pedophile ring.

"Asian sex gangs were able to groom, pimp and traffic girls across the UK for more than a decade while authorities failed to publicly acknowledge the problem was happening, confidential documents reveal.
"A dossier of internal police, social services and intelligence reports shows that agencies in South Yorkshire were aware that vulnerable girls were being abused, but a catalogue of alleged crimes were not prosecuted."

On February 5, 1999, in the U.S. District Court in Lincoln, Nebraska, Paul Bonacci said that he had been ritualistically abused by Lawrence E King, as part of a nationwide pedophile ring linked to powerful political figures in Washington and to elements of the U.S. military and intelligence establishment.
On February 27, Judge Warren K. Urbom ordered King to pay $1 million in damages to Bonacci, in what Bonacci's attorney John DeCamp said was a clear signal that "the evidence presented was credible."
During the February 5 hearing, Noreen Gosch gave the court sworn testimony linking U.S. Army Lt. Col. Michael Aquino (ret.) to the nationwide pedophile ring.
Her son, Johnny, then 12 years old, was kidnapped off the streets of West Des Moines, Iowa on September 5, 1982, while he was doing his early-morning newspaper deliveries.

Reportedly, the British security service MI5 used to take foreign diplomats to children's homes in North Wales, give them boys to 'play' with, secretly film them as they buggered, abused and tortured boys then kept the tapes as evidence.
Over a dozen victims who complained of abuse by the paedophile ring 'have met suspicious deaths'."

Reportedly, the British security service MI5 used to take foreign diplomats to children's homes in North Wales, give them boys to 'play' with, secretly film them as they buggered, abused and tortured boys then kept the tapes as evidence.
Over a dozen victims who complained of abuse by the paedophile ring 'have met suspicious deaths'."
North Wales paedophile ring, top people, the police and the security services
For years, MI5 was aware of a child abuse ring operating within the Kincora Boys Home in East Belfast, which was run by William McGrath, a notorious homosexual.
"McGrath had been employed by MI5 since the mid 1960s.
"MI5 allowed the ill-treatment and sexual abuse of residents at the Kincora Boys Home to continue..."

The UK authorities promote murder.
Dylan Stewart (above) died weeks after he was attacked by seven yobs from his school who beat him up at a bus stop.
Despite reporting the assault to the police no one was arrested and the boys were allowed to remain at the school.
'Look at what you did': Parents of 12-year-old boy found ...
For years, MI5 was aware of a child abuse ring operating within the Kincora Boys Home in East Belfast, which was run by William McGrath, a notorious homosexual.
"McGrath had been employed by MI5 since the mid 1960s.
"MI5 allowed the ill-treatment and sexual abuse of residents at the Kincora Boys Home to continue..."

The UK authorities promote murder.
Dylan Stewart (above) died weeks after he was attacked by seven yobs from his school who beat him up at a bus stop.
Despite reporting the assault to the police no one was arrested and the boys were allowed to remain at the school.
'Look at what you did': Parents of 12-year-old boy found ...
Labels: Bonacci, Bryn Estyn, Child Abuse, CIA, GOSCH, Kincora, MI5, MI6, pedophile rings, Rotherham, Yorkshire

Mikaeel and Rosdeep.
On 25 August 2014, we learnt that Rosdeep Adekoya, who recently pleaded guilty to killing her son Mikaeel, may be out of jail in seven years time.
Rosdeep was involved with a top gangster and with cocaine.
And possibly with a pedophile ring; and possibly with the security services?

Rosdeep did not face a murder trial.
"Some local people claimed the decision to avoid a murder trial had been taken to protect the police and social services, whose failings were never heard in court as a result...
"Some local people claimed the decision to avoid a murder trial had been taken to protect the police and social services, whose failings were never heard in court as a result...
"Five thousand local residents have signed a petition protesting at the failure of prosecutors to pursue a murder charge against Adekoya, who had five children...
"Mikaeel and his twin sister were twice taken into foster care by social workers in Fife, but were handed back to their mother.
"Authorities were repeatedly warned about her neglect, including that she was leaving them home alone while she partied for days at a time with drug dealers."
Mohammed Omar Abdi and Rosdeep Kular.
In May 2013, Mohammed Omar Abdi, a Pakistani originally from Kenya, was arrested after a major drug seizure in the Edinburgh area.

In May 2013, Mohammed Omar Abdi, a Pakistani originally from Kenya, was arrested after a major drug seizure in the Edinburgh area.
Abdi's father Omar is an Imam at the Edinburgh Central Mosque.
Abdi was released on bail and then shot dead.
Ali Hussein Mohammed was arrested in Kenya in connection with the killing of Abdi.
Samantha Lewthwaite stayed at the home of a Musa Hussein Abdi.

Labels: Abdi, conspiracy, cover-up, Kenya, Kular, Lewthwaite, Mikaeel, Rosdeep

James Foley (who has a mole on the right side of his nose)
The BBC has mind controlled some of my neighbours.

Michael Foley (who has a mole on the right side of his nose)
I have recently asked a number of locals what she think about such matters as the James Foley affair, Gaza, and Scottish independence.
Their views on these items exactly match those of the BBC.

The BBC uses smooth-talking men in smart suits, such as MARK REGEV (above), to promote its lies.

The BBC uses scripts prepared by MI6 and MI5.
The BBC is not neutral.
It has mercilessly attacked the campaign for Scottish independence - by repeatedly using quotes from the 'No' campaigners.
The above video gives clear examples of BBC bias.

When ISIS threatened to blow up Borobudur, there was no mention on the BBC of the many decades of support by MI6, Mossad and the CIA for the Islamist terrorists in Indonesia.
Indonesia's police on alert over apparent ISIS terror threat to Borobudur... /
The BBC employs easy-to-control child abusers.

Wing Commander Michael Cairns took part in operations in Bosnia and Kosovo.
MI6 spread lies to put Suharto into power, according to Foreign Office documents.
This was reported by the UK's Independent newspaper, 16 April 2000.
The sources for the following are: http://www.counterpunch.org/miller03142005.html
DAVID MILLER, at Spinwatch, writes that journalists working for the Services Sound and Vision Corporation (SSVC) have provided news reports to the BBC.
The SSVC is funded by the Ministry of Defence as a propaganda operation.
Spinwatch reveals that Britain has fake journalists.
The government pays for their wages and they provide news as if they were normal journalists rather than paid propagandists.
Normally they work for British Forces Broadcasting Service, which is run by the SSVC.
In the case of Iraq, the BBC promoted the lie that the army (in illegal ocupation) was a 'peacekeeping' force.
BBC World Service is reportedly funded by the Foreign Office.
Former UK cabinet minister Michael Meacher wrote in the Guardian, November 21, 2003, about the UK government's Operation Rockingham, which was used to spread lies about Iraq.
David Kelly, giving evidence to the prime minister's intelligence and security committee, said: "Within the defence intelligence services I liaise with the Rockingham cell."
Former chief weapons inspector in Iraq, Scott Ritter, was a US military intelligence officer.
He declared, before the Iraq war, that almost all of Iraq's WMD had been destroyed as a result of inspections, and the rest either used or destroyed in the first Gulf war.
In the Scottish Sunday Herald in June 2003, Ritter said: "Operation Rockingham (set up by defence intelligence staff in 1991) cherry-picked intelligence.
"They had to sustain the allegation that Iraq had WMD [when] Unscom was showing the opposite...
"Rockingham staff were ... selectively culling [picking out] reports that sustained the [WMD] claims. They ignored the vast majority of the data which mitigated against such claims."
According to Michael Meacher: "Within the UK intelligence establishment... Rockingham clearly had a central, though covert, role in seeking to prove an active Iraqi WMD programme.
Ritter said: "Rockingham was the source of some very controversial information which led to inspections of a suspected ballistic missile site. We ... found nothing. However, our act of searching allowed the US and UK to say that the missiles existed."
Ritter says that Rockingham officers were acting on political orders "from the very highest levels".
It was revealed by sections of the Scottish press that the deputy director of the Lockerbie trial briefing unit at Glasgow University, Professor Andrew Fulton, was an MI6 intelligence officer.
The unit was supposed to provide "impartial and objective" legal information about the trial and was much used by the TV news programmes.
24/05/00 THE SCOTSMAN:
"Prof Fulton has been 'on holiday' since it was revealed that during his 30 year diplomatic career he was a key memberof the MI6 secret service in Europe, Asia and America."
Can you trust the BBC news? How many journalists are working for the security services?
Roy Greenslade, media specialist at the Telegraph (formerly at the Guardian), has written that most media outlets "are playthings of MI5."
Bloch and Fitzgerald, in their examination of covert UK warfare, report that the editor of “one of Britain’s most distinguished journals” believed that more than half its foreign correspondents were on the MI6 payroll.
And in 1991, Richard Norton-Taylor revealed in the Guardian that 500 prominent Britons paid by the CIA and the now defunct Bank of Commerce and Credit International, included 90 journalists.
And spy novelist John le Carré, who worked for MI6 between 1960 and 1964, has made the amazing statement that the British secret service then controlled large parts of the press – just as they may do today.
In 1975, following Senate hearings on the CIA, the reports of the Senate’s Church Committee and the House of Representatives’ Pike Committee highlighted the extent of agency recruitment of both British and US journalists.
And sources revealed that half the foreign staff of a British daily were on the MI6 payroll.
David Leigh, in The Wilson Plot, his seminal study of the way in which the secret service smeared through the mainstream media and destabilised the Government of Harold Wilson before his sudden resignation in 1976, quotes an MI5 officer: “We have somebody in every office in Fleet Street”
And the most famous whistleblower of all, Peter (Spycatcher) Wright, revealed that MI5 had agents in newspapers and publishing companies whose main role was to warn them of any forthcoming “embarrassing publications”.
Wright also disclosed that the Daily Mirror tycoon, Cecil King, “was a longstanding agent of ours” who “made it clear he would publish anything MI5 might care to leak in his direction”.
Selective details about Wilson and his secretary, Marcia Falkender, were leaked by the intelligence services to sympathetic Fleet Street journalists.
Wright comments: “No wonder Wilson was later to claim that he was the victim of a plot”. King was also closely involved in a scheme in 1968 to oust Prime Minister Harold Wilson and replace him with a coalition headed by Lord Mountbatten.
Hugh Cudlipp, editorial director of the Mirror from 1952 to 1974, was also closely linked to intelligence, according to Chris Horrie, in his recently published history of the newspaper.
David Walker, the Mirror’s foreign correspondent in the 1950s, was named as an MI6 agent following a security scandal while another Mirror journalist, Stanley Bonnet, admitted working for MI5 in the 1980s investigating the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament.
Maxwell and Mossad
According to Stephen Dorril, intelligence gathering during the miners’ strike of 1984-85 was helped by the fact that during the 1970s MI5’s F Branch had made a special effort to recruit industrial correspondents – with great success.
In 1991, just before his mysterious death, Mirror proprietor Robert Maxwell was accused by the US investigative journalist Seymour Hersh of acting for Mossad, the Israeli secret service, though Dorril suggests his links with MI6 were equally as strong.

Following the resignation from the Guardian of Richard Gott, its literary editor in December 1994 in the wake of allegations that he was a paid agent of the KGB, the role of journalists as spies suddenly came under the media spotlight – and many of the leaks were fascinating.
For instance, according to The Times editorial of 16 December 1994: “Many British journalists benefited from CIA or MI6 largesse during the Cold War.”
The intimate links between journalists and the secret services were highlighted in the autobiography of the eminent newscaster Sandy Gall.
He reports without any qualms how, after returning from one of his reporting assignments to Afghanistan, he was asked to lunch by the head of MI6.
And in January 2001, the renegade MI6 officer, Richard Tomlinson, claimed Dominic Lawson, the editor of the Sunday Telegraph and son of the former Tory chancellor, Nigel Lawson, provided journalistic cover for an MI6 officer on a mission to the Baltic to handle and debrief a young Russian diplomat who was spying for Britain.
Growing power of secret state
Since September 11 all of Fleet Street has been awash in warnings by anonymous intelligence sources of terrorist threats.
According to former Labour minister Michael Meacher, much of this disinformation was spread via sympathetic journalists by the Rockingham cell within the MoD.
A parallel exercise, through the office of Special Plans, was set up by Donald Rumsfeld in the US.
The BBC employs easy-to-control child abusers.

In a frumpy cardigan and sensible shoes, Daphne Park looked like Miss Marple.
The BBC has strong links to MI6, MI5 and their friends.
Baroness Park of Monmouth was a top MI6 spy. (Daphne Park, MI6 woman with a 30-year secret career. )
She became a governor of the BBC.
Dame Pauline Neville Jones was head of the UK's Joint Intelligence Committee.
The spooky Neville Jones became a BBC governor in 1998.
She has links with defence firm Qinetiq which supplies US forces in Iraq.
The BBC has strong links to MI6, MI5 and their friends.
Baroness Park of Monmouth was a top MI6 spy. (Daphne Park, MI6 woman with a 30-year secret career. )
She became a governor of the BBC.
Dame Pauline Neville Jones was head of the UK's Joint Intelligence Committee.
The spooky Neville Jones became a BBC governor in 1998.
She has links with defence firm Qinetiq which supplies US forces in Iraq.
(Dame Neville-Jones quits BBC after Iraq links exposed /aangirfan: David Cameron, Dame Pauline Neville-Jones and QinetiQ.)
Since 1937 BBC staff have apparently been vetted by the security services.
Since 1937 BBC staff have apparently been vetted by the security services.
MI6 Building?
Christopher Bower worked for the BBC World Service.
He also worked for the Guardian newspaper.
He became director of UK trade and investment at the British embassy in Moscow.
Russia now claims that Christopher Bower is a senior officer in the British secret service.
(London-Moscow relations worsen as the Kremlin brand a British envoy a spy )

Christopher Bower worked for the BBC World Service.
He also worked for the Guardian newspaper.
He became director of UK trade and investment at the British embassy in Moscow.
Russia now claims that Christopher Bower is a senior officer in the British secret service.
(London-Moscow relations worsen as the Kremlin brand a British envoy a spy )

Wing Commander Michael Cairns took part in operations in Bosnia and Kosovo.
('BIGGLES' QUITS Sunday Mirror Find Articles at BNET.com)
Cairns has been responsible for political output from the BBC in Norther Ireland.
Cairns was found out.
"A BBC editor has resigned his post within the British military after Sinn Féin raised conflict of interest concerns.
Cairns has been responsible for political output from the BBC in Norther Ireland.
Cairns was found out.
"A BBC editor has resigned his post within the British military after Sinn Féin raised conflict of interest concerns.
"RAF wing commander Mike Cairns resigned as OC 7644 VR Squadron after Sinn Féin complained that his work as a public relations officer for the RAF was incompatible with his job as a high-ranking BBC editor.
"Following Sinn Féin's complaint the BBC confirmed Mike Cairns who worked in news-gathering in the BBC had resigned from the RAF reserve." - An Phoblacht: BBC editor resigns from RAF post

"Following Sinn Féin's complaint the BBC confirmed Mike Cairns who worked in news-gathering in the BBC had resigned from the RAF reserve." - An Phoblacht: BBC editor resigns from RAF post

John Simpson (http://www.flickr.com/photos/philip-rosie/96409955/in/photostream/)
Nicola Jones, writing in New Scientist, 19 November 2001, (Taliban nuclear documents mirror spoof article - 19 November 2001 ...) pointed out that 'Taliban nuclear documents' found by BBC reporter John Simpson were identical to a spoof article.
In 2001, John Simpson claimed he had found documents strewn on the floor of a Taliban recruitment centre in Kabul.
Nicola Jones, writing in New Scientist, 19 November 2001, (Taliban nuclear documents mirror spoof article - 19 November 2001 ...) pointed out that 'Taliban nuclear documents' found by BBC reporter John Simpson were identical to a spoof article.
In 2001, John Simpson claimed he had found documents strewn on the floor of a Taliban recruitment centre in Kabul.
He claimed these documents apparently described how to build a thermonuclear device.
The documents, according to Simpson showed "how dangerous Bin Laden's Al Qaeda network aspired to be".
According to the New Scientist:
The sentences shown in focus by the camera also come from a famous document called "Weekend Scientist: Let's Make a Thermonuclear Device", which was first published in 1979 as a humour piece by The Journal of Irreproducible Results.
John Simpson was a university friend of a former head of MI6.

The documents, according to Simpson showed "how dangerous Bin Laden's Al Qaeda network aspired to be".
According to the New Scientist:
The sentences shown in focus by the camera also come from a famous document called "Weekend Scientist: Let's Make a Thermonuclear Device", which was first published in 1979 as a humour piece by The Journal of Irreproducible Results.
John Simpson was a university friend of a former head of MI6.

MI6 spread lies to put Suharto into power, according to Foreign Office documents.
This was reported by the UK's Independent newspaper, 16 April 2000.
(http://www.independent.co.uk/story.jsp?story=20187 / http://www.bilderberg.org/sis.htm)
Foreign Office documents show that the world's media was used by British intelligence as part of a plot to overthrow Indonesia's President Sukarno in the 1960s.
The BBC, the Observer and Reuters carried 'fake stories'manufactured by agents working for the Foreign Office.
Propaganda expert Norman Reddaway noted, in a letter to Britain's Jakarta ambassador Sir Andrew Gilchrist, that Gilchrist's stories were broadcast via the BBC.
This included an invented story that Indonesian communists were planning to slaughter the citizens of Jakarta.
Reddaway's letter suggests that the Observer newspaper was persuaded to take the Foreign Office "angle" on the Indonesian takeover by reporting a "kid glove coup without butchery".
Cabinet papers show that British spies, including MI6, supported Islamic guerrillas in order to destabilise Sukarno.
Former government minister Lord Healey said: "Norman Reddaway had an office in Singapore. They began to put out false information and I think that, to my horror on one occasion, they put forged documents on the bodies of Indonesian soldiers we had taken."
Lord Healey denied any personal knowledge of the MI6 campaign to arm opponents of Sukarno. But, he added: "I would certainly have supported it."
Foreign Office documents show that the world's media was used by British intelligence as part of a plot to overthrow Indonesia's President Sukarno in the 1960s.
The BBC, the Observer and Reuters carried 'fake stories'manufactured by agents working for the Foreign Office.
Propaganda expert Norman Reddaway noted, in a letter to Britain's Jakarta ambassador Sir Andrew Gilchrist, that Gilchrist's stories were broadcast via the BBC.
This included an invented story that Indonesian communists were planning to slaughter the citizens of Jakarta.
Reddaway's letter suggests that the Observer newspaper was persuaded to take the Foreign Office "angle" on the Indonesian takeover by reporting a "kid glove coup without butchery".
Cabinet papers show that British spies, including MI6, supported Islamic guerrillas in order to destabilise Sukarno.
Former government minister Lord Healey said: "Norman Reddaway had an office in Singapore. They began to put out false information and I think that, to my horror on one occasion, they put forged documents on the bodies of Indonesian soldiers we had taken."
Lord Healey denied any personal knowledge of the MI6 campaign to arm opponents of Sukarno. But, he added: "I would certainly have supported it."
The sources for the following are: http://www.counterpunch.org/miller03142005.html
DAVID MILLER, at Spinwatch, writes that journalists working for the Services Sound and Vision Corporation (SSVC) have provided news reports to the BBC.
The SSVC is funded by the Ministry of Defence as a propaganda operation.
Spinwatch reveals that Britain has fake journalists.
The government pays for their wages and they provide news as if they were normal journalists rather than paid propagandists.
Normally they work for British Forces Broadcasting Service, which is run by the SSVC.
In the case of Iraq, the BBC promoted the lie that the army (in illegal ocupation) was a 'peacekeeping' force.
BBC World Service is reportedly funded by the Foreign Office.
Their journalists are employed by the SSVC, the Services Sound and Vision Corporation.
The UK Foreign Office reportedly runs a network of fake news operations.
One of these is allegedly British Satellite News.
BSN is broadcast over the Reuters World News Service.

The UK Foreign Office reportedly runs a network of fake news operations.
One of these is allegedly British Satellite News.
BSN is broadcast over the Reuters World News Service.

Former UK cabinet minister Michael Meacher wrote in the Guardian, November 21, 2003, about the UK government's Operation Rockingham, which was used to spread lies about Iraq.
David Kelly, giving evidence to the prime minister's intelligence and security committee, said: "Within the defence intelligence services I liaise with the Rockingham cell."
Former chief weapons inspector in Iraq, Scott Ritter, was a US military intelligence officer.
He declared, before the Iraq war, that almost all of Iraq's WMD had been destroyed as a result of inspections, and the rest either used or destroyed in the first Gulf war.
In the Scottish Sunday Herald in June 2003, Ritter said: "Operation Rockingham (set up by defence intelligence staff in 1991) cherry-picked intelligence.
"They had to sustain the allegation that Iraq had WMD [when] Unscom was showing the opposite...
"Rockingham staff were ... selectively culling [picking out] reports that sustained the [WMD] claims. They ignored the vast majority of the data which mitigated against such claims."
According to Michael Meacher: "Within the UK intelligence establishment... Rockingham clearly had a central, though covert, role in seeking to prove an active Iraqi WMD programme.
Ritter said: "Rockingham was the source of some very controversial information which led to inspections of a suspected ballistic missile site. We ... found nothing. However, our act of searching allowed the US and UK to say that the missiles existed."
Ritter says that Rockingham officers were acting on political orders "from the very highest levels".
It was revealed by sections of the Scottish press that the deputy director of the Lockerbie trial briefing unit at Glasgow University, Professor Andrew Fulton, was an MI6 intelligence officer.
The unit was supposed to provide "impartial and objective" legal information about the trial and was much used by the TV news programmes.
24/05/00 THE SCOTSMAN:
"Prof Fulton has been 'on holiday' since it was revealed that during his 30 year diplomatic career he was a key memberof the MI6 secret service in Europe, Asia and America."

Allegedly, Dominic Lawson, who has worked for the BBC, and who once edited the Sunday Telegraph, has links to MI6 and Princess Diana. (He now works for the Mail)
Can you trust the BBC news? How many journalists are working for the security services?
Roy Greenslade, media specialist at the Telegraph (formerly at the Guardian), has written that most media outlets "are playthings of MI5."
Bloch and Fitzgerald, in their examination of covert UK warfare, report that the editor of “one of Britain’s most distinguished journals” believed that more than half its foreign correspondents were on the MI6 payroll.
And in 1991, Richard Norton-Taylor revealed in the Guardian that 500 prominent Britons paid by the CIA and the now defunct Bank of Commerce and Credit International, included 90 journalists.

The BBC's Alvar Lidell served with the RAF as an intelligence officer
The following extracts are from an article at the excellent Medialens
March 3, 2006
HACKS AND SPOOKS - By Professor Richard Keeble
In their analysis of the contemporary secret state, Dorril and Ramsay gave the media a crucial role...
Going as far back as 1945, George Orwell no less became a war correspondent for the Observer - probably as a cover for intelligence work.
The following extracts are from an article at the excellent Medialens
March 3, 2006
HACKS AND SPOOKS - By Professor Richard Keeble
In their analysis of the contemporary secret state, Dorril and Ramsay gave the media a crucial role...
Going as far back as 1945, George Orwell no less became a war correspondent for the Observer - probably as a cover for intelligence work.
Significantly most of the men he met in Paris on his assignment, Freddie Ayer, Malcolm Muggeridge, Ernest Hemingway were either working for the intelligence services or had close links to them.
Stephen Dorril, in his seminal history of MI6, reports that Orwell attended a meeting in Paris of resistance fighters on behalf of David Astor, his editor at the Observer and leader of the intelligence service’s unit liasing with the French resistance.
The release of Public Record Office documents in 1995 about some of the operations of the MI6-financed propaganda unit, the Information Research Department of the Foreign Office, threw light on this secret body - which even Orwell aided by sending them a list of “crypto-communists”.
Set up by the Labour government in 1948, it 'ran' dozens of Fleet Street journalists and a vast array of news agencies across the globe until it was closed down by Foreign Secretary David Owen in 1977.
According to John Pilger in the anti-colonial struggles in Kenya, Malaya and Cyprus, IRD was so successful that the journalism served up as a record of those episodes was a cocktail of the distorted and false in which the real aims and often atrocious behaviour of the British intelligence agencies was hidden.

Stephen Dorril, in his seminal history of MI6, reports that Orwell attended a meeting in Paris of resistance fighters on behalf of David Astor, his editor at the Observer and leader of the intelligence service’s unit liasing with the French resistance.
The release of Public Record Office documents in 1995 about some of the operations of the MI6-financed propaganda unit, the Information Research Department of the Foreign Office, threw light on this secret body - which even Orwell aided by sending them a list of “crypto-communists”.
Set up by the Labour government in 1948, it 'ran' dozens of Fleet Street journalists and a vast array of news agencies across the globe until it was closed down by Foreign Secretary David Owen in 1977.
According to John Pilger in the anti-colonial struggles in Kenya, Malaya and Cyprus, IRD was so successful that the journalism served up as a record of those episodes was a cocktail of the distorted and false in which the real aims and often atrocious behaviour of the British intelligence agencies was hidden.
And spy novelist John le Carré, who worked for MI6 between 1960 and 1964, has made the amazing statement that the British secret service then controlled large parts of the press – just as they may do today.
In 1975, following Senate hearings on the CIA, the reports of the Senate’s Church Committee and the House of Representatives’ Pike Committee highlighted the extent of agency recruitment of both British and US journalists.
And sources revealed that half the foreign staff of a British daily were on the MI6 payroll.
David Leigh, in The Wilson Plot, his seminal study of the way in which the secret service smeared through the mainstream media and destabilised the Government of Harold Wilson before his sudden resignation in 1976, quotes an MI5 officer: “We have somebody in every office in Fleet Street”
And the most famous whistleblower of all, Peter (Spycatcher) Wright, revealed that MI5 had agents in newspapers and publishing companies whose main role was to warn them of any forthcoming “embarrassing publications”.
Wright also disclosed that the Daily Mirror tycoon, Cecil King, “was a longstanding agent of ours” who “made it clear he would publish anything MI5 might care to leak in his direction”.

Selective details about Wilson and his secretary, Marcia Falkender, were leaked by the intelligence services to sympathetic Fleet Street journalists.
Wright comments: “No wonder Wilson was later to claim that he was the victim of a plot”. King was also closely involved in a scheme in 1968 to oust Prime Minister Harold Wilson and replace him with a coalition headed by Lord Mountbatten.
Hugh Cudlipp, editorial director of the Mirror from 1952 to 1974, was also closely linked to intelligence, according to Chris Horrie, in his recently published history of the newspaper.
David Walker, the Mirror’s foreign correspondent in the 1950s, was named as an MI6 agent following a security scandal while another Mirror journalist, Stanley Bonnet, admitted working for MI5 in the 1980s investigating the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament.
Maxwell and Mossad
According to Stephen Dorril, intelligence gathering during the miners’ strike of 1984-85 was helped by the fact that during the 1970s MI5’s F Branch had made a special effort to recruit industrial correspondents – with great success.
In 1991, just before his mysterious death, Mirror proprietor Robert Maxwell was accused by the US investigative journalist Seymour Hersh of acting for Mossad, the Israeli secret service, though Dorril suggests his links with MI6 were equally as strong.
Following the resignation from the Guardian of Richard Gott, its literary editor in December 1994 in the wake of allegations that he was a paid agent of the KGB, the role of journalists as spies suddenly came under the media spotlight – and many of the leaks were fascinating.
For instance, according to The Times editorial of 16 December 1994: “Many British journalists benefited from CIA or MI6 largesse during the Cold War.”
The intimate links between journalists and the secret services were highlighted in the autobiography of the eminent newscaster Sandy Gall.
He reports without any qualms how, after returning from one of his reporting assignments to Afghanistan, he was asked to lunch by the head of MI6.
And in January 2001, the renegade MI6 officer, Richard Tomlinson, claimed Dominic Lawson, the editor of the Sunday Telegraph and son of the former Tory chancellor, Nigel Lawson, provided journalistic cover for an MI6 officer on a mission to the Baltic to handle and debrief a young Russian diplomat who was spying for Britain.
Growing power of secret state
Since September 11 all of Fleet Street has been awash in warnings by anonymous intelligence sources of terrorist threats.
According to former Labour minister Michael Meacher, much of this disinformation was spread via sympathetic journalists by the Rockingham cell within the MoD.
A parallel exercise, through the office of Special Plans, was set up by Donald Rumsfeld in the US.
Thus, to take just one example, Michael Evans, The Times defence correspondent, reported on 29 November 2002: “Saddam Hussein has ordered hundred of his officials to conceal weapons of mass destruction components in their homes to evade the prying eyes of the United Nations inspectors.” The source of these 'revelations' was said to be 'intelligence'...
Michael Foley? Video 24 August 2014.
Labels: BBC, Borobudur, CIA, disinformation, Foley, John Simpson, journalists, MI5, MI6, Mossad, Rockingham, Scotland