Tuesday 30 July 2024

Turkey might enter Israel ...

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post 'Violent civil conflict in Israel, extremist Israeli mob attacks Israeli military base':

Israelis on X Twitter are explaining that under Jewish law, only a Jew can be 'raped'. And that anyone opposed to Jews implementing Jewish law, is 'anti-semitic'.

The angry Israeli mob storming military bases, in order to support immunity for those torturing Palestinians, seems unique amongst nations.

Erdogan threatens that Türkiye may intervene, and enter Israel to help Palestinians.

Al Jazeera video, 4 minutes


The USA says the same on Israel's side.


At 31 July 2024 at 05:46 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's the little season of managed threats and orchestrated constant tension. It's a simulation of earlier Biblical events repackaged and jammed into a mini-sequence. It's the fake Time of Jacob's Trouble that never quite seems to actually happen. Signs and signposts everywhere. Universal deception is the only thing that can be counted as real.


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