Tuesday 30 July 2024

Slavland Chronicles argues that Chinese elites do not really trust Russia

Anonymous - 


Slavland Chronicles argues that Chinese elites do not really trust Russia, seeing Russians as only 'using' BRICS, China, etc as a temporary lever against the West.

Russian elites - many of them Russian-Jewish - to this day keep significant property and assets in the West, their children educated there, and so on. Russian elites still orient their minds in terms of UK estates, French villas, yachts in Monaco etc.

Chinese recall how after the fall of the Soviet Union, Russia acquiesced in many Western projects, the bombing of Serbia, sanctions on Iran and Iraq, wars on Iraq and Libya, and so on.

Finally after the Maidan 2014 Ukraine provocations and the Donbass conflict becoming deadly, Russia did intervene in Syria in 2015, Russia moving closer to Iran and China, followed by the official Russian incursion into Ukraine in 2022.

But China fears that Russia is still willing to 'make a deal' with the West, "after which the Russian Federation will in the blink of an eye abandon China, Iran and the entire global south, and with open arms will rush to their palaces, yachts and assets in the West they love so much".


Russia has also passed a major censorship law prohibiting communications between military service people and even their own homes, the Kremlin trying to cut off the flow of information to dissident Telegram bloggers who argue Russian government is corrupt and run by traitors, who are not really trying to win the war, the Kremlin covertly catering to the West whilst helping conduct in a slow, endless mass slaughter of Slavs, both Ukrainian and Russian.

https://slavlandchronicles.substack.com/p/the-duma-has-passed-a-law-banning Read more


At 30 July 2024 at 06:58 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's a difference between a few Russian oligarchs and the entire Russian nation. What is genuinely unclear is how Russia will evolve when Putin finally steps down.


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