Tuesday 30 July 2024

María Machado

María Machado


Machado (María Machado) controls the opposition in oil rich Venezuela.

Machado has asked Jews who left the country for Israel and other countries over the past years, to return and join the effort to oust President Nicolas Maduro.

In 2009, Machado was chosen as one of 15 accepted to the Yale World Fellows Program. The Yale University program "aim[s] to build a global network of emerging leaders.

Is she a friend of the CIA and of Mossad?

Is there an attempt to destabilise Venzuela?


Maduro’s departure ‘irreversible’, says Venezuela opposition leader, as election result protests grow

María Corina Machado tells Guardian that Nicolás Maduro should understand he lost presidential election, amid widespread international doubts over victory claim  www.theguardian.com


At 30 July 2024 at 06:57 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do South Americans want their country run by Jews? Judaism is all about the Middle East, it has nothing to do with South America.


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