Tuesday 30 July 2024

Violent civil conflict in Israel, extremist Israeli mob attacks Israeli military base


Violent civil conflict in Israel, extremist Israeli mob attacks Israeli military base

Israeli soldiers were arrested in connection with inquiry into their abuse of a Gazan detainee, now in hospital, who was severely maimed and unable to walk after alleged violent rape by the Israeli soldiers.

However, an extremist Israeli mob, then broke into the military base to protest any arrest for abuse of Palestinians.

Some Israeli politicians, such as Israel's national security minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, support the mob's idea that Israeli soldiers should not be arrested for abuse of Palestinians, although Israel's Defence Minister Yoav Gallant said 'the law applies to everyone'.

Troops are said to have been pulled from Gaza operations in order to deal with the mobs of extremist Israelis attacking military installations.

Much on X-Twitter, BBC coverage of the story here -

'Israeli protesters enter army base after soldiers held over Gaza detainee abuse'
from Gaza.


At 30 July 2024 at 07:12 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

🇵🇸 🇮🇱 🇮🇱 The IDF is withdrawing multiple battalions from the Gaza Strip and sending them to defend the Beit Lid base which is under siege by Kahanist militias (former US terroristlist😉.)



At 30 July 2024 at 16:30 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Israelis on X Twitter are explaining that under Jewish law, only a Jew can be 'raped'. And that anyone opposed to Jews implementing Jewish law, is 'anti-semitic'.

The angry Israeli mob storming military bases, in order to support immunity for those torturing Palestinians, seems unique amongst nations.

Erdogan threatens that Türkiye may intervene, and enter Israel to help Palestinians.
Al Jazeera video, 4 minutes

The USA says the same on Israel's side.


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