Friday 12 July 2024

Ban on drilling in new North Sea oil fields

Ed Miliband is Jewish and he is the UK's new Energy Secretary

'Ed Miliband has ordered an immediate ban on drilling in new North Sea oil fields in a decision that overrules Energy Department officials and risks triggering a wave of legal action.'


At 12 July 2024 at 22:42 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ed Miliband should lose all right to access gas wherever it is that he lives in future, be that in his constituency, in his London pad, anywhere. He should also be put right to the bottom of the priority list in receiving electricity, whenever shortages occur due to solar and wind boondoggles failing to generate energy due to entirely predictable weather scenarios.

At 13 July 2024 at 00:03 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

For every 1 barrel of oil the UK produces the rest of the world produces 100 - literally 100. The UK if my memory serves is the 21st most productive oil producing nation - we're not even in the top 20 oil producing nations.

I'd be pretty concerned if I lived in North East Scotland and earned a living in the Oil and Gas Sector or indeed Farming. When Scotland doesn't even hit the top 20 nations in the Oil and Gas Sector it begs the question (if ever it needed asked) why with less than a week in the job that POS Milliband needs to further destroy the fabric and infrastructure of Scotland and the UK.

Similarly, let's declare a housing emergency (of recent) then continue to import foreign clowns by the boat load (literally) and wonder why house prices go through the roof and rental property is unaffordable likewise.

Clearly our new arrivals need as much help as possible so the traitors that run this Corporation known as the UK are now supplying the freeloaders with bus passes as well as housing, money, health, schooling and everything the could possibly need. I'm pretty certain lots of (actual) locals would love a free bus pass.

Another day in Clown world eh......


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