Friday 12 July 2024

Neutral Switzerland supports NATO and ZELENSKY ?

Caveman - 

Two days ago, Albert Rösti, Federal council / member of the executive branch of the Swiss government, confirmed on public radio, that he had attended the Taylor Swift show in Zurich. 

He said he was impressed, but would still prefer the show of a certain German pop star. 

The reason for this strange and odd statement from the highest political echelons became very obvious this morning .

Rösti (expected to represent the conservative SVP-party) praised on radio the planned next Eurovision contest, to be held in Switzerland. 

His reasoning was, the event would increase positive feelings for Switzerland on the international level and be a wind-fall for tourism.
Very unfortunately, this weird action of a Federal council is not an exception. 

At the end of June, the same executive government had declared that the Swiss armed forces would join the NATO endeavour 'Sky Shield'. 

They claimed that parliament would not have to be consulted, completely ignoring constitutional neutrality.

In the same period, the head of the armed forces, Thomas Süssli (core-member of the Ukraine/Israel-Lobby?) fired Mathias Tüscher and Guy Vallat, both Major-Generals, under completely trumped-up charges, effectively in a putsch-like machination. 

These brave men must have been unwilling, to railroad the armed forces completely into the NATO-syndicate.

This spring, here in Thoune, there were convincing rumors, that in the firm RUAG (Land Systems) maintance works on our armament came to a complete standstill, due to lack of parts from suppliers. 

The management had withheld payments, on instructions from the top level. Süssli, head of the army, had given some soothing explanaition, the media and politicians didn't dare to ask questions, given his origins.

Personally I am assuming, that the funds for the armament maintenance had been diverted to Ukraine / Heavenly New Jerusalem. 

Switzerland's President Cassis

The Federal Council's Cassis hugged Zelenskyj during his visit like a lost brother . 

Soon afterwards, it became evident, that the billions of Swiss-francs were heading in the direction of Ukraine/HNJ. 

On top of this, the government allowed that one-sided Kabuki-theatre in favour of Selenskyj and entourage on the Bürgenstock.

It is not only the rather cold and rainy summer which is depressing, more so the news from the local media.


At 12 July 2024 at 22:38 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure plenty of Ukrainian billionaire oligarch money resides in Swiss banks. Wouldn't surprise me if quite a bit of this 'aid to Ukraine' ended up back in the Swiss banks, belonging to Zelensky and his underlings.


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