Friday 12 July 2024

Craig Murray - Starmer


Anonymous -

CRAIG MURRAY: The election where nothing changed

“What exactly has changed as a result of that election, other than a different team of snouts in the trough?

“Starmer’s first act as Prime Minister of the UK was to attend a NATO warmonger fest and promise unlimited resources to keep the terrible and unwinnable war in the Ukraine going.

“In addition he is pledging to increase UK ‘Defence’ spending to 2.5% of GDP, or over £18 billion a year extra — a massive bonanza for the arms industry.

“Let us be absolutely plain that this is not ‘defence’.

“There is no country which has any plan or even vague intention to invade the UK …

Russia and China in particular have no intention whatsoever of attacking the UK

“Our ‘defence’ expenditure is geared to attacking other countries …

“Serbia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen to name but a few.

We are currently attacking Russia by proxy …

“… [When] did a Russian missile last land on British soil?

“The answer is never.

“Yet Starmer has just announced we are explicitly sending Ukraine missiles capable of striking inside Russia …

“All of this money dedicated to destroying human beings is a firm pledge by Labour.

There is however no firm pledge of anything for the NHS beyond further ‘reform’, which means piecemeal privatisation.

“There is no firm pledge for anything that does not kill people …

“Amazingly, Labour are more in thrall to the private healthcare lobby, more in thrall to the armaments lobby, and more in thrall to the Israel lobby …”


At 12 July 2024 at 07:31 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Israel deliberately destroyed all of Gaza’s hospitals with US approval and support

“It was only two months into the war in Gaza that no functional hospital was left standing in the north of the territory.

“One month later, there were only seven out of 12 hospitals in southern Gaza that remained partially functional.

“Today, there is not a single functioning hospital in the entirety of Gaza …

“After only five months of the now nine-month-long war, over 1,013 Israeli attacks on healthcare facilities were recorded in the occupied Palestinian territories, breaking UN records. 

“Israel has killed more than 500 Palestinian healthcare workers in Gaza …

“… [Hospitals] have openly been declared a primary target of the Israeli military’s ground offensive …

“In May, Doctors Without Borders reported that the healthcare system in Gaza had been ‘systematically dismantled’ by Israel …

“Washington knows all of the details listed above and more, but it continues to aid and abet the horror story unfolding inside the Gaza Strip.”

At 12 July 2024 at 07:39 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nigel Farage ‘privately deplores Israel’s actions, but is afraid of being branded an antisemite’ —Reform candidate

Before the general election, the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) “drafted six questions for all parliamentary candidates …

“Some of the responses were interesting …

“The Reform candidate Edward Apostolides said:

“‘I will do everything within my power, if I am elected as a MP, to bring Israel to account. I will table emergency debates and champion private member bills to that end.

“‘I know I enjoy the full support of our party leader, Nigel Farage, who privately deplores the actions of the current Israeli government, but dare not publicly denounce it for fear of being branded an antisemite …’”

At 12 July 2024 at 08:01 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The old changing the colours game still fools the people.

At 12 July 2024 at 08:11 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Rockefellers created 990 ‘climate change’ organisations

“… [The Rockefellers] took a silly but interesting theory and amped it up with hundreds and hundreds of million of dollars … [creating] 990 ‘climate change’ activist organisations …

“There [are] too many people, the carrying capacity of the earth [is] breeched, the planet [is] dying, we need a new form of human — these ideas all came out of the Fabian stable …

“The following is a partial list of the institutions by which the Rockefeller family built the modern world …

“In 1920, John D. co-founded the League of Nations …

“In 1921, they founded the Council of Foreign Relations, (CFR) …

“In 1944, they co-founded the World Bank …

“In 1945, they co-founded the United Nations …

“In 1948 … they [co-founded] the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, (IUCN) …

“In 1948, they founded the Conservation Foundation …”

““Starting in the late 40’s, [Laurance Rockefeller] founded fifty environmental organisations including the World Wildlife Federation, the World Resource Foundation … and UNESCO …”

“In 1954, they [co-founded] … the Bilderberg group …

“In 1955, they co-founded the International Meterological Institute (IMI) …

“Next, the family founded, financed and organized the European Commission, OPEC, and the UN Development Program.

“In 1973, they founded the Trilateral Commission …

“… [In] 1989, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund under the leadership of David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger founded the United Nations Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) …

“Every single one of these institutions is neo-Malthusian, bent on fewer humans, and taking us off the land into giant pens, controlled, measured and monetised …”

At 12 July 2024 at 11:11 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now, where have we seen this before......

At 12 July 2024 at 12:44 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 12 July 2024 at 12:47 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 12 July 2024 at 12:51 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 12 July 2024 at 12:53 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 12 July 2024 at 12:54 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 12 July 2024 at 12:57 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 12 July 2024 at 13:22 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 12 July 2024 at 13:23 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 12 July 2024 at 13:27 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 12 July 2024 at 13:31 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 12 July 2024 at 13:35 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 12 July 2024 at 14:46 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 13 July 2024 at 00:18 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's equally not forget the Arab slave traders too. Whilst we're at it may as well give a 'shout out' to the BLACK slave owners and traders that made their wealth in Atlantic Slave Trade or East Africa likewise.

It's not very fashionable to remind Black people or modern day apologists that it was Black Slave Traders in West Africa that played a very important role in capturing and rounding up their Black brothers and sisters. Much easier to just blame Whitey instead.

Sorry, nearly forgot about the Barbary Slave Trade and the Ottomans they had major success with White European slaves - unfortunately none of that seems to matter when the only thing that counts is White man bad Black man good.

Maybe the demands for reparations could see the 'begging bowl' passed around the Arabian Peninsula and see how many shekels get dropped in it before anyone else is required to cough up. Better to do things in chronological order.

At 13 July 2024 at 09:13 , Anonymous Dengie101 said...

The Jewish Onslaught is here now against the British public.


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