Wednesday 10 July 2024

UK missiles to strike inside Russia


Starmer says Ukraine can use UK missiles to strike inside Russia


At 10 July 2024 at 22:35 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Then it is entirely appropriate that the Russians can strike the private property of Keir Starmer, they can strike 10 and 11 Downing Street and they can strike the Palace of Westminster too.

No striking British people who didn't vote for Starmer - make Starmer take personal and familial responsibility for his acts of war.

At 11 July 2024 at 03:45 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 11 July 2024 at 03:46 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 11 July 2024 at 07:23 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

‘Starmer says Ukraine can use UK missiles to strike inside Russia’ ——> translation ——>

‘Starmer says Ukraine can use UK missiles to murder human beings to no moral purpose — but rather to:

1. enrich British WMD and weapons manufacturers and their shareholders, safeguard the taxes they contribute, and protect jobs in one of the few manufacturing sectors of the British economy that isn’t moribund;

2. advance the Israeli-Anglo-EU empire, including through ceaseless enlargement of NATO;

3. maintain Labour’s (and Zelensky’s) political capital, further normalize ‘forever war’, and further feed the narrative of fear and loathing that keeps citizens ignorant and docile and divided.


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