Tuesday 23 January 2024

Putin, Russia, Udaltsov, Strelkov, Solovyov, Oligarchs, NWO

Sergei Udaltsov

Unknown commented -

Russia - 'pro-globalist'?

Russia continues to arrest dissidents of both Left and Right

Russian 'Left Front' leader Sergei Udaltsov has been arrested, after writing about how the the Kremlin has begun a 'purge of the opposition' on the eve of Russia's March 2024 national elections

Udaltsov is accused of posting a Telegram message in support of five Marxists, the 'Ufa five', who published a video encouraging Russians to resist the “capitalist occupation” of their country. The 'Ufa five' have been in jail for nearly two years, since March 2022, awaiting trial.


And on the right, religious nationalist Igor Girkin 'Strelkov', arrested last July, remains in jail also awaiting trial. 

Vladimir Solovyov

Strelkov reports being forced to listen to radio and television propaganda broadcasts of Russia's 'top' political commentator, Jewish Vladimir Solovyov

'Russia's #1 TV Personality Vladimir Solovyov (Soloviev) is a Kabbalist, Zionist and Hates Russians'


Slavland Chronicles takes the view that:

"the Kremlin are pro-Westerners trying to negotiate a better deal for themselves in the NWO", and that the Kremlin is "demociding the Russian population through enforced austerity and mass-migration ... There isn’t going to be a Russia at the pace that replacements are flooding in [from central Asia]."

Russia will NOT save us from globalism. "Those who are telling you that all is well in Russia and liberation from Globalism is just around the corner are lying to you."

and so unfortunately "reality becomes too grim and scary to contemplate"

Slavland Chronicles believes that Russian elections have been fake throughout the post-Soviet era ... and that Putin's party would actually be 3rd behind Communists and Russian nationalists, if elections were fair

"What happened is that the oligarchs who put Putin in power stole the elections in the 90s and 00s and now there is an understood status quo where parties are allowed to pretend to run for office, but aren’t allowed to actually win."

"Democracy means rule by oligarchy and people with money buying victories in elections by bribing spooks and bureaucrats. This is an eternal truth. This is why no one likes Democracy. ... Unpopular leaders and unpopular policy is forced down the throat of society by the fist of Democracy."



At 23 January 2024 at 15:33 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

From chatter on military accounts -

- Western stockpiles of missiles and bombs are quite low, after so much has been exploded in two years of Ukraine war

- Everything is needed for the Israeli war theatre, which may expand greatly soon

- Ukraine may be allowed to collapse so that Western resources can serve Israel

- NATO contingency plans call for fall-back removal of Ukraine government from Kiev, to more easily defended Lviv in western Ukraine

- Severe Ukraine collapse will help the 'Russians may invade the EU' narrative

- Provocations can occur later between Russia and the Baltics, Poland, and the Suwalki Gap linking Belarus to Kaliningrad

At 23 January 2024 at 15:54 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Asia Times:

'Europe is now in a panic and Washington is searching for a new policy. New Ukraine policy has been emerging ... designed to deal with the new reality that Ukraine will lose the war and Ukraine’s government may need to evacuate Kiev ... the relocation of Ukraine’s capital, probably to Lviv'



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