Tuesday 23 January 2024

Ban repairing autos more than 15 years old; Brexit

Who runs Europe?

 Anonymous comments -

Disaster for low-income EU countryside citizens -

EU getting ready to ban repairing autos more than 15 years old



'We Could Have a Referendum on a German Exit from the EU'

'Britain was "dead right" to leave the European Union and her exit could be a "model for Germany," AfD party leader Alice Weidel claimed.

Weidel called for a 'Dexit' referendum if Germany cannot reform the bloc from the inside.

The AfD is enjoying its best-ever polling, as high as 25 percent — second only to Germany's center-right CDU/CSU.'



Meme image of 15 different EU 'exit' movements
Nexit, Dexit, Frexit, Spexit etc



At 23 January 2024 at 03:18 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You'll hear similar dissatisfaction in Poland, Hungary and Slovakia. The EU is headed for collapse and it has no-one to blame but itself.

At 23 January 2024 at 04:03 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

UK exports to the EU are at their highest levels EVER after Brexit, per data from ONS Office for National Statistics - goods, services, exports of everything up

chart image, see the lines all heading upwards after Brexit occurred

Problems in Britain are not the fault of Brexit, it's all the other things harming the working classes which are accelerating


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