Sunday 21 January 2024

Ron DeSantis drops out of 2024 presidential race

Anonymous has left a comment on 'Ron DeSantis drops out of 2024 presidential race':

Fascinating the almost overnight 'normalisation' of Trump, the acceptance of his return as was seen at WEF Davos these past days

Also now, 'Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson says the Davos elite are “trembling violently” at the very real prospect of Donald Trump winning the presidency again.'

However erroneously, Trump had become a populist 'symbol' against the establishment and so he had been targeted ... elites like Trump or the Clintons likely understand, being targeted is a possibility given the role they agreed to play

But seems the establishment now has agreed to in part embrace and ride the populist wave, rather than always fight it

Elites are grasping that most people, tho tolerant, don't want too much upheaval in their lives, hence the strength of 'socially conservative' populist sentiments

Best current guess of Trump vice-president pick is quasi-'alternative' populist media star Tucker Carlson, also from an elite background

The Powers That Be want another Hitler? 


At 22 January 2024 at 01:46 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fascinating the almost overnight 'normalisation' of Trump, the acceptance of his return as was seen at WEF Davos these past days

Also now, 'Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson says the Davos elite are “trembling violently” at the very real prospect of Donald Trump winning the presidency again.'

However erroneously, Trump had become a populist 'symbol' against the establishment and so he had been targeted ... elites like Trump or the Clintons likely understand, being targeted is a possibility given the role they agreed to play

But seems the establishment now has agreed to in part embrace and ride the populist wave, rather than always fight it

Elites are grasping that most people, tho tolerant, don't want too much upheaval in their lives, hence the strength of 'socially conservative' populist sentiments

Best current guess of Trump vice-president pick is quasi-'alternative' populist media star Tucker Carlson, also from an elite background

At 22 January 2024 at 02:32 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

AIPAC thinks Nikki Haley is more controllable? What a thought....

At 22 January 2024 at 03:29 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shill and controlled opposition.

Trump is as real as a $3 bill.

At 22 January 2024 at 15:22 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Fascinating the almost overnight 'normalisation' of Trump, the acceptance of his return as was seen at WEF Davos these past days".

As other commentators already noted, you nailed it with truer words never spoken.


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