Tuesday 23 January 2024


Anonymous -


'And the moral of the story?

We as a group do not realise how much power we really have, to expose and thereby end the current state of affairs. 

If we all bark loud enough, we too can draw the attention of the rest of humanity to the scam being perpetrated by the fraudsters and criminal banksters who control the world and our every move.

In reality, their façade is every bit as flimsy as the one erected by the seemingly ‘all-powerful’ Wizard behind the curtain. 

All we need is a brain, a heart, a soul and courage and if we can learn to somehow work together ‘in toto,’ we can change the world.'


At 23 January 2024 at 03:59 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 23 January 2024 at 04:41 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pessimism about Russia - in fact 'pro-globalist'?
Russia continues to arrest dissidents of both Left and Right

Russian 'Left Front' leader Sergei Udaltsov has been arrested, after writing about how the the Kremlin has begun a 'purge of the opposition' on the eve of Russia's March 2024 national elections

Udaltsov is accused of posting a Telegram message in support of five Marxists, the 'Ufa five', who published a video encouraging Russians to resist the “capitalist occupation” of their country. The 'Ufa five' have been in jail for nearly two years, since March 2022, awaiting trial.

And on the right, religious nationalist Igor Girkin 'Strelkov', arrested last July, remains in jail also awaiting trial. Strelkov reports being forced to listen to radio and television propaganda broadcasts of Russia's 'top' political commentator, Jewish Vladimir Soloviev

'Russia's #1 TV Personality Vladimir Soloviev is a Kabbalist, Zionist and Hates Russians'

Slavland Chronicles takes the view that:

"the Kremlin are pro-Westerners trying to negotiate a better deal for themselves in the NWO", and that the Kremlin is "demociding the Russian population through enforced austerity and mass-migration ... There isn’t going to be a Russia at the pace that replacements are flooding in [from central Asia]."

Russia will NOT save us from globalism. "Those who are telling you that all is well in Russia and liberation from Globalism is just around the corner are lying to you."

and so unfortunately "reality becomes too grim and scary to contemplate"

Slavland Chronicles believes that Russian elections have been fake throughout the post-Soviet era ... and that Putin's party would actually be 3rd behind Communists and Russian nationalists, if elections were fair

"What happened is that the oligarchs who put Putin in power stole the elections in the 90s and 00s and now there is an understood status quo where parties are allowed to pretend to run for office, but aren’t allowed to actually win."

"Democracy means rule by oligarchy and people with money buying victories in elections by bribing spooks and bureaucrats. This is an eternal truth. This is why no one likes Democracy. ... Unpopular leaders and unpopular policy is forced down the throat of society by the fist of Democracy."


At 23 January 2024 at 22:27 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

the holocaust fraud
Parliament's Holocaust memorial poses a very real risk, warns former adviser
The Jewish Holocaust memorial planned for a park neighbouring the Houses of Parliament will be a “very real terrorism risk,”
a former Government adviser on terrorism has warned.
Lord Carlile, a former independent reviewer of terrorism legislation, said the entire royal park, Victoria Tower Gardens, may have to be treated as a “high-level security risk” with visitors subjected to electronic and personal body searches to prevent a terrorist act.
This was because there was a “real and present” prospect of the site being regarded as an iconic target by Islamist and other extremists, said Lord Carlile, whose close family were Holocaust victims.
He cited the massive anti-Israel demonstrations in London by pro-Palestine protesters as evidence of the possible risks.
His comments come as MPs consider the Government’s legislation paving the way for the Holocaust memorial and propaganda centre in the gardens adjoining the Palace of Westminster.
The site has provoked controversy since it was chosen by the Government because critics claim it is too small for the size of the proposed memorial and is a popular tourist site in“[The memorial] presents a very real terrorism risk,” said Lord Carlile, who founded a security consultancy with former MI6 chief Sir John Scarlett. “I suggest that recent events in Israel-Palestine cannot be ignored.
“They have heightened the danger of action against perceived Jewish interests in London and sadly there was very little public support for it.
Having such a Jewish memorial and centre so close to the Palace of Westminster.”“[The memorial] presents a very real security problem,” said Lord Carlile, who founded a security consultancy with former MI6 chief Sir John Scarlett. “I suggest that recent events with Israels war on-Palestine cannot be ignored.
“The war on palestine has heightened the danger of action and annual jewish Holocaust Memorial Day must be marked every year to stop prejudice, say Carlile who cited two examples. First was the arrest of six people over an alleged plot to shut down the London Stock Exchange. The alleged conspiracy is said to have been organised by pro-Palestinian activists.
Secondly, he said, the parliamentary gift shop across the road from the Palace of Westminster had recently boarded up all its windows,
books on the 6 million jews were said to be inflamatory for Londoners
“I am absolutely certain that that will have been on the basis of advice that they should protect themselves from demonstrators and from others who might be malignly concerned about parliament and about all things connected with the jewish Holocaust as well,” he said.
This comes as MPs heard that the proposed Jewish Holocaust memorial outside Parliament would “overwhelm, dominate and overshadow” a separate memorial.
Several petitions have come before parliament of almost 40 million signatures not to have the memorial


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