Friday 5 January 2024

Met police refuses to investigate Prince Andrew


Unknown commented-

Met police refuses to investigate Prince Andrew

“The Metropolitan police has rejected calls to launch an investigation into Prince Andrew, after the release of court documents relating to the late child sex offender Jeffrey Epstein …

“The campaign group Republic [reported] Prince Andrew to the police on Thursday after the release of the documents …

“Its chief executive, Graham Smith, said: ‘It is appalling. There are clearly grounds for an investigation. Epstein was convicted. Maxwell was convicted. The evidence is that Andrew was involved. Clearly they would investigate this if it was anyone else’ …

“‘… [There] are new accusations, for example the [alleged] underaged orgy on Epstein’s island. I believe that sexual offences committed overseas can be prosecuted in the UK.

“‘There has always been grounds for serious investigation, and the police haven’t done that. There needs to be questions asked as to why they aren’t investigating this, given the significance of the accusations and the fact that Ghislaine Maxwell has already been convicted for related offences …’”


At 5 January 2024 at 23:33 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sadly, Graham, you know it, I know it, and it's a national disgrace. This man and his ilk are ABOVE. THE. LAW. Laws are for the little people.


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