Sunday 5 November 2023

Newspaper Circulation

'I hid as Osama bin Laden slaughtered everyone': Israeli model reveals how she had to play dead. 

The U.S. saw the loss of an average of two newspapers per week between late 2019 and May 2022,[1]

The decline of newspapers has been linked to the increasing Israeli 'propaganda lies' that the newspapers contain?

(Lies about Covid, Ukraine, 9 11, etc) 

Since 2009, the United States has seen a number of major metropolitan dailies closed or drastically pruned, including the Rocky Mountain News, and the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, reduced to a bare-bones Internet operation.[15]  In Detroit, both newspapers, Detroit Free Press and The Detroit News, slashed home delivery to three days a week, 

Large newspaper chains filing bankruptcy as of February 2009 include the Tribune Company, the Journal Register Company, the Minneapolis Star Tribune, Philadelphia Newspapers LLC, Sun-Times Media Group and Freedom Communications.[22]

Some newspaper chains that have purchased other papers have seen stock values plummet.[23] The McClatchy Company, the nation's third-largest newspaper company, was the only bidder on the Knight Ridder chain of newspapers in 2005. Since its $6.5 billion Knight Ridder purchase, McClatchy's stock has lost more than 98% of its value.[24] 

 Circulation for once promising online news sites such as BuzzFeed, Vice, and Vox declined in 2017 and 2018 as well.[30][31][32]  

Since 1980, the television networks have lost half their audience for evening newscasts; the audience for radio news has shrunk by 40%.[37]

A Bin Laden property in Los Angeles. Are all the terrorists secretly working for Mossad and its friends?


At 5 November 2023 at 02:02 Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 5 November 2023 at 02:04 Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 5 November 2023 at 02:07 Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 5 November 2023 at 02:02 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 5 November 2023 at 02:04 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 5 November 2023 at 02:07 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 5 November 2023 at 02:56 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 5 November 2023 at 03:57 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Israel is a registered corporation at Companies House.  Another legal fiction.  It can only exist by legal statute.

People just don't realise that the countries we ALL live in (like everything else) is fake tripe.

Another rich man's con trick like your Strawman which you carry on your back your whole life.

Israel , like Parliament and all other legal entities only exist by statute, acquiescence and ignorance.  We start getting conned the minute your mother and father sign your birth certificate (strawman) which creates a company in your name.  Problem is though, your name is spelled out in capital letters which creates your straw man.

Voila, conned until the day we die

At 5 November 2023 at 04:47 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Israeli right-wing minister suggests dropping nuclear bomb on Gaza

Jerusalem Affairs and Heritage Minister Amichay Eliyahu “told Israel's Kol Barama radio that 'there are no non-combatants in Gaza,' adding that providing humanitarian aid to the Strip would constitute 'a failure.'

“When asked if - since there are no non-combatants in his view – a nuclear attack to 'kill everyone' on the Gaza Strip is an option, Eliyahu replied: 'That's one way' …

“Israel has never admitted to having a nuclear bomb” …

At 5 November 2023 at 04:57 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Netanyahu’s suspension of bloodthirsty minister branded “a joke”

Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu “also backed retaking the Strip and rebuilding the Israeli settlements that existed there before Israel withdrew from the area unilaterally in 2005 …

“[When] asked about the fate of the Palestinian population, he said: ‘They can go to Ireland or deserts …’

“Eliyahu also said the northern part of the Strip has no right to exist, adding that anyone waving a Palestinian or Hamas flag ‘shouldn’t continue to live on the face of the earth’ …

“Amid the growing outrage, the Prime Minister’s Office announced that Eliyahu was suspended from cabinet meetings indefinitely …

“Government ministers told the Ynet news site that the suspension was meaningless.

“‘This is a joke, there barely are any cabinet meetings anyway, and most of the work is being done in rounds of votes by phone,’ an unnamed minister was quoted as saying …”

At 5 November 2023 at 05:08 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Israeli Government’s tender souls call for an ethnic cleansing of Gaza

“[Knesset member Galit Distel-Atbaryan tweeted:] ‘Erase Gaza from the face of the earth …. Gaza should be wiped off the map … Jewish wrath to shake the earth around the world. We need a cruel, vengeful IDF here. Anything less is immoral’ …

“[A post by heritage minister Amichai Eliyahu] began with the pastoral line ‘The northern Strip, more beautiful than ever, bombing and flattening everything’ … The responses were unequivocal, and rightly so: An Israeli cabinet minister called openly for ethnic cleansing in Gaza.

“Alongside it is the pro-transfer document of Minister of Intelligence, Gila Gamliel] …. The Intelligence Ministry paper has starred on news outlets … The proposal, in short, is to carry out a transfer of all Gaza residents to Sinai’ …

At 5 November 2023 at 05:25 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rothschild lieutenant Boris Johnson visits Israel on ‘solidarity trip’

“Mr Johnson touched down at Ben Guiron airport this morning alongside Australia's former prime minister Scott Morrison …

“He said he was visiting the country to make sure people understand Israel's 'right to defend itself’ …

[Israel’s former ambassador to the United Nations, Danny Danon] posted a pictured of himself standing alongside Mr Johnson and Mr Morrison on his X page and wrote: 'Early this morning, at Israel's Ben Gurion Airport, I received my friends Boris Johnson, the former Prime Minister of Great Britain and Scott Morrison, the former Prime Minister of Australia - both true friends of Israel …

“Writing for MailOnline at the end of October, Mr Johnson said: ’… I want the Palestinians to have their own homeland — though you have to wonder how the Israelis will ever trust them …’”

At 5 November 2023 at 05:26 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mrs Boris Johnson


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