Saturday 4 November 2023

Most jews and the rest of us have been played

llifthrasir has left a new comment on your post ' 'The Lord ordered King Saul to destroy the enemy'':

Hitler had the rare in Europe chromosome making him of Jewish descent.

Huge debate in Germany at the time.

He had a lot of his Jewish relatives murdered. 

Vid used to be on YT.

He had a jewish chauffeur, jewish doctor and partly jewish army.

Jewish Nazis

The Promotion picture for the army is of a jewish soldier.

Hitler made the transfer agreement with Jews in Palestine.

They in turn funded the revival of the economy in Weimar. Without that WW II could never have been waged.

Without delivery of american standard oil no plane could have flown.

Reportedly, a UK Rothschild commanded the killing of all poor Jews in the concentration camps.

Several concentrationcamps bombed by allies by accident.

I heard a survivor testify. Infrastructure was bombed by allies weeks before so that those in concentrationcamps starved.

Ferry to Denmark full of Concentrationcampsurvivors bombed by allies. Dutch survivor saw them coming, did not trust it and jumped in the water. He was going to go public on tv, but just prior he died.

Holocaust survivors trying to go to Palestine often refused if those in control thought they would become a liability on the state.

Most jews preferred to go to USA rather than 'the sandpit'. Only recently did I see a docu that Palestine was no sandpit at all but a florishing modern society and Gaza a harbourtown with international trade.

Personally I believe most jews and the rest of us have been played and, if we do not have the courage to stand up now, Humankind will be finished...

The Khazar theory again proven by dr Elhaik...

As a descendant of French Huguenots, murdered, raped, forced to flee, jumping to their deaths from mountains, I have no inclination to return, nor hatred for the french. Except when I stood in the Notre Dame, catholic church, looking at paintings from those days did i feel hatred rise in me... 


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