Saturday 4 November 2023

“The American people won’t forget.”


.@POTUS, the majority of the American people are not with you on this one. #CeasefireNow
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US Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib accuses President Biden of supporting genocide

“Joe Biden supported the genocide of the Palestinian people.

“The American people won’t forget.”


At 5 November 2023 at 04:00 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whilst Gazans suffer and die by the thousands, the retreat into quasi-silence and relative inaction of those leading the major Muslim armies in the region - Iran, Hezbollah, Turkey - leaders who were so loudly blustering a few days ago, is a sad part of this.

Statement from the long-existing but little-known in the West (because 'moderate') Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) - an Islamic movement founded in 1941 in British India, and still active today in both India and Pakistan:

'Jamaat-e-Islami leader Hafiz Naeemur Rehman on Saturday urged Muslim countries to stop supplying oil to Israel

While addressing a rally here, the JI leader deplored that while the Jewish military was bombarding mosques and schools in Gaza, Muslim countries were witnessing all these atrocities as silent spectators.

He accused all Muslim countries having militaries of inaction over Israeli barbarity, and berated them.

The JI leader bemoaned the loss of precious lives in Gaza, saying at least 10,000 Palestinians were killed so far.'

That quote of Russian opinion, via John Helmer, that was posted here a few days ago, seems to have been sadly accurate:

“The Iranians are showing themselves to be blowhards. Hezbollah is afraid ... Israel has called their bluff. Islamic ‘unity’ is proving to be hollow."


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