'Gabon's Interim President General Brice Oligui Nguema is considered close to the US.
'The US had been cultivating Oligui to replace Bongo.'

'Unlike other West- and Central African countries, Gabon has no US military base, but easy access to military advice and training from the US largest African military base in Djibouti.
'These are the recent Francophone African military uprisings:
Niger (July 2023);
Burkina Faso (January 2022),
Guinea (September 2021);
Chad (April 2021);
Mali (August 2020);
and now Gabon (30 August 2023).
'At the outset, it looks like the former French colonies and present French neo-colonies have had enough of French enslavement and shameless monetary exploitation.'

Gabon has sizable natural resources.
It is one of the resources-richest Sub-Sahelian countries.
Gabon’s almost exclusive reliance on oil exports is a real danger for her economy and social development, especially given the volatility of hydrocarbon prices.
Due to this reliance on petrol income, the agricultural sector has been neglected to the point where, according to government estimates, more than 80% of food is imported
'The hydrocarbon energy market is hypocritically being suppressed by the west for the climate change hoax - while every western country knows that without hydrocarbon the world economy as it presents itself today would collapse.
'Today, still about 85% of all energy used in the world stems from hydrocarbons.
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