Friday 1 September 2023

Haarp, Autism, Prigozhin ...



At 1 September 2023 at 13:20 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two articles on the recent 'BRICS+' meeting in South Africa, quoting statements approved at the conference, point out how nearly all the BRICS+ rhetoric is right in line with all the familiar Klaus Schwab, Yuval Harari, George Soros, New World Order agenda talk.

Nothing truly 'alternative'. It's just that NWO 2.0 is a non-Western, non-American, non-Anglo, non-European one ... but most of the same topics and buzzword covers are there, talked about in the same way. (Excepting that the LGBT agenda is absent)]. For example BRICS+ enthuses over:

- United Nations 2030 Agenda
- IMF WTO WHO but they should be 'more inclusive'
- Global 'pandemic response' & 'vaccine research'
- 'Climate Change' actions
- 'Digital' economy, education, everything
- 'Public - Private Partnership'
- 'Sustainable Development'
- 'Anti-terrorism'
- 'Intellectual property rights'
- 'Fighting corruption' by surveillance

Aside from a slow 'shift away from the dollar', little significant said about alternative economics, empowering localities or common people, etc ... just the same big government, big corporation agenda

'What makes BRICS special and different is that it promises to carry out a friendly global agenda aimed at crushing your soul in an “integrated and holistic manner”.'
- Edward Slavsquat

quite the same reading:
Yourie Roshka:

At 1 September 2023 at 13:58 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'd like to see prigozhin hit zelensky with a folding chair.and zelensky should wear a cape.trump could do a body slam dive after bouncing off the ropes,he has experience performing in WWF wrestling


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